Shackled Serenity

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Shackled Serenity Page 11

by Leon Logos

  “You won’t need me for the hunt, will you?” she asked suddenly.

  “We barely need you for anything,” Desmos rejoined blatantly. “Besides, you’ve already done you part. So, no.”

  “I have?” she asked blankly. “Okay…”

  It was unknown to her what he meant by this, but there was no point questioning it. She wanted to know as little as possible about this mission, so it wouldn’t spoil her mood or her night. The number one question that she didn’t want answered was the identity of the target. Quite possibly, some poor child… Gunther only targeted Aurelians and their affiliates, but children constituted that category sometimes. It was absolutely barbaric.

  Amara texted her midway through the drive.

  Are u on your way?

  Yeah. How about you?

  I’m already here. This place is packed already, and it’s getting pretty crazy. They even have security here. I’m waiting for you before I go inside.

  I’m still 30 min away.

  U sure? There’s plenty to do outside. I’m sure. Hurry up tho.

  “Who’s that?” Desmos asked, eyes looking straight ahead.

  “Just a friend,” she replied shortly.

  “You don’t have any friends,” Desmos said sharply.

  “I know…” she mumbled, not in the mood for another lecture.

  The rest of the drive continued in silence. The sun had set and night had fallen, summoning the darkness. It was pitch black to their left and right; only the road ahead was illuminated by the headlights. It was growing increasingly evident that they were approaching their destination. The house was supposedly in a rural area, like theirs, secluded from town and free of neighbors. Pretty soon they were now driving uphill, up a spiral road that twisted on for minutes. The van jerked abruptly in response to the bumpy road, causing her to bite her tongue accidentally. The GPS notified them that they were only a quarter of a mile from their destination. Sure enough, they could see the house up ahead.

  There were at least twenty vehicles parked on the expansive property. As expected, the house was indeed huge; it was a brick & stone mansion that stood two stories high, with at least 9,000 square feet of land. Music was blasting loudly from several speakers. Dozens of people were hanging around idly outside, red plastic cups in their hands. She began to feel slightly anxious as Desmos stopped the van at least ten yards from everybody else. This was all new to her and she felt she didn’t belong; truly, she did not.

  “Before you get out, a couple of things,” Desmos said, reaching into his pocket. “First of all—take this.”

  He pulled a small foldable pocket-knife out from his pocket and extended his hand to her. Serenity looked at it and shook her head in vexation. It was annoying how she was expected (more like required) to carry a weapon everywhere she went.

  “Come on, I don’t need that here…”

  “Take it,” Desmos ordered.

  She acquiesced grudgingly, but the problem was where to hide it. There was nowhere but the back pocket of her shorts.

  “And now some rules,” he continued. “One: control your tongue. I don’t want you blabbering out anything incriminating.”

  Serenity nodded her head perfunctorily. This was obvious.

  “Two: don’t get all touchy and intimate with any of these losers. No copulating, because if you come back pregnant, I will kill you.”

  Serenity sucked her tongue in annoyance. She genuinely was uncertain whether Desmos was joking or not about killing her. Honestly, he most likely wasn’t kidding around. Not that he was being a protective older brother, but because her having a baby would make her even more burdensome. Also, she found it trying how Desmos was being, not just strict, but overbearingly fatherlike. Like an overprotective, authoritarian dad. Gunther wasn’t around much anymore to take on that role, so Desmos had to fill in occasionally.

  “Three: no drinking, no smoking, no drugs. The last thing you need is your judgment and senses to be impaired and to be rendered vulnerable.”

  This rule also did not need to be established; she wasn’t planning on doing any of this, now or anytime in the future. Unfortunately, Desmos did not cease there. There was one final rule.

  “And four: don’t hesitate.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “Get out,” Desmos said, opening the door for her.

  The music suddenly amplified in noise level and the cold night air hit her instantly. Serenity stepped out of the van and shut the door. Immediately, Desmos reversed and he was off. Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward and walked straight ahead. There was too much going on at once. She looked around in all directions for Amara. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before they met up.

