Dark Bargain (Kayla McQueen Book 2)

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Dark Bargain (Kayla McQueen Book 2) Page 7

by brett hicks

  She pulled her long blonde hair from her face and tied it back with a silky black ribbon.

  “They held me, and they fit me with a silver halo which blocked off my powers. They brutalized me with magic, weapons and their hands. Then, they moved to what they truly wished for when I would not cave to them, they took me by force for years. I was their slave, their pet on display—a show to all the sects that they could even tame the famed McQueen girl.”

  I gasped and I blinked tears from my eyes, but I fought the urge to hug her, because I could tell that was not what she needed right now. So, I listened to her story.

  “I learned how to control the blood in my veins and I overpowered the guards when they came to deliver my meal. I used my own blood as my weapon to kill them and I managed to get the halo free, but not before I was permanently damaged internally. We are Immortal and nearly any wounds will heal, but that halo prevented a lot of my power and my regeneration, so, for the next five hundred years, I was barren. My reproductive system was damaged greatly from my time with the witch dyamphyr twins. I managed to syphon off enough of my power to protect your mother when I fell pregnant by some miracle.”

  “The magic used to save a life by supernatural means has a permanent backlash on the user, mom taught me that first.”

  Joan nodded and said, “She does not know what I sacrificed to bring her into this world, Kayla, nor do I wish for you to share any of this with her.”

  I furrowed my brow and said, “Then, why are you telling me all of this now?”

  “Many reasons, but first among them is to confess something no one knew. I first feared your birth, considering the only other half-breeds of witch and vampire combination were ruthless, I did craft the seals on you and the coven made me include the death spell as a failsafe. What no one knows is, I met you by chance when you were five Kayla. You recognized me as blood kin and we played together in the largest park in the Quarter. I saw the light inside you and the genuine kindness, so I broke the death spell just enough that it would appear to be there, but it would not activate on your eighteenth birthday.”

  I blinked rapidly and said, “Huh, you, you, undid your own spell on me?”

  Joan nodded and said, “I knew your mother would break you free of my magic one day, but I wanted you to learn to control your dyamphyr side, before you had access to your witch magic. I believed that if you gained all your powers in waves, then you stood a better chance of remaining the pure hearted girl I saw in the park. For all the sins I have committed in my very long life, Kayla, I swear to you that distancing myself from you and Jenny, was always designed to benefit you both in the long run.”

  “Why, don’t you tell mom about all of this? She would understand, even if she threw a million hissy fits before she actually caved in!”

  Joan actually chuckled and said, “Oh, my dear Jenifer McQueen, she is much more than I could have ever hoped for,” Joan looked up through watering eyes and said, “As are you Kayla McQueen, you are the light of hope in our lives. None of the sects could begin to imagine how many lives you will come to save one day.”

  Tilting my head to the right in confusion, I said, “What does that mean?”

  Joan shook her head and her light blonde ponytail bounced in time with her motions.

  “It is not for one to know their future too good child. Just know that you can come to this old Baba anytime you want to.”

  I just nodded and she clapped her hands together in excitement and pointed to an old thick oak desk with many old books, an alter and grimoires spread out on it.

  “Come, we can talk more of all these current issues, while you have your first ice magic lessons. I brought out all my old books and records of the last ice elemental McQueen.”

  So, I spent my afternoon being instructed in rituals and active spells and incantations on using and controlling my element. Mom was clearly a genius, but Joan was able to explain magic to me, in ways that made more sense to me.

  Chapter: 11

  After a surprisingly decent afternoon with my grandma, I was now sitting in my favorite sub joint. Jon was across from me and he was scowling deeply, I could sense and scent his nerves about our pending meeting. Jon rarely let on that he was not a sup, but his nerves about confronting an older vampire were clearly human in nature. The natural fears and anxieties of a prey walking into the predator’s den willingly. My vampire side was still well sated for now, but his emotions were delicious to a twisted part of my thirst.

  I must have been staring at him too long, because he said, “Kayla, what’s on your mind? You don’t typically stare at people for very long.”

  Damn you and your skills of observation Jon!

  I absently scratch my neck and give him a slightly sheepish smile and say, “Sorry, just a girl, vampire thing… a girl-pire thing?” The weakening of my tone at the end left even me confused about my meaning. Jon raised one thick dark brow in confusion and his lips twitched, he was trying not to smile at me now. I could see the beginnings of the dimples forming and I was already excited, those dimples were the best part of my days or nights.

  “Never mind chérie, sorry to put you on the spot like that,” his tone was soft and his rich, deep voice caressed my ears like a lover’s embrace. Jon has always been sweet to me, he never pushed me if it was not about our job. Jon was one of those guys who looks like trouble, but has a form of chivalry that most believe went extinct with the dinosaurs.

  My phone buzzed, interrupting the unscheduled swooning session and I plucked it from my pants pocket and read the screen.

  Just whistle if you need wolves at your back, love always, Sally.

