Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 9

by JJ Argus

Courtney's mouth tried to work, tried to form words, but her hips were grinding and twisting against the woman's fingers, and it was very hard to think.

  The woman removed her hand and then slapped Courtney's face hard, throwing her head to one side.

  Courtney blinked dazedly, then cried out as the woman slapped her face again in the other direction. She gurgled and whimpered as her hair was yanked back again.

  “Say it, slave.”

  Again, Courtney tried to form the words, and the woman unstrapped the gag and then pulled it out of her mouth.

  She gripped Courtney's head and hair in both hands, and brought her own face right up against the smaller woman. “Say it,” she growled.

  “Th-this... this... slave begs to be f-fucked, Mistress!” Courtney sobbed, voice cracking repeatedly.

  “Again, slave.”

  “This s-slave begs to be f-f-fucked, Mistress!”

  “Again, slave.”

  Courtney stared into the woman's eyes from inches away. “This slave begs to be fucked, Mistress,” she whimpered.

  The woman released her head, then a hand gripped her hair, pulling it back, while the woman's other hand dropped to her pussy, rubbing and massaging her.

  “Again, slave.”

  “This slave unggh – begs to be uhnngg – f-fucked m – unnggh – mistress!” she sobbed.

  The woman lowered her arms a little by pressing the button on the wall.

  “Bend over, slut.”

  Groaning, trembling, Courtney let her upper torso fall forward, and felt a wave of shame as she pushed her bottom back eagerly. She felt the rounded head of the strap-on pushing up against her, and then cried out as it slid slowly up into her tight, spasming pussy.

  “Oh God! Oh God! Oh yes!” she sobbed. “Oh yes! Oh my God! Oh God! Oh! Oh! Ohhhh!”

  The climax tore through her and she screamed in helplessly passion and feverish need. Her voice rose and fell, rose and fell as the woman began to pump the dildo, began to drive it up deep, to tear it back and thrust if forward again. She gripped Courtney's hair, forcing her head up and back through her arms, then slapped and kneaded her breasts as she jammed the dildo into her again and again and again.

  Orgasm after orgasm spilled through the sobbing girl's nervous system, as she screamed and writhed and cried out in helpless, near mindless ecstasy, the sexual fever reducing her to the status of mindless animal.

  Finally, emotionally and physically exhausted, she dropped to the floor as soon as the woman unchained her wrists and ankles. The woman seized her collar and forced her up to all fours, making her crawl across the floor to a large table. A black table cloth hung over the sides, and when it was raised Courtney saw a large cage underneath. The woman opened the door and Courtney gratefully crawled inside.

  It had some kind of foam pad on the bottom, and she sank down on it with a shuddering groan of exhaustion. The cage closed and the clothe dropped down, and the woman went away.

  Chapter Eight

  She woke after what she was sure was a short nap, and stared through the bars of the cage.

  She was gagged again, her wrists locked together, but in front of her now as she lay on her side. It was a more comfortable cage than the one she'd been moved in, yet it was still a cage. And at her young age, Courtney quite simply did not understand what was happening, what was being done to her. She knew sex was fucking, and she'd agreed to it, at least, with Masters, but these perverts seemed to want a lot more of her than that.

  God, they were sick! She moaned as she examined her breasts, still red, with thin red lines across them, across her belly and groin to. Her skin felt sensitive and hot, and nowhere more-so than on her nipples and between her legs. She fingered her hard, swollen nipples a little, wincing a bit, but unable to stop because it felt so – good. How could her nipples ache and feel good at the same time!?

  That woman was such a sick bitch! Courtney felt raw shame at how she'd degraded herself before her, how she'd begged her to fuck her, and cried out in pleasure. God! What kind of a whore was she anyway!? Didn't she have any fucking self-respect!? She didn't even fucking like women!

  And certainly not that one!

  She let her fingers ease down between her legs, wincing again at the sore, aching feeling. Yet her fingers felt drawn to her there, and she caressed her clit ever so lightly, gasping in pleasure and pain simultaneously.

