Play The Game

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Play The Game Page 2

by Casey Crisp

  “Ladies!” Miranda screeched. “Please make Aria feel welcome! Since it’s the first day, I have a special workout planned because we need to be in our best shape before the first tournament. For our first exercise, I’ve assigned partners.”


  “Brynn, you’ll work with Aria.”

  I tried not to protest, instead offering Aria what I hoped was a sincere smile. In the meantime, Miranda dismissed us with a blow of her whistle and we found our assigned goals, starting the exercise with basic layup drills. They had become so redundantly tedious during my short tenure that I instantly discovered a relaxing rhythm, but I was surprised by how effortlessly Aria fell into synchronization with my pace. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t here earlier,” she said, passing me the ball. “I had to make some final arrangements with my old school.”

  “Where was your old school?”

  “Oakview Public,” Aria said, gently rolling the ball into the net with flawless precision.

  “Public?” I repeated quizzically. “I didn’t know private academies like this were allowed to recruit from public schools?”

  “Oh!” Aria grinned, completely unworried. “They made an exception for me.”

  “Then you must be pretty good,” I said, but I was also starting to gather that for myself, reluctantly admiring the elegant way she handled the exercises. There was a distinct style to the way she flexed her wrist, fingers smoothing across the black lines, that I could only label as something quite unique.

  “I’m a decent shooter,” she said, stepping back for a jump shot. The ball swished through the net and Aria hustled for the rebound. “I should be the one who’s intimidated. I’ve heard a lot about the Starr sisters. I’ll have to work extra hard to keep up.”

  “Doubtful,” I said, watching my shot bounce off the rim. Meanwhile, Aria had yet to miss a single goal no matter what distance she attempted.

  “What year are you?” Aria asked, and I decided to humor her obvious attempt to make casual conversation.

  “Junior,” I replied, cursing as my shot rolled awkwardly off to the side.

  “So am I,” Aria called back over her shoulder as she quickly trailed down the wayward rebound. “What classes are you in?” I relayed my schedule to her, absentmindedly focused on the way that my wrist curved when I shot again. “We have our first and second period together. You wouldn’t mind if I sat with you, right?”

  “No,” I hesitated, regarding Aria closely. “It’s always nice to know some people.”

  “I agree,” Aria said, smiling once again. “I can tell you’re a good person.” She paused mid-shot, eyes locating Sydney Black from further down the court. “I’ve been warned about some of the players.”

  “Warned? By who?” I asked, fumbling her unexpected bounce pass.

  “My partner,” Aria said, and I could tell that she was keeping her answer vague on purpose.

  “So you already know some people here?”

  “A few,” she said, dribbling towards me. “Some of his classmates.”

  I nodded in understanding, even as I couldn’t help but wonder who might satisfy Aria’s mysterious connection to the school. My breath hitched once my Holmes-esque deductive skills remembered my earlier encounter with Chrystian Bowman, recalling how he had explicitly mentioned Aria’s name. I hated gossip, but I briefly considered the possibility that Chrystian knew Aria more intimately than he had initially disclosed.

  “Alright, ladies!” Miranda yelled, making her voice clear over the sounds of the basketballs hitting the court in uncoordinated patterns. “We’re going to do some running. I hope you brought plenty of water.”

  Groaning, I followed Aria as we jogged to midcourt.


  “I should’ve brought something different to wear,” I groaned, slowly pulling off my basketball shoes to remedy my aching and blistered feet.

  “That was insane,” Nicole said, frowning at her own shoes before tossing them into her gym bag. “That woman is insane, right?”

  “In shape my ass,” I groaned. “If she really wanted to prove something, then she would’ve ran with us.”

  “Relax,” Rose said, swatting me with her t-shirt. “Running won’t kill you.”

  “Don’t hit me with your disgusting laundry,” I snapped at her, zipping my gym bag closed.

  Meanwhile, I glanced up just in time to spot Aria shouldering her duffel bag. “I’ll see you guys in the parking lot.”