  I smiled and my heart felt warmer now, it was not new to me, but still strange to me all at once–Sally’s fierce loving loyalty and friendship. Jon gave me a questioning look and I held the phone so he could read the text. A ghost of a smile played on his face and his dimples creased. Thank you Sally!

  “Sally is a fierce friend to you chérie, you are very lucky to have her.”

  I nodded and said, “Yeah, except when she gets all wolfy and rolls on my bed as a prank. You should try getting werewolf stench out of your mattress!”

  Jon blinked slowly and said, “I am afraid I would not notice the scent like you would.”

  I pat his hand with my right hand and said, “Trust me, be thankful for your very human limits at moments like that. God, it is just terrible when she goes into heat and I am around, I am not looking forward to that assault on my sense of smell again anytime soon.”

  Jon shifted, slightly uncomfortably in his chair and I gave him another sheepish smile, sometimes I forget that what is normal to me, is weird to humans.

  “It’s about time we get rolling Detective Divichi,” I sounded formal and slightly lame in the process, but Jon only nodded and I laid my money on the check before he could. He looked slightly bothered, but kept it to himself like the good southern gentleman he was.


  The docks had not changed since the last time I was here in the fall. I could still smell the trace scent of Mr. Early’s blood and my own on the old cracked concerti and stone. Lone weeds were growing up through the cracks along the stone and concerti ground. Rotting, abandoned cargo boxes were left strewn about, as they were the last time I was here. No ships had used this dock bay in years now and the only activity this dock received now, was unofficial sup visits.

  The strawberry haired, slight woman stood in plain view and studied the broken docks with profound interest. She had her back to their car, which stopped about twenty feet from her now. She did not bother to turn, or confirm that Kayla had only brought Jon with her.

  Finally, she turned slowly, gracefully, in her sleek Victorian number, which was as pale blue as her eyes. She smiled sweetly, much like she had the last time I had seen her. She nodded respectfully and said, “Thank you both for agreeing to my request, I hope it shall be informative for us all.”

  I nodded, no need to be overly rude yet. Bella d
id not have any vampires around, I would have scented them, or felt them with my growing magic. She did not fear me, but I noticed that she held the slightest edge of caution for me.

  “No problem, Bella of London, this is Detective Jon Divichi of the NOPD.”

  Bella moved fluidly past me and extended her gentle, fragile looking hand to Jon and said, “Lovely to meet you, well properly this time anyway. Have you been taking good care of our little dyamphyr detective?”

  His eyes beamed with intrigue and curiosity, but Jon took her hand and said, “Bella of London, nice to meet you too, I try to take care of all my friends.”

  Bella shrugged, slightly disappointed with his answer and she looked back to me and said, “Dear child, I warned you that you would have trouble, but I fear that James of Wales has been up to worse deeds than, even I could predict.”

  I arched an eyebrow and said, “Care to elaborate on that?”

  She nodded and said, “I would advise you find him soon little dyamphyr, he is playing with ancient powers, things even I would rather not see come back to this world.”

  “What is he doing with the sorcerer he is allied with?”

  She shrugged and said, “There are several possibilities as to what a soul stealer could do with the powers they are sucking from your dead witches. I have seen this before, but it has been over a thousand years now, so forgive me if my memory is a little vague on these matters.”

  Jon said, “What is it you want in return for your aid?”

  Bella smiled and pride shown in her expression to Jon’s perceptive nature and she said, “I will help you overthrow the king and his heir, if you will back myself as a legitimate sect leader. It is far past time for a vampire with a vision to bring our sect into the fold and under the laws of man, don’t you agree detectives?”

  I furrowed my brow and said, “I’m not a detective, just an officer of the law.”

  “Yet, but we both know that is where your heart is, no?”

  “Why do we need your help Bella, we could take down the sect leaders on our own.”

  Bella laughed and she clutched her stomach and said, “Oh, you are so young little dyamphyr, one so young and new to their magic, could not defeat the king.”

  She moved in a blur of motion and my eyes were already silver and my fangs descended now. I did not think, I just formed an icy short sword and blue magic pulsed off the blade of razor sharp ice. I parried her attack, she held an ancient Claymore and I parried high right, then back stepped and parried high left and kicked at her.

  She smiled and pride shown in her eyes and some level of surprise, like she did not expect so much from me yet. She seemed to suddenly feel like the gravity had been cut up to ten and my legs groaned in complaint, then I felt an invisible wall throw my clear eighteen feet, into a stack of old wooden crates.


  I pushed forth the icy wings of my magic and it cloaked me and she was behind me now. I pivoted in time and her next blow missed, then I sliced into her left shoulder as we passed by one another. I felt the power of her magic, nearly oppressive to me, I could keep it at bay, but then she started to sling rocks and debris at me and then I felt the iron hand of an invisible force slam me into he pavement and hold me there.

  I heard Jon shouting commands at her and I could not see him, but I had no doubt he had drawn his gun on her now. Bella raised her hands and she let go of me, much how I had forced Jaden into submission earlier.

