Play The Game

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Play The Game Page 9

by Casey Crisp

  Ironically, contrary to what my tone and actions suggested, there was a small part of me that wanted desperately for Alex to call me back. However, when he continued to remain silent, I immediately negated his suggestion of honesty, trying to forget his toxic words. Because I knew that it was all an exaggeration

  He said those things to me without considering the consequences? That was a very big mistake.


  “I don’t like her,” I decided, relaxing next to Aria as we sat together in the Student Council lounge.

  Beckett raised an eyebrow, locating Chrystian as he talked in a low voice to his mysterious girlfriend, Isabella. Beckett chuckled before giving me a considerate look. “Why is that?”

  “She seems fake,” I told him. “How long has Chrystian known her?”

  “They’ve been off and on for years,” Alex replied distantly, coming across as troubled while he looked into empty space. Was that supposed to be an interesting piece of information? Maybe he knew more than he was letting on.

  “She’ll be going to school with us,” Aria said. “I just found out from V earlier.”

  “That isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” Beckett said, drumming his fingers against his chin. “They’ve always had that separation in their lives.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Aria sighed. “V and I will be spending a lot of time with them since she insists on double dates.”

  “Well, V seems like he’s in much better spirits these days. I’m sure that has something to do with you,” Beckett said with a cheeky wink. “I guess you abandoned your theory about our sudden acts of kindness.”

  Aria glared at him. “I had every right to be concerned, but shouldn’t you worry about your own love life first?”

  “What love life?” I asked. “I don’t think Beckett is capable of handling one girl.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  “Like you don’t know,” I replied teasingly, offering him a mischievous smirk. “You and Alex are the school’s notorious playboys for a reason, right?”

  “You act as if we sleep with every woman we see!” Alex sneered, giving me a glare that could frighten anyone into submission.

  I held up my hands, taken aback by his sudden hostility. “Sorry.”

  Aria considered Alex from across the room, and her face twisted into a look of concentration. Actually, when I really thought about it, Alex reacted with an anger that could only arise from having been called out for something and then regretting the fact that it was true. Yet, at the same time, Beckett didn’t seem bothered, scrolling through his phone with his usual laziness. Despite his athleticism, it always amazed me just how easily he could switch into the world’s most carefree person.

  I dismissed those thoughts when I realized that Chrystian had decided to walk over with his girlfriend, inviting her to sit on his lap as he joined our group. “Aria,” Isabella said fondly. “How are you and V?”

  Her concern seemed forced, but maybe that was just me. However, Aria merely shrugged, perhaps immune to Isabella’s personality. “We’re doing alright.”

  “That’s always nice to hear,” Isabella said. “We’ll have to get together soon. Maybe Chrystian and I could cook a meal for you?”

  “I’d like that,” Aria agreed politely, and I admired her enduring kindness. I would have already gouged this girl’s eyes out.

  “And your name is Nicole, right?” she asked, turning that sugary-sweet smile on me.

  “I guess we’ve finally met,” I replied, taking the time to study her carefully. She was quite beautiful, with long, wavy brown hair and a petite figure. Her eyes were an alluring green color, and they seemed to stand out against her tanned skin. It was almost unfortunate that she decided to wear so much makeup, covering everything with intentional deceit.

  “But where are the others?” Isabella wondered. “I thought you told me that there were three sisters.”

  “Brynn is with her boyfriend,” I said, noticing how Alex tensed from the corner of my eye. “Rose is a senior, so she doesn’t hang around here during the day.”

  “I’ll have to meet them later,” Isabella said eagerly. “Which one is the writer like my Chrystian?”

  “Brynn.” Alex sighed.

  “Well, us girls should get together sometime!” Isabella declared, tossing an arm around Chrystian’s neck. “We should all get to know one another better, and I could use some friends at my new school.”

  I fought back a sarcastic reply, choosing instead to control my reactions. “That sounds nice.”

