Return Of The Queen: The Kurtherian Endgame™ Book Eight

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Return Of The Queen: The Kurtherian Endgame™ Book Eight Page 9

by Anderle, Michael

  John was smiling when his helmet retracted. “What’s up, kids?”

  “Gabriel is burning a hole in his brain trying to figure out why you two are fighting like a pile of crap,” Alexis replied. She shrugged at John’s pointed look. “What? I’m saying it like I see it; you two were slow to react. What gives?”

  “The armor takes some getting used to,” Gabrielle admitted with a rueful smile. “Learning to work with Sean speaking in my ear continuously has given me a new appreciation for Bethany Anne’s grip on her sanity.”

  John snorted. “That’s putting it mildly, but I think we’re making progress with the calibration.”

  “That’s true,” Gabrielle conceded. “I don’t think it will take too long for my version of Sean to learn to intuit my responses and act accordingly.”

  Gabriel sucked in a breath. “Ours has taken every hour Mom and Dad have given us.”

  “You have more time than us.” Gabrielle reactivated her helmet. “I’m happy to take my time with it. After all, we’ve got fifteen months to fill,” she told them with a wink as her faceplate closed.

  Alexis grinned. “Is that your final bet?”

  Gabrielle nodded. “It is.” She tapped John on the shoulder. “Did you get in on the pool yet?”

  John cracked a grin. “I got in there before any of the guys. Four hundred and forty-eight days.”

  Alexis pointed at John. “Brave of you to pin it down to a day. The calendar is filling up fast.”

  Bethany Anne walked into the APA and came over to the mats. “John, I need to take K’aia and Trey for a while.” She smiled at the twins. “You two as well.”

  John looked at K’aia and Trey and nodded toward Bethany Anne. “You heard the boss,” he told them. “Come find me when you’re done.”

  Alexis picked up speed to keep up with Bethany Anne as they walked in the direction of the small briefing room near the bridge. “What’s going on, Mom? We don’t have anything scheduled until we get to Onyx Station.”

  “Onyx Station is what I wanted to discuss,” Bethany Anne answered. She waited until the five of them were seated in the briefing room before elaborating. “Two days ago, a man committed suicide live on the public access channel. He was clearly suffering from a loss of his grip on reality.”

  Alexis spoke up. “Why would someone do that, and why are you telling us about it?”

  Bethany Anne had hesitated before discussing the assignment she had for the team with Michael. “You can see for yourselves,” she told them. “I’ve made the video available to you all.”

  All four watched Paul Jacobsen’s final moments in silence. Trey was first to speak when it was over. “This man believed he was doing an honorable thing.”

  Bethany Anne nodded, folding her hands on the table. “That’s my concern.”

  “Where did he get that photo?” Alexis asked. “More importantly, what if there are more Paul Jacobsens out there?”

  “I’ve got your grandfather working to resolve the first question,” Bethany Anne assured her. “However, the second is trickier to get to the bottom of. I want you four to go ahead to Onyx Station and help Nathan with the investigation. Speak with the widow and his friends and coworkers—anyone you can find who knew him. Find out if he had any new friends.”

  “We can do that,” Gabriel promised.

  Alexis, K’aia, and Trey agreed in unison.

  Bethany Anne nodded to each. “Get in touch with Nathan when you get there. Tell him you’re there to take the load off him so he can make sure there are no snags with the upgrade schedule. I’ve had the Gemini prepared so you can leave...” She looked at a non-existent watch before turning back to the four of them. “Why are you still here?” she asked, then cracked a small smile.

  They hugged before double-timing it to the hangar the QGE Gemini was currently berthed in.

  “She’s exactly how I remember her,” Trey exclaimed, staring in wonder at the shining blue curves of the Galactic Explorer-class ship’s two modules.

  “Minus the scorch mark where that Ooken ship got a direct hit on her,” K’aia pointed out, drawing a laugh from them all.

  “Let’s get going.” Gabriel put action to his recommendation as Gemini dropped the ramp for them to board.

