Soul's Survivor

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Soul's Survivor Page 11

by Navi' Robins

  Shit, I wanted some pussy too. I can’t go out like a minute man, but this woman is breaking a brother down with the swiftness.

  Now, gripping him in her hand, she slowly began to pull him closer to her mouth—and then a moment-ruining knock echoed on his door. The sound seemed to jolt the two hot lovers out of their world of lust and crash-landed them back into reality. Daniel quickly pulled himself from Ayana’s hand and placed it back in his pants, trying to fix himself and appear normal. Ayana threw her legs over the side of the desk like a stuntwoman, and once on the other side of the desk, sat down in the chair. She was still without her boots, leaving them on the left side of Daniel’s desk. They were in plain view of whoever was going to walk in the office, and with the winter temperatures outside, the shoeless woman in the chair would be a dead giveaway of what was happening behind the closed door in the doctor’s office.

  She tried to get back up and reach for them, but Daniel was already inviting the cock-blocking knocker in, so she sat back down and placed her hand over her face. She was silently praying it was Timothy because he would understand. Anyone else might make an issue of it. They both felt like children caught by their parents making out in the basement as Dr. Kohlman walked into Daniel’s office.

  “Wow, it’s much warmer in your office than the rest of the wing. Do you have a personal heater going?” Dr. Kohlman asked while staring at Ayana, sitting in the chair.

  “No, I think it’s because my office door is closed, keeping out the unwanted draft,” Daniel replied, while blankly staring at him.

  “Oh, so, that explains your visitor taking off her boots in your office. Must be too hot for footwear, huh?”

  “Must be,” Daniel replied, still staring at the doctor as if he were an unwanted bug on the wall. Ayana could feel the tension building between the two men, and she wanted to divert a disaster. So, she smiled brightly and extended her hand, introducing herself warmly.

  “Hi, my name is Ayana, and you must be Dr. Kohlman. Dr. Bennett speaks highly of you.”

  “As any person of color should of their superiors,” Dr. Kohlman responded coldly, refusing to shake her hand. He turned his back to her and moved toward the left side of Daniel’s desk, trying to sneak a peek to see if the doctor was in a compromising state . . . namely, with his pants undone or off completely. Seeing what he was trying to do, Daniel immediately inquired what he needed, momentarily stopping him in his tracks and giving Daniel the time he needed to zip up his pants.

  “Oh, right! I almost forgot why I came here. It’s just so hot and steamy in this room. It’s messing up my concentration.”

  “Well, if it’s affecting you that much, you could leave and email me what you need,” Daniel responded sarcastically.

  After hearing his response, Dr. Kohlman took a step back while folding his arms. Shaking his head slightly, he stared at Daniel like a stranger and not the man he’s worked with for years.

  “Well, someone’s in an unusually defiant mood today.”

  Ayana, now beside herself with anger, sat there listening to Dr. Kohlman’s remarks and his apparent lack of respect for her man. She wanted to say something—anything to shut the doctor’s bigoted mouth, but she knew she had to keep quiet and let Daniel handle him. Nevertheless, it was getting harder each passing second Dr. Kohlman continued to open his mouth.

  “This isn’t defiance. It’s an annoyance, Doctor. I was trying to have a private moment with my girlfriend while I ate. I understand you need something, but you’ve been here for over two minutes, and you still haven’t said what it is you want. Very annoying . . . very.”

  “Oh! Oh! I’m sorry for doing my job as head doctor of this wing! I thought I was supposed to check in on the doctors that work under me. Excuse my professional intrusion.”

  “I don’t work under you. I work with you.”

  “That’s not accurate, but I’m not here to argue. I’m here to let you know that I will be taking the next couple of weeks off.”

  “Wait a minute. That’s the holiday season right during Thanksgiving. You know ICU is overwhelmed every year during this time.”

  “Exactly, and I refuse to work tirelessly for leeches and welfare offspring that don’t know how not to kill themselves or each other. I refuse to spend my holiday covered in their blood. The very thought of it makes me want to puke—right in these nice furry boots.”