  “What are you doing, Brynn?” Rose shouted to accommodate for the growing distance between us. “I have the keys!”

  I ignored her, following Aria quietly with hastened steps since I was usually never this curious about my team members. However, I was driven by an unconscious desire to understand her unusual situation, urging me to solve the puzzle that was becoming Aria Nicolai. Because there was something about her that was inherently curious.

  In the proceeding moments, I found her outside standing next to a rather expensive yellow Lamborghini. “Can Chrystian afford that?” I questioned, shoulders dropping as I admired the elegant sports car. When I was younger, I was always fascinated by my father’s fancy motor magazines that he liked to share with me, the two of us admiring the graphic images of the cars inside. Despite the fact that my father was no longer a part of my life, my interest in those cars had never waned.

  Of course, the car itself was forgotten when the driver’s side door opened, providing the answer that I had been hoping to find. He was taller than the other representatives, reddish-colored hair impossible to ignore. He grinned when he spotted Aria, coming around to greet her on the sidewalk. It wasn’t Chrystian, but it was definitely an intimate acquaintance as he took her face between his hands, leaning down to brush their lips together in lieu of a friendly greeting.


  My sisters would call me intrusive, but I understood how important it was to have all the information, no matter how trivial. Knowledge was a powerful tool, and I intend to always stay ahead of everyone else. Especially when it comes to new situations because I hated the idea of being an outsider.

  As Brynn relayed her rather interesting discovery concerning Aria’s status, I pondered everything that she was saying with prompt attention. “But if Aria is dating V-”

  “V?” Brynn questioned. “How do you know his name?”

  “Is he the leader?” Rose added, innocent eyes wide as she listened.

  “I know all their names,” I said teasingly, grinning at the outrage on Brynn’s face. “And V is not their leader.” I rolled my eyes. “This isn’t a gang we’re talking about. They all have positions on the Student Council.”

  “What about the other guys?” Rose asked, encouraging me to continue.

  I smiled, reaching for another strawberry from the bowl at the center of our kitchen table. “V is just a nickname. His real name is Venir Rensselaer, President of the Student Council, and our connection to Aria. I also heard that he’s some sort of musician or something, and he can play a ton of different instruments.” I paused to soak in my moment of self-satisfaction. “Brynn had the pleasure of meeting Chrystian Bowman. Apparently, he’s a really good writer and one of our charming teammates told me that he’s also Secretary of the Council.”

  I paused when I noticed that Brynn had frowned at the mention of Chrystian as if recalling something unpleasant. “Our teammate also mentioned something about Alex Vonderheide, our school’s Vice President, and a girl in my civics class told me that he’s a painter. He has his own gallery downtown with a pretty impressive collection. I think we should go find it!”

  “No!” Rose immediately countered. “We’re not going to stalk these boys.”

  “You always ruin the fun.” I sighed. “Who else? I’ve lost my train of thought.”

  “Quit fooling around and spit it out,” Brynn insisted with an eagerness that my sister had never expressed before.

  Thus, I was fast to comply. “Get this, the Treasurer of the Student Council is Bec
kett Arlington. His grandfather owns the whole school. Like, there’s actually a grand story about its history. Anyway, Beckett’s also the starting center for the men’s basketball team. Regardless,” I paused, smirking in Brynn’s direction, “you can get us into their circle.”

  “Me?” Brynn asked, pointing to herself. “What are you talking about?”

  “Aren’t you friends with Aria?” I asked. “She’s our connection. I mean, she’s obviously dating V.”

  “First of all,” Brynn started, “we don’t know that it’s completely true.”

  “She kissed him!” I groaned, not bothering to hide my sarcasm. “Plus, she also told you that she had a boyfriend. What other evidence do you need?”

  “I’m not convinced,” Brynn insisted stubbornly. “Besides, you’re only insisting because she’s dating someone you find interesting! I haven’t gotten a chance to know her. If she’s involved with them, then she’s probably just as pretentious.”

