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Unwritten Page 8

by Lauren Runow

  Both yelling, “Time,” as we run through the door, dropping the ball to the floor as I pick Allison up, swinging her around and kiss her in excitement of our win.

  Allison laughs at my kiss, “Wow, that’s the first time I got a kiss after winning a workout. I could get used to this.”

  I laugh, just as shocked as she was that I kissed her in celebration.

  After our stretch and cool down we head out walking toward my car. “Hop in, I’ll give you a ride home,” I offer.

  She does and we drive to her place discussing the workout, Allison teasing me again about dropping the ball and I can’t help but laugh.

  I park in front of her house and she hops out. “Thanks for coming with me and for the ride home. See you later tonight?”

  I smile, “Till then…”

  I head home and after showering, I review my notes on Jacquelyn to refresh my memory of who she even is:

  She’s married but wants more. Her husband just wants to fuck and doesn’t pay any attention to her needs. She misses the romance and wants to feel sexy again.

  Oh yeah, how could I forget? She’s the first woman I was with after I met Allison.

  Ok, I can’t think like that. I still have a job to do. This is my job. I do it well. Focus. Fuck and get out of there… hopefully in one piece. I’ll grab her some flowers or something. That always wins them over and will make my job that much easier.

  This time we’re meeting at her house in the hills above San Rafael. Her husband is gone and she’s booked me all week so this better go ok or I’m in for one hell of a week.

  Pulling up to her driveway, I’m met by a huge ornate wrought iron gate with a stone wall on either side. Clicking in the code I was given, the gates open and I drive up her long driveway to her palatial home.

  I’m used to my clients having money but the size of this place is insane. It has to be over 15,000 sq feet and huge stone pillars line the front of the house. A carport sticks out in front offering a cover for my car as I pull up to the front of the house.

  I look myself in the mirror and watch as my eyes glaze over. I feel like I did the first time I was with a client. All business.

  I put on a face, changed who I was and became Mr. Ashley for whoever wanted me. I feel like I’m right back there again. Pretending to be someone I’m not only this time, it’s for a different reason and I don’t know how I feel about that.

  Grabbing a bouquet of flowers from the front seat, I walk up to the door and am greeted by an eager Jacquelyn who opens the door before I can even knock.

  “Oh, you brought me flowers!” Her eyes light up. “Please come in.”

  I walk through the door to a huge open foyer with a grand staircase wrapping around the edge of the room. Jacquelyn grabs the flowers from me and instantly wraps her arms around me, kissing me hard and dropping the flowers to the floor.

  I’m shocked by her attack and it takes a minute before I can get in the groove and return her ferocity. I’m not used to being the one attacked and I must admit, it’s exactly what I need to get me in the mood and become Mr. Ashley.

  Once I gain control back, I walk her to the staircase, lie her down while kissing her neck and unbuttoning her blouse. The intensity between us is unreal and I know Charlie no longer exists in my head, only Mr. Ashley.

  I unzip my pants, pull up her skirt and slam myself inside her for a brief second before pulling back, totally freaked out that I would try to fuck her without a condom on.

  I know I’m trying to be someone else but I need to remember the basics and not lose myself completely.

  I pull a condom out of my pocket, slip it on and thrust into her again with the same intensity.

  This time she moans even louder as I pound myself into her as hard and as fast as I can. It only takes a minute or so and I can feel her climaxing, exploding around me screaming my name, “Mr. Ashley!” with the end of my name fading off her lips as she’s frozen in sexual heaven.

  A few more pumps and I release inside her, dropping on top of her, trying to catch my breath.

  We lie together, both reeling from the moment and trying to calm down from our intense session.

  Leaning back to look at her face to face, I whisper, “Well, hello, Ms. Sanders. It’s good to see you, too,” planting a small kiss on her lips.

  She blushes as I pull out of her and sit next to her on the stairs. Both of us are still dressed and my cock is sticking out of the hole from my zipper. Looking down, I laugh at the sight and pull the condom off. “Where should I put this?”

