Shackled Serenity

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Shackled Serenity Page 36

by Leon Logos

“And she wasn’t involved, either,” Kyler spoke. “That why you brought her here? To stow her down here with us?”

  “Not quite,” Dorian replied. “There’s much that you don’t know, and much that has happened regarding Serenity.”

  “I can say the same to you,” said Desmos. “Quit prolonging our sentence and get it over with.”

  “Not so fast!” boomed the eyepatch man. “We’re not going to give you the easy way out. You thought you could attempt an ambush on our headquarters successfully? With just the two of you?!”

  Desmos didn’t respond to him, shifting his attention back to her.

  “You’re not being kept prisoner,” he said observantly. “And you clearly look healthy. The hell is going on?”

  “Why…?” Serenity murmured quietly, lip quivering. “Why did you…?”

  “Judging by Serenity’s reaction, and their testaments, I can genuinely confirm that she was not involved,” Dorian said, satisfied.

  “Anyone dissent?”

  Nobody said anything, meaning they were all convinced.

  “Great, let us depart, then,” Alistair said, ushering them back towards the stairs.

  Everyone agreed, leaving the cellblock. She was the only one that stayed behind, not ready to leave yet. Dorian took notice of her and exchanged looks with Alistair; they were debating whether to let her stay or not. Serenity wasn’t going to comply with any order forcing her to leave, but she figured it would be courteous to request formally.

  “May I have a few minutes alone, please…?”

  “Absolutely not—” the eyepatch man began.

  “Ten minutes,” Alistair nodded. “No more, no less. We’ll be upstairs.”

  “Blasphemy!” one of the other Councilmen protested. “What if they conspire behind our back? It’s not safe!”

  “I categorically affirm that Serenity is no enemy of ours,” Alistair said forcefully. “She just needs a moment with her previous family. No worries.”

  The Councilman grumbled but acquiesced. With no more said, the group proceeded out of the cellblock and up the stairs. Desmos and Kyler stared at her silently, awaiting her to speak first. When she heard the door slam shut, Serenity spoke.

  “Where are the others?” she asked.

  “No,” Desmos shook his head. “We go first. What the HELL happened to you? Your clothes, face, your condition—why, and HOW?”

  Serenity ran a hand through her hair, slightly disorientated at this situation. She also needed to ascertain this wasn’t a delusion. It wasn’t the fact that they were alive that confounded her; it was that they came here. She was sure they were aware of how impeccably fortified the residence was. If they had a plan, it obviously did not go well.

  “A lot of shit happened,” Serenity breathed. “A lot…”

  “You’ve got ten minutes,” Desmos prompted. “Go.”

  “First, tell me where the others are,” Serenity withheld. “Garen, Agno, Cackle…Gunther…? Did they—?”

  “They didn’t come,” Desmos said curtly. “Just the two of us.”

  She felt it unnecessary to ask why; moving with a smaller group was more convenient, and entailed a less probability of detection. But there was also the “stronger in numbers” strategy that should’ve been considered. Though, five wouldn’t have made a difference in comparison to two. Only an army would at least be capable of launching an assault on this residence.

  “I’m not sure I believe Gunther would give you permission to do this,” said Serenity. “He wouldn’t take a risk like this.”

  “What’s with the first name basis?” Desmos asked. “Is he not your father anymore? Have some respect.”

  “No, he’s not,” Serenity affirmed confidently, looking Desmos in the eyes while she said this.

  Serenity never had the courage to say this before. Doing so would result in punishment. But she felt safe and secure in the residence of the Aurelians, her true family. Now that she was free from the Carlisle clutches, there was a lot that she needed to get off her chest. It was now the most opportune time to do so.

  “What did they do to you?” Desmos demanded. “Are you serious?!”

  “I said Gunther’s not my father!” Serenity growled. “And neither is he yours, Desmos! Why can’t you just admit it!”

  “He raised us!” Desmos snarled. “We didn’t have parents, we had him!”

  “No, that’s bullshit!” Serenity denied, getting heated. “We HAD parents! You just never bothered to find out who they were. And I found out who MY parents were. And Gunther’s the reason they’re dead!”