  All four entered the mezzanine level of the bridge and headed for their stations out of habit, feeling various degrees of déjà vu.

  While this was the first time they had physically set foot aboard, they had traveled light-years and fought for their lives in the gameworld version of this very room.

  Alexis waved to Gemini on the viewscreen. “Hey, Gem. It’s good to be heading out, right?”

  Gemini nodded. “ADAM has briefed me on our assignment. Investigations are interesting more often than not.”

  “Did you miss us, Gemini?” Trey asked, leaning back in his chair with a twinkle in his eyes. “Because I sure missed flying from adventure to adventure with you.”

  Gemini’s friendly features rearranged into a pleasant smile. “It’s good to have you all back,” she agreed. “We have clearance to Gate in a few moments. Should I engage the cloak?”

  Gabriel ran through his portion of the pre-Gate checks. “We don’t need to cloak. We’ll contact Nathan when we get there.”

  Trey felt nothing as Gemini lifted the ship and guided it out into open space.

  The AI kept up a running commentary as they made their way to the coordinates given by the station’s Traffic Control. “Gate drive initiated. Departing in T-minus five…four…three…two…”

  * * *

  Bethany Anne watched the twins’ ship wink out of existence with a smile that was just on this side of resigned.

  Michael took her hand and squeezed. “They are leaving with every technological advantage we are able to provide and the training to use it efficiently.”

  “I was impressed by how they took the news that there’s a plot to turn the people against me.” Bethany Anne rested her head on his shoulder for a moment.

  “You’ve been through this before and come out on the other side unharmed,” Michael reminded her. “If there’s anyone aboard that station who knows something about a wider conspiracy?” His eyes grew dark. “I have faith they will regret living.”

  She watched him leave. That was probably the most praise she could expect from the man who wouldn’t admit he might be worried as well.

  Just a touch.

  Chapter Nine

  Onyx Station, QGE Gemini

  “I have an incoming transmission,” Gemini announced moments after they Gated into the system.

  “Onscreen,” Alexis requested, sitting up in her chair.

  Nathan’s face ran through a series of expressions when he saw the twins. “What the hell? I was expecting…well, not this.”

  Gabriel laughed. “I take it Mom didn’t tell you we completed our enhancement?”

  “No, she did not,” Nathan stated. “I guess I owe her one, and I’ll have to make it a good one to make up for…” He waved a hand at the screen. “This.”

  Alexis tilted her head. “Good luck with surviving that. Mom did at least tell you we were on our way to give you a hand with the investigation?”

  Nathan’s face reddened. “Yeah. Um, I’ll have to tell Ecaterina you’re not the bunch of teenagers she’s expecting, but I’m glad to have you here. I’ve sent your AI the docking coordinates. I’ll see you real soon.”

  He was waiting to meet them when they debarked inside one of Bad Company’s hangars.

  Alexis ran down the ramp with her go-bag slung over her shoulder and gave Nathan a brief one-armed hug. “How are you?” she asked with a sympathetic look. “It has to be unnerving having someone blow himself up on your doorstep.”

  “I’m fine,” Nathan assured her as he accepted handshakes from Gabriel and the others. He paused for a moment to take in the changes in the twins since he’d last seen them, then checked out K’aia and Trey with the same fascination. “Unbelievable.”

sp; Alexis spread her arms wide. “Believe it or not. For us, it’s been years since we saw you.”

  Nathan laughed, figuring it was. “I stand by my statement. Ecaterina is going to be over the moon to see you. You’re going to stay with us, right?”

  Gabriel glanced at the others before replying, “We could be working weird hours. We’ll sleep on the ship.”

  Trey hefted his pack. “I’d hate to be responsible for Ecaterina getting anything less than a perfect night’s sleep.” He shrugged when Nathan gave him a questioning look. “What? I matured to own a strong survival instinct.”

  Nathan chuckled as he showed them out of the hangar bay. “Instinct like that will get you far in life. Would I be right in thinking you won’t turn down a dinner invitation?”

  K’aia laughed aloud. “I see you have the same finely-tuned instinct, Mr. Lowell.”

