Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Rayna Stone

  Stewing over his drink was not going to improve matters, so Mac decided to take a breath and just try to enjoy the evening. As he looked to the entrance of the club, he realized that might not be possible. If the woman walking their way in that clinging black dress and the riot of red curls was this “new hire,” he might need to rethink the whole “no sex tonight” scenario. In fact, after catching a better look at that hourglass figure and huge green eyes, he might need to drag his slave to the private portion of the club for some relief before he embarrassed himself. If the look on Jay’s face was any indication, he was feeling the same way. Mac smiled as he thought of the perfect punishment. He could whisper filthy ideas in Jay’s ear all night and torture the man. Justice.

  Before James got up, he leaned in. “Guys, remember she just got into town. Let’s just try and be as vanilla as possible for her first night. No need to scare her yet. I think two gay couples and that…what would you even call what you’re wearing, Kelly? Never mind, just be normal. If you can. We really like this girl, and it seems she could use a friend or two. Let’s try and make her comfortable. No spanking your sub at the dinner table, Kel.” Kelly Rivers, the only Domme in their little group, rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of frightening your little rabbit. And this is a very expensive dress! Just imagine what it looks like when I unbuckle all these wonderful straps.”

  Mac closed his eyes in silent prayer and hoped they wouldn’t all find out before dessert. Now that he’d seen Katherine, he understood why James was concerned that she wouldn’t fit in around here. She seemed so lost and innocent with those huge eyes. She probably thought gay couples were as far as kink went. Man, someone better have smelling salts available when she found out that their little haven was full of transplants because people needed a place to live where they could be as freaky as they wanted and still live in a loving and accepting community. If they weren’t pushing the sexual boundaries of the societal norm, they were just downright crazy. But here in Holly Oaks, everyone was like family. Damn, he loved this town. Maybe Katherine would find it lovable, too.

  * * * *

  As Kat approached the table, she knew her eyes were about to fall out of her head. Honestly? What was this? How the hell did she live thirty-one years without being in a room with so many lovely people? And bully for her if they weren’t all at her friggin’ table. She really wished she at least had lost some weight before making this move. Not easy to do when all she could afford were carbs in mass quantity. Still, if she’d have known how frumpy she would feel now, she’d have figured something out.

  Damn. What in hell kind of dress was that goddess of a woman wearing? One zipper was enough for her, thank you very much. She did not need attire that came with instructions. And why was everyone looking at her like that? If they didn’t stop, she was sure she would have a panic attack. Lord, that was all her new employers needed to know about her. Her anxiety problems were her own damn business. Nobody would need to know about them here. Her new doctor was in Denver, she had enough medication to last three months, and she would not be explaining that to anyone. Nobody understood it anyway. Here, she would hide her anxiety disorder and they would at least think she was normal. If they didn’t stop staring at her like that, she might bolt any second. Not a terribly normal reaction, Kat.

  “Katherine, please meet my friends. You already know Ry. This is Kelly Rivers and her date, Jason, and at the end are Mac Dunna and his partner, Jay Renolds.” Leave it to James to put her right at ease. Kat made sure they all called her “Kat” and shook hands round the table. When she got to the end, that feeling of ease just slipped right out through her toes. The warmth of Mac’s hand helped infuse life back into hers, but she wasn’t sure anybody could jump-start her brain. He was gorgeous. There really were no other words.

  Midnight-black hair that was just long enough to curl slightly around his ears and deep azure eyes that seemed to paralyze her to the floor. He had little laugh lines around his eyes and mouth that just added to a sense of mature male beauty. And his hands! She never felt tiny, but sweet lord, it felt like his hand engulfed hers. What else would that hand be able to engulf? Right, he’s gay. Get your head on straight, idiot. The man-candy to his right had the pleasure there. She would likely kill to see these two together. Where Mac was all linebacker muscle and dark good looks, Jay was runner toned and sweet with beautiful, soul-stealing brown eyes and dark-brown hair. She kind of wanted to clap for them. Good job, gentlemen, on scoring each other! ’Course, applauding the table’s choice in partners would probably be frowned upon. Good lord, she almost burst into a fit of giggles from her own inner dialogue. She really needed a drink.