  “Whatever they told you, they’re LYING!” Desmos yelled, suddenly bounding to his feet.

  He stormed up to the bars of his cell, face-to-face with her. It was intimidating, but she did not back down.

  “No,” Serenity shook her head. “They’re not!”

  “Damn it, Serenity! They’re the enemy! The Aurelians! Why are you all friendly with them! And why are you not a prisoner?!”

  “You’re the enemy,” Serenity shook her head again, stammering. “No, Gunther is. I’m one of them, okay?! This is where I belong!”

  “I guess we were too late,” Desmos mumbled, loud enough for Kyler to hear. “They brainwashed her, rather than imprison or execute.”

  “No, you—WE were the ones that were brainwashed!” Serenity argued vehemently. “Why can’t you see that? Gunther made us his murdering puppets, ordering us around like slaves and persuading us that our only purpose in life was to kill Aurelians. But they aren’t our enemies!”

  “THEY ARE!” Desmos yelled, nearly making her recoil. “They’ve been trying to kill us, so we kill them first!”

  “We started the war first!” Serenity countered.

  “Do you know why Father hates them? Huh?!”

  “I don’t need to, it’s probably some idiotic reason,” Serenity rejoined. “And I know you don’t know, either. So why ask?!”

  “I know that they stabbed him in the back! They betrayed him!”

  “Kyler, say something!” Serenity groaned. “ANYTHING!”

  “Oh no, you’re talking to ME!” Desmos shouted, banging the bars with his fists.

  “I think it’s strange, Desmos,” Kyler spoke calmly, to their surprise. “You disobeyed his orders for the first time. Now you’re defending him.”

  Desmos had no immediate response to this argument, which was rare. Serenity was staggered at this statement of Kyler’s, questioning the veracity of it. Was this true? Desmos disobeying his father? Impossible. But Serenity was now quickly piecing it all together. She remembered what Desmos had said about “being too late.” What did she have to do with the infiltration?

  “What did you mean that you were ‘too late?’” Serenity asked.

  “Wow, you can be so dense,” Desmos scoffed. “We didn’t come here to infiltrate—or attack, or whatever. We came here for you! But it turns out don’t want to be rescued, do you?!”

  Right there. What she prepared herself to hear but couldn’t believe one bit. It was utterly inconceivable. It was an arrant lie. Implausible. To risk so much, to commit so much, just to save her? Along with this statement being unbelievable, it also triggered the fury welling up inside her, ready to combust and explode in pristine rage.

  “BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT!” she repeated, incensed and refusing to fall prey to any more lies.

  “You don’t believe me, do you?” Desmos said. “Yeah, I get it. I’m still asking myself why I did it. Impulse, maybe…”

  “You’re lying!” she tremored. “What reason do you have to want me back? You all HATE me! My death wouldn’t mean anything to you! So don’t give me some crap like that, acting like you just now give a shit about me!”

  Her outrage quelled his ire. He had a solemn look at his face, something she had never seen before. There was no confidence, conviction, assertiveness, or even disdain. He just looked—lost. The undisputed leader, the toughest of them all: lost. Seeing this caused tears from her. S
he made no attempt them to wipe or dry them as they trickled down her cheeks. She also felt relief, releasing what had been weighing on her for years. The pent-up frustration. This was a moment of catharsis she needed in her life.

  “You piss us of a lot,” Kyler said, on behalf of Desmos. “But you’re part of the family. I get why it’s so unbelievable to you. But we’re not kidding. Seriously.”

  “But you guys got caught, even while knowing the odds were against you. And you even went against Gunther’s orders!”

  “Getting caught wasn’t part of the plan,” said Desmos. “But we have confirmed that you’re alive, and that this was a wasted, futile mission.”

  “It was!” Serenity sniffled. “I’m an Aurelian, you understand? Literally! My actual parents were Aurelians. My biological parents.”

  “WHAT?!” Desmos exclaimed. “We don’t know that. We know how gullible you are. There’s no way.”

  “It’s the truth. It is.”

