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Unwritten Page 10

by Lauren Runow


  “Charlie,” her breath hard, in need, “I need you. Come back over.”

  My heart sinks in an instance, “I can’t.”

  Her tone changes, lost, “Please, I need you inside me.”

  “Trust me Allison, I want to be inside you. I want to feel your breath on me while I move in and out, taking your body.”

  She pauses and I’m afraid she’s going to end our little game. “Charlie, I want you. God, I need you. But not like this.”

  “I’m sorry. I just…”

  “I know,” I can tell she’s trying to be supportive but I’ve gone too far. “I just want our first time this intimate to be real. I want to feel you like I feel your kiss. Deep inside, making my world turn upside down. I don’t want you to hear me cum, I want you to make me cum.”

  “I’m sorry. Ok, till then…”

  There’s a long pause on the phone, both of us silent for a few minutes as our breathing calms down.

  Allison breaks the silence, “If you want to come over, the invite stands. Good night, Charlie.”

  And that’s it. She hangs up, not waiting for my reply. I throw my phone down, frustrated with myself for being such a pussy and still hard as hell. I won’t touch myself though. It’s my punishment to myself and I must deal with it.

  I’m back at Slim’s getting thrown around in the mosh pit to the sounds of Unwritten Law playing loudly. Everyone has sweat dripping down their faces and I’m getting tossed around like a rag doll, bumping people hard. I take a big blow to the right pushing me into a crowd that’s not involved in the pit. Before I turn to jump back in, someone grabs my arm, stopping me.

  Looking back, I see Allison and suddenly we’re all alone. She reaches toward me, kissing me, wrapping her hands around my head and running her fingers through my hair. I grab her tightly and kiss her back, making my body erupt as I’m awakened from my dream in a cold sweat, sitting straight up.


  I fall back down on the bed in exhaustion. Why couldn’t I just have met her back then? When things were normal. Because she wouldn’t have liked me then either, I had nothing.

  I turn over in frustration, grabbing the covers and pulling them back over my head.

  When I finally wake up, I know I have to do anything in my power to just forget about her. I can’t do this and last night proved it, loud and clear. I decide to run to the gym to burn off extra steam.

  When I arrive I’m greeted by the other CrossFitters who call out my name as I walk in. My mood lightens at the normalcy of this and I laugh as it always reminds me of the show Cheers and everyone shouting, “Norm!” These people have become my friends, kind of like a family, and I need their camaraderie now more than ever before.

  I begin on the rowing machine just as Fall Out Boy My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark plays over the gym speakers. Focusing on the words as I pull fiercer with each stride. Fuck. If she only knew what I did in the dark. I truly am the devil…

  My heart aches more as I finish the row and walk to the board to see the WOD is ten rounds today.

  “It looks easy but man, it’s always the non-assuming ones that get you,” Paul says as he’s walking toward me.

  “Yeah, ten rounds, that’s no joke. Have you gone yet?”

  “No, I’m about to go, you in?”

  I clap my hands, rubbing them together, “Let’s do this.”

  “You guys ready?” Andy yells out once we’re set up and we nod yes. “Three, two, one – Go!”

  I go through the movements as fast as I can, falling to the ground in exhaustion after yelling, “Time!” I can barely catch my breath as I finish a full two rounds before Paul.

  “Damn, Charlie,” Paul can barely make out the words through his heavy breathing. “You’re in beast mode today.”

  I just laugh. You have no idea.

  After showering, I head to Jacquelyn’s for our appointment. The drive is mind-numbing and I hate having this much time to think. I blast the radio, trying to get lost in the music, flipping through the stations trying to find just the right song to pull me out of my funk.

  Frustrated with the selection on the radio, I connect my phone and click the iTunes music ap. Scrolling through I see the perfect song, Three Days Grace Riot. It always gets me going, so I turn it up loud, singing the words that feel like they set me free.

  Next the Unwritten Law song, Rescue Me, comes on and I quickly change it. Oh, hell no. Not now.