  That was the last straw. Ayana was done. She couldn’t take the doctor’s putrid comments any longer, and to threaten to throw up in her favorite boots was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  This asshole has to be gay or never knew his mama because someone should’ve warned him never to threaten a woman’s shoes. Ever!

  “Throw up in my shoes, and you’ll be covered in your own blood, Doctor Dipshit!”

  Her proud, African accent startled Dr. Kohlman, and he suddenly became afraid to look at Ayana directly. He turned to Daniel, the man he’s grown accustomed to accepting his behavior without protest. He felt comfortable with Daniel and his lack of initiative to correct his racist comments. Therefore, instead of addressing the aggressive black woman in the chair, he decided to go after the docile black man at the desk.

  “I think you need to teach your friend her place, Doctor. She’s not in Africa anymore. This is America, and we have order and a way of doing things, and we don’t allow that kind of behavior.”

  Daniel looked at Dr. Kohlman, shaking his head. He wanted to snap, but he knew it would only fuel the stereotypes that Dr. Kohlman clung so tightly to that made him feel superior. Although everything about Daniel concerning his education and results far exceeded Dr. Kohlman’s, he still felt like he was a better doctor and a better man. Daniel decided it was time to wake the doctor up from his Matrixlike slumber.

  “Listen, Doc, aside from you clearly violating several workplace harassment laws, you have also violated this hospital’s rules and regulations concerning time off and reporting that time. Oh, don’t look so surprised. Yeah, I checked, and you haven’t reported any of the days you took off this year, hoping to cash in on those days next year at the end of February. Now, that could land you not only in the unemployment line but also in a police lineup. I wouldn’t be so confident in your so-called superior position here. You are only employed here because I allow it. However, after your disrespectful manner toward my woman, those days are over. Concerning those two weeks you plan on taking off? Denied! You don’t have any days left to take off, so I’d better see your racist, redneck ass in the ICU every fucking day during the holiday season, or you are done here. Are we clear?”

  Dr. Kohlman’s arrogant demeanor had now transformed into that of a meek field mouse. His usual upright stance was now slouched and sloppy, and he looked down at the floor in embarrassment. He had no idea that Dr. Bennett had the smarts to double-check his time off allocations during the year, and he felt that even though he only mentioned this year, he feared Dr. Bennett has been tracking him for much longer. That would mean tens of thousands of dollars of overpayments of falsely reported time sheets coming to light. He decided against challenging him further and started walking out of his office. Daniel, not satisfied, stopped Dr. Kohlman and demanded he apologize to Ayana.

  It took every ounce of dignity he had, but the doctor apologized to her and quickly exited Daniel’s office before he demanded more from him. As soon as he was gone, Ayana rushed to the door, locking it and turning off the lights, determined to finish what they started, this time, without interruptions . . .

  Chapter 15

  Hide and Peek

  Ayana watched the reflection of the moving lights of the city on the ceiling of Daniel’s penthouse, breathing deeply with her arms outstretched on either side of her naked body. The ambient light of the busy city illuminated the silhouette of the two lovers enjoying each other on the leather couch in Daniel’s living room. The house was still and silent besides the slurping and licking sounds of Daniel on his knees, and his head buried deep between her t
highs while she wrapped her legs around his neck as she sat on the edge of the couch. The events earlier in his office only fueled their fire for more, and he decided to leave the hospital early to continue what they started in his office after he put Dr. Kohlman in his place.

  Listening to Daniel aggressively break the racist doctor down while defending her honor made her so hot for him that she couldn’t take it anymore and had to have him right then and there, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Now, back in his penthouse, she was feeling his warm tongue exploring her drenched and excited flower, consuming her as if he were starving.

  Damn, boy!

  Scratching and pulling on the leather, she tried to brace herself each time he took her clitoris between his full lips, sucking and licking it vigorously. The sensations made her bite her bottom lip and curl her toes, trying to receive the intense pleasure his experienced mouth was giving her. Suddenly, she heard a low and intense buzzing sound and immediately felt the doctor plunge his tongue deep inside of her while taking the vibrating and lubricated bullet and placing it firmly on her clit. The double sensation caused her to lift her back off the couch screaming, while frantically grappling for anything to brace herself for the coming orgasm of life-changing proportions. The nerves on her back and inner thighs sprang alive and began shooting supercharged sensations of pleasure throughout her entire body. Her eyes were bulging and her mouth wide open as Daniel continued to make love to her with his tongue while using the vibrator to stimulate her already aroused pearl of pleasure.