  Kat sat between James and Mac and prepared herself for interview number two. It seemed that before the first drink even arrived at least four people stopped by the table to meet her. It was a bit unnerving. Mac seemed to sense her discomfort. In a silky-smooth voice, he asked her to tell him about herself. Okay. How to go through the story of her life without sounding like a pity case? “Well, there isn’t much to tell. ‘School, marriage, divorce, and work’ seems to sum it up nicely,” she announced with as much forced cheer as possible.

  “I hardly think that’s an adequate summary, Kat. James told us about your degrees. Why didn’t you pursue biology?” Mac asked.

  Well, he seemed genuinely interested. Maybe these people really did just want to get to know her. And she didn’t regret her decisions. They just didn’t work out like she hoped. With a little huff, she decided to just jump in.

  “I really focused on animal studies at Penn State. I thought I’d go to vet school, but once I graduated, I realized just how much money I owed in student loans. I was seeing a guy and thought we were headed toward marriage, so I decided to get my technician’s degree instead. It seemed the perfect merger of my dreams at the time. I could have a marriage and family while still working with animals, plus I wouldn’t just sink myself further in debt. Four more years for vet school seemed a long time to wait. Having a family was always more important to me than a career. So…I chose the guy. Two years after we married, he divorced me for another woman and left me high and dry.” Wow, she actually managed to get that out without sounding too bitter.

  Kat could feel the heated burn of tears begging to form. She swallowed the lump in her throat and reminded herself she was not in that place anymore. She was a strong woman who pulled herself out of heartbreak and debt. She moved across the country on her own. She was not a scared little girl anymore.

  With a renewed sense of calm, her voice came out more clearly. “I really love my job, actually. I love the animals and the science. I don’t need to be the vet…just the one who tells him when I think he’s wrong.” Her sly smile let everyone know she had before and would continue to do just that if necessary. She was not a pushover, never would be again.

  * * * *

  Mac listened to Kat’s story with a physical ache in his heart. Was there no one in this woman’s life who stood by her? He knew from talking with James that she didn’t have a family. Friends, it seemed, were in short supply as well. He watched in fascination as she cleared the sorrow and tears from her eyes and strength took the forefront. He saw more in Kat than she probably saw in herself. She was a strong woman with a fire in her belly. How much more confident could she become with strong men showing her how amazing and resilient she was?

  What if someone could lift some of her burdens? Show her that she wasn’t alone. That she could rely on someone else to help her simply feel, just be for a time. Maybe in the quiet, she could truly see herself again without the filter of all her responsibilities and worries. God, he’d love to give that to her.

  She didn’t seem the type to give in half measure. If he and Jay could win her trust, not an easy feat with her past, she would give them everything. Damn, but he wanted that. He wanted to show her what being given everything in return was really like. He wanted to see her glow. And his dick sure as hell had a few things to give her as
well. He needed to calm the fuck down. This little kitten was skittish. He needed to win her trust. That would take time. Looking to Jay, he gave a little smile. Poor Jay was an impatient man, but he had a heart of gold. They would woo her together.

  Mac had to know if she was a sub, if she could handle their type of lifestyle. He was pretty sure by reading her body language that she was naturally submissive. She tended to let others lead the conversation. She looked to put them at ease even about her rather sad life story. It was hard to miss the struggle she felt in making eye contact with the Doms at the table, but she seemed comfortable joking with the subs. She was more reserved with the Doms. Did she even realize she naturally showed deference to them? Even Kelly was being shown respect over her sub, and she was friendlier than he’d ever seen her. He would have expected Kat to try to form a bond with Kel since she was the only other woman, but she seemed more at ease with Jay and Ry. ’Course, Kel’s sub barely said two words, so maybe she was just afraid of Kelly despite her friendly manner.