  “I’ll probably be a bore,” Isabella said. “Since the four of you are basketball players.”

  “Not at all,” Aria countered. “We can arrange something.”

  “I love it!” Isabella said, reaching for her phone. “I should probably head to my next class. Would you like to walk with me, Chrystian?”

  Chrystian agreed quietly, leading the way up the staircase. Once they were gone, Beckett finally started laughing. “I’m amazed, Nicole. You managed to tolerate someone.”

  “I can control myself!”

  “What a noble characteristic,” came Beckett’s sarcastic reply, but at least one of us could be less serious.

  Aria smiled, instantly lightening the mood. “Come on, Nicole. Let’s meet Brynn for lunch.”

  “I’ve been hungry all day,” I agreed since it was the first time that we were going to join both Brynn and Jonathan together, and I was more than ready to question my sister’s new boyfriend. “I hope you can find us later, boys,” I said before giving them both a delicate wave. “We’ll see you later.”

  Beckett released a grunt while Alex remained silent, refusing to acknowledge my farewell. Instead, he moved closer to Beckett, appearing nothing short of a man who was plotting something in secrecy. But since Aria didn’t seem concerned, and perhaps this was just a regular occurence with Alex, I decided to drop the subject.


  As the two of us walked to the dining hall together, I was pleasantly surprised to notice V waiting outside of the Senior’s building. Aria and I paused next to the entrance, allowing him the time to meet us halfway. “What are you doing over here?”

  V’s returning smile was contagious. “I have an interesting proposition.”


  “Fall break is next week,” V said. “I hope you haven’t forgotten my party?”

  “I remember, but does that still include everyone?”

  “Why not?” he asked, wrapping an arm around Aria’s waist to pull her against him. “You can invite your friends.”

  I brightened at the suggestion. “Including Isabella?” Aria sighed, and I grinned because her true feelings had finally been revealed.

  “Chrystian will want her to come,” V said with a displeased expression that also betrayed his own opinion.

  “What do you think, Nicole?”

  “I like the idea,” I agreed. “What could possibly go wrong?”

  Fall Break


  On an ordinary Friday night, I preferred spending quality time with my sisters streaming popular television while we consumed an unhealthy amount of packaged ramen. However, Nicole had decided that Venir’s prior invitation was a verbal confirmation of our newfound popularity, and my younger sister was determined to attend his social gathering. Apparently, attendance for the occasion cemented your status in the eyes of the Student Council representatives whom our classmates admired.

  “Are we late?” Nicole asked, eyes scanning the heavy traffic congesting the narrow pavement

  “No.” Rose shook her head, studying the other cars with hesitancy. “I didn’t know all these people would come.”

  “What did you expect?” Nicole asked, appearing entirely at ease. “I can’t wait to go inside!”

  However, despite my sister’s optimism, Rose appeared nothing short of concerned during the remainder of our excursion, quietly observing the other pompous students loitering aroun
d on the main porch. In the meantime, I hesitantly rang the doorbell and stood back, studying the grand columns and well-polished brick masonry. It reminded me of the Victorian mansions from old classics like Pride and Prejudice, but I wasn’t convinced that any of Venir’s friends were as gentlemanly as Mr. Darcy.

  “It certainly looks impressive enough,” Jonathan observed. “Do you think Venir has enough wall sconces?”

  It was a simple observation, but I still found it hilarious, especially when Alex Vonderheide decided to open the door and greet his new visitors. I mean, it was only appropriate, considering the outrageously expensive outfit that he wore in place of his usual attire. “Miss Starr! You made it.”

  My eyes widened as I took in the sight of Alex’s unexpected appearance. “Who answers the door like that?”

  Admittedly, Alex’s arrogant smirk only made him that much more appealing. “It’s a party, what did you expect?”