  She laughs, pulling herself to sit upright, “The bathroom’s right around the corner there,” she answers in a giddy daze.

  I walk into the bathroom, flush the condom and return while zipping up my pants. “So, do I get to make you lunch or was this a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am’ appointment?” I offer my hand to help her up off the stairs, pulling her into me.

  “Oh, I’m not through with you yet. Lunch would be good though,” she replies.

  “Well then. Point me to the kitchen. I have work to do,” I wink at her.

  “Follow me, sir.”

  We walk into an enormous kitchen with lavish granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and every doodad a kitchen could possibly offer. I enjoy cooking and always offer that as part of my services. It’s nice to cook for someone else since I’m always alone at home.

  Opening the fridge I see salmon and raw spinach. “How does a spinach salad with salmon sound, love?”

  Jacquelyn goes scarlet, I’m sure because I just called her love and I regret it as soon as I say it. I’m used to just saying anything that comes to mind to turn females on and not caring about the outcome, I just want them to be happy so they rebook with me, but for some reason it felt gross saying it to her.

  She smiles a devious smile – which makes me regret it even more – before replying, “That sounds lovely. Shall I pour us some wine? How does Twomey Estate Sauvignon Blanc sound?”


  I put the oven to broil and douse the salmon with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.

  “Looking good…” Jacquelyn says eyeing me softly but I get the feeling she’s not talking about the food.

  I look up and wink at her with my cocky Mr. Ashley smile as I begin to prep the salad.

  Jacquelyn leans back on her barstool and I can tell she’s enjoying the view by an almost creepy smile that won’t leave her face. That same look used to turn me on from clients but there’s something different in her eyes that is rubbing me the wrong way. Or maybe it’s just this whole act I’m doing that’s rubbing me the wrong way? I try not to think about it while I continue to prepare our salads.

  “Shall we sit?” I question, holding up both prepared salads ready to be eaten.

  We walk over to the dining room table and start in on our food. With each bite, I can tell Jacquelyn is trying her hardest to be as seductive as possible while licking her lips, moving her fork out very slowly, moaning slightly and making sure I’m watching.

  “Hmmm… It’s so good…” she whispers.

  I watch, amused by her efforts and decide to play along, encouraging her little game, only because it’s making me laugh on the inside.

  As I stand up to clear away our plates, I lean in and whisper in her ear, “And for dessert, how about some strawberries and whip cream?” I kiss her cheek tenderly and I hear a heavy sigh leave her lips.

  I walk away and can tell that Jacquelyn watches me the entire way so I turn around to give her a little wink. When I return I’m carrying a bowl of strawberries and a container of spray whip cream. I hold them up, smiling my cocky smile as I seductively walk toward her.

  “You’ve already seduced me once today, now it’s my turn.” I sway over standing behind her, kissing her neck. “Turn around and sit on the table,” I command.

  She quickly does as she’s told.

  “Open your legs.” I step in between her open legs and pull her close to me, wrapping her
legs around my waist. “Now, close your eyes.”

  She gives me one last long look and slowly closes her eyes, and I see her face glowing with excitement.

  I spray some whip cream in the bowl and pick a strawberry up, bringing it to her mouth. “Lick this,” I seductively whisper and she does.

  “Umm…” she licks her lips and opens her eyes.

  “Do I have to blind fold you, Ms. Sanders? Please do as you’re told and keep your eyes closed,” my voice is sincere but demanding. I don’t want to look in her eyes, so if I play a game where she has to keep them closed I can disconnect from what’s happening and just do my job.

  She quickly shuts her eyes, giggling to herself as she tries to sound serious. “No Sir, Mr. Ashley.”

  I grab another strawberry and the can of whip cream, “Open your mouth.”

  She does and I place a small slice of a strawberry in her mouth then spray a drop of whip cream on top. Before she shuts her mouth I lean in and lick the whip cream. My lips barely brush hers and she moans from the touch.

  Holding the whip cream up, I tilt her head to the side and spray whip cream on her neck, slowly licking it all up.