  Mac knew just how to find out if she was interested in BDSM. The club had three levels. The main floor was public, and rather just like a nice restaurant and bar. The second level was where the more hard-core socialized and partied. The third floor was for play. She didn’t need to see that yet, but watching her reaction to the dress and behavior on the second floor would likely tell him what he needed to know. “Can we keep her, Master?” Jay whispered. Yes, Jay was on the same page here. “We’ll see, slave.” Mac chuckled.

  “Kat, how about we all get together again on Saturday night for some drinks here at the club?”

  * * * *

  Kat didn’t know what to think. The way this man looked at her had her getting wet in places that had seemed like the Sahara for years. And Jay hadn’t taken his eyes off her all night. She was thrilled that they appeared to be inviting her into their little group. She wanted to experience friendships like these. She wanted a damn social life! She couldn’t remember the last time she went dancing or even laughed. She wanted this, oh, how she wanted to belong. She smiled when she agreed that she’d love to come Saturday. Yes, she’d probably do anything Mac asked of her.

  Jay practically bounced in his seat. “Don’t forget that Friday the doctor duo is having their theme party. You have to go, Kat. Seriously, they throw the best parties.” She wondered why he suddenly looked sheepish and guilty staring at Mac, but figured he must be the more playful one.

  “What’s the theme?” Kat asked.

  As James rose from the table, he smiled fondly at Jay. “College night. Everyone wears the style of clothes they wore when they were in college. Likewise, they bring a CD of their favorite artist from that time and their favorite beverage. It’s usually a lot of fun. You’d be surprised to see what people were like then, and what they managed to drink! God, I think I almost landed in the hospital last time from the punch Jay made. New drink this time, Jay…preferably one you don’t make on your own.” James looked a little green just remembering. “And as for your living accommodations, we have an apartment above the clinic where you can stay. We haven’t used it in a long time, but it’s a nice place, and we’d love for you to stay there.”

  Kat couldn’t get over the shock. “Oh, James, you have done more than enough for me already. I couldn’t possibly take the apartment. I’m sure I’ll find something soon.”

  “No arguments, Katherine. We take care of our own in this town, and you need a place to stay. Let us help you,” James said in a rather commanding tone she’d yet to hear.

  “All right. Sounds wonderful. Thank you so much. I’m so excited about all of this. I can’t wait to start work, and I really appreciate you all inviting me out tonight. ” If she didn’t stop babbling, she might cry. Who were these people? In one day they made her feel welcome. She had a job, an apartment, and new friends. Things had never been so easy for her. Yup, if she didn’t leave soon, she’d be hugging them and crying all over them.

  As Kelly got up, she handed a piece of paper to Kat. “Call me this week. When your schedule allows, we need to shop for Saturday, and I think a day at the spa is in order. Every girl should be pampered before a weekend of parties,” she said with a mischievous smile.

  Kat had never been to a spa and couldn’t afford that or a new dress yet. With a smaller voice than normal, she told Kelly she didn’t think she should spend money yet, having just started her job and all. Kelly gave her a serious look and informed her that she would be just fine. She owned the spa and could treat her friend if she wanted, and Mac wouldn’t have invited her to the club Saturday if he didn’t intend to fund her attire as a welcoming gift. With that, Kelly flounced off as if the conversation were over! Well. Kat did not feel comfortable accepting charity no matter how well meaning, and she barely knew these people.

  “Mac, I can’t accept that. I have a dress to wear. I can’t accept that kind of gift.” There. She was sure she said that with enough authority to get her point across. As she gathered her purse, Mac took her elbow in a gentle grip. She stilled at the sensation. Man, this guy was electric. His sandalwood scent seemed to invade her as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You can perform the dental work on my Lab next week, and we’ll call it square, but you will accept this gift, kitten.”