  “Yeah, so Father raised you all these years knowing that you were one of the enemy,” Desmos said, cracking his knuckles. “Makes no sense.”

  “I bet that’s why he treated me like shit,” Serenity said reasonably. “Because he knew who I really was.”

  “And because you were feckless,” Desmos added. “One thing I know for sure is that he had some ulterior motive for you. He kept you for a reason.”

  “What reason…? This is another thing you haven’t told me…?”

  “Don’t know,” said Desmos. “Never really cared to inquire. So is that why you’re dressed like an aristocrat’s daughter? And friendly with them?”

  “Yeah. And they’re not evil, Desmos. Just regular people. I just wish you could meet them.”

  “But we won’t,” Desmos said candidly. “We’ll be sentenced to death pretty soon. You’ll see us on the chopping block shortly.”

  “They’ll probably just shoot us,” said Kyler airily.

  “They’re old fashioned, I doubt it,” Desmos replied.

  “You should’ve just left me alone,” Serenity said tetchily.

  “I agree,” Desmos nodded. “Ungrateful…”

  “I never asked you to come, so I don’t have to thank you,” she said.

  “This new family of yours,” said Kyler, “you like them?”

  “A lot, yeah,” she said genuinely.

  Kyler folded his arms, amused. He was strangely calm for someone aware that they would probably be dead soon. Kyler was always strange like this. However, death never really scared the Carlisles. Fear was one emotion the brothers were devoid of, which was a part of their training.

  “What happened? After the attack?” she asked.

  It didn’t look like Desmos wanted to speak to her, so Kyler answered.

  “We looted Patrick’s house,” he began. “It took two days to dispose of all of the bodies. Not even Father knew what to do next. He knew that you were taken, but he refused to talk about it.”

  Serenity wasn’t surprised. Gunther perceived her as negligible. Her kidnapping was no loss of his.

  “We stayed at the house for another two nights before I decided to ask about you…” Kyler continued. “He made it clear to forget about you, and that you weren’t worth pursuing. Desmos already had decided to go after you myself, but I caught Desmos sneaking out one night, all packed up. I knew where he was going already.”

  It truly was a mystery why Desmos decided to go after her. She would’ve never anticipated it, knowing how bitter he felt about her. But Kyler? She didn’t expect him either. But if it was anyone, it would be him. She could not deny that Kyler was the one she felt closest with. He had given her respite many times, mitigating her darkest of days. It never occurred to her why he had been so nice to her all these years, ever since they were kids. He was the only one in the family that didn’t deride her. Even now, he was the still the same.

  “How did you get caught?”

  “We made it past the sentries, but we got caught in the courtyard.”

  “But did you guys even know where to look?” she said. “I could’ve been anywhere. It sounds like you weren’t even prepared!”

  “No, we weren’t,” Kyler shook his head. “We didn’t even know the layout of the place. It was stupid of us to come without ample preparation, but we had to hurry. You could’ve died; we hoped you were rotting in a cell—not dead. Instead, you’re here living like royalty.”

  Serenity exhaled, propping her forehead against the bars. She didn’t know whether to apologize for being the cause of their capture (and potential death, or thank them for putting in the effort to rescue her. This situation certainly put her in a quandary. Her emotions were in upheaval, first rendering her speechless—then angry—now confused. To keep the conversation flowing, she introduced a new topic.

  “Have you guys eaten?”

  “Not for a day—maybe a bit longer,” Kyler replied. “We don’t expect them to treat us like prisoners. We’ll be treated worse.”

  “Three nights you’ve been here. And they’ve only fed you twice?”

  “Once,” Desmos corrected, speaking again. “If they don’t kill us immediately, they’ll want to subject us to anguish first.”

  “They won’t do that,” she said sanguinely. “They’re good-hearted people, not savages. You’ll still be treated like crap, but not tortured.”

  “Nothing’s changed,” Desmos scoffed. “You’re still naïve.”

  “Yeah, nothing at all,” Serenity riposted. “You still criticize me.”

  “Tell me about your parents,” Kyler said randomly.

  “Well, my father was an Aurelian. My mother married him, and she also joined the family. Sadly, I don’t know much more than that.”