  “Serenity!” Amara hollered, running up to her out-of-the-blue.

  “Hey,” Serenity greeted, looking around in awe.

  “Let’s go around back, I wanna see the pool,” Amara said, grabbing her hand. “I knew Tony was rich, but wow! How many acres does he own?”

  They sauntered through the side pathway of the house, which lead to the massive backyard. The first thing they saw was a large, lit-up swimming pool with bikini-clad girls and shirtless guys splashing around in. Others simply dipped their feet into the waters, conversing gleefully. Guys on the roof of the house were messing around and performing daring stunts. There was also a long table by the sliding door that led inside, with snacks and drinks covering every inch. Amara gaped at everything in awe; Serenity wondered if she still knew this was Tony’s party that they were at.

  “Should we jump in the water?!” Amara asked excitedly.

  “No, definitely not,” Serenity protested; neither of them had brought extra clothes. “The pool looks kind of cramped anyway.”

  Serenity followed Amara to the snack table. She watched as Amara took a handful of nachos and shoved it into her mouth. Then, she swiped a can of beer from the cooler, opened it, and chugged it down. Serenity stared in disbelief; Amara never appeared to her as the party-type.

  “Slow down,” Serenity suggested. “You want one?” Amara asked, wiping her mouth. She grabbed another beer from the cooler and handed it to her.

  “No thanks,” Serenity replied, dropping it back into the cooler.

  Amara shrugged indifferently and drank the remaining of the beer. They loitered outside for a while, observing the gaiety. It wasn’t much different to the stereotypical high school parties portrayed in movies and TV. Their time outside came to an end as a large boy cannonballed into the pool, wetting everybody in the vicinity, including herself. She took a paper towel and dried her top, annoyed. Amara squealed enthusiastically; the effects of the beer must’ve been setting in already. Serenity grabbed Amara’s right arm and led her inside.

  The interior was crowded as well. In the living room area, people were gaming vociferously on the TV. In the kitchen, the pantry was being ransacked by boys until there was nothing left. Overall, the whole place was a mess. For some strange reason, there was somebody dangling on the chandelier attached to the ceiling. A group of people were smoking weed in the lounge. Amara pointed vigorously at a mini ballroom area next to the living room where people were dancing. The first floor of the house was extensive.

  “You wanna dance?!” Amara asked hyperactively.

  “I’m not much of a dancer,” Serenity said.

  “Don’t be like that, nobody knows how to dance at parties!”

  “Yooo, look who showed up!” a voice called.

  Serenity spun around. None other than Tony came swaggering up to her. He was wearing black cargo shorts with a leather jacket over a white tank-top. Since it was his own house, a casual attire wasn’t really inappropriate. In one hand he was holding a beer bottle, the other a cigarette. As he passed by, every guy greeted him gleefully, testifying his popularity. Next to her, Amara took a step back in repulsion; her mood changed instantly at the sight of the host.

  “How you liking the crib? Pretty dope, right?” Tony greeted.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure how you’re going to clean this up before your parents get home,” Serenity said, looking around at the chaos.

  “Man, that’s what maids are for!” Tony said untroubledly. “Yo, this your friend? What’s her name again?”

  “Amara,” Amara enunciated curtly. “Nice party. Shouldn’t you be cuddling with all your side chicks?”

  “What’s your problem?” Tony asked, amused. “Nice to meet you, too, sweetie. Serenity, come with me. I wanna show you something.”

  Tony walked off, beckoning her to follow. It was as if it wasn’t a request, more like an order. Serenity did so, Amara trailing her reluctantly. Tony noticed this and came to a stop, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

  He pointed at Amara directly with his index finger.

  “Not you,” he clarified. “You can stay.”

  “Anything you want to show me—" Serenity began.

