Dark Bargain (Kayla McQueen Book 2)

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Dark Bargain (Kayla McQueen Book 2) Page 12

by brett hicks


  ‘She does not even know who it is she is to meet? Joan McQueen, I would have expected much more of you.’

  The voice, or whisper, or whatever it was, was low, like a feminine hiss. She, it, or whatever it was, was nowhere to be seen. I looked, trying to find the source of the voice and I felt a chuckle behind me.

  I spun and my dagger bit into what should have been flesh, but it passed straight through and the figure dissolved into black shadows.

  “Interesting reflexes little dyamphyr, but sadly, you cannot kill what cannot die.”

  I turned back around and she was standing before us, right next to my grandma. She ran her shadowy finger of Joan’s cheek and said, “Pity about the scar child, you were always the most beautiful lesser being I ever met.”

  I practically hissed at her, “Who are you?”

  Her deep, dark, purple eyes connected with mine and her catty smile widened. Her voids, maws of darkness that she called eyes, shown a light twinkle of amusement in their depths.

  “Seraphina, meet Kayla McQueen, my granddaughter.”

  Her pale features became visible to my night vision now. She was pasty white, with thick black lips, it did not appear to be makeup either. She had a tone, but compact frame. She had a single curved blade strapped across her back and two small daggers at her waist. Her inky black hair flowed to her butt.

  Seraphina stalked over to me, slowly and deadlier than anything—anyone—I had ever met. I knew in some primal portion of my mind, she could kill me, she could and she very well might do it. I readied myself and I held my dagger at the ready. Nothing inside me trusted this being to approach me.

  “Kayla, stop it!” Joan roared at me.

  “Interesting, you would fight the abyss Kayla McQueen?”

  The hairs on my neck rose, the way she said it, I knew she was being literal. I pushed down my raising fears and I steeled myself and I let my magic unfold around me, the beautiful, glistening icy wings manifest visibly this time, not just metaphysically. I summoned orbs of fire around myself, fire and ice, contradictory, but I had a feeling this bitch did not like the light.

  She pulled back and then disappeared into misty shadows. I was not stupid enough to think I had accomplished anything. Suddenly, my fire magic stopped humming in my veins and I twisted, just narrowly missing the blade aimed at my chest. I slashed with my dagger, tracing the motion, but again, I bit only the misty shadows, no flesh was scored.

  I focused, feeling the lack of anything, then I realized that was the only magic signature these beings seemed to leak. I felt the void, as it drew closer, I withdrew, I took a leap back, but then I felt it disappear, then reappear behind me.

  She’s toying with me!

  ‘Of course, I am little dyamphyr. The abyss is ever the huntress, ever the reaper of souls. What you resist is death itself child!’

  I felt her disappear again and I called my ice magic up and I raised one hand and sucked all the moisture from the floor up and spikes of razor sharp freezing, solid ice shot forth all around me. I hear a surprised hiss and she locked eyes with me.

  “This one is beyond anything you lesser beings have ever shown me. She may live, I have decided I like her.”

  The dark purple eyes narrowed and she licked the small, closing wound on her forearm.

  “I have not been touched by a lesser being in over five-thousand-years. I almost forgot what my own blood tasted like Kayla McQueen.”

  I shrugged and nonchalantly said, “A girl has to aim to please.”

  She nodded, she did not seem affected by my sarcasm at all. The other pale figures looked at me with disdain and shock. Seraphina must have read my mind, because she waved around and said, “Behold, your sisters, or soon they shall be.”

  I waved lamely to them, unsure of the protocol here.

  The others hissed, like a pack of cats. Their eyes were fused with the same purple, some energy it seemed. I could see the magic more clearly now, it was black, there were shades of deep purples that also radiated in the color.

  “Shadow magic, am I right?”

  Bella chuckled and nodded vigorously to me. Seraphina narrowed her eyes to slits at Bella and said, “What are you doing here little vampire? Why have you entered my domain?”

  Bella shrugged and said, “Just thought I would tag along, take in the sights and all that, yeah?”

  Joan shot her a look and then me, “You two, stop provoking her!”

  “Mistress, let us rid you of these!” One of the raven-haired beauties stepped forward. Her short sword in her right hand, ready to leap into action.

  “No Kimi, that little one would destroy you, she is far too perceptive for her own good.”

  I blinked rapidly and said, “Oh, thanks, I think?”

  “Leave us Joan McQueen, and take that vampire with you, lest I decide the abyss should claim her here and now!”

  Joan nodded and spared me one last look, mouthing, “Good luck.”

  The spiraling pool we had entered closed behind her. The others came closer to me, like huntresses stalking their prey. I realized there were no men, these were witches, female witches.

  “No man may enter my realm dyamphyr. This is the home of the abyss.”

  I nodded and said, “Right, shadow magic and men don’t mix, check.”

  The one she called Kimi hissed at me and said, “This is not just shadow magic you abomination!”

  I tilted my head to the side in my confusion and said, “But my abominable eyes tell me it is shadow magic.”

