Captivated by the Cougar

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Captivated by the Cougar Page 10

by Rayna Tyler

My wolf was howling, ready to draw blood. My body shuddered, and nausea pummeled my stomach as if I’d received a hard punch. This was my worst nightmare all over again, only it was painfully worse. He was my mate, the one man I was supposed to be able to trust. “You’re right. I need to go, I...” My wolf was pushing for a shift, and I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to control her, not with the strong emotions to shred Maris running so close to the surface. I needed distance, I needed air, I needed to get out of the bar.

  Once outside, I crossed my arms over my stomach and gulped in air, doing everything in my power to calm my wolf, to keep from shifting. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t push the overwhelming feeling of betrayal or the memories of the last few minutes from my mind.

  Promising to return to the lodge for a run was the only way I was able to reach some semblance of calm with my wolf. Once I was certain I could move without transforming, I headed toward my car. I was halfway across the lot when I heard the bar’s heavy wooden door slam against the side of the building. It seemed a bit excessive, but I didn’t care, was only interested in getting out of here. I picked up my pace, not bothering to look behind me.

  “Berkley, wait!” Preston’s deep baritone shout echoed through the air and drowned out the music filtering from the bar.

  I’d reached my car, had my hand on the door handle, and was tempted to get inside and drive away. I knew there was no point in leaving because he’d only follow me. “What do you want?” I spun around and leaned against the door.

  Preston stalked toward me, his animal’s predatory side present in each purposeful step. For the first time in my life, I understood what it felt like to be the prey. “To talk.” He kept moving until there was a foot-wide gap between us.

  “We don’t have anything to talk about.” The mating pull between us was strong and had my wolf whimpering. She didn’t understand the human side of my emotions and wanted his touch. Refusing to give in to her demands, I defiantly jutted out my chin, then tucked my hands under my arms so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch him.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” He softened his tone and stepped closer, then caged me in by bracing his hands next to my shoulders against the car.

  We weren’t touching, but I could feel his heat as if he wrapped me with a blanket. The strength of his cat radiated from his body, powerful waves that touched me in places, instinctual and feminine places that only responded to a mate.

  Emerald shimmered in his gaze, his lips inches from mine. “Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, you’re my mate.”

  I clutched my ribs tighter. “And because we’re mates, I’m supposed to believe you have honorable intentions, that you’re serious about...” Me. I wasn’t usually prone to self-doubt and hated that I allowed Maris to instill this feeling of inadequacy—again.

  I swallowed hard, forcing down the knot constricting my throat. “It’s a little difficult after what I saw.”

  Preston furrowed his brows, the muscles in his arms tensing. I wasn’t the only one struggling with my emotions. “What you saw was Maris throwing herself at me. What you didn’t wait around to see was me telling her I wasn’t interested. Never was, never will be.”

  I ground my teeth and growled, “That little...” I dug my fingers into my palms to keep from sprouting claws. “I should have ripped her hair out when I had the chance.”

  “I think Mandy planned to do it for you.” Preston grinned, his gaze twinkling with amusement. He must have realized my next thoughts would be about my friend’s safety. “Don’t worry, Nick was handling it when I left to find you.”

  “You left Nick to take care of it. We need to get back inside before he has the whole place torn apart.” I assumed he’d move and pressed against his chest.

  He continued to smile but didn’t budge, the stubborn male. “You aren’t going anywhere until we finish our talk.” His thickened accent along with his dominant stance spiked my already building arousal. I had no doubt if I lowered my hand, I’d discover an erection straining against the inside of his jeans.

  I had a good idea what he wanted to discuss and nodded, waiting for him to start.

  “Why don’t we start with you telling me his name?”

  “His name?” I asked, astounded by Preston’s perceptive abilities.

  “Yes.” He grazed my chin with his thumb, forcing me to hold his gaze. “The guy who hurt you so badly, you’re afraid to let me in.”

  This was the moment I’d been dreading. I could either continue letting what happened in the past effect my decisions regarding relationships, or I could tell Preston what he wanted to know and hope he didn’t decide I wasn’t worth the effort. “His name isn’t important.”

