The King's Innocent Bride

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The King's Innocent Bride Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  I undo my belt, letting out a small grunt of relief when I free my cock. Wrapping my hand around it, I look at my pure, innocent princess laid out in my bed for the taking. I remind myself to keep my control and that my reward for waiting is her innocence on our wedding night. I stroke my cock, wondering how it will ever fit into her tight little body. Maybe the next time I eat her cunt I should slip a finger inside her and start to get her body ready for more.

  I stroke myself in an almost painful grip, knowing this won’t take long. I lick my lips and wish I still had more of her taste on my mouth. When my balls draw up, I lean forward, letting the cum shoot out and land on her thighs, pussy and stomach. I moan her name as even more cum spills from me.

  I want to beat my chest when I see the evidence of my release marking her flawless skin. Reaching down, I rub it into her skin before I pull the blanket over her. Then I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. She sighs quietly, and I have to fight to keep myself from crawling into the bed next to her. I’ll have a lifetime of nights in bed with her. Right now, I need to get us settled and ease my princess’s fears.

  I glance down at my still-hard cock and know he won’t be going down until he gets what he wants, and what he wants is inside of her tight cunt. I tuck myself back into my slacks before heading into the bathroom and cleaning myself up.

  Giving my girl one last look, I pull my cell phone out and see I have messages from John and my mom. I shoot John a text, letting him know what I want done with her uncle’s property and that her uncle is going to be spending many nights to come in that jail cell, so he might as well make himself comfortable.

  After I make my way to my office, I’m not surprised when I see my mom standing at my desk, which is now overflowing with wedding stuff. I have to fight a laugh. My dad is sitting off to the side reading a newspaper.

  “You believe me now.” He smiles at me, putting the newspaper down. He rises to his feet and comes over to give me a hug.

  “I should have never doubted you,” I admit. For the first time in my life I’m thankful I was wrong about something. He gives me a pat on the back.

  “Don’t fight your mom. Let her have this,” he says low in my ear.

  “Wouldn't dream of it,” I laugh, then turn to face my mom, who is about to explode with excitement.

  “She’s perfect,” she tells me, as if I don’t already know that. She's more than perfect. A new word needs to be coined for what she is. I walk over and kiss her on the cheek. My dad sits back down and returns to reading his newspaper. He knows this is my mom’s show now.

  “I know,” I agree, unable to stifle the giant smile on my face.

  “You look so happy.” My mom places her hands on my cheeks. “I can’t remember the last time you smiled like this.”

  “I can’t remember ever feeling like this, to be honest,” I confess. This time she gives me a kiss on the cheek. I know she’s right. I have been all work and no play. I don’t regret it. Now I can relax a little. It was a lot of work when I first took over the crown from my dad. Now that I know what I’m doing I can ease back, relax and enjoy my soon-to-be wife. All my hard work was worth it. “All I ask is this isn’t dragged out.”

  My mom rolls her eyes. “I knew you were going to say that.” She bats her hand at me and swishes over to my desk. “At least give us a little time. Let Kate and me bond over this.” She puts her hand on her hip, ready to fight me on this.

  I won’t. Her words hit home. Kate doesn't have a family, and I want her to bond with mine and for it to become hers. She lost her mom and dad before she ever knew them. I want mine to try to fill that void for her. As much as I want her branded as mine now, I will put her needs first. Always.

  “A month?” I ask her. My mom smiles, and I know we have a deal. “Whatever she wants, I’m okay with.” I nod to all the stuff my mom has overflowing my desk. Maybe I should get Kate a desk for in here, too. I wonder what she’ll want to do after we’re married. That fuck of an uncle didn’t even have her in school. If that’s what she wants, I’ll make it happen.

  “I figured as much,” Mom responds. I can tell there’s something else when my mom fidgets with her hair. I know what that means. I circle my desk and pick up the file on Kate that John complied for me. I scan over it again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

  “Spit it out, Mom.” I glance at the calendar and curse when I see it’s my girl’s birthday.

