His Forever Girl

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His Forever Girl Page 5

by Darling, Lucy

  Most of the girls glare at me these days. Before they barely noticed me, but now that I’m with their prized Reid, they stare holes through me. We’ve been the talk of the high school all week long. I don’t care what any of them think of me. High school is almost over.

  It’s not as though Reid is being subtle about any of this, either. So it’s his fault in a way for laying it on so thick in front of everyone. He always has to have his arm around me and is definitely not shy about public displays of affection. I can’t blame the girls for being envious. If Reid were acting this way toward one of them and doing anything under the moon for them, I’d be seething with jealousy.

  His doting on me has no bounds. It started out with him bringing me breakfast in the mornings. It wasn’t anything elaborate or crazy. It ranged from donuts to bagels, and today I got Pop-Tarts. At school he began to wait around for me and give me little treats throughout the day. I know it’s silly to get warm and fuzzy over a chocolate bar that he got from the vending machine, but I can’t help it.

  It wasn’t the candy that gave me the warm and fuzzies, it was the fact that he was thinking about me and wanted to do something for me. It was as sweet as all the chocolate he gave me. I was eating all of his attention up even though I was trying to keep him somewhat at an arm's length.

  He opens the door for me, and I head toward a table in the back. “Will you order for me?” I ask as he pulls my coat off and hangs it over a chair.


  I drop my head back, and he presses his mouth against mine. I almost huff out a breath when he quickly pulls away. I know this isn't the place, but I need him to freaking kiss me already!

  “Bathroom.” I turn, rushing off before I grab him and kiss him not caring who is watching. I grab one of the stalls, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

  “Did you see Reid just walked in?” I look through the crack in the stall to see Wendy’s long blond hair.

  “No! Is he in my section or yours?” I lean over further, trying to see who the other girl is. I see Melissa fluffing her dark hair in the mirror.


  “You bitch,” Melissa says. I roll my eyes. “Does he have that chubby Zoey girl with him? He’s really trying to win this bet.” My stomach drops. I shake my head no. Reid wouldn’t do that. You also never thought Reid would stop talking to you and break your heart when you were thirteen, that tiny voice in my head annoyingly reminds me.

  “What is it with guys wanting virgins? They don’t know how to do shit. I bet she’s terrible at blow jobs.” Both of them start giggling.

  “I’m just waiting for them to break up. I mean, he never dates anyone from our school. Then suddenly he’s all over the smart, fat girl,” Melissa says. Her voice is full of disgust. I fight back the lump that forms in my throat, trying not to let them get in my head, but it’s hard.

  “She’s not too smart if she’s buying what Reid is selling.” They both burst into laughter again. Thankfully they leave the bathroom. I stand and hurriedly wash my hands, needing to get out of this bathroom as soon as possible. Of course when I come out I see Wendy at our table. She throws her head back and laughs at something Reid says to her. Then she rests her hand on his shoulder.

  Wendy glances my way with a smirk on her lips. Did they know I was in the bathroom? Reid reaches up and pushes her hand off his shoulder before handing her back the menus.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks,” I hear her say as I get closer to the table. Reid hops up to pull my chair out for me. I sit down, not feeling hungry anymore. The only thing I want now is to go home. Thankfully my mom is out of town this weekend for a conference. She reads my moods too well. She’d be all over me the moment I walked in the front door. She’s been loving the fact that Reid and I are friends again.

  “Didn’t know if you wanted a Dr. Pepper or strawberry shake so I ordered both.”

  “Thanks,” I say. He stares at me, his eyes narrowing. “What was so funny?”

  “I don’t know. Something about me always ordering the same thing.” He shrugs. “I pushed Mindy’s hand off my shoulder.” He had.

  “Her name is Wendy.”

  “Mindy, Wendy, Cindy, I don’t know or care what her name is or anything else about her. There’s no need for you to be jealous.” He leans toward me. “I’m all yours, babe.”

  Wendy drops my drink down onto the table so hard that some of the soda spills out. Next she places Reid’s water down nicely in front of him.