  I had no comeback for his conceited remark, merely standing aside before Nicole decided to shove me out of the way. After all, there was still a pressing need to remind her that she was the one who directed us to this party in the first place, even if Rose and I would’ve been more comfortable at home. But we were in enemy territory, allowing Alex to lead us further into the crowd of guests who were all dressed like we were attending a lavish ball instead of an informal gathering. Jonathan shifted at my side, clearly uncomfortable with his surroundings, and I couldn’t really blame him. This was nothing like I had expected, and I hated walking into a situation where it was painfully obvious that I was entirely out of my league.

  “You’re here!” Aria greeted us warmly, and I had never been more grateful for our teammate’s familiar smile. “It’s probably more than you expected,” she continued, clearly amused by our reactions. “I was the same way, but you get used to it.”

  Jonathan snorted from next to me, and I couldn’t resist cracking a smile because Alex was glaring at my boyfriend as if he had personally offended him. “It’s beautiful,” Nicole said. “I love the atmosphere.”

  The crowd suddenly shifted, but I didn’t pay any attention to the people passing through the room until they tried to catch Jonathan’s attention. Upon closer inspection, I realized that they were on Jonathan’s basketball team, which explained why they had received an invitation to Venir’s glorified dinner party. “I’m surprised Ethan pulled himself away from his girlfriend!” Beckett chuckled.

  “Are you guys hiding?” Ethan asked, disregarding all decorum as he skidded to a halt in front of my boyfriend. “I didn’t know Jonathan was coming! You’ve got to come hang out with us.”

  I rolled my eyes at his insistence. “It’s fine,” I muttered quietly to Jonathan, releasing his hand because my boyfriend clearly preferred a different kind of company. I watched him closely as he laughed and exchanged rushed introductions with Ethan’s much livelier group of friends.

  “Miss Starr,” Alex interrupted, drawing me back into the conversation. “I hope we aren’t boring you?”

  “She can come sit with me,” Chrystian inserted decisively, and I startled when his voice reached me from the adjoining foyer. I turned around to confront him, but Chrystian didn’t seem perturbed. “What do you think, Brynn?”

  “I guess I don’t mind,” I agreed hesitantly, accepting Chrystian’s outstretched hand for guidance as he wordlessly led us into one of the private rooms branching off to the side. It was inhabited by much quieter company enjoying intimate discussions, glasses of liquid champagne glistening on their lips.

  “You don’t have to drink,” Chrystian said, waving off a waiter dressed impeccably in a black tuxedo before dragging me down onto an empty chaise lounge. “I hope your sisters don’t mind,” Chrystian continued, relaxing against the cushions. “I feel like I want to be selfish with your time.”

  “Oh,” I said, suddenly flustered. “Did you want to talk to me?”

  “I like your conversation,” he said. “I have a feeling that you’re curious about something.”

  I decided that there was no advantage in lying to Chrystian. “You invited me to the airport the other day,” I said carefully. “Who did you meet?”

  Chrystian considered me with the same thoughtfulness in which I was often the recipient. “Just an old friend. I hope you’ll get to meet her soon.”

  “Really?” I asked, trying not to sound too invasive. “How long have you known each other?”

  “A long time,” Chrystian said. “We were close as children.”

  “Just friends?”

  “You make it sound like you’re curious, Brynn.” Chrystian sighed with a smile flitting across his lips. “It’s obvious that you already know.”

  My cheeks reddened at his comment. “I’m sorry.”

  “Please don’t apologize,” Chrystian said. “I’m flattered that you’re so interested in me, but Isabella and I have a very complicated relationship.”

  I carefully gauged my reaction, despising the taste of jealousy. “Are you still together?”

  Chrystian cleared his throat as if the answer was difficult. “It’s always hard.”

  “You don’t know?” I chuckled. “The way Alex talked-”

  “And what did Alex say?” Chrystian cut me off with an icy tone, and I was afraid of the anger that was evident in the tension clenching his jaw.

  “Nothing!” I lied because I wasn’t sure that I liked this version of Chrystian, an unpleasant alternative from his usual reservation. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  Chrystian relaxed, exhaling softly. “I don’t usually lose my temper.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured him quickly. “I should’ve never brought it up.”