  “It’s about Nicolette.” I’m not sure who she is talking about, and I rack my brain for a moment. I’m already distracted and this isn’t helping.

  “Dexter's daughter?” I guess. I’m pretty sure that’s right. I try to avoid Dexter as much as possible. He is a lot of talk and not a lot of show. I don’t have time for bullshit, and he’s got a ton of it.

  “Yeah. So, she was one of the women coming to that breakfast.”

  I stand to my full height and close the folder, wondering where my mother is going with this. “I didn't want to invite her, but she begged me.” And my mom caved. My mom is a sweetheart at her core and will bend over backwards for people.

  “So.” I shrug. What does it even matter?

  “She was so upset when you didn't show up, she stormed out of here.”

  “Okay. I don’t care. She’s always been a brat, if I recall.”

  “Then she called, crying, after hearing the rumor about you and Kate. She was hysterical, talking about how her father told her that she was promised to you and that you would be marrying her once you were finally ready to settle down.”

  “What?!” I bark louder than I mean to. I know how rumors work, and I don’t want even a trace of something like that out there. The idea that I was ever going to marry that woman or any other besides my Kate is absurd.

  “I thought maybe you should have a talk with her father, smooth things over.” I glance over at my dad, who is shaking his head while fighting a smile.

  “Trust me. I’ll be having a talk with him.”

  Chapter Nine


  I stretch out in bed, surprised that I fell asleep once again. I’ll never get to sleep tonight. Sitting up, I look around the room for James but don’t see him anywhere. I slide off the bed and make my way to the bathroom to refresh myself before coming back out with a towel wrapped around me.

  I want to go find James and maybe do a little exploring. I pause when I see a dress laid out at the end of my bed. I pick up the pink dress and press it to my cheek to feel its softness. I don’t think I’ve ever had a dress this pretty in my life. I quickly put it on, wanting to see what it looks like. When I stand in the mirror I twirl around and let it flare out all around me. It’s beautiful. I do a little happy jump. A pair of simple flats with little flowers on them have been left by the dresser, and I slip them on. James is really making me feel like a princess.

  Turning the doorknob, I smile when I find it unlocked. I poke my head out and look down the hallway and when I don’t see anyone I step out into the hallway. I go the same way I came when I first got here, and pause when I see a guard standing up against on wall. He gives me a nod but doesn't say anything. I smile in return. I walk past him, but realize I have no idea where I’m going.

  “Can you tell me where James is?” I ask the guard.

  “The king is likely in his office,” he tells me and gives me directions. When I get to his office door, I see it’s cracked, so I knock before pushing it open.

  “James?” I call out as I step inside but freeze when I see a woman standing there. She turns her head, and I absently note her flowy, deep emerald dress is stunning. Her long blonde hair falls all around her in soft waves, and her bright blue eyes meet mine as she cocks her head at me. Now she looks like a princess. She purses her cherry-red lips and throws a bunch of flowers onto the desk, causing a mess of fragrant and colorful petals.

  Her sharp eyes narrow on me, and I immediately think I’m in the wrong office. “I’m sorry. I was looking for James,” I tell her. “I thought

this was his office.”

  “It is.” Her words sound cold and angry, and I’m a little stunned. I’m not sure why she is so mad.

  “I’ll come back.” I start to step back, but she stomps towards me and grabs my wrist, pulling me back into the office next to James’s desk.

  “You address him as ‘King,’” the woman bites out. I realize maybe it’s wrong to call him by his given name in public.

  “Only family and friends call him by his birth name,” she hisses.

  After what we did, I think we have to at least be friends. Not that I would tell her what we did, although for some reason I want to. In fact, I think James and I are more than friends with the way James speaks to me.