  She couldn't stop herself. She began to rub her fingers against her clit, ever so gently at first, but with growing speed and pressure, until it hurt – but hurt so good. Her body writhed and arched, her hips grinding with growing need against her fingers until the orgasm spilled through her mind and body and she cried out in dark passion and pleasure.

  She relaxed, panting, moaning into the gag, squeezing her thighs together as her eyes fluttered in heat. Slowly, her breathing evened out, and she opened her eyes, staring around the room, licking her lips, reminded quickly that she was both hungry and thirsty.

  Yet she was also aroused. It was a low, thrumming sense of erotic hunger and anticipation, something which made her lower groin throb hotly and kept drawing her fingers back to her body again and again so that, in a short time, she masturbated to orgasms several times, fingers thrust deep into her moist, quivering sex.

  God! She was in a fucking cage! Like some kind of animal!

  Sex slave! Slave bitch! These people were so perverted! So deliciously nasty!

  The woman entered the room at last, and Courtney's eyes jerked over to the side, staring at her as her pulse quickened. The Black woman was wearing heels almost as high as Courtney's, with a short leather skirt and a black leather jacket open down the middle and drawn tightly across her swollen chest. Her hair was drawn back and she had the same look of stern contempt on her face that caused Courtney to drop her eyes.

  She stopped beside the cage and looked down at her.

  “You will learn to be silent, slave, or you will learn to do without food and water.

  She bent and opened the cage, and suddenly the quirt was in her hands.

  “Out, and kneel.”

  Courtney crawled unsteadily out of the cage and positioned herself on her knees as the woman squatted and unhooked her wrist restraints from one another. She then undid the strap behind her head and removed the gag.

  “Assume dog,” the woman ordered.

  Face flushed, Courtney knelt on all fours, waiting the woman's next command.

  “Heel,” the woman ordered, pointing at the floor next to her.

  “You will crawl along beside me at my heels,” the woman ordered.

  Courtney felt her face heat, but at least it was fairly easy to obey, and she did so, crawling slowly along beside the woman as she walked across the room, then turning and crawling back with her.

  “Stay. Kneel.”

  Courtney sat back on her heels as the woman walked to the door and scooped something off a tray. She returned with a bowl of something which smelled like stew, and set it on the floor before her.

  “Low dog,” she ordered.

  Courtney's stomach rumbled and she fairly drooled at the smell of the food. She obeyed at once, lowering herself to her elbows, her bottom high.


  Courtney shifted her knees wide apart, feeling the cool air against her moist sex.

  “You may now eat, but do not use your hands.”

  Courtney felt a little shock ripple through her as she realized what the woman wanted. She felt a throbbing heat in her pussy at the degrading nature of it, but her hunger easily carried the day, and despite the blow to her pride she put her lips to the bowl and began to sip and lick at the stew.

  Like a dog.

  Like a bitch dog? Like a slave bitch? She didn't care.

  She ate, glad of the food. And when the woman put a bowl of water next to the stew she began to drink that, as well.

  The woman observed her, and whenever Courtney's stance shifted, whenever her bottom began to ease lower or her legs to pull tog
ether, the quirt stung her bottom and she shifted rapidly into position.

  The quirt didn't always sting, though. As the woman watched she would slide it down between Courtney's legs and let the soft shaft stroke lightly back and forth along her slit, sometimes letting it press more deeply so it sank between the swollen lips of her labia. The quirt always rubbed directly against her clitoris, however, and the thrumming sexual heat within her grew.

  The food wasn't quite enough to fill her, but it did push the hunger away, and she felt a surge of contentment even as the woman knelt behind her and tugged on the butt-plug. She slid it all the way out, then inserted it again repeatedly before replacing it with a larger one which made Courtney's insides feel bloated.

  It was back to more exercise, then, more stretching, more walking on the high heels, with trying to follow the graceful way the Black woman moved. Then, panting weakly, she sat back on her heels as the woman sat before her with a large black dildo in her hand. The dildo was very realistic looking, even down to the balls hanging below, and as Courtney looked on, the woman began to make love to it.