  “You never knew them, yet you still call them your parents,” said Desmos. “Don’t fall for their lies.”

  “I’m not going to try and convince you,” she said unyieldingly.

  “Are they nice to you? These people?” Kyler asked.

  “Really nice. My siblings—my cousins actually—they’re really cool. Thankfully, except for one, they’re all girls. I think I prefer sisters.”

  “So you’re happy. Interesting…” Kyler muttered.

  “W-what are you…what are you guys going to do now?”

  “Take a well-deserved nap or count to a million,” Desmos said equivocally. “We’ve got some free time on our hands. Now get out.”


  “I said leave. I need some time to think.”

  “That’s it? You’ve got no more questions? Because I do! You don’t even look too shocked that I’m an Aurelian.”

  “Ten minutes are over,” said Desmos logically. “I’ve got just as many as you have. But here’s some advice: DON’T be gullible.”

  “You can’t tell me to get out,” Serenity said scornfully. “You’re the guest. This is my home, you get it?”

  “Don’t you dare get cocky,” Desmos glared. “You don’t live in the jailhouse. The guards don’t own this place. Us prisoners do. I said GO!”

  Just as he said this, they could hear the door from upstairs opening.

  “TIME’S UP! YOU’VE GOT FIFTEEN SECONDS TO GET UP HERE!” the eyepatch man bellowed.

  “This isn’t over,” Serenity said adamantly. “I’ll be back.”

  “Hopefully we’ll still be locked up if you do,” said Desmos. “Since you’re an Aurelian, it’s only natural that I kill you. You’re an enemy now.”

  “Seriously?” she chided.

  “Pick a side,” Kyler said ultimately. “That’s all we’re going to say.”

  “Was your conversation fruitful?” Dorian asked, as she climbed up the final step back to the jailhouse entrance room.

  “We heard yelling. And I can see that you’ve been crying. Did they hurt you?”

  “No, no, I’m all right,” Serenity replied. “I just had a lot I needed to get off my chest. A lot of stuff I could never say before when I was with them.”

  “So, a fi
nal farewell?” Dorian laughed. “An opportunity to gloat. That’s quite all right. I’m sure it felt refreshing.”

  “Yeah, it did. What’s going to happen to them?” she asked, afraid of what the answer would be.

  “Alas,” Alistair sighed wearily. “We do not know yet. The Council still has to vote on it. But they are enemies of the Family; do not expect anything pleasant. We will decide their fate accordingly.”

  “I understand,” she wore a smile. “Are we ready to leave?”

  “After you,” Alistair said, gesturing her to walk.


  The Council had ordered her not to breathe a word of what happened in the jailhouse. They wanted to keep Desmos and Kyler’s capture confidential—for now. It was difficult keeping it a secret, especially while being questioned by her cousins and even Bastion. She told them that they took her back to the Council Hall for further questioning and that she was subsequently vindicated upon exculpatory evidence.

  She was also advised never to bother returning to the jailhouse, as visits were forbidden. After that night, Serenity had swung by the jailhouse daily for the past three days. The security increased, and the guards were emphatically assertive in following their orders, refusing to anybody in. It was vexing not being able to see them again; she still had a plethora of questions waiting to be answered. But the Council was intentionally inhibiting her intentions, taking preemptive measures to prevent any further contact with Desmos and Kyler. She could understand why, but it certainly did annoy her.

  Meanwhile, Christmas was approaching swiftly. It was a holiday tremendously celebrated in the Aurelian Family. Guests from all over the world were pouring in, all holding fidelity with the Aurelians. They were part of the family. She hung around in the entrance hall with Lily and Lyla, watching as the Councilmen greeted the diverse waves of guests. It was interesting observing the cultural disparities between the groups; their clothing, languages, and overall port were all different. Enthused, Lily pointed vigorously at a couple in white fur coats and prominently hooked noses. She explained that they were from Germany, and often sent her the “best” birthday presents each year.

  Then an Australian family entered, and Lily squealed in delight. Three children, all around the same age as Lily, ran up to her excitedly. It was evident that they were friends.


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