  “This is Abyss you mongrel! How can you tolerate this creature Mistress?!”

  Seraphina shrugged fluidly and said, “Her rebellious nature amuses me. Besides, I have never felt a lesser being this powerful before, she will remain.”

  The finality of her words cut off all protests from the others.

  “Get her a room made up, she starts her path into the abyss tonight children.”

  They all said, “Mistress,” in a chorus. Their voices were full of worship and adoration to the woman. I could feel her power, or what she was showing of it, I was not sure where it started, or where it ended. Her power was as vast as the cosmos of the universe.

  “Enter my domain Kayla McQueen.”

  I nodded and added, “Just Kayla, please, the whole last name thing is kind of annoying.”

  Kimi hissed again and I spared her an annoyed look and she dispersed into shadows, vanishing from my sight.


  Slivers of purple glowed over what looked like candles. I walked into the dimly lit temple. It was a massive construct, something that looked like a Japanese monastery. Long bamboo walls ran in each direction, leading to openings in three directions. The main room we had stopped in had a massive silver image, it depicted a partially formed woman, half shadow and half humanoid. Twin purple gems shone in her eyes, I did not need to ask who the image represented.

  Great, the world is going to shit and I am shipped off to a damn cult!

  ‘They worship me, but they are no mindless zealots dyamphyr.’

  Thanks, just when I was beginning to forget you could barge into my thoughts!

  ‘There is no hiding from the abyss child.’

  Her voice was a low hiss in my mind, or maybe a shrill whisper, it was hard to describe, but I did not feel like she was angry, more like she was educating me.

  “Tell me, what has brought one of my daughters to me this time.”


  “She means, she wants to know what has happened in your world. Why you seek the power of the mighty abyss.”

  “Hey, I did not know I was seeking the abyss, mighty or otherwise. My grandma told me that there was only one counter to the magic Jaden is using.”

  Kimi hissed, reappearing next to me, “She speaks of the void.”

  I hopped to the side quickly and my hand tightened on my dagger.

  “Can you people stop doing that please!”

  Kimi was about to say so
mething, but Seraphina held up her right hand and said, “So the one you call Jaden, has taken up my sister’s magic.”

  I nodded and said, “I am guessing that we are probably talking about the same thing. It is some corrosive magic, it eats through everything I throw at her.”

  Kimi raised a brow and said, “You survived an encounter with the void?”

  I shrugged and said, “Well, I got my ass kicked, but I am still breathing.”

  “Show me, open your mind and start thinking of all the events that lead you to my door.”

  I nodded, she was already able to read my thoughts, at least this would save time.


  Seraphina hissed like a cat and said, “Void has returned to her world again.”

  Kimi stepped forward and said, “Mistress, please, just send me, I will rid you of this scourge. You can just cull the girl, she is worthless to us!”

  “No Kimi, that is not the way of things, balance must maintain! One of hers has taken up consort with my sister, so she must be willing to make an equal trade. If the rules are broken, then we risk letting Her free upon Earth! At least she is contained in her own dimension!”

  I raised my hand and said, “Ah, excuse me, who is this she?”

  “You would know her as Lucifer.”

  “You mean the fucking devil?!”

  A loud, roaring laugh thundered through the bamboo clad hall and Seraphina looked at me with deep amusement playing in her eyes.

  “The way she speaks of my sister, I have never heard such contempt and utter callous disregard! Tell me Kimi, do you not see her value to us?”

  Kimi shrugged and said, “She may do as you please Mistress, perhaps I was mistaken.”

  I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at Kimi, she seemed ready and willing to stick me with a short sword as it was.

  “If she is the devil, then what are you? You don’t look like angels—fallen or otherwise.”

  Seraphina sighed and said, “I am a transcended being, my kind once walked your world, but my sisters here,” She gestured around her and more shadowy figures appeared. They poofed into the room, like thick, shadowy smoke.

  “Transcended, you mean…”

  “Not limited to corporeal form little dyamphyr.” Kimi answered, her annoyance with me was evident in her tone.

  “So, Jaden took help or power from another transcended being, how am I doing now?”

  Kimi nodded and said, “That is exactly what she has done, though her price is not cheap, I have little doubt of that.”

  “What price?”

  “The price for power little dyamphyr.”

  Seraphina stepped forward and extended her hand to me. Her purple voids glowed brighter, lighting the dim room.

  “Take my hand Kayla McQueen. Take my hand and you shall be fused with the powers of partial transcendence, the same as your enemy.”

  I reached my hand out and I touched hers, knowing well that I would probably never be able to use fire again, nor use my glamor magic.

  Her skin was soft, lukewarm to the touch, like a vampire. She enveloped us in the shadows and everything fell away. She looked into my mind—into my heart—and she saw the many memories of my life. She feasted upon the many emotions these memories elicited in me.

  The shadows parted and she watched me as I killed my first vampire as a pre-teen.

  “Impressive, so very young, yet so very deadly. You shall make a nice addition to my sisters.”