  “Well, that’s rude to assume,” I said. “Just be nice to her.”

  Brynn shook her head. “Why do you want to get close to them?”

  “I think I like Beckett,” I gushed. “He’s only a freshman too. The same age as me.”

  “Have you actually met?” Rose asked. “Is this another crazy fantasy?”

  “You have no chance with him,” Brynn added. “He’s a total player.”

  “I haven’t really seen him act like that! Guilty until proven innocent, right?”

  “You’re just looking for an excuse!” Brynn glowered.

  Likewise, I decided to ignore my sister, smiling when the reclusive Jerome Starr, our older brother, walked into the kitchen. “I guess the three of you survived.”

  “What do you mean?” I pouted while handing Jerome a strawberry that he gratefully accepted.

  “Why are you always so pessimistic?” Rose questioned him. “I think you’re rooting for us to fail.”

  “That’s not exactly true,” he said, heading towards the fridge. “I want to see you thoroughly embarrass yourselves first.”

  “Jerk,” Brynn murmured quietly.

  “I’m deeply wounded,” Jerome retorted mockingly before leaving the three of us to our own devices.

  “You know what?” Brynn resumed. “I’m glad that we aren’t in the same school as Jerome anymore.”

  “Jerome isn’t so bad when he’s putting in the effort.”

  “Please don’t defend him,” Brynn said before gathering her books together. “I don’t intend to fail any of my classes. Wish me luck with whatever the hell organic chemistry is.”

  I dismissed Brynn’s sullen attitude, leaning in closer to Rose who suddenly seemed much less interested in homework. “I have a feeling that things are about to become very interesting.”


  Our first morning practice equated to more conditioning, and my legs were screaming in protest. I could barely move, let alone manage to walk for the rest of the day. “Is anyone else in constant pain?” I asked my sisters, leaning down to rub my sore muscles.

  “Brynn!” A chipper voice abruptly announced from behind us, and I eagerly intercepted Aria Nicolai’s rapid approach. “Do you mind if I walk to class with you?”

  “No.” Brynn shrugged indifferently. “We don’t mind the company.”

  Aria smiled gratefully, easily accommodating our leisurely pace. “Thanks!”

  “You looked good today, Aria,” I remarked while offering Brynn a meaningful glare. If she wouldn't be friendly with Aria, then I would gladly take advantage of the opportunity.

  “Really?” Arai asked, flashing me a grateful smile. “I ran cross-country at my old school. I may have an unfair advantage.”

  “What else are you interested in?” I asked, eager to unravel the complicated layers of my new teammate.

  “I love music,” Aria replied. “I’m in the school's program.”

  “Music, huh?”

  “Are any of you in the program?” Aria inquired. “I’m trying to meet new people.”

  “My sisters and I are different,” I said. “I’m pretty much undecided, but Rose is focused on basketball and Brynn has her writing.”

  “Are you a creative writer?” Aria asked, casting her friendly smile at Brynn. “My friend Chrystian is also interested in the school’s program. You may have met him already.” She then let out a sigh. “I was hoping to know somebody other than Venir.”

  “Oh! I forgot that Venir was in the music program. How do you two know each other?” I asked outright, ignoring my sister’s shared looks of incredulity.

  Aria, however, was seemingly unbothered by my inquisition. “We’ve been together for a year.”

  “I thought I heard something about that!” I said, clapping my hands together. “And you’re both in the music program together?”

  “It’s actually how we met. Arlington has an annual music festival here in the spring. I was lucky to compete with some of the best musicians, and I met V during the festival.”

  “That seems like fate.” Rose nodded with a wistful sigh. “I tried to play the piano when I was younger.”

  “How was it?” Aria asked curiously.

  “Terrible,” Rose confided, and Brynn snickered. “I was really terrible.”

  “That doesn’t give me much confidence.” Aria sighed dejectedly. “I’m trying to teach myself.”