  She could barely breathe as she kept clawing and pulling on the leather with her back still elevated off the couch, making it difficult for the doctor to delve his tongue deeper inside of her. In a single and aggressive motion, Daniel reached up, grabbed her hips, and forcefully pulled her back down, giving himself a better angle to push his tongue deeper inside of her. She instantly felt his tongue reaching deeper, exploring her walls. Ayana broke free of her self-control, and her arms started swinging wildly as she began making high-pitched coughing sounds. Undeterred by her wild and shocking reactions, Daniel continued his assault with his tongue and vibrator while holding her down firmly on the couch. Soon, the pleasure became too much for her, and she reached down, trying to push his head back and remove his hand holding the rapidly vibrating naughtiness that was sending her over the climatic edge. Daniel refused to stop. Instead, he tensed his neck and arm so that she couldn’t overpower him.

  Hell naw . . . You taking this orgasm. Ain’t no escaping now.

  After trying several times without success, she flung her hands up in frustration as she let out a high-pitched scream. She was coming, and it was going to be a massive one. She felt the orgasm start from the back of her neck, slowly creeping down her sweaty back. It then began vibrating between her breasts, circling her erect nipples, and as if it had a mind of its own, it moved down to her belly button before rushing down to her center, expanding down her legs.

  “Danny! Oh my God!”

  The orgasm sent a tsunami of pleasure through her and out toward Daniel’s welcoming mouth. She felt as if she’d just wet herself as the orgasm continued, shaking her entire body like a grand mal seizure. Her leg muscles were trembling and twitching uncontrollably as her body jumped and jerked on the couch. Her eyes rolled inside her head. She seemed completely lost inside herself as the orgasm continued to intensify and lasted longer than any she’d ever thought possible. Slowly removing his tongue from inside of her while opening her legs, Daniel firmly, yet carefully, inserted his rock-hard muscle deep inside of her. Ayana immediately reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck, biting him on the shoulder as she was feeling the grooves and veins of his rod rubbing against her spot as he slid inside of her while she continued to come.

  “Oh my God, you are going to send me to the crazy house, baby,” Ayana breathlessly whispered in his ear.

  Smiling and not saying a word, he started stroking her deeply and slowly. The sensation caused her to dig her nails into his back . . .

  * * *

  In a dark hotel room directly across the street from Dr. Bennett’s building stood a large man in the window, viewing through a big pair of binoculars with a mischievous grin on his face. He’d been watching the two lovers for about an hour, licking his lips while periodically groping himself, growing more aroused as the pair continued making love. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, snatching him away from his entertainment. Grunting in disappointment, he quickly reached for it sitting on the window’s ledge. Looking at the screen, he rolled his eyes and answered the call.

  “Is this line secure?” the deep and commanding voice inquired on the other end.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, what have you found out about the good doctor? Anything we can use against him?”

  “I couldn’t find anything to blackmail the doctor until I discovered something much better than a bribe or threat. Something we can use to ruin the UN’s plan to prosecute you.”

  “And what’s that, Satu?”


  “Ayana? How the hell is she going to help keep him from testifying? She and Meagan are the ones running this circus, and if they can convince him to testify, I’m done. How deep is he in with her?”

  Balls deep, Satu amusedly thought to himself. “Very deep, sir. She’s living with him at the moment,” Satu replied.

  “Really? Now that is interesting,” Kronte responded with satisfaction. “Listen, we only have one shot at this, so you know what you have to do. Don’t fuck this up, Satu. If we play our cards right, the doctor will no longer be a problem for us, and without his testimony, they have to release me.”

  “Exactly, sir, I’ll get right on it.”