  “Is there a problem?” Reid glances up at Wendy as he snags my hand that’s on the table and begins caressing my fingers.

  “No,” Wendy answers quickly. Her eyes drop to our hands. I have no doubt she heard Reid’s comment about him being all mine.

  “Where’s my girl’s shake?”

  “Are you sure you want one?” Wendy lifts her brows as she looks down at me. “I mean, I think one has four hundred calories.” Reid’s hand slams down on the table. More of my soda splashes out. The whole diner goes quiet, but I can feel everyone’s eyes on us.

  “Mindy, get—”

  “Wendy,” I correct him, unable to stop myself.

  “Get the fuck away from my table and don’t come back.” Wendy’s face turns red in embarrassment, knowing everyone is looking at us.

  “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re in my section,” she huffs.

  “Go bus table twelve,” Gary orders her. She gives me a glare before turning and doing as Gary told her. It’s his diner, after all. “Sorry about that, Reid.” Even outside of school, people love Reid. People respect him for taking the football team to state and winning. A lot of people live and breathe football here.

  “No worries, but can we get our food to go?” Reid stares at me as he asks the question.

  “Sure thing.” Gary heads off toward the kitchen, leaving us alone.

  “That's the kind of shit you’ve had to put up with?”

  “A little in middle school.” To be honest, who knows if it was because Reid stopped talking to me or it was just typical middle school bullying. “Not so much in high school until recently. They think I took Reid Knight off the market.”

  “I was never on the market.” He runs a hand through his hair. I can tell he's frustrated.

  “They haven't said anything to me really. I get a lot of glares. It doesn't matter. High school is almost over.”

  “I’m so fucking sorry.” He still has a hold of my fingers. He laces his own fingers through them so we’re holding hands. It wasn't her fat comment that hurt. It stung a little, but it was the other crap about the bet. She also wasn't wrong that I don’t have a clue on how to give a blow job. I’ve never done any of that stuff before.

  Before this, I would have thought it wouldn’t matter because according to Reid he never had one before. So I figured he wouldn't know if it was good or bad anyways. Now doubt has trickled in, and I’m wondering if everything he’s been saying is a lie. Willow didn't seem shocked when I told her what Reid said about not being with anyone in any way.

  Gary comes back a moment later, placing our bags on the table. Reid pulls out his wallet. Gary waves him off. “It’s on the house today.”

  “You don’t have to do that. Thank you for boxing it up for us.”

  “Anytime,” Gary says, heading off to check on another table.

  Reid opens his wallet, dropping the money down on the table before standing and grabbing my coat. He holds it open for me to slip my arms into.

  “Thanks,” I mumble. He grabs the bags in one hand, and his other hand grabs mine, lacing our fingers again. I try and tug my hand free, but he doesn't let me. He leads us back over to his truck that’s parked on the side of the diner.

  “Let my hand go,” I say when we’re away from watchful eyes. I don’t want to give anyone more gossip. There is enough already. Reid opens the back passenger door to drop the bag in before he shuts it. “What are you doing?” His hands come down next to my head resting against the si
de of the truck. He’s got me caged in. Once again I’m getting turned on when I shouldn't be.

  “You’re not only mad about Mindy’s bullshit. There is something else.”

  “Wendy,” I correct him again.

  “Babe.” His tone is filled with warning. What is he going to do? Besides turn me on more because that’s all that’s happening.

  “I heard the girls talking in the bathroom.”

  “Okay.” He waits for me to give him more, and I have no doubt he’ll stand here all night until I tell him.

  “I heard about the bet.”

  “What bet?” He looks at me like he really has no idea what I’m talking about.

  “Some bet about sleeping with me.” He throws his head back and laughs. I smack his chest. “It’s not funny.”

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about, but if there is some bet about me sleeping with you then we’re going to win.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you.” I smack his chest again.

  “One day.” He presses his mouth against mine before I can say anything else. I grip his shirt as he pulls back.