  “It is if it keeps us apart.” He gave me another one of his contemplative looks. “I promise I won’t kill him, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “It’s not that, it’s... His name is Drew.” I bit my lower lip, searching for the right words. “We met in college. The relationship was serious, or at least I thought it was until I caught him with Maris.” He could draw his own conclusions. I wasn’t given him any of the nasty details.

  “Aww, darlin’, no wonder.” He cupped my cheek. “You have to know that I’m nothing like him, that I’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you or give you a reason not to trust me.”

  Surprisingly, I did know and loved him even more for it. Not once in all the time we’d spent together, no matter how much he teased or tormented me, did he ever do anything to betray my trust.

  “Mates don’t have secrets.”

  I shuddered. Not because I was chilled, but because this was the first time he’d openly acknowledged our connection.

  “Is there anything else?” He raised his brow questioningly and twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. “Like maybe you’re afraid you can’t handle my cat?”

  He was teasing me on purpose, his way of getting me to relax, to open up to him. “I can handle your cat just fine.” My wolf was in total agreement. She wanted me to tackle him to the ground and prove how well we could handle him.

  “Good, then consider this me officially staking my claim as your mate.” Suddenly, the gap between us was gone and his lips were covering mine. There was no hint of tenderness in his demanding kiss. The growl rumbling from Preston’s chest contained the animalistic desires of a possessively dominant alpha taking what he wanted and leaving no doubt of his intentions.

  He encircled my waist, flattening me against his chest and rubbing his hard shaft along my abdomen. He conquered my mouth with his tongue, a magical dance that had me moaning. I wanted to touch him, to have my hands all over him, but had to settle for skimming his broad shoulders and fisting my fingers in his hair.

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, could only respond to his touch. When he lifted me off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I didn’t care if we were in a parking lot and someone could walk out and see us. I’d been denying what was between us for far too long and needed this connection. Or rather we, because my wolf was adamant that she was tired of being kept away from her mate. She wanted him now and didn’t care if he stripped me naked and took me on the hood of the car, in the backseat, or on the ground.

  Preston pulled out of the kiss, carried me around the vehicle, and set my ass on the edge of the trunk. Before I had a chance to ask him if he could read minds, he was kissing me again.

  It was hard to form words when his mouth left my lips, then trailed a path along my neck to the spot at the base of my throat, but I managed. “Please. Don’t. Stop.”

  He chuckled against my skin. “Don’t worry, sweetness. I’ll take good care of you.”

  He’d better, because if he left me hanging again, I was going to kill him.

  As he continued to lick and nip the area where shifters claimed their mates, he palmed my right breast, then used his thumb to push aside my bra. He brought his mouth down on mine again at the same time he gently pinched m
y exposed nipple. Intense pleasure shot straight to my core. I arched my back and moaned. If his hips hadn’t been wedged between my legs, I would have slid off the trunk.

  He ran his hand along my thigh, pushing the hem of my dress to my waist. He slipped his hand below the waistband of my silk panties and teased my skin. When he reached the sensitive area between my legs, he ran a finger along the seam and circled my clit. “You’re so wet.”

  I growled and bucked against his hand. I was close to the edge and wanted him inside me. “Preston,” I whimpered pleadingly.

  He used his arm to brace my back, then gripped the hair at my nape. He grazed the skin at the base of my neck, just enough to intensify my pleasure but not enough to break the skin. “I’ve got you, Berkley... Always,” he said in a deep gravelly growl, then slipped two fingers inside me. It was all it took for me to shatter, my body exploding into a million pieces of primal rapture.

  My scream was captured by another kiss. I was glad he was wearing a leather jacket; otherwise, the nails I was digging into his shoulders would have drawn blood if I’d been touching his skin. As it was, there was a good chance I’d be buying him a new coat.

  Even after Preston stopped thrusting, tremors rippled through my body. I dropped my head against his chest and enjoyed the aftershock of surviving the hardest, most mind-blowing orgasm of my life. If he could do that with his hand, I could only imagine what it would be like to have him inside me.