  “Good work, Soldier, very good work.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  * * *

  Ayana awoke the following morning, greeted by an empty bed and a blizzard raging through the city. She stared blankly outside, watching as the angry winds rattled and shook the massive floor-to-ceiling bedroom windows. The buildings outside were being blanketed by frozen white powder with such force and intensity that it appeared as if the weight of the snow would soon cause the buildings to lean. The longer Ayana watched the blizzard bombard the city, the more she was thankful to be inside Daniel’s warm and cozy condo. After lying there a few more minutes, she decided to get out of bed and begin her day. She had so much on her mind this morning after a life-changing night of lovemaking with “Doctor Feel Great.” There was so much she needed to tell him, but she needed to be careful because Daniel’s mental and emotional state was still very fragile, and she didn’t want him to relapse.

  Throwing her bare legs over the bed, she immediately felt her muscles protest at the sudden movements. She was still weak after Doctor Feel Great pushed her body to its limits, and she felt light-headed and dehydrated.

  What did he do to me?

  Bracing herself to stand up, she was interrupted by the ring tone of her cell phone. Ayana moaned as she reached over to the nightstand to look at the front screen of her cell.

  Damn, she thought as the contact photo of Meagan glared back at her. Ayana had been avoiding her calls over the past few days, but she felt a call this early in the morning meant something serious. She accepted her call while clearing her throat.

  “Hey, girl!”

  “Don’t ‘hey, girl’ me! Ayana, where have you been? I’ve been trying to get in contact with you since Tuesday.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy with the doctor this week. It’s been nonstop with him all week,” Ayana responded while covering her mouth, trying to hold in a giggle. She felt like she was lying and at the same time, telling a naughty truth.

  “Well, I hope with all that ‘nonstopping,’ you are closer to getting the doctor to agree to testify. The trial is months away, and I need confirmation soon.”

  “I’ll step up my efforts and work him harder until he says yes. I’m sure I can bang him into submission.”

p; This time she couldn’t hold in her laughter, and she flopped facedown on the bed, laughing into the sheets.

  “What the fuck? ‘Bang him into submission’? What kind of therapy are you giving him, Ayana?”

  Still laughing, Ayana tried to speak into the phone, but she couldn’t, and she decided to let Meagan yell, “Hello!” repeatedly while she tried to pull herself together. After gaining her composure, Ayana placed the phone back to her ear.

  “Ayana, what’s going on down there in Chicago?” Meagan asked with deep concern in her voice.

  “I’m sorry, Meagan. I dropped the phone under the bed. Like I was saying, I will double my efforts to get Dr. Bennett to commit to testifying. Is that why you called? You needed an update?”

  “Actually, no. We have another emergency that I can’t discuss on the phone. I need you back in New York ASAP.”

  Meagan’s words seemed to send the outside frigid winds blowing right up Ayana’s spine. The last thing on her mind was going outside in that madness and leaving Daniel. She thought about using some excuse to try to keep her in Chicago but decided against it. Meagan seemed very agitated and desperate. Also, Ayana knew that whenever they couldn’t discuss a situation over the phone, it meant a security breach was suspected. So she inhaled deeply and braced herself for a long day.

  “What are my travel options?”

  “A flight leaves this afternoon. I need you on it.”

  “Meagan, have you seen the weather report here? There is a serious storm blowing through here. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave today.”

  “You’re right. Okay, no problem. But I need you on the first flight once that storm blows over.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know once I confirm my flight plans.”

  After hanging up, Ayana flopped down on the bed and began screaming into the mattress . . .

  * * *

  Later that evening, Ayana and Daniel discussed her return to New York. Daniel was just as disappointed as Ayana that she had to leave, but he understood she still had other obligations. Ayana was concerned that Daniel might have another attack while she was gone, but he assured her he would be fine. Somehow, deep inside, he believed that he would, and he decided to turn the tables and pamper Ayana before she left for New York. The weather was still horrible outside, but he braved the tundra that had become the city of Chicago and went to the local market to get the essentials he needed for what he was planning that evening. Ayana’s eyes lit up like fireworks as she watched him walk through the door, hands filled with bags of groceries and other items.


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