Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 2

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Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 2 Page 8

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "Excuse me?" He frowned. "When you were in the army, didn't you do it with your companions-at-arms?"

  "That was different." She winked. "After risking one's life, one is happy to find warm arms to hold one." She stuck her tongue out at him. "We're not risking anything here, so stay out of my pants!"

  He sighed but gave up.

  Dennison greeted them with one arm around Olivia's shoulder. He had obviously spent the night with the maid who looked blissfully happy.

  "I decided I'm staying here with Olivia," he announced. "Are you happy to get rid of me?"

  Yes! Splendor thought, relieved. Billinda couldn't care less, but she gave them her best wishes.

  Splendor was glad they were on their own again. The months spent with Dennison tagging along had been the worst since his awakening.

  Billinda decided to find a cheaper room to spend the winter in town – or at least the worst of it. Splendor immediately agreed, relieved that they wouldn't have to spend nights in the freezing cold when snow came.


  uring the winter Billinda's periods came back. She wasn't really worried for the lack of monthly bleeding, but staying put for three months did the trick. The previous winter she'd spent it much further south, in Sannia, capital of the Sannish Kingdom, where it didn't really snow. In fact she'd stayed there only a month, since it had taken her one month to reach it and one to get back.

  And back into the Confederation and northern Kingdoms, she'd found Splendor's castle. Having walked a lot since, considering her low body fat, she'd stopped menstruating during all the past months. Which was also a good contraceptive method, if she wanted to have sex.

  Except she didn't want to. Neither with Splendor nor with anyone else. Dennison had been an experiment and it hadn't gone too well. Luckily the teen had found a home now and wouldn't bother her again.

  Splendor was another matter. The prince didn't seem to want to let her go. He stuck to her as if she were his only hope. Even after Yasmine's episode. She had really thought she'd found him a home in Moriana when the heartless dame had fallen in love.

  Might be the monthly mood, but at the moment, the thought of Splendor irritated her and she was very blunt with him. Since they both worked for a nobleman as guards, and earned some coin, she decided it was time they slept in separate rooms, so she could recover some privacy.

  Which lasted for over a month, then she saw he wasn't making any new friends and kept hanging around her, so she gave up trying to get rid of him. Maybe she should look for a real magic user to free him of the curse. Maybe he was afraid he would fall asleep again and forever if she left.

  So eventually she allowed him back into her room, as long as he kept his hands to himself. Which he did without commenting. But Billinda often felt his blue eyes on her and it was unsettling.

  If she wanted her freedom back, she better find a place for him. Salamar was not the place, so as soon as possible they'd move again, in search of whatever could become home.

  The Border Inn

  Winter was over when Billinda and Splendor left Salamar and headed out again. It had been a year since Splendor's awakening and the prince was glad to be on the road again with his grumpy companion. Working with the town guards hadn't helped Billinda's mood, and she was relieved to leave the crowded place too.

  They still had a few gems and coins from the Fajrulo's treasure when they reached a tavern on the border of the Salamar Kingdom. It was a big building, but it wasn't busy at all. Built at a crossroad, it was also the barrack for a border patrol, but besides the two adventurers there weren't many customers in sight.

  "Welcome to The Border," the innkeeper greeted them. He was tall and blond, with long hair and a beard. His wife probably took care of the kitchen and they didn't seem to have children serving – or maybe it was the wrong time of the day.

  Splendor was glad to sit at a table with Billinda.

  "We've been walking for a year," he told Billinda, still amazed at his feat.

  "We stopped every now and then," she reminded him, amused.

  "Where are you from?" the innkeeper asked them.

  "He was born in a southern castle that is no more. His story is similar to our Conon's."

  "You mean a century-long sleep?" The innkeeper brightened. "They had strong spells back then!"


  "Wasn't Conon the prince heir of Salamar, put to sleep by the immortal half-blood to cure him from an evil spell?" Splendor asked.

  "Exactly!" The innkeeper beamed.

  "And did he wake up?"

  "Yes, a hundred years later," Billinda answered. "But maybe by then you were asleep."