  Finally, I arrive at her mansion and hop out of the car. The door is cracked open and I walk in announcing, “Hello…? Have you followed my instructions, Ms. Sanders?”

  There’s no reply and I walk in further, finding her sitting exactly where I said, naked and trying to hide the smile on her face as she looks down at her hands.

  My whole demeanor changes, as I become someone else, a Dominant, gazing at my submissive. Just focusing on the task at hand, trying to play the role.

  “Job well done. You’ve made me very happy. Sitting there naked like my very own sex goddess is making me hard.”

  I watch as Jacquelyn’s body melts at my confession and I walk over looking down at her, placing my finger under her chin to tilt her head up to me. “Hmmm… What to do with my own sex goddess…?” I tease. “Shall I fuck you here? Shall I fuck you there? Shall I make you cum all over this house?” I pause, just for the effect. “There are rules though that you must follow or I will punish you.” She nods and I continue. “Rule number one, you can’t look me in the eye. I am your Dominant, you’re my Submissive and you don’t break that rule.”

  That’s why I told her to wait for me like this. I don’t want to look in her eyes at all and this way I’m not avoiding it, it’s merely part of the role. Plus, I brought a mask to make sure of it, just incase she didn’t play so well.

  “Rule number two, you do as I ask and refer to me as either Sir or Master. You follow these simple rules and I’ll reward you by making this the best experience of your life.”

  I can tell it’s almost too much for Jacquelyn to take and she reaches up for me. “Not so fast, Ms. Sanders. You have to do as your told or I will punish you.” Jacquelyn’s breathing intensifies which fuels my game even more

  I pull out some handcuffs from my back pocket. “Now stand up and turn around so I can restrain you.”

  Jacquelyn’s eyes grow big with excitement as she timidly stands up and turns around.

  I secure her arms behind her, locking the handcuffs in place, then remove a hair tie from my pocket and start to run my fingers through her hair, pulling it all together as one ponytail and securing it with the tie. Tugging lightly to make sure it is secure, I pull her head back. “This I like. I may need something to hold on to,” I whisper in her ear as I pull her head back even further and move my other hand to her breast, pulling at her nipple and teasing it with my fingers as it hardens to my touch.

  Her body trembles and she can’t hide it. “I see you like this so far.” I pause, biting her ear. “But not yet baby. You can’t cum until I give you permission to do so.”

  “But I need you inside me, Sir,” she begs.

  Ok, so she’s going to play this game correctly, nice. “In due time my love, in due time. We’ve only just begun. Why rush things. We have all afternoon.”

  From my other back pocket, I pull out an eye mask and hold it in front of her face. “I think you’ve seen enough for now.” And so have I… I slip the eye mask over her face and cover her eyes.

  I tug at her handcuffs. “I’m going to walk you to the arm of the couch. I want you to lay over it, leaving your feet on the ground and your beautiful ass in the air.”

  She does as she’s told and I walk toward the kitchen opening the freezer, getting a piece of ice, and sticking it in my mouth before holding it out to her. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” I demand. “Now lick it.”

  She complies and I watch her body shiver at the surprise from the cold.

  Walking behi
nd her, I place the ice cube on her bare ass, moving it around. It melts instantly on her hot body. “Well, well…you are hot Ms. Sanders.”

  I try to surprise her and without warning, take my free hand and slap her ass – hard. She screams at the intense feeling as I rub ice over the same area. Then I do it again, harder this time. Then a third time and Jacquelyn screams again in pain but I can tell from her reaction that it’s also in pleasure.

  I lean down and start to lick the iced area moving toward her pussy. Skillfully, I lick her slick folds and tease her clit by barely touching it with the tip of my tongue. She’s so wet and I can tell she’s enjoying our game.

  “You like this, don’t you? You’re deliciously wet. Do you want me to fuck you now or shall we play some more?”

  Jacquelyn tries to speak but just mumbles come out with her breath so hard and heavy. A smile comes over my face seeing how well I do my job.