  She licked slowly, teasingly, tauntingly, up and down its length. She licked the underside and circled it with her tongue. She mouthed, sucked and licked the balls, then hummed on the shaft before slowly taking the thing into her mouth, inch by slow inch, until it was buried in her throat.

  Then she pulled it out and held it before Courtney.

  “Now you.”

  It was easy, at first, though she almost balked at licking something which had just come out of the woman's mouth. She had a hard time demonstrating the deep-throating skill the Black woman seemed to do so effortlessly, though, and kept gagging and choking at the thick girth of the fake cock. The woman simply made her do it again and again and again, until her throat ached. And it didn't really occur to Courtney to refuse.

  She wanted to learn this, wanted to be as good at it as the Black woman. It was a challenge, and the thrumming sexual undercurrents within her kept her sex pulsing and her nipples tingling as she knelt there and worked on the fake phallus.

  She had succeeded in taking it deep into her throat without gagging, and it filled her mouth when the door opened and Masters came in.

  She felt her face flush and her hands started to move towards the cock, but halted in place as he came over to stand over her.

  He and the Black woman exchanged a look, and then the Black woman stood and snapped her fingers at Courtney.

  “Take that out.”

  Courtney obeyed, her pussy thrumming harder as Masters looked on.


  She knelt, then went through the positions under Masters' eye, her pussy moistening still further as she felt a rising sense of anticipation for his cock.

  Instead, she was led over to a round wooden sculpture. It was large, with a mass of carved figures and shapes all across the surface. The sculpture was attached to the wall, but projected out into the room like an upside down soup bowl five feet wide. Masters pressed her back against the sculpture, then drew her arms up and back to the top sides. There were hooks there, not on the sculpture, but on the wall behind it, and when he had locked her wrists and ankles tightly in place her body was bowed back, her hips pushed forward, her head and shoulders and lower legs back.

  The woman looked at her disinterestedly, but then her hand slid down between her legs, her long, slim fingers stroking idly up and down against Courtney’s smooth sex, rubbing against her throbbing clit. Courtney gulped in air, strangely unwilling to show any reaction to her touch in front of Masters, but the woman continued, her fingers stroking her, then gently easing up inside her as her other hand kneaded and caressed her breasts.

  Masters fed her a fat penis gag, and she reluctantly opened her mouth wide as it slid inside and he pulled the straps around behind her head. He and the Black woman turned away, and Courtney moaned with anticipation.

  Masters rolled over a low cart but just as Courtney turned her head to look the woman pressed her head back. A moment later, a blindfold went over her eyes, and she moaned anxiously into the gag. She heard a buzzing sound, and gasped as something pressed against her clitoris, something which could only be a vibrator - and a strong one. Her hips jerked as she flinched at the uncomfortable force of the sensations, moaning into the camera, wanting to protest but unable to.

  The fingers eased out and she felt the vibrator sliding into her. It was thick and slickly metallic, and the vibrations were so powerful that even though it wasn‘t in direct contact with her clit she could feel the vibrations making it quiver and tremble, could feel the heat rousing within her, the hunger and passion burning hotter as the woman pumped it slowly in and out, pushing it ever deeper.

  She moaned, her head rolling from side to side, her hips grinding against the sensations even though her arms and legs were locked tightly back in place. Two mouths alighted on her breasts, sucking and chewing idly, tongues licking at her nipples as hands began to roam slowly over her trembling body.

  This is so fucking kinky, she thought breathlessly. They‘re such fucking perverts!

  Yet she moaned as her lower body began to quiver and quake with the strength of the powerful vibrator the Black woman shoved up inside her. It was deep now, achingly deep, grinding against her so that it ached, but ached in a hot, delicious way.

  Slick fingers stroked against her clit and she shuddered and moaned, her hips trying to grind forward.

  Then the flog hit.

  The first blow was a shock, but the stinging was not really very bad, and after a momentary shock she felt a hot gush of dark hunger and excitement. God! God! God, she thought.