  “What does that mean?” My tone gave away the mistrust I held for her.

  “Nothing is free child, you shall reap those whom the abyss has willed to be claimed.”

  My eyes went wide and I said, “I am not your assassin!”

  Her eyes narrowed a fraction and she said, “Such a vile word for reaping those who are damned. You are not reaping the innocent Kayla McQueen.”

  “I am not going to kill for you, end of story. If that is the price, then I was not informed of it, so I am leaving.”

  I turned my back on her and began to walk away.


  I slowly turned around and she gave me a patient smile.

  “One soul and one memory from your heart, you will probably love the soul I have already picked for you. The abyss is calling his name even now.”

  I licked my lips and said, “What memory?”

  “Not your mother, or your grandmother, nor even your silly little wolf-girl. I will not speak of anything beyond that, not until you agree. Take it or leave it.”

  I closed my eyes and thought of what she was offering. According to her, my grandmother and an ancient vampire, this was the only path I had left to me. I sighed, letting out a long gusty breath.

  When my eyes opened again, I was standing in front of my former TO Mike. Her raspy voice spoke into my ear, as if she spoke directly through the breeze.

  “This is the soul you must harvest for me.”

  Mike was bulky and thick as ever, but something was different, he smelled…

  “Grave musk…”

  “What are you doing here!” He hissed.

  Yep, Vampire.

  ‘He betrayed you for this reward Kayla. He sold out the savior of his own kind.’


  ‘Think about it, Jaden is working with a master class vampire. She would be able to brook such an agreement.’

  He hates vampires!

  ‘He is weak, human, frail, and he fears death. Kill him, kill him and you shall have the power you need to save your city.’

  I’m not an assassin!

  ‘One crooked vampire Kayla, one!’

  So help me god…

  Mike jabbed at me, but I batted his fist away with ease. My body felt as light as it ever had, if not more. I jabbed him in the nose, then kicked at his knee joint and he staggered back.

  “How could you betray me—betray everything—for what?!”

  He sneered and said, “What would you know about being human in this world bitch?!”

  I spun and my heel of my right foot caught on his jaw and he slammed into the wall. I had my silver and cold steel blade buried in his chest before he could register what had happened. I shot my ice magic through his body, freezing it rapidly and shattering it on the floor.

  Before I could fully process what I had just done, I was back into the abyss. Darkness shrouded me in all directions and Seraphina chuckled and clutched something that gleamed with a darkened light in her left palm. Something inside me recognized it as Mike, his soul.

  What have I done?

  ‘Now, the memory…’

  She reached into my mind and I was transported to a cold September night. The body of a young woman lay before me in a shotgun style house. She had bite wounds on her neck and her arms. She had been feasted upon by multiple vampires. I saw me, the me from the fall. My blonde hair held the streaks of blue dyed into them. Jon walked in and he pulled me into the back yard.

  The scene changed, next I was looking back at Jon, as I held a dagger to the human familiar in front of the tomb, the one I met Bella at.

  Next, I was on the dance floor and I watched as Jon came up behind me and began to dance closely with me. I still remembered the feeling of his closeness, still remembered that first time—the first intimate contact I ever had with a man.

  My mind flew through every memory I had of Jon. It stopped at the cave entrance, right after he kissed me goodbye.

  “No, anything but this! NEVER!”

  “It’s already over child.”

  I closed my eyes and two hot tears streamed down my cheeks and I hit the floor. My thump caused a stir of everyone in the room around me. I heard my name being called, but I could only hear the laughter of Seraphina in my head, and then I passed out from shock.


  I popped up and I was immediately on red alert. Some man had his arms wrapped around my waist. I leapt free from the bed and hissed like a pure-blood vampire. I snapped my eyes to the tan man with the hazel eyes. His
dark hair was short cropped and he was saying my name.

  “Kayla, chérie, what’s wrong?”

  I hissed at him, “Who the hell are you?! Why the hell were you touching me like that?! I am not that kind of girl man! I should fucking kill you!”

  Someone crashed into the room and I felt hot, slender hands restrain me.

  “Kay, honey, why the hell are you about to kill Jon?”

  I looked over and I blew a long breath of relief. Sally had a concerned look in her beautiful green eyes and her red-orange hair was now cut short. When I saw her this afternoon, she had long red hair, as she always did.

  “Sally! Thank god! I woke up with some strange guy touching me, like near my pantie line and everything!”

  Sally looked confused and she said, “Kay, that is Jon…”

  She pointed to the dark Cajun looking guy, he was well sculpted and very delicious to look at, but I did not know this man! Why did my best friend think that he had a right to invade my personal space?! No man has ever touched me!

  “Sally, I don’t know this guy, is this one of your sick ass werewolf jokes? Cause this is not fucking funny!”

  Sally shook her head and said, “Kayla! This is your fucking boyfriend, what the hell happened to you!? Sniff the fucking air, you can still smell the stale ass sex left in the air from last month!”


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