  "Now there's his son on the throne," the innkeeper said.

  "Then the long sleep cured him," Splendor said.

  "You know, I think there is magic in some numbers," the innkeeper said. "One hundred, twenty-two... they're recurring in our history."

  "True. The exile of the last Genn king of Appleyard lasted one hundred years," Billinda said.

  "And both Conon and Belfi turned twenty-two in mysterious ways," the innkeeper added. "The prince was twelve and grew up ten years in a month! The half-blood looked like a five-year-old at five months and became immortal at twenty-two! But it had been seventeen years since his birth date."

  "You know your legends," Billinda said, amused.

  "I like these stories. Let me fetch some food, so we can continue talking on a full belly."

  "Mm... I was twenty-two when the spell hit me," Splendor mused.

  "You look great for a hundred and twenty-three years old!" Billinda teased him.

  The innkeeper came back with his plump wife, carrying a tray of food and a jug of wine.

  "Here's your meal. And wine." His wife went back to the kitchen as he sat with them. "I like hearing these border stories about vanished races... Dragons, dwarves, who has ever seen them? Even the Genn are less and less..."

  "Where are they?" Billinda asked. "Besides the few living in Salamar, I mean."

  "They're hiding," the innkeeper answered. "Sometimes I think it's our fault. We hunted dragons, forced the dwarves underground and now even the Genn hide from us."

  "Why shouldn't they, we destroyed their kingdoms with the Moren Empire," Splendor grumbled.

  "They're still the only real magic users in the world," the innkeeper said.

  Genn and Fajrulo, Billinda thought, remembering how the dragon had turned into a Human and told them he was a member of the Magical Races. And there must be more...

  "How many Magical Races again?" she asked the innkeeper, unable to remember what she'd heard.

  "Four," the man answered promptly. "Fajrulo, Sila, Waiora and Genn. Fire, Air, Water and Ether. But they hide from us now."

  Billinda pondered some more.

  "Innkeeper, do you think the immortal half-blood really exists?"

  "Of course he exists, he lives in the northern mountains, why?"

  "And he's a magic user, right?"

  "He's a half-god! He's the son of a dark goddess that is no more!"

  "Good, actually, excellent!" Billinda grinned. "Splendor, maybe he can free you from the curse?"

  "You think?" Splendor didn't look convinced.

  "Sure! Let's find him!" she insisted, excited.

  "What curse?" the innkeeper asked, wide-eyed.


  "The good thing with an innkeeper who likes stories is that he gave us the room for free," Billinda said when they retired to sleep.

  "Billi... do you really think that half-blood can..." Splendor wasn't sure, but a little hope was growing in his heart.

  "I don't know. It's worth a try," she replied. "You could give him back his father's sword in return."

  Splendor stared at the weapon before putting it down by the bed.

  The sword of the last king of Rayheart... He sighed and took off his boots.

  "Fine," he muttered.

  "Don't worry, soon you'll be free," she said, lying down on the bed
. "You'll be able to start a family... It's your dream, isn't it?"

  "And if I told you I'm in love with you and want to spend my life with you?"

  He lay down next to her to look her in the eyes. She stared back at him for a moment, then rolled on the mattress to curl up, giving her back to him.

  "I'd tell you you're crazy. Good-night."

  Splendor was about to caress her, but gave up. He switched off the lamp and let darkness wrap the room.

  It was hopeless. She'd never return his true feelings.


  Billinda spread her map on the table and leaned over it. Splendor looked at it, but didn't lean to see better like the innkeeper standing behind her.

  "So, we started here." She put her finger on the whereabouts of Splendor's castle, close to the great bay of the south. "We went to Flamai." She moved her finger as she spoke. "Ilitan. Rothinelm. Back home." She barely made an invisible buckle before tapping on, "Moriana, Salamar and now here." Her finger rested on the spot where The Border lay according to her.

  The innkeeper moved her finger slightly to the left and straightened his back.

  "That's a long way to go," he commented, thoughtful.

  "Where should we go to find Belfi?" she asked, looking at him.

  He leaned again to tap the mountains on the top left corner of the map.