  “I don’t want you to blame yourself,” Chrystian said. “You’re not the one who I was angry with.”

  I swallowed hard, desperately trying to change the subject. “Have you been writing?”

  Chrystian sighed. “Your segue isn’t very subtle.”

  “I thought you might be uncomfortable.”

  Chrystian nodded, a distant look in his eyes as he started talking about our most recent class project. I nodded every so often, but I wasn’t as politely interested in our conversation as I appeared. Instead, I was taking the time to really study Chrystian in a rare moment of unmitigated access. I noticed that he sometimes seemed indifferent when he was talking about something that he really didn’t care about. However, I’m sure that he would rather mindlessly describe his future chapter introductions as opposed to this mysterious Isabella who I was already rapidly starting to dislike.

  “If I finish the project early,” I started, “you could be the first to read it.”

  Chrystian brightened at the suggestion. “I would like that.”

  “I haven’t gotten very far,” I admitted. “I always feel pressured under someone else’s deadlines.”

  “I usually do my best work,” Chrystian said. “But that’s more of my personality.”

  “It’s nice,” I told him. “I wish I was more organized.”

  “But I like the way you are, Brynn,” he said. “You know, the real reason I asked you to come with me the other day...” Chrystian abruptly trailed off, body tensing as he glared over my shoulder. “I figured that you had already claimed an empty bedroom, Alex.”

  I trembled at the mention of his name, refusing to turn around. “I’m not in the mood tonight.” Alex’s raspy voice answered before a hand fell on top of my shoulder. “Besides, I really wanted to dance with Brynn.”

  Chrystian was glaring, eyes narrowed into thin slits. “Brynn and I were talking.”

  “Oh?” Alex snickered. “I’m sure it can wait. Besides, I’ve already made my song request.”

  I shivered at the proceeding silence.

  “Well?” Alex prodded, and I realized that they were both waiting for my response.

  “I don’t know!” I shrugged helplessly, stuck between a desire to stay next to Chrystian and a peculiar insistence to take Alex’s coa
xing hand.

  “I’ll make the decision easier for you.” Alex grinned, snatching my arm unceremoniously before pulling me along behind him. “I hope you can dance, Miss Starr.”

  “Alex,” I whined, struggling against his hold.

  I turned around to look for Chrystian, but he was no longer there. “Relax, Miss Starr,” Alex said. We paused at the edge of a makeshift dance floor, and a heavy presence of my Arlington classmates sent a wave of claustrophobia that stiffened my legs to a complete halt. “Don’t be shy,” Alex said, tone surprisingly gentle as he ushered me forward.

  “I don’t like this,” I admitted, hesitantly timid when he grabbed me around my waist to encourage me even closer.

  “I’ll do all the work,” he said with a clear smile, bright eyes mischievous.

  That familiar look was enough to pull me back from the precipice. “Don’t try anything funny,” I warned him, adjusting his hold around my waist as we moved with the synchronized couples surrounding us.

  “Why don’t you trust me?” Alex asked with an airy tone, but the look of disappointment in his eyes revealed a new dimension to his arrogant facade.

  “You haven’t proven yourself to be very trustworthy.”

  “I’m insulted!” He gasped, spinning us around with an elegance that was completely out of place with the way I stumbled in my heels.

  “Slow down,” I hissed at him and Alex acquiesced, leading us further into the array of dancers who were far better equipped to handle this intricate ceremony.

  “Now, tell me, Miss Starr,” Alex said, bringing us to a gentle sway back and forth. “Your conversation with Chrystian. Was it interesting?”

  I frowned. “Why do you want to know?”

  “Oh, I like to know everything about you,” Alex said. “The two of you seemed...comfortable.”

  “We were talking about Isabella.”

  Alex’s eyes widened before he carefully schooled his expression. “Do you mean Chrystian’s girlfriend?”


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