  Holy hell. She’d never had such a physical reaction from someone whispering in her ear before. Her nipples grew into tight buds and her breathing increased. She felt the strongest urge to rub her thighs together and whimper a bit. Jesus. And she really shouldn’t like how he called her “kitten,” but damn if it didn’t make her feel all soft inside.

  “Well, as long as it’s a trade, I guess that’s okay.” She flushed when she realized just how breathy that statement came out. How much wine did she have? She wasn’t the breathy type, damn it.

  “Yes, kitten. That will work for now.”

  Chapter Three

  Working at this vet clinic was amazing! James and Ryan showed how much they trusted her by allowing her to really do her job. She was a bit afraid that it would take weeks to prove her abilities. There was nothing worse than a vet who micromanaged and did her job for her. Here, she was expected to perform a technician’s duties without supervision, and they even asked her opinions.

  Nurse Barbie was another issue. Miss Suzy Roberts did not think she should have to take direction from Kat, and Kat was just tired of her attitude altogether. She knew that Suzy was here first, but come on. She wasn’t trained for this work like Kat was. How could she possibly be offended that James expected Kat to perform the technician’s duties? Kat wouldn’t let Suzy hold a syringe even if she was just mixing a vaccine. Suzy would just have to get over herself before Kat let her inner bitch out. Maybe she could tranq her one day.

  Tuesday morning was packed with surgeries. Apparently the doctor duo was making up for lost time. Kat was prepping animals and sedating them while James was closing the previous surgery. They’d only worked together two days, and already they had a great system in place. Kat was intubating a poodle when she heard a shy “Hey, kitten” from the doorway. She knew that voice. Jay had seemed a little shy at the club, too. When she could look up, she gifted him with a joyous smile. There was no way this man could make anyone frown. “Hey, Jay! What brings you by?”

  * * * *

  Man alive, that was one beautiful woman. Jay was usually pretty smooth around the ladies, but Kat was different. Or maybe it was the sheer possibility of what she could mean for them that was overwhelming. Jay loved Mac with his whole heart and soul, but they were both bisexual. They had talked about their situation a million times. They could be happy with each other for a lifetime, but they felt somewhat incomplete without a woman in their lives. They wanted a woman’s softness. Hell, they even wanted to stock up with chocolate and coddle her during PMS.

  Women were so different than men in so many ways, and this kitten was everything they dreamed of. He could see her being caring and vulnerable at times, a lioness at others. He wante
d to protect her something fierce. He wanted to just hold her and make her laugh. He felt like, for the first time, he might be able to have it all. The man and the woman of his dreams. Maybe even have a family someday. He knew it was early and they’d just met, but he felt a magnetic attraction to Kat. He felt he could see her soul just by looking into her eyes.

  Jay wasn’t an idiot. He knew it would be asking a lot to introduce Kat into a triad. If that weren’t bad enough, they also needed her to understand and be a part of their D/s lifestyle. No matter how perfect she was, if she couldn’t accept both scenarios, she wouldn’t be able to accept either of them.

  “Thought you’d like to join me for some lunch. Maybe we could grab a coffee and talk a little.”

  “God, that sounds great. I’m starving. This next surgery should only take about fifteen minutes if you don’t mind waiting…or I could just meet you somewhere,” Kat said.

  “I’ll wait. I wanted to have a talk with James while I’m here anyway.” He had explicit instructions to inform James and Ryan that this little kitten was off-limits.

  Jay had to fend off Suzy again on his walk back to James’s office. He wished she would just stop trying to get involved with him and Mac. The woman wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. She probably only wanted them for their money, anyway. There wasn’t a submissive bone in that overly fake body of hers. Just the thought of kissing those lips made him shiver. Ewww.

  Ryan was in the office. Awesome, Jay would much rather deliver Mac’s message to another sub. As friends they were equals, but this little message wasn’t exactly the friendly type.


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