  "Here, beyond the tribes' towns," he said. "I think you should pass by Caer Nittak and Caer Tiasul and head east. Probably when you get closer, you'll find more information on the whereabouts of the immortal half-blood."

  "Isn't it dangerous to cross the tribes' lands?" Splendor asked, raising his eyebrows.

  "For armed bands yes, they might think you're trying to invade," the innkeeper answered, crossing his arms over his chest. "For two people, I don't think so. They won't see you as a threat, in spite of that broadsword of yours."

  "Fine, then." Splendor looked away, unimpressed.

  Billinda pursed her lips, staring at the map.

  "It's a long way," she said.

  "But when you reach the mountains, spring will have melted all the snow on the peaks," the innkeeper said.

  "That's good." Billinda nodded. "What do you know of the way there? Are there any roads?"

  "Of course not. Well, here and there you might find remnants of the old Imperial roads, but they're mostly in disrepair. The tribes are quite independent and don't need to trade much."

  "I see."

  "But it's mostly flat land at least until here." He pointed at a ring of trees drawn before the stylized mountains. "Avoid the hills here and you'll be fine. A month or two, depending on your speed. You don't have horses, do you?"

  "No," she snapped, frowning at the map. She could admit to Splendor she couldn't ride, but she wasn't going to tell a complete stranger. "But we're not in a hurry, so one or two months won't change a thing." She looked at Splendor. "What do you think?"

  "You're the leader," he answered with a shrug. "I'll follow."

  "Good." She folded the map again. "We'll need travel provisions, though. And another fine meal from your wife's kitchen. We leave tomorrow morning."

  Strange beings

  It took Billinda and Splendor another month to reach the tall mountains where the immortal half-blood was supposed to live. Both had walking sticks to help them climb the steep slopes and they wondered if they'd find some kind of pass. Legends had it that there was a valley hidden beyond those peaks.

  They didn't really reach the top, still covered in snow, but finally found a cave that opened on the side of a mountain. And an androgynous being with pointed ears and long, wavy, dark-blond hair seemed to be waiting for them, leaning on the rocks by the natural entrance.

  "What are you looking for, Humans?" he asked. He seemed unarmed, but the pointed ears showed he must have some magical blood in his veins.

  "We're looking for Belfi the immortal half-blood," Billinda answered, undaunted. Such a sweet face couldn't be dangerous if not prodded into becoming violent.

  "You found him." The young man's smile was as dazzling as Splendor's.

  He let them into the cave where they found two more people. A blond Genn Billinda had seen walking the streets of Salamar and a dark-haired young Human who sat next to him, leaning his head on the Genn's shoulder. The blond being was ageless, much like Belfi, but the Human seemed to be younger than Splendor and Billinda.

  "These are Joyrise, my descendant, and his partner, Elan of Caer Lugh," Belfi said.

  "Joris, right?" Billinda corrected. "You haven't changed in years."

  "Joris is the name Kolia used," the Genn answered with a smile. "I am known in the Human kingdoms with that name now because an ugly, hairy barbarian mispronounced my real name thirty-five years ago..."

  "And you are?" Belfi asked her, amused.

  "Sorry, I'm Billinda, and this is Splendor of Bold Castle," she answered quickly, noticing Splendor looked shocked by Joris's relationship. Who knew if he was more shocked by the fact that a Human young man had found a Genn lover or that they were both male.

  "Ah, yes, Bold Castle." Belfi mused. "Down south near the coast, but not in the southern kingdoms domain, if I remember correctly."

  "True... Do you know it?" Splendor asked, puzzled.

  "I've been there... a long time ago." Belfi smiled at the obviously fond memories he had. "I'm immortal, I spend my time traveling. I visited Varia up and down... but I always end up back north, since that's where I was born. The southern kingdoms are nice, but they're different from here."

  "Is your descendant immortal too?" Billinda asked.

  "No, I'm only very long-lived," Joris answered, amused.

  "The Genn grow old differently from Humans," Belfi added. "And Joyrise is a magic user, so he'll have a longer lifespan."