  “Hmm, so sweet. I’d like to taste more of you. Lay down.” I clean off the rest of the table and she lies down on her back, keeping her legs wrapped around me.

  Gradually, I slip off her skirt and panties and spray whip cream over her clit, teasingly licking it up. The whip cream is all gone and now I’m skillfully moving my tongue around, taking her higher and higher. I suck her clit into my mouth, thrusting two fingers into her saying, “Cum for me baby.”

  As on cue, Jacquelyn erupts from the inside as her legs tighten around my neck and I feel her pussy pulse around my fingers. “Yeah. Sweet as ever.” I pause, looking up to her. “Can you handle more?”

  In a daze she peaks up to me standing before her and I want to laugh at the look on her face. Yup, Mr. Ashley is in full affect and damn, I am that good.

  She can’t even get words out but just shakes her head yes and I smile, loving that I have that much power over someone.

  An arrogant smile comes over my face as I wrap my arms under her, picking her up. She shrieks as I walk her to the couch, kissing her along the way, mainly just so I don’t have to look at her. It totally sucks, but hey, it works.

  I unbutton my shirt and remove my pants. Slipping a condom on, looking at her to ensure she’s ok, then lie on top of her, entering her as slowly as I can.

  It’s tantalizing, even for me. She moans and I can tell it’s in pure appreciation.

  I continue pumping slowly, teasing her until she’s a begging mess under me and I’m loving the power I have with my body.

  I can feel her body tense as I pick up my speed making her explode around me for the third time tonight as I join her with my own release.

  We lay wrapped in each other, enjoying our high before I kiss her lips softly and slowly pull out. I start to dress as Jacquelyn lies still on the couch with a silly grin on her face.

  I smirk at my job well done, “Hmmm, you look good and fucked. Was that good for you?” I laugh, knowing the answer already.

  She just beams and shakes her head, completely dazzled from her multiple orgasms. “Job well done, Mr. Ashley. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. That was amazing. Definitely the best time I’ve had in awhile.” I say it because it’s the only thing I can think of. I mean, it was ok. I came, which felt good but I’m left feeling like something’s missing.

  Jacquelyn blushes giving me that creepy look again. “Couldn’t have said it better myself. Did you want to stay for a little longer?”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I have to go. I will be back tomorrow though. Same time? Will you wait for me naked, right here, on your knees?”

  She shyly responds, “As you wish, Mr. Ashley.”

  “Till tomorrow...” I lean in and kiss her one last time before walking out the door, thankful my job is over, at least for the night.

  I pull up to Allison’s house right at six and look in the mirror, questioning myself. Why am I doing this? After everything I did today, what I do everyday. This is so wrong. Tonight is it. I have to end it tonight.

  I get out of the car and knock on her door. After a minute, she answers wearing the same outfit I first saw her in, the black Unwritten Law shirt with the red bra straps showing through and the tight jeans with holes in just the right places. My mouth tightens as I feel my cock throb in my pants. Fuck. Do you have to look so hot?

  “Hello there. Thanks for going with me,” she shyly looks me in the eye and I’m done. My mind is an absolute mess over this girl, not to mention my body. I already came twice today and all I can think about is sliding into her, only her.

  I push the thought away and nonchalantly reply, “Wouldn’t miss it,” as I walk over to open the car door.

  I turn on the car and Mike Will Made It 23 blares through the radio. She smiles at me nodding her head to the beat and my chest literally aches at how beautiful she is.

  “I just have to get gas before we get on the freeway. How was your day?” I ask pulling into traffic, trying to keep the conversation light so I don’t screw up and confess my love for her right then and there.

  “Pretty non-eventful. School then I played in the dark room developing photos. How about you?”

  I fucked a woman I barely know, making her cum three times and got paid $5,000 to do it… Ugh, she would jump out of the car right now if she only knew. “Not much myself. Just work.” At least I’m not lying…

  After getting gas we head toward the Bay Bridge. The drive is half an hour or so and, for the most part, we’re pretty quiet except polite talk about the weather and school.