  “There is no bet.” I should have known. “I’m sorry.” I bite my bottom lip.

  “You have reason to doubt me, but I’m going to keep pushing until you see this is real. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine, and I’m yours. We’re getting married, remember.” He smiles. I roll my eyes, pretending to be annoyed.

  Reality is I feel the flutter in my stomach that only he can give me. I pull him down for another kiss. He brushes his mouth against mine. This time he stays there for a moment. I think he’s really going to kiss me this time, but he lifts his mouth from mine.

  “Damn it, Reid.” I pull on his shirt, trying to yank him back down. “Are you going to really kiss me or not?” I barely get the words out of my mouth then he’s all over me. He lifts me off my feet. My legs wrap around him as he pins me to the side of the truck, giving me exactly what I asked for.



  I growl against her mouth. I’ve been waiting for her, and now she gave me the green light, so I pounced on her. I have no freaking clue how I’ve made it this long without tasting her fully. Each time I’d pull my mouth from hers my whole body rebelled. She’s freed this hunger inside of me now, and I pray that she doesn’t ask me to stop.

  My fingers dig into her hair. I give it a small tug that makes her gasp. The second her lips part, I slip my tongue into her mouth. She tightens her hold on me, pushing her tits into me. She’s trying to get as close to me as she can. I think my girl has some hunger of her own she needs me to take care of.

  At first, she lets me take what I want. I had no fucking clue someone’s lips could be as soft as hers. Everything about my Zoey is sweet and soft.

  “Kiss me back,” I order her before my mouth is back on her. I give her ass a squeeze. Her tongue meets mine, and a whimper of need comes from her. Just like her, the whimper is soft and sweet. I want to know what other sounds I can draw from her.

  “Gross!” I jerk my head back to see Melissa standing there with a cigarette in her hand. Her face is scrunched up in displeasure.

  “Fuck off,” Zoey says. She looks as surprised at her words as I am. I burst into laughter as she glares at Melissa, who stomps off. Zoey relaxes back into me, and a smirk pulls at that mouth of hers. “I can’t believe I said that.”

  “I’m sorry, babe, but seeing you jealous because of me makes my dick harder, and it’s pretty fucking hard right now.” I let her slide down my body so she can feel just how hard I am for her. She sucks in a breath, and even that is hot.

  “The feeling is mutual.” I guide her back a few steps so I can open the door for her. She goes to hop in, and I give her a smack on the ass, which gets me a glare from her. She turns her head, trying to hide the smile on her face. I round the truck and hop in.

  “Are we going to Megan’s party?” she asks.

  “No. Why would I want to go there?”

  She shrugs one shoulder as she steals a fry out of the bag.

  “I only went to those parties so that I would have something to do and to make sure that you never showed up to them.”

  “You’re full of it.”

  “I have no shame over the things I’ve done because I know I’m a jealous man when it comes to you. I could have ended up in jail for knocking some fucker on his ass. I’m not into the whole conjugal visits thing.” She snorts an adorable laugh. “Are we eating at your place?”

  “Yeah, my mom’s not home.” I nod, not telling her I already knew that. Quinn told me the other day that she’d be gone for the weekend but to keep an eye on Zoey. She even gave me a key.

  It’s hard not to speed home, but I control myself. I’m not going to be stupid and risk anything happening to Zoey in order to get home a few minutes faster. It’s a short drive, and her house comes into view pretty quick.

  “Why don’t you park in your driveaway?” I hop out of the truck, coming around to open the door for her. I take the food bag from her hand, then grab her backpack to follow her inside. I drop the food on the small table in the kitchen. “You want water?” she asks, forgetting that I didn't answer why I didn’t want to park in my own driveway.

  “Water’s good. I’m going to pop next door and grab some stuff that I’ve been meaning to show you.” She gives me a puzzled look but keeps smiling. “You’ll like it.” I try to drop a quick kiss on her lips, but it quickly turns into me lifting her off her feet again and sitting her on the counter. This time it’s her that pulls back, her breathing heavy.