  The flog landed again, and again, and again, the blows slow, measured, cutting across her breasts, her belly, slashing in between her legs to snap at her pussy and inner thighs.

  “Slave,” she heard Masters whisper in her ear.

  “Slave,” the Black woman whispered in her other ear.

  The blows continued, slowly, each causing her to gasp and moan and writhe back against the bowl shaped culture. Fingers brushed delicately over her swollen wet clitoris, and she shuddered and ground her hips, her body undulating against the tight grip of the restraints.

  Her nipples were stroked and rolled between cool, slick fingers, pinched and pulled into rigid , throbbing erection. She felt something coldly metallic grip one nipple, then the other, squeezing them achingly hard, pulling them outward, stretching them. Suddenly she felt sharp pains in both nipples, sharp enough to cause her to cry out and twist against her bonds. But the pains faded quickly, leaving behind - a throbbing ache - and - and something else.

  Something metallic pressed against her there, yet didn‘t hurt, as the clips Masters had put on her had hurt.

  “Slave,” he said in to her ear

  “Slave,“ the woman echoed, at almost the same time.

  The fingers rubbed harder against her clit, and the orgasm exploded within her so that her hips bucked furiously as she twisted and writhed in breathless release. The world rolled and tumbled around her and she moaned and cried out into the gag in glorious pleasure.

  Yet they were far from finished with her. The gentle caress continued, and then she felt a tongue against her -- down there. She gasped and felt her mind slowly melting under the intensity of the sensation that tongue and the lips bracketing it made on her burning hot clit. She was soon on the edge of another orgasm as hands caressed her thighs, and she felt a cool liquid against her. The a sudden intense pain made her scream into the gag, teeth biting into the gag as her body arched back and jerked frantically against the bonds.

  Yet that pain faded almost as quickly as the earlier ones, faded into a dull, unpleasant ache as she felt something rubbing against her there, something other than fingers, something like wet cloth. She felt a metallic, pinching sensation, and then the vibrator slid out of her pussy and pressed directly against her clit. She cried out again and again as her body thrashed and twisted, orgasm hammering at her min
d and making her knees go rubbery.

  They unstrapped her, gripping her arms firmly, pulling her forward and down until she was on hands and knees.. She groaned as the vibrator was pushed deep into her pussy again. Then the butt-plug was pulled out, slowly, and pushed in once again, pulled out, and pushed in, then pulled out entirely. A moment later something longer slid up her ass, something which probed deep enough to ache. She felt a sudden pull against her collar, and lurched forward on all fours, moaning into the gag as the pull led her across the floor on all fours, then turned her and led her back again.

  What felt like the quirt snapped across her bottom and she repositioned herself, her head going up and back, even though she couldn’t see, crawling slowly as her collar pulled her forward. As she crawled, Courtney felt a weight pulling at her nipples and clit, felt their weight shifting as she moved, as if something were swinging back and forth below her.

  “Kneel,” Masters ordered.

  Courtney felt the collar pulled up and back and eased back onto her knees. She felt their hands grasp her wrists and pull her arms up and out to either side, then the leather restraints were removed. Something else, however, was placed around her wrists, something harder, more metallic, and she heard the click as they locked. She frowned uncertainly, wondering if she ought to be worried about these two actually harming her, actually imprisoning her. But it was a fleeting thought.

  They dropped her arms.

  “Dog,” Masters said.

  She fell forward onto her arms, wincing a bit as the weights pulled on her aching nipples and clit. What the hell had they attached to her there?

  Her feet were lifted up behind her, and the restrains removed from her ankles, replaced by the same hard ones as were around her wrists.

  “Kneel,” Masters ordered.

  Courtney pulled herself back onto her knees, not terribly surprised as the collar was removed and then replaced.

  The gag was pulled free of her mouth, but strong fingers pressed against her jaw, holding it open, and then another gag replaced it. It felt just as spongy, but with a hard outer something pressed against the outside of her lips as the strap pulled back behind her, and her hair was brushed up and out into pigtails.


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