  “We shall play some more then,” I say, taking my role-playing to a whole new level, really trying to become someone else and as of right now, it’s working.

  I undo one hand from the handcuff but leave the blindfold on. Leaning in, I whisper in her ear, “Follow me.”

  I open the door, heading out to her backyard and lead her to an outdoor couch laying her down and securing her wrist back in the handcuff while also fastening them to the arm of the couch above her head.

  “What an amazing submissive I have before me today. How did I get so lucky?”

  Jacquelyn’s face fills with a big smile as she answers, “It’s me who’s lucky, Sir.”

  She’s still blindfolded and I can tell the anticipation of waiting while I decide my next move makes her body arch up, reaching for my touch.

  I start at her feet, picking her left foot up, rubbing it with both hands before sticking her toe in my mouth, swirling my tongue around before I bite her softly. She arches up higher as I switch to the right foot with my tantalizing movements but this time I bite each individual toe. I can tell she likes it as she moans deeply in appreciation.

  “You like this don’t you, Ms. Sanders?” my voice very low and seductive. “Tell me what you think I should do next?”

  Her breathing is so heavy she’s panting and doesn’t speak.

  “Tell me or I will stop,” I demand.

  “Fuck me. Please, Sir. Fuck. Me. Now,” she pants between each word. “I need you inside me now, Sir.”

  I smirk at the affect I have on her and how she is literally begging for me. “As you wish.”

  I reach in my pocket and pull out a condom and remove my clothes. Slipping it on, I slide on top of her, forcing her legs apart as I slam inside her.

  She screams at the assault as I pull out and slam in even harder. I know the feeling is intense for her and she pulls on her arms that are still tied to the couch, trying to brace herself. I grip her hips, making sure she’s stable and continue to thrust in and out of her, fast and hard.

  Once I know she’s stable, I position myself up on my knees still thrusting inside her but also grabbing both of her nipples and rubbing them between my thumb and fingers. She moans, lifting her breasts up to me more and I pull, hard on each one as I watch her completely fall apart underneath me.

  The sound coming from her is unreal. She’s screaming and shaking with what I’m sure is the most intense orgasm that seems like it’s never ending, leaving her body convulsing around mine.

  “Cum for me. Cum hard for me,” I whisper in her ear, making her convulse even longer as I release myself.

  “That’s my girl,” I whisper in her ear as her orgasm diminishes and she’s frozen in sexual heaven and can barely move.

  I reach up, undo her handcuffs before heading back inside toward the bathroom to flush the condom. When I return, I see her laying in the same position with her arms by her side and a big smile on her face.

  I can’t help but laugh as I sit down beside her, “Did that please you?”

  “Oh, Mr. Ashley, please me is an understatement. That was amazing! Do you have to go so soon? I have a bottle of wine we can open.”

  I shrug, knowing I have nothing else to do today and really, I would do anything to keep my mind busy and not be home alone, tempted to call Allison so I agree, “Sure, why not. Shall I cook something for us?”

  “That would be delightful,” she says running her finger down my cheek and I’m not sure if staying is a good idea now.

  I’m back at Allison’s laying on her bed. She enters the room and sits alongside me running her fingers through my hair. I pull my legs up closer to my body like I’m trying to curl into the fetal position.

  Allison comforts me, leaning down to kiss my cheek, ensuring me, “It’s ok baby, I’m here to save you.”

  I turn to kiss her and see Jacquelyn’s face instead and suddenly every client I’ve ever had is in the room with me, all talking to each other about how good I fuck and that’s all I ever was, just a good fuck.

  A buzzing sound radiates through my head as I’m awakened by my alarm clock.

  Fuck me.

  My breathing intensifies as my head tries to mull over my dream. Mortified, I hop out of bed and head straight for another workout. It seems to be the only thing that truly keeps my mind at ease and I enjoy the company of my friends there.

  As I walk in Three Days Grace Animal I Have Become is blaring over the speakers and I just shake my head. Why does this keep happening to me? It’s like the songs I like are now mimicking my life as it talks about helping him believe that it’s not the real him.