  “What do you call him?” I ask as something sparks in my stomach. Jealousy, maybe? I might be stepping over the line. I don’t even know who this woman is. Part of me hopes it’s a sister and not a girlfriend. Though I don’t want his sister to be some witch…

  “I’m to be his wife. The next queen!” she yells in my face. I don’t believe her. That can’t be true. Not with the way James treated me. Touched me. The things he said.

  “I don’t believe you,” I challenge. I wish my words were stronger. Sadly, I’m not used to standing up for myself. I try to square my shoulders.

  “Are you blind?” She points to the desk where wedding paraphernalia is scattered. My heart clenches at the thought that she might be right. Someone is clearly planning a wedding. I close my eyes, trying to fight the tears. I don’t want to cry in front of this woman. No wonder she’s mad at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell her. “I didn’t know.” My heart breaks. I can’t believe he’s engaged to someone else and that he said and did those things to me while he belonged to another woman. It doesn't make any sense.

  “Well, now you do,” she bites out. “I know men can wander, but know your place if you’re going to be his mistress.”

  My mouth fall opens. I take a step back, then another, lifting my hands. “I don’t want to be that.” Maybe I misunderstood everything and that is what I am to him. My stomach turns and I want to throw up.

  “You think you’d be more?” she laughs mockingly.

  “I’m sorry,” I say again. I just want to leave, to be as far from here as possible. I need to be alone. I turn and head for the door.

  I should have known this was too good to be true. Fairy tales aren't real. When I fling open his office door, two guards come to attention.

  “Miss Kate,” one addresses me, taking a step forward.

  “I want to leave,” I tell him. I look around frantically, trying to figure how to get out of here before I remember the way I came in. The guard steps in my path and stops me in my tracks.

  “I wasn't informed you were going to leave the grounds,” the guard tells me.

  “I don’t care.” I try to step around him again, but once more he moves into my path.

  “Let me take you to the king.” He motions for me to go to my right.

  “I don’t want to ever see him again.” My voice cracks and I know my tears are going to break free any moment. I try to hang on to my anger, but I can’t grab a hold of it. The sadness is too overpowering.

  “Ma’am, please.” The guard almost pleads this time, but he doesn't try to stop me as I push past him. He jumps away from me when I brush against him as if he might catch something from me. Maybe word has already spread that I’m the king’s mistress. I may be naïve when it comes to relationships, but I’m not naïve enough to not know what a mistress is.

  I take off running for what I think might be the way out. I sigh in relief when I see a familiar sight—the doors I came through when I first arrived. People turn and look at me as I run, but I ignore everyone. When I breach the doors, I run down the stairs but realize I have no idea where I’m going.

  The bright sun is blinding, and I turn around and see five guards standing behind me. They aren't stopping me, but they are following me.

  “Stop following me.” I throw my hands up in the air in exasperation.

  “We are your personal guards, Miss Kate. Where you go we go.”

  “But I can’t leave?” I ask. I have no freaking clue what is going on.

  “I wasn't informed you were going to leave the grounds,” the guard reiterates.

  “Can you keep me here against my will?” I ask.

  “I’m not allowed to touch you,” is all he gives in response. That doesn’t really answer my question. In frustration I turn around and start walking, trying to ignore them, but it’s hard to ignore five big men following you around. Everyone turns to look as I pass, whispering behind their hands. I wonder what they are saying about me.

  I stroll down the long drive and know that I’ll never make it to the end of it without falling over with exhaustion. I remember the tough journey when we arrived. My shoulders drop when I know I’m going to have to go back and face James.

  “Yes, sir.” I glance over my shoulder to see the main guard with a phone to his ear. “I tried to get her to stay, but she wouldn't.” He pauses for a moment. “You told me not to touch her.” His eyes meet mine. “Of course, sir.” The man reaches out, trying to hand me the phone.

  “The king would like to speak to you.”