  “Forget it, Serenity, I’m not interested,” Amara replied, downcast. “But just remember not to do anything stupid…”

  Serenity nodded and continued on. Tony led her through the crowd, while throngs of people jostled against them, to a grand staircase in the entrance hall. They reached the first step, only to be interrupted by the most unpleasant of individuals: Lindsey, accompanied by the same two girls that always followed her around. All three girls were in promiscuous outfits, exposing much of their bodies. The familiar hateful expression on Lindsey’s face still lingered, but this time it was even more intense. Tony took one look at Lindsey and then sucked his teeth disgruntledly.

  “I’m going to let you two chill for a minute, I’ll just be waiting above,” Tony said, looking for an escape.

  For once, Serenity was unhappy to see him leave. She didn’t want to be left alone with Lindsey. And it was becoming increasingly more evident how Tony felt about Lindsey: unattracted and averse. Tony’s attitude a moment ago accentuated that. Accordingly, Lindsey’s rage only maximized. The partygoers in the vicinity noticed the tension and watched carefully, hoping for something riveting to transpire. Amara was visible in the narrow hallway, watching attentively.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Lindsey demanded.

  “Not sure, to be honest,” she replied calmly.

  “You liar!” Linsey exclaimed. “How many times have I told you to back off, you whore!”

  “WORLDSTAR!” some of the spectators yelled obnoxiously.

  “What’s your problem?!” Serenity fired back, getting heated. “If you want him, go and get him! He’s literally upstairs!”

  Very seldom did people at school get on her nerves. School-season came around once a year mostly; but in all the schools she had attended in her lifetime, there wasn’t anyone as repulsive as Lindsey.

  “I would’ve a long time ago! But then you came along and stole him from me!” Lindsey bellowed. “What does he see in you?! You’re a peasant in comparison to him, and I’m a queen!”

  “Go and ask him yourself, because I don’t know! We’re not even friends!” Serenity declared. “What do you want from me?”

  “I’m sorry, you’re not ‘friends’?! I saw you two exchange numbers, don’t kid yourself! I’ve been watching you from the beginning and it’s pretty clear that you’re into him!” Lindsey yelled.

  Serenity was stupefied by this girl. Not only was she some jealous, narcissistic, pompous brat—but apparently a stalker, too. The crowd of spectators proliferated in seconds. She and Lindsey were now the main attraction of the party, on the first floor. Her body felt hot all of a sudden and her skin moist, due to the intense atmosphere, her spleen, and all the attention. Serenity looked up; Tony was leaning against the railing on the second floor, watching closely. She wanted to summon him down but felt it would only incense Lindsey even further. Any second now, Lindsey would go nuts. Coming to this party already felt like a regretful decision.

  “I’ve had enough, just leave me alone,” Serenity exhaled.

  She turned around to leave, but Lindsey wouldn’t have it. Cold liquid splashed all over her back and head, drenching her clothes and hair. The abrupt sensation stung her body like lightning, producing goosebumps. Serenity turned around slowly, in shock; Lindsey had grabbed the nearest beer bottle and spilt it on her with a thrusting motion. The act ensued gasps and laughter. At this point, the phones were already recording.

  Everything and everyone appeared hostile to her now. She wanted to leave. Nowhere in particular. Just somewhere alone and out of sight. Then, Lindsey’s contemptuous face blanketed her field of vision.

  “What’s wrong, never seen liquor before?” Lindsey sneered.

  Following this remark, giggles and laughter spread through the entrance hall like wildfire. Her body temperature skyrocketed, skin burning in embarrassment and humiliation but predominantly anger. Never before had someone ticked her off to the point of clenched fists. The Carlisle nature and aggression manifested momentarily but was immediately conquered by the more prominent passive side of her. Serenity took deep breaths, mentally reminding herself who she was: as deviant as she could be from her family.

  She took one final attempt at walking away from the scene, heading upstairs. Lindsey simply would not leave her be.


  Serenity snapped. Lindsey had grabbed her shoulder violently and instinctively she retaliated. It was swift. She wheeled around, removed the hand from her shoulder and then, after a series of intricate movements, ultimately performed a flying armbar. This was a Jiu-Jitsu technique she had never done before, other than in training. She didn’t remember much of the learning process, but her muscle memory certainly did.