  “I’m still married, aren’t I?” he replied with a grin. “I’m guessing you want to get straight to your assignment. I’ve given you access to everything the investigation has turned up so far, which isn’t a whole lot. Christina and her boy-toy are around somewhere, and they’ve got some leads already.”

  The twins exchanged a glance at the complete lack of nuance in Nathan’s description of Christina’s companion. “That would be a great start,” Alexis enthused, avoiding the subject altogether. “Sounds like she’s our first stop.”

  K’aia switched to mental communication as they left. I wonder what the boy-toy comment was about?

  Alexis had an idea. I’m going to guess that he’s being fatherly, and whoever Christina has with her will be as much fun to hang out with as she is.

  Gabriel checked the information Nathan had given them. We have a job to do before we get to hang out. Come on, we’ll go and talk to the widow. She lives nearby. Then we’ll look for Christina.

  Alexis sighed. Are you channeling Mom? We’re going to take a look around the station and get a feel for the vibe. I want to know if that guy was alone in believing Mom is the enemy.

  Trey cut in, seeing the twins were about to start digging their heels in. How about we split up? Me and Alexis will go check out the bars on the lower levels, you two go speak to the widow.


  Onyx Station, Deck Thirteen

  Christina faced the Shrillexian who had his blaster pointed at her temple. “I get the feeling I’m not welcome here.”

  The Shrillexian shrugged. “It’s just good business not to have the daughter of the man looking to take us down drinking here,” he told her in an even tone. “I’m sure you understand.”

  Christina lifted her hand and pushed the blaster away. “I do. But I’m not here about your backroom enterprises, Merril. Some idiot blew himself up after spouting a whole lot of bistok shit about the current political situation. If there’s more like him on board the station, it’s in all our interests to make sure they don’t succeed in their goals, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Merril glared at her for a long moment before relaxing. “Nobody’s making any money if they’re dead,” he conceded. “Fine. What can I do to help?”

  Kai watched the exchange in silence, impressed with the way Christina had handled the criminal organizations working out of the bars on this deck. Merril’s bar was the fifth establishment they’d visited where they’d been met with a less than stellar welcome. Each time Christina had taken control of the situation without so much as raising her voice.

  Christina smiled as she took a seat at the bar. “You can start by getting me a drink. I’ve been talking all damned day. Then you can tell me if any of your minions have heard anything while they’ve been out doing minion-y things.”

  Merril took a seat on the stool next to Christina’s and waved a hand at the android bartender, who placed three glasses of something blue and somehow sizzling in front of them. He picked up his glass. “There’s not much I can tell you. Things have been pretty quiet around here since that guy blew himself up.” He took a sip of his drink and winced. “I don’t know how you humans drink that stuff.”

  “Like this,” Christina told him, knocking hers back. She belched as her nanocytes took care of the alcohol but left her to deal with the carbon dioxide. “Whoo, that stuff will put hair on your chest. So, you were saying it’s been quiet? What about before the incident? Any strange people or new players?”

  Merril thought about it for a few moments. “There’s a moonlet a couple of systems over that comes to mind. The place is a goods and services exchange. They don’t have any problems with letting in people who aren’t welcome in the Federation as long as they don’t cause trouble.”

  “It’s a start.” After a bit more talk, Christina put her glass down, paid the bill, and nodded for Kai to follow her from the bar. “Looks like we’re heading back out sooner than we expected.”

  “What do you think we’ll find at that moonlet?” Kai asked as they approached the elevators that would take them back up to the main deck.

  “A ton of illegal shit we’ll have to ignore for now,” Christina told him. “Don’t go getting all Boy Scout while we’re there. I don’t want you dying when I’ve kind of gotten used to having you around.”

  Kai snickered, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Ha, you like me, you like me!”

  Christina shoved him playfully. “You’re only just catching on? My mom always told me men are slow when it comes to feelings, but come on, Walton!”

  Kai’s hand drifted to his pocket as they walked into the elevator. “You know…”

  Christina’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare!”