  “Well, I don’t want to speak to him,” I tell him, walking past him and heading back towards the castle. For some reason I feel more betrayed by James than my own uncle. I know that’s ridiculous and unreasonable, but there it is. It’s probably because my uncle never made me hope. He never made me believe in fairy tales only for them to be taken away and proven false. It’s cruel and cuts deeper than anything I’ve ever felt. How can I be so attached to something I never even had?

  I slowly climb the stairs up to the castle and make for James’s room. I’m not sure exactly where I’m going, but I know the vague direction of his quarters. I notice the guards stop following me and drop back when I get close. I slow my steps in a stalling tactic, wondering which door is his. I don't want to see him yet. I want to hide away even though I know he’ll find me.

  I decide to bite the bullet and open the closest door, then smile when I see it’s another bedroom. Not as big as James’s but still just a beautiful. I walk in and close the door, clicking the lock into place. I can’t help but feel a small sense of satisfaction at that, even though I know a locked door won’t stop a king in his own castle.

  I collapse onto the comfortable bed and think over the last few hours, wondering what the hell I’m going to do.

  Chapter Ten


  I grip my phone tightly and an ominous cracking noise emanates from it. I toss it towards one of my men. I know I’m going to need a new one. What the fuck happened while I was gone? I left my princess satisfied in bed only to find out now she’s trying to escape my castle.

  Before I left I made sure to have a small army keep an eye on her for me. It was intended to protect her rather than stopping her from leaving. Either way, I’m glad now that I did it. I never thought about how they would stop her if she did try to leave, given my strict order that no one touch her.

  The order had come from pure jealousy. How could any man look at her and not want to touch her? So I made it clear that anyone who did wouldn't breathe to tell anyone about how soft her skin is. If I could I would tell them not to even look at her, but even I know that’s over the top. They wouldn’t be able to protect her that way, and I couldn't keep her locked away in our room, no matter how much I like that idea.

  I pick up the pace back to the car, sliding into the back seat when the driver opens the door. “Get me back now,” I order. I should have stayed at the castle, but I wanted to make sure things were done, and done the way I wanted.

  When the castle comes into view, relief fills me just knowing I’m closer to her. The car doesn't even come to a stop before I’m jumping out and running up the stairs. I hear John shout my name, but I ignore him. He’s just going to bitch about my safety and I have more important
matters to deal with.

  I jog towards our room, but slow down when I see the head guard I put on Kate, Grant, standing there.

  “What the fuck happened?” I ask. Whoever upset her is going to face my wrath, and it won't be good.

  “Nicolette Court has been detained and is being held in John’s office.”

  I tense at the mention of Nicolette’s name and know it’s no coincidence after what my mom told me earlier. She did something.

  “She was in your office.”

  “And how the fuck was that possible?” I yell.

  “She came with her father, Dexter, but slipped away from him and ventured over to your office. Claimed she was looking to speak to you. That you wouldn't mind.” The way Grant says it makes it sound like she implied we were having some secret affair. I give him a hard look.

  “I knew better than that, sir. Why we are holding her,” he adds quickly.

  “Give me the rest of it,” I tell him, knowing there is more and he is not excited to tell me.

  “Kate was given free rein, as you told us. When she went into your office, I didn't stop her.”

  I close my eyes, knowing where this is going. “I’ll deal with this later,” I tell him as I walk past him and head for my room.

  “Her father, sir,” I hear Grant say from behind me.

  “He can fuck off,” I throw back, not giving a shit. When I open my door, I growl when I don’t see my Kate anywhere. I search the room, double-checking the bathroom. I know she is in this wing of the castle. That’s why her guards are at the end of the hallway, waiting in case she leaves again.

  I pause at the door and know she must be in one of the other rooms. I start flinging opening doors in search of her. I’ll rip this place apart until I find her. When I get to the last room, I turn the knob but it’s locked.

  “Princess,” I call out, but she doesn't respond. “Do you really think a locked door will keep me away from you?” I ask. Again, no response.


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