  I’m so nervous and have no clue what to talk about all of a sudden. I’m afraid if I open my mouth I will say something completely stupid, or even worse, completely truthful and I can’t figure out which is more terrifying.

  The traffic is slow entering into the Pavilion and I pay to park in a VIP section, getting us closer to the entrance so we don’t have to climb a large hill to enter the concert. I saw those sexy red bottom heels she was wearing so I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

  The Concord Pavilion is a smaller venue than the other venues in the area. It’s surrounded by dry grass hills, looking like it’s cut out of the hillside.

  We enter the pavilion and suddenly I feel really old. There are a lot of teenyboppers here and we both laugh as we look around. The t-shirt line wraps around the corner but the alcohol booth has no one in line.

  “So there’s an up-side to being the oldest people here,” I laugh pointing to the empty booth. “Want a drink?” After the long cumbersome drive, I know a drink is exactly what I need.

  “Please!” she pleads so fast and I can tell she’s obviously in need like I am.

  It breaks my heart a little knowing she felt just as awkward in the car as I did. But I wonder why she felt that way. I know why I felt that way, but does she have something she’s hiding like I am? The thought almost brings me to my knees. I really don’t know much about this girl. Just that I’m falling – or should I say – I’ve fallen for her hard but I know I can’t and I have to end it. Does she feel the same way? Does she want to end it? Ok, now I can’t even breathe.

  The opening act has already started as we find our seats. We sit in yet another awkward silence, sipping our drinks and nodding our heads to the band. After finishing our drinks, I pop up, anxious to break the odd mood between us, “Stay here, I’ll get us more drinks.”

  Allison frowns and I feel my heart breaking in two as she answers, “Oh, ok. Thank you.”

  When I return, I laugh as I see the huge electronic billboard on stage that’s displaying the game Pong. “Wow, do you think any of these kids even know what that is supposed to represent on stage?” I ask laughing.

  She laughs, “I know, right. At least we’re closer in age to the band. Thanks for the drink.”

  “Of course, baby,�
� I reply sweetly as the pavilion goes dark and the band begins.

  Allison jumps up in excitement and starts to dance and sing along. I’m enjoying the show but not as much as her. She’s completely enthralled in the music, enjoying every song, singing, dancing and clapping loudly. I’m enjoying just watching her, and how much fun she’s having. I can’t help the silly grin on my face and I’m caught admiring her when she turns to look at me just as Misery Business comes on.

  She jumps up and down, grabbing me by my arms, screaming “Ahhh, I love this song!”

  I laugh at her reaction and stand back to watch her sing at the top of her lungs, dancing even harder than before. I’m in complete awe of her careless display of joy and childish dancing for one of her favorite bands.

  The next song is a slow song and everyone holds up their phones displaying lights and I’m reminded of my earlier concert days at the pavilion where everyone held up lighters and it brings me back to a happy time with my parents. They used to take me here when I was little.

  My mom loved going to concerts and I still have a guitar pick I got when we sat front row at a Heart concert and Nancy Wilson walked over to hand it to me. She’s one of the reasons I started playing guitar in the first place. Seeing her up close like that, having so much fun, dancing around the stage was one of my best childhood memories.

  Allison turns to look at me in a shy acknowledgment of the love song being played but quickly turns away and stays standing, swaying to the music.

  I listen to the words of The Only Exception and it’s like they’re singing straight to me, and my heart literally starts to ache.

  I look at her and for once, listen only to my heart, grabbing her softly, turning her around and kissing her without even waiting for her permission.

  This kiss is totally different from any other kiss I’ve ever given and for once, I feel like I’m putty in this girl’s hands. My lips start to quiver and I know they show all the need from deep within me that I’ve been holding onto for years.

  At first I kiss her with my lips closed, holding her close, pressing my lips upon hers. But now I can’t help myself. I open my mouth like I’m allowing her into my life, my world. In that moment, we’re alone in the pavilion, lost in a kiss that shakes me to my core.


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