  After my workout, I shower and get ready for yet another appointment with Jacquelyn. I’m sick to my stomach and want nothing more but to talk to Allison. I just don’t know what to say.

  I get an idea and search YouTube on my phone for the video to Blake Shelton Sure Be Cool If You Did.

  The video begins with a group of females driving for a girl’s night out, then a group of guys hanging out in a bar. Clicking on the link to share the video, I text it to Allison with no other words.

  After hitting send I feel my chest loosen, making it easier to breathe.

  A few minutes later, Allison texts back a simple red heart making me smile. Maybe I don’t have to use words. Just having this little contact lifts my spirits, helping me get throughout my day.

  I’m at my school’s darkroom developing photos, listening to my iPod. Holding up the negative, I can see the photo Charlie took of the two of us. A huge grin comes over my face as my heart melts from the sight.

  Putting it in the negative holder, I pop it into the machine and the photo of me displays through the light on the table below. Wow. He got in so close. I quickly move the negative over so the photo of the two of us kissing shines through.

  My friend, Tina, walks over looking over my shoulder at the photo. “What a great photo. Did he take that?”

  Taking the earbud out of my ear, I smile, “Thanks. Yeah, he did. Caught me totally off guard when he took it. It really did turn out good though, didn’t it?” I announce proudly.

  “Very sweet, Allie.” Tina goes back to her project leaving me admiring the photo and our kiss. My mind drifts back to that very moment and my heart fills with nothing but love.

  The next day I’m at CrossFit cooling down after the WOD when my phone dings with a text message. It’s another video link from Charlie with no other words.

  I smile, clicking on the link. The video starts to play showing two sexy models getting ready for a photo shoot. I scour my eyebrows, wondering why he would send me something like this, since it’s definitely not like the romantic song from yesterday.

  I look down to see what he sent me this time and read, Addicted by Saving Abel. I smirk. Oh really? Addicted huh?

  After listening to the entire song I laugh, texting back:

  Going down huh?

  I’m having lunch with Sonia the next day at Nob Hill Grille. It’s a narrow, rectangular place with a bar in the front and a dining room with a few tables in the back. They sit us
next to a floor to ceiling glass wall, overlooking the San Francisco street.

  “So, how have you been? How’s Charlie?” Sonia asks as we look over the menu.

  My face lights up. “He’s good. I haven’t seen him in a couple of days but he keeps texting me links to songs on YouTube.”

  Sonia looks at me with a puzzled look on her face. “Really, what songs? Does he say anything else?”

  “No, just the links. Here, I’ll show you.” I pull out my phone, clicking on the first link to Blake Shelton.

  “I love this song!” Sonia exclaims.

  “I know, me, too. So romantic, right? The next one was not as romantic but it made me laugh.”

  I play Addicted and Sonia nearly spits out her water when she hears the first words. “Wow, yeah, blunt much?” she laughs.

  “I know right? We haven’t even done anything, except kiss.”

  “Really, you guys haven’t…” she gives me a look with wide-open eyes insinuating what she means.

  “No, we haven’t. But oh man, his kiss.” I tremble at the thought. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt.”

  Sonia smiles, “Nice!”

  We listen to the rest of the song for any more clues as to why he’s doing this when my text goes off with another link. “It’s him!” I jump up in my seat, pulling my phone in close.

  I click the link and instantly recognize the acoustic guitar sounds and jump when I see Scott, the lead singer, “Ah, it’s Unwritten Law!” I look to Sonia beaming, “I love this song!”

  We sit and listen as the lyrics begin to Sing.

  “Wow Allison,” Sonia lets out a deep sigh, “this is hot. Maybe I should listen to this band more often.”

  I laugh, “I told you! It’s gets better, listen.”

  The song ends and I look up to Sonia, her eyes big with excitement as I confess, “Oh, I love him.” Then I clasp my hands over my mouth, shocked at what I just said.


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