  I had no idea how much time passed before I stopped shuddering and my breathing returned to normal. The whole time he held me, he kept his face buried in my hair, his warm heavy pants caressing my neck.

  “Are you okay?” He slowly slid his hand from between my legs, then tugged down my dress and gently helped me to the ground. I wanted him inside me and didn’t understand why he was stopping.

  “Yes, but you...” was all I got out before he placed his finger against my lips.

  “I can wait. I’m not going anywhere, Berkley. I want forever, but I won’t rush you. When you’re ready and want the same thing, all you have to do is ask.” After giving me one more possessive kiss, he took my hand and pulled me toward the bar’s entrance. “Let’s go back inside. I don’t want Nina to think we abandoned her on her big day.” Preston might act cocky and arrogant, but underneath his macho facade beat a big heart.


  I couldn’t stop thinking about how responsive Berkley had been to my touch, or her beautiful expression in the aftermath of her climax. Even though my cock throbbed painfully against the confines of my pants, and I’d be uncomfortable for the remainder of the night, I couldn’t keep the satisfied grin off my face.

  I kept a firm hold on her hand as I led her to the back of the bar, content with the knowledge that she’d finally accepted me as her mate. She might not be officially bound to me yet, but my scent was all over her. No male shifter in the place would attempt to make a move on her, let alone touch her, not if they planned to leave the bar without receiving any injuries first.

  Hopefully, it wouldn’t be much longer before I could claim her. My cat and I had been patient this long, were happy to give her a little more time, but wouldn’t wait forever.

  I’d been relieved to discover my hurdle regarding her brothers wasn’t an issue. I had Reese’s blessing and Nick had been more than happy to conspire with Mandy to do whatever he could to help bring Berkley and me together.

  The only obstacle concerning me was Maris.

  According to Reese, it had been almost a year since Berkley earned her degree and returned home, which meant she hadn’t been involved with Drew and Maris for quite some time. After what Maris had pulled in the bar, I didn’t believe her visit was a coincidence. What was the vicious redhead up to? Why was she constantly taunting Berkley and using me to do it?

  Maris would be leaving in a couple of days, which still gave her plenty of time to cause more problems. Until I uncovered her motivations or she was in a vehicle and headed down the mountain for good, I planned to stay closer to Berkley.

  Nick and Mandy were the only ones present when we reached the back of the bar, abandoned by Nina and her friends in lieu of dancing. The laminated surface contained drink glasses, along with two large pitchers, that had been drained to varying degrees.

  Mandy was perched across Nick’s lap, smiling and appearing a lot calmer than the last time I’d seen her. I didn’t know if the reason she wasn’t using a chair was because Nick was afraid she’d go after Maris again or if he was keeping her there for his own personal benefit.

  Nick spotted us first, glanced at our joined hands, and grinned. “It’s about time you two...”

  “Nick.” Mandy’s squint was meant as a warning and so was the elbow Nick deflected from hitting his ribs. “We talked about this, remember?”

  “Yeah, Nick. Mind your own business.” Berkley acted perturbed, but there was a note of humor in her tone.

  “What? It’s not like I can’t smell what you’ve been doing.” He tapped the side of his nose. “Enhanced senses, remember?”

  Nick had a point. I wasn’t ashamed of what Berkley and I had done, but I wasn’t stupid enough to say anything.

  “Oh my gosh. Are you telling me that everyone knows when we...” Mandy moved her index finger rapidly, pointing from Nick to herself.

  “Yes.” Berkley shot Nick an admonishing glare. “But knowing about it and telling everyone are two different things.” The dim overhead lighting couldn’t disguise the flush rising along Berkley’s throat and cheeks. Most females, my mother and sister included, would have been ranting by now. She deserved a gold star for not shredding her brother.

  She took a seat in the chair next to Nick, calmly smoothing her dress as she sat. The speculative glint in her gaze coupled with her unnerving movements made me wary and had Nick flinching. Berkley casually leaned toward her brother, then winked at Mandy. “Truce ends tomorrow.”