  “Easy, I was just proving my point to our young dyamphyr here. If she faces a master vampire as she is now, it will be the death of her. I will admit, you are the first to manage to wound me in some time child, you are much more powerful than I ever hoped you to be.”

  I stood up, not too gracefully and coughed and whipped my bloody lip on the back of my hand now. I was still furious, I had not been handled so perfectly by anyone, ever. It was humbling, and humiliating at the same time.

  “You might be able to take James, since he is like you, new to the master class powers, but you cannot handle his father. I attacked you to show you the gap in the training you currently have child. You shall require a proper teacher if you hope to finish what you have set in motion now.”

  I glared at Bella and my blood was boiling over with fury.

  “So, we just have to trust you and make vampires a legit sect and in return, you mentor me?”

  Bella nodded and said, “Aye, that would be the extent of it, though I would prefer to be friends at some point child.”

  Jon stepped forward and looked me over and said, “Chérie, are you ok?”

  I nodded and said, “Yeah, just at the wrong end of the stick this time.”

  “I shall await your answer, take it to your superiors and take this with you,” She threw a thumb drive to Jon.

  He waved it at her and said, “What is this?”

  “Just the current vampire safe houses and the location of the blood court. I even marked every rotating location you can find James of Wales, that is for Kayla here.”

  I blinked a few times and I studied her, as if for the first time and said, “You’re serious, you really want to end the old ways?”

  She sighed and she has shown me an image of what looked like a young woman fighting off Roman Centurions. She has shown me the burning villages of the old country and the red capped invaders from the Roman legions.

  She has shown me the gut wound she sustained to save her siblings and then, as she lay dying, the old vampire who found her.

  She has shown me the centuries spent in the night, the blood, the thirst and then the peace that she found once more. I could feel her conviction, her determination.

  “Just think about it Kayla McQueen, we need not be cross with one another. I have spent over two thousand years on this planet and I have no desire to see any more senseless death. Vampires will never cease to exist, but you can at least have allies among them, whom share your compassion for human life.”

  I nodded, but did not trust my voice to work properly yet. I had just seen flashes of two thousand years of life, hardships, wars, death and blood. I have never thought that vampires could be decent, but I felt something for Bella, like she was not lying about her intentions.

  Jon spoke for us both and said, “We will get back to you, I will have Kayla call you once we have an answer for you.”

  Bella nodded and said, “Good night children, fare thee well,” She was gone in the next moment, her speed was nearly imperceptible, even to my eyes.

  I looked at Jon and he scratched his head and he came over to me and studied my slightly battered appearance.

  “Have you ever fought a vampire that strong chérie?”

  I shook my head and said, “I honestly did not know they could grow that strong, if she is telling the truth, then I very well could be slaughtered by the king.”

  Jon nodded and looked at the thumb drive and said, “Let us confirm the information on this and then we can go from there Kayla.”

  I nodded and followed my partner back to my little Civic and we shot off to the 8th precinct like a silver Honda bat out of hell.

  Chapter: 12

  After I was back at the station, I quickly downed one of my juice, bottles of type A and grumbled to myself. My wounds were healing quickly, but my pride was another matter all its own. Bella had made a very impactful point, pun intended.

  She had been able to subdue my speed with the oppressive power of her aura alone. I could break free of its grip, but I did not seem capable of using my magic freely and defending myself from the strength of her aura’s onslaught. My mind played through the events of the battle over and over, as if on repeat in my mind.

  Jon was looking over Ben’s shoulder, waiting for a verdict on some of the information. He seemed equally on edge now, but I was not sure if it was due to my ass-kicking, or the need to act on vampire nests. Cops jump at the chance to clear out nests of vampires, in fact, only the blood court ever seems to fortify enough to withstand a heavy police as

  My mind kept replaying the fight in my head again, that little redheaded master vampire was like a force of nature! My stomach burned, as the wounds closed, neatly knitting themselves shut, one by one.

  “Eureka!” Ben exclaimed loudly, flailing his hands in the air. I looked at him in puzzled amusement, momentarily distracted from the burning pain running through my body.

  “Ok, so we do not want to tip them that we are scouting their locations, but we want to know if they are indeed there.”

  Everyone nodded, almost simultaneously, as did I. Jon gestured for Ben to continue and he cleared his throat, nodded and then began to speak again.

  “Right, well, I modified one of the mice sized bomb detection drones—that is a Mole-E; for the record. It was re-programed to comb the block in question with thermal scans. About two blocks from the McQueen Coven’s main community, there is an abandoned factory building. The Mole-E picked up humanoid shapes with core temperatures averaging twenty degrees below living human normal.”

  “So, this is definitely a nest?” Jon’s inquisitive, but excited Cajun accent thickened as he spoke now. His Cajun seemed to come out in full force when he was very emotional, in any way.

  “If ever a nest there was, this is one.” Ben said quickly and excitedly. I snorted a laugh, his abuse of ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ was so ridiculous that you could not help but laugh. Ben was rarely overly serious, since he was just a mellow fellow by nature.


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