  “Doesn’t anyone else in the program know how to play? Maybe they could help.”

  “V offered to teach me, but I’m kind of stubborn when it comes to learning on my own. Plus, I don’t want to rely on him for everything, although he insists most of the time.”

  “Speaking of which,” Rose started, reaching out for my arm to force us both to an unexpected standstill.

  From there, I’d imagine that our impending confrontation would serve as the necessary catalyst for our introduction to Arlington's best-kept secret and endless topic of gossip. Subsequently, I held my breath as they purposefully walked in our direction, attracting the attention of the students lingering around their lockers. It was like the entire universe was holding its breath, and I would never forget my first encounter with Venir, Alex, Chrystian and Beckett. The four Student Council representatives whose stories provided entertainment for our classmates, and I thought they seemed agreeable enough despite Sydney’s warning from the previous day.

  Venir Rensselaer paused directly in front of Aria, blatantly ignoring my sisters. “Where did you go after practice? I told you to wait for me.”

  “Everything’s fine,” she said, nodding in our direction. “I decided to walk with Brynn and her sisters since we share our first and second period together.”

  V finally considered the rest of us, his dark brown eyes allowing a cursory sweep with an underlying hint of curiosity. “You should tell me next time,” he declared, and his expression shifted completely when he studied Aria. Where he had reserved a look of indifference towards us, there was nothing but affection for our new teammate. “Alex transferred into your first period.”

  The subject in question smirked before stepping forward. “I decided that I could use the extra math.”

  Aria looked at Alex with suspicion. “Hopefully, because Alex wanted to take the extra math. Not because one of his friends asked him to transfer.”

  “This time it wasn’t the case.”

  “Well, you can sit with me and Brynn in class.”

  Brynn’s eyes widened when she became the new recipient of Alex’s attention. “Fine,” V agreed. “Come find me during lunch.”


  V pointed at one of the dark circles surrounding Aria’s eyes. “Do I have to remind you not to overwork yourself again?”

  Aria sighed at his concern. “I know my limits.”

  V was quiet for a moment before he looked at Beckett and Chrystian. “Let’s go.”

  It was an abrupt dismissal that left us alone with Alex whose gaze was jumping from one sister to the next before ultimately settling on
Aria. “Shall we?”

  “Are you ready, Brynn?”

  My sister managed a nod to serve as confirmation, stumbling behind the two awkwardly. Thankfully, I managed to hold myself together until they joined the surrounding crowd. “That went well.”

  “Really?” Rose huffed, even as a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

  “I told you they were interesting,” I said proudly. “I like Aria and she’s not even a part of the Student Council.”

  “Is that an official title now?” Rose asked. “I hope you’re being careful.”

  “I’m not going to do anything stupid,” I said, looping my arm through hers. “Should I escort you to the Senior’s building?”

  “You won’t be late on my account,” Rose said, snatching her arm free. “I think you should focus on your studies, Nicole.”

  “Are you going to start monitoring me?”

  Rose offered me a discreet wink. “You better not give me a reason to start.”


  I had never been ashamed of my introverted personality, but I was still astonished by the easy banter between Alex Vonderheide and Aria Nicolai. I mean, I knew that they were friends, but my initial impression severely underestimated the extent of their relationship. “Whatever shall we do with you?” Alex asked Aria, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “What do you mean?” she protested, looking down at her desk. “I’ve been avoiding trouble. ”

  Alex laughed and I was struck by the melodic sound. “You’re just lucky that V was so taken with you.”

  “The four of you are privileged and spoiled,” Aria said, turning her attention to me. “Tell me, Brynn. Have you been warned about them? All the other students idolize everything they do.”

  “We had a brief introduction,” I admitted, and Aria glanced back at Alex with a triumphant smile.

  “They think that they run the school! Much to the displeasure of the administration, I’m sure.”

  “Isn’t that the point of the Student Council?” Alex smirked arrogantly. “You’ll see for yourself soon enough.”


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