  “Come on, B. Can’t you cut a guy some slack?” Nick asked.

  I took a seat on Berkley’s right, possessively draping my arm across the back of her chair. “What truce?”

  “It seems asking for your help during our snowball fight is considered cheating and requires retribution.”

  “Is that so?” I thought it was only fair to help a fellow male out, but decided not to push it with both females glaring at me.

  “Mandy, honey, can’t you do anything. She’s your best friend,” Nick pleaded.

  Mandy chuckled as she shook her head. “No, no, no. I’m out of this. Mate or not, you’ve earned whatever Berkley decides to do to you.”

  I caught Nina’s scent right before she circled to the right side of the table, dragging Sherri with her. “Hey, everybody, you remember Sherri, don’t you?”

  “Hi.” Sherri forced a weak smile. She made a tiny wave with her hand, then went back to clutching her drink as if she were dog paddling in the middle of lake and it was the only thing keeping her from drowning. I hadn’t had much interaction with the woman other than to greet her in passing and discover she was Maris’s cousin. The few times I’d tried to start a conversation, Maris obnoxiously interrupted.

  “Preston, you made it,” Nina boisterously announced before anyone could answer her question.

  “Happy birthday, Nina. Are you having a good time?” I asked.

  “Absolutely.” The word came out a little slurred, a good indication there’d already been some heavy drinking involved in Nina’s celebration. Her attention bounced back to Sherri, and she rubbed the other woman’s arm. “Poor thing was sitting at the bar all by herself. She didn’t look like she was having very much fun, so I asked her to join us.”

  “I think it’s a great idea.” Mandy patted the empty chair to her left. “Come sit down with us.”

  Sherri made it two steps before Maris appeared from the direction of the dance floor. “She won’t need a seat because she won’t be staying.” She was snarling so loud, she’d startled the people sitting at the table next to ours.r />
  “But, but, I’d like to stay,” Sherri mumbled.

  “I said we’re leaving.” Maris’s angry glare had Sherri quivering.

  I was afraid Berkley’s growl was a precursor to her going after Maris and placed my hand firmly on her shoulder hoping to keep her seated. I knew if the two females went after each other, Berkley would end up winning. She’d been included in the fight the night of Mandy’s rescue and had walked away with only a few noticeable cuts. I was more concerned about revealing our existence to the non-shifters in the room and the possibility that they’d get hurt if they got in the way.

  Berkley shrugged off my hand and pushed away from the table, nearly knocking over her chair as she stood. “Bitch, you need to back off.”

  “And who’s going to make me, you?” Maris’s attempt to sound threatening was a bluff. Her heavy perfume did nothing to hide the scent of her fear, and she was cautiously stepping backward.

  “Berkley, please don’t,” Sherri begged before Nick and I could intervene. “Maris is right. We should go.”

  Chapter Ten


  You can’t escape your past. There was a lot of truth to the five words that continued to circle through my mind—an unwanted and irritating chant. Too much Maris the night before had left me mentally drained. I couldn’t stop wondering what was troubling Sherri so badly that I could sense her apprehension even before Maris showed up and dragged her from the bar.

  I had a hard time believing my family and friends had done anything to cause her anxiety. I couldn’t prove it, but I had a feeling whatever it was had something to do with Maris showing up at the resort.

  Continually pondering the mystery wasn’t helping the epically pounding pain traipsing across my skull. Neither were the four caffeine-laced cups of coffee I’d downed shortly after getting out of bed this morning. Arriving home late and enduring a restless night of sleep were the biggest culprits behind my massive headache.

  Though I was currently frustrated from thinking about Maris, my lack of rest was a result of contemplating the new direction my relationship with Preston had taken. It had been hard to close my eyes and relax when all I could think about was him, his masterful hands, his breathtaking kisses. I was never going to be able to look at my car again without remembering the phenomenal, absolutely-best-I’d-ever-experienced orgasm he’d given me.


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