  Kai extracted a palmtop device from his pocket and waved it with a self-conscious shrug before activating the screen. “What? We’re investigating, so one of us should be taking notes.”

  Christina stared at him skeptically for a moment. “Okay, so we have the coordinates for this moon.”

  “Moonlet,” Kai corrected. “What’s the difference between the two? Is it size?”

  “It’s always size,” Christina told him drily.

  It was Kai’s turn to look askance at Christina. “I hope you’re not implying something there.”

  Christina linked her arm through his and pulled him out of the elevator. “I’m implying we should get to the Pod and get our asses to the moonlet.”

  She paused before taking a right on the concourse toward Bad Company’s premises instead of the left that would take them to the docking spar their ship was waiting on. “But first, we need to check in with my dad.”

  “Oh, joy,” Kai muttered as he followed the woman he loved through the crowd. “Because he likes me so much.”

  Christina looked over her shoulder and flashed him a grin. “Dad? He just needs a bit of time to get used to the idea of you, is all.”

  “Yeah, but what he wants is ten minutes alone with me and a reasonable explanation as to why I didn’t survive it,” Kai countered. “Those are two very different situations.”

  Christina stopped in her tracks. “You’re right.” She headed in the opposite direction. “Fine, we’ll call Dad when we’ve found out whether this connection pans out.”

  Onyx Station, QSD Baba Yaga

  “We’re clear to dock,” Izanami announced. “The Reynolds has been assigned a space on the opposite side of the station.”

  “Get me Reynolds,” Bethany Anne requested. “I can’t have us getting separated.”

  The AI’s android face was approximating a smile when he appeared onscreen. “My Queen. What can I do for you?”

  “You can teleport your landing crew over to the Baba Yaga,” Bethany Anne told him. “I want to present a united front when we arrive. Izanami will give you the coordinates for the transfer bay.”

  Reynolds turned from the screen. “You heard the Queen. Get moving! We’ll be ready for transport in twenty minutes. I assume you want everyone ready to begin setting up the transporters right away?”

  “You assume right. Thank you, Reynolds.” Bethany Anne dropped the link and pinged t
he twins. She got two responses, meaning they’d split up for some reason. They called in on separate video links within a few seconds of each other.

  “Hey, Mom,” Alexis called. “I’m a little busy, what’s up?”

  “Checking in,” Bethany Anne told them. “How’s the investigation progressing?”

  “You were right about there being some bigger plot going on,” Gabriel confirmed.

  Alexis groaned. “I’m having some trouble tracking Christina down. She left the station without reporting in.”

  Bethany Anne looked past Alexis to where Trey had a portly Shrillexian suspended by his throat. “I see you’re working tirelessly to get to the bottom of it.”

  The Shrillexian’s eyes widened at the sound of Bethany Anne’s voice. “Is that the Empress?” he spluttered. “You didn’t tell me you were working for her! I’ll talk. I might not be a good guy, but I’m no traitor.”

  Alexis gave him a skeptical look as Trey dropped him onto the table, scattering the piles of credit chips he’d been counting when they’d burst in. “Could have fooled me. Thanks for the help, Mom.”

  Bethany Anne smiled. “Any time. How are you doing, Gabriel?”

  Gabriel nodded solemnly. “I got a lot from Paul’s family. He’d had some issues like you guessed, but nothing serious until he met a group of people who left the station a month or so ago. She didn’t know where they went, just that they’d convinced him that Kurtherians are a myth and you’re the real enemy.”

  The Shrillexian growled and spat on the floor. “That freakshow? I remember them. We ran their deluded asses out of the system when they wouldn’t let it go. Last I heard, they’re on Nabraxia.”

  “What do you want us to do, Mom?” Gabriel asked.

  Bethany Anne tilted her head. “I guess have fun hunting down conspiracy nuts on Nabraxia, wherever that is.”

  Alexis indicated her new Shrillexian friend with a nod. “Merril here is going to fill us in on the details.”

  “No issues,” Gabriel added. “Just like we promised.”


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