  “I didn't know kisses could be like this.”

  “Me either.” I grab her hips, pulling her off the counter. “Get our drinks, babe,” I tell her, giving her a tap on the ass. She rolls her eyes like she always does when I smack her ass. “I’ll be right back.” She nods, pulling out a couple of glasses.

  I head out the front door and into my house. I dart upstairs to my bedroom, grabbing my overnight bag and the box of presents I’ve had stashed in my closet for years now. I’ve added something to it each year. When I get back to her place, she’s sitting down to eat. I drop my bag on the ground. Her eyes go from my overnight bag to the box in my hand filled with gifts. Some have Christmas wrapping and others say happy birthday. I set it down.

  “Is that an overnight bag?”

  “Yep.” I smirk. “I’m staying over. You can let me sleep in your bed, or I’ll sleep on the sofa. I don’t care. Either way, my pants are staying on this whole weekend. We aren’t having sex.” It’s hard to say the words, but I get them out.

  “Why aren’t we having sex?” She picks up a fry, taking a bite.

  “I don’t want you to think that’s what this is about. I also don’t want that hanging over us this weekend. We’re going to relax and hang out.” I don’t mention that I said my pants were staying on. I didn't say anything about hers.

  “Like old times?” She gives me a big smile.

  “Like old times except I get to put my mouth on you.”

  “Eat before your food gets cold,” she orders, her eyes now fixed on the box of presents. “Are you going to tell me what this is about?” she asks before taking a giant bite of her cheeseburger.

  I don’t know what the hell Mindy was talking about when she was trying to poke Zoey about her weight. It damn near killed me watching Zoey’s curves fill out over the years. I know I’ve never had sex before, but thinking about Mindy’s straight as a board body does nothing for me. She looks as if someone could snap her in half. Fuck that shit. My girl is soft with hips to grab on to. And I have been grabbing her hips whenever I can. I come up behind her and grip them and pull her body into mine.

  “Earth to Reid.” Zoey snaps her fingers. “What the hell are you thinking about?”

  “Your hips.”

  “My hips?” Her face scrunches like she doesn’t like her hips.

  “How soft they are when I grip them and pull you into me. Perfect fit.” My co
ck presses into my jeans, but I ignore it like always.

  “Whatever.” She gives me her normal eyeroll, but she’s smiling.

  “These are your gifts.” She gives me a confused look. I reach into the box and pull one of them out. “I got this one for your fourteenth birthday.”

  She looks so surprised by my revelation. “Reid?” She pushes back her chair to stand.

  “Open it,” I urge her. “It's nothing crazy. Remember I was on a fourteen-year-old’s budget.” She takes it from my hand and begins to unwrap it. She holds up the shirt and laughs before turning it around for me.

  “My blood type is Dr. Pepper.” She smiles wide, holding it up to her chest. “Seems accurate. What else is in that box?”

  “Go ahead and look. They’re all yours.” She reaches into the box to grab another. Wrapping paper starts to fly as she opens some notepads, pens, and a bracelet that I’d made for her. The bracelet has those little block letters that spell out the word forever. I should be embarrassed by how corny it is, but I’m not.

  “I can’t believe you were still buying me gifts.”

  “I couldn’t help myself. I made the bracelet.” I shrug. She walks over to me. I grab her hips as she falls into my lap.

  “Can you put it on me?” She holds her wrist out to me. I slip it onto her wrist and tighten it. I watch as she runs her finger over it. “I love it.” I want to tell her that I love her, but I don’t want to push her too fast. I keep reminding myself that I have to take it slow. “This week has been crazy. I never would have thought you were next door wishing I was yours.”

  “You always were mine.” I reach up and tuck her hair behind her ear. “Now I just have to get you to forgive me. I never knew that people were picking on you because of me. If I’d known…”

  “Reid.” She cuts me off. “I’m not 100 percent sure that they picked on me because of you.”

  “Yeah, but if I was with you they wouldn’t have said shit.” I grit my teeth, getting pissed thinking about it.


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