  There was a snapping sound as the arm Serenity had in her grasp fractured. Lindsey screeched in agony. Her friends, along with all the majority of the other female spectators, gasped in horror. There was an uproar. All the males went crazy, screaming and clamoring in excitement.

  “LET GO OF ME! STOP, YOU’RE BREAKING IT!” Lindsey begged, face contorted in terror.

  Serenity came back to her senses and released Lindsey. She sprung to her feet, observing the damage she inflicted. Lindsey was writhing around in pain, clutching her right arm. Lindsey’s two friends were crouched down, attempting to assist her. One of them looked up at her in alarm.

  “You FREAK!” she spat.

  The noise level was at its apex, comparable to a concert. Serenity looked at the bystanders; dozens of cameras were pointing at her. She recollected her thoughts in an instant and began to feel queasy. What had she done? And how had she done it? More people from the other rooms in the house, and outside, squeezed into the entrance hall to investigate the commotion. There were people soaked in water, who clearly had just jumped out of the pool in a hurry to follow the mob. Amara had not moved from the corridor leading to the living room; she stood there, transfixed.

  In panic, Serenity fled the scene. She pounded up the stairs without thinking. As ridiculous as it was, a considerable portion of the spectators followed her. Serenity skidded to a halt on the shimmering marble floor, looking for somewhere to retreat. Tony stood by an open door on the far right, earnestly gesturing her to get in. She ran without hesitation. As soon as she was in, Tony followed and then slammed the door shut, locking it with a key. The fact that she was in a locked room with Tony didn’t bother her; she just wanted to be somewhere where she could breathe, away from all those people and the publicity. A barrage of knocks met the door as the mob attempted to get in. Would they go as far as kick down the door and storm in?


  It was incredible how silent they became after this.

  “Have fun!” a slurry voice, presumably drunk, said from behind the door.

  Subsequently, they all left, their many footsteps receding as they went downstairs and resumed the partying festivities. Serenity sat on the bed, panting, hands in her face. She had a disorientating headache all of a sudden; too much had happened in the last five minutes. P
eace and quiet never had been so pleasurable before. Tony crossed over to the bathroom inside the bedroom. He switched on the light and walked inside. A moment later, he returned to her with a towel.

  “Thanks…” she said quietly, drying her clothes and hair.

  The odor of beer reeked her skin and clothing. Tony walked around to the opposite site of the bed, next to her, and casually flopped down. He stretched out his legs in a relaxed manner and propped his hands behind his head, smiling at her. The music blasting from downstairs was muffled, along with the overall ambience of the party.

  “That armbar was beautiful,” said Tony. “I didn’t know you messed with that Kung-Fu shit!”

  Serenity looked back at Tony, indignant at his facetious attitude. Moments ago, she had just revealed the dark side of her in front of dozens of people; the number was bound to increase since the whole thing was recorded by everyone and would inevitably be shared everywhere. Soon, she’d be either the laughingstock or hero of social media; if not locally, then nationally if it went viral. There was no denying Lindsey got what was coming to her, but she took it too far. Most importantly, she had drawn too much attention to herself. Desmos would be furious once he found out.

  “Do you realize what I just did? Why couldn’t you just talk with Lindsey! It’s your fault, too!” she vented.

  “It’s not my fault she’s ugly,” Tony snorted. “I tried to get it across that I wasn’t digging her for years. But she wants me so bad, it’s scary. I’m glad you folded her ass back there.”

  “I can’t face anybody anymore,” Serenity muttered. “Not even Amara. I looked like a monster out there…”

  “You’re exaggerating,” Tony refuted. “Did you see all the guys? They lost their shit! You looked like a badass.”

  “Maybe to you and your bros, but I don’t wanna be ‘badass.’ Everybody else thinks I’m a freak now! And maybe I am.”

  “Hell no, all the ladies were dazzled by you. Acrobatic, flexible, graceful!” Tony chuckled.

  “‘Graceful’?” she repeated. “‘GRACEFUL’?”


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