  "Of course your blood helps," Joris said, staring at his ancestor.

  "Wait!" Splendor interrupted them, obviously still thinking about Belfi's longevity. "When did you visit Bold Castle?" he asked the half-blood.

  "Let me see..." Belfi pondered.. "Must have been a couple of centuries ago... That was before I went exploring the southern kingdoms, yes..."

  "Don't worry, that castle is no more," Billinda commented.

  "Billi!" Splendor glared at her and she blew him a kiss.

  "What a pity," Belfi said.

  "That's why we're here..." Billinda replied.


  Splendor lay down and closed his eyes. He tried not to think as he felt Belfi's hand brushing his face and body. The half-blood wasn't really touching him, but he felt something, a strange sensation he couldn't describe. As if a magic power was filtering through his skin and entering his body.

  It wasn't painful or even bothersome, so he just waited quietly until Belfi finished his spell – or whatever it was. A quick pat on his shoulder allowed him to open his eyes and look at the thoughful face of the half-blood. Unlike his descendant, Belfi had brown eyes that seemed kind, wise and sad at the same time.

  "I'm sorry, Splendor," the half-blood said in a sorrowful tone. "Leondina tapped the magic of my only foe, the lord of darkness. What Manusia touches I cannot undo. He is my twin, but I can't dispel his power. I'm sorry, I'm afraid you're cursed forever."

  Therefore Billi doesn't feel anything for me... Splendor felt disappointed, but then realized that lately she also thoroughly avoided touching him. Maybe she did feel something, or she wouldn't keep him so much at arm's length!

  "Thank you for trying." He sat and took the sword he had left by the cot where Belfi had told him to lie down. "I think this is yours."

  Belfi took it, surprised, and observed it.

  "My father's sword!" He smiled. "Where did you find it?"

  "A Fajrulo gave it to me."

  "A Fajrulo..." Belfi shook his head, amused, and gave it back. "Keep it, Splendor. I don't need it. I'll find it again when you're dead."


  Splendor wondered why the half-blood didn't want the sword, but then, Belfi looke
d more like a healer than a warrior. And he probably really didn't need it if he had magic powers.

  "You'll have what you want, Splendor," Belfi told him as they went back to the main cave where the others were waiting. "If it's what you really want."

  Splendor turned to look at the half-blood who winked but didn't add anything. Splendor was too upset to ask for more. Although it might mean that he could have Billinda after all... he didn't dare hope yet, but maybe... perhaps... who knew...


  "So you're a real magic user," Billinda said, staring at Joris. "That's why you're never out of work."

  "I'm also a pure-blooded Genn, and that's why I need to hide my pointed ears under headbands when I come to Salamar," Joris replied, one arm around Evan's shoulder. "Well, I have some of Belfi's dark blood as well, but that only makes me stronger in some cases."

  "So what can you do?"

  "I can see people, I know the instant-transfer spell, and I have some healing capacities. Through the years I also learned some attack spells, if only to defend myself in this crazy mercenary life."

  "You're still a mercenary?" Billinda wondered. "How old are you now?"

  "I'm in my fifties, much like Kolia, but of course I look younger because I grow old slower."

  Billinda was impressed. He still looked in his late twenties, barely a few years older than Evan, while he could actually be Evan's father.

  "So now you partner with Evan?" she asked. She had heard wonders of the team Kolia and Joris, even though Kolia was already gone when she'd reached Salamar and the Sterling Star Inn where mercenaries met and traded stories and jobs.

  "I just met him." Joris chuckled and glanced at his partner who blushed. "I stole him from his parents' castle and I'm still training him to be the next Kolia..."

  Billinda smiled at the young man.

  "You found the perfect teammate, trust me."

  "Thank you," Evan answered with a nod.

  "By the way, let me give you this," Joris said, handing her a whistle. "Traveling with a spellbound prince is quite risky. You never know when you might need our help."

  "Thank you!" She took the whistle, a little puzzled. "We've done fine so far... what is this for?"

  "Whistle, and I'll come. If you're in trouble, just call us to the rescue."


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