Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 7)

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Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 7) Page 8

by Anna Hackett

  She pulled her stash of marshmallows out of the drawer. She needed some extra fuel.

  “What are those?” Sabin eyed the sweet treats dubiously.

  “Marshmallows. The greatest food ever invented.” She stuffed a pink puff of gooey sweetness in her mouth, then tipped the bag toward him.

  He took one gingerly and squeezed it. Then he put it in his mouth. His face twisted.

  “So good,” she said.

  He grimaced. “So sweet.”

  “I know.” She gobbled another one.

  Sabin just shook his head.

  With a grin, she licked her fingers and got back to work.

  The next thing she knew, Sabin was lifting her into his arms.

  “What?” She blinked, her mind foggy.

  “You fell asleep on your computer again,” he growled. “Bedtime.”

  Him carrying her was so nice. She snuggled into him. “Okay.”

  “I like you like this,” he said.


  “Sweet and agreeable. Of course, I like you prickly and abrasive too.”

  Her belly did a warm swirl. No one, apart from her family, had ever really liked her just as she was.

  “I think I fixed the targeting issue,” she said.

  “Enough work for tonight.”

  “We can test again tomorrow.”

  He opened the door to their quarters. “Okay, Finley, but shut it down for tonight. You will rest, and tomorrow, we’ll worry about your test.”

  “Okay, Sabin.” Just this once, just for a moment, she’d lean on him.

  Chapter Nine

  “What’s taking so long?” Finley tried not to fidget or storm outside to get the laser test ready herself.

  She’d barely slept—excited, worried, running everything through her head. The test had to work this time. It had to.

  “They’re repairing the damaged laser,” Sabin said. “It shouldn’t take too much longer.”

  It was already past lunch time. She glanced at the clock, then looked back out the narrow window of the test room. The hot, Australian sun was high in the sky. She paced across the test room, glancing at the screens.

  Sabin grabbed her arm. “Relax.”

  “I can’t.”

  He pulled her closer and her heart did a funny jerk in her chest.

  “Sabin—” She glanced at the door. They were currently alone, but anyone could walk in at any moment.

  His strong hand slid along her jaw. “I’ll have to help you relax.”

  She made a sound. Instantly, all she could think about was him.

  His mouth lowered, hovering over hers. “I hate seeing you worried and stressed.”

  “I’m often worried and stressed.”

  “Not if I can help it.” His mouth took hers.

  Oh boy. Her knees felt like they’d melted. He took his time, kissing her thoroughly, like he couldn’t get enough of the taste of her.

  She slid her hands into his hair and moaned into his mouth.

  Finally, he lifted his head, leaving her feeling bereft.

  “I can hear Gemma and Ian coming,” he said.

  Crap. Finley stepped back and ran a hand over her hair. All she wanted to do was jump him.

  “You look less anxious.” He smiled.

  The door opened, and her assistants tumbled in, talking a hundred words a minute. Somehow, Gemma was oblivious to Ian’s obvious adoration.

  Finley turned to the window, sure the fact that Sabin had kissed her senseless was written all over her face.

  “S-Man,” Ian said to Sabin. “I’m sure we’ve got it this time. You and Dr. Delgado are unstoppable.”

  She and Sabin shared a look.

  “I’m feeling confident too, Ian,” Sabin said.

  Dr. Gregson bustled in. “We’re ready.” The scientist headed for the control panel.

  Finley clasped her hands and tried not to fidget.

  It was going to be fine this time.

  Sabin stepped up beside her. His hand brushed her lower back. “Breathe.”

  She sucked in a shaky breath.

  “Initializing the test,” Dr. Gregson said.

  The familiar countdown flashed on the screen. Ten. Nine. Eight…

  Finley took a deep breath.

  …seven. Six. Five. Four…

  Another breath. Please work.

  …three. Two. One. Initialize.

  The lasers fired.

  She grabbed Sabin’s hand and held on tight.

  Come on. Come on.

  More lasers fired, and the net formed. She held her breath.

  “Laser net formation complete,” the computer intoned.

  She stared at the net, glowing bright under the sunlight. It worked. Elation filled her.

  Cheers erupted in the room, and Sabin spun her around and hugged her.

  The others rushed her, and she found herself engulfed in more hugs.

  “It worked,” she said.

  “It did.” Sabin touched her hair. “Congratulations, Dr. Delgado.”

  “Thank you, Security Commander Solann-Ath. For your help, your belief, and for looking out for me.”

  Something moved through his eyes. “My pleasure, Finley.”

  God, feelings were alive inside her. She wanted this strong, fascinating alien warrior.

  She cleared her throat. Dr. Gregson came over, grinning from ear to ear. “Congratulations.”

  Finley nodded. “Thanks for your help with the test. Now, when can we arrange for the orbital tests?”

  The scientist’s face turned serious as she considered. “It’ll take a few days. We need a team in orbit to assist, and not all the satellites are operational yet.”

  Frustration ate at Finley.

  “We need that time to prep down here anyway,” Sabin said.

  She nodded, fighting the need to move faster.

  “I’ll keep you informed,” Dr. Gregson said.

  “I know what we need,” Gemma exclaimed. “A party!”

  Finley frowned. A party?

  Ian whooped. “Yes, in the dining room. I’ll ask the cooks to make something special, and we’ll unlock the bar.” He wiggled his eyebrows and flexed his hands. “I am the cocktail king.”

  “It’s an excellent idea,” Dr. Gregson said. “We deserve to celebrate the test’s success.”

  Finley frowned. “I’m not sure—”

  “Everyone’s been working hard.”

  Sabin raised a brow. “You Terrans don’t need much excuse for a celebratory get-together.”

  “Tell me about it,” Finley grumbled.

  “And everyone needs to dress up,” Gemma added. “Ladies should be in little dresses.”

  Finley frowned. “I didn’t bring a dress.” She’d come here to work, not party.

  And not lust after a certain alien warrior. That wasn’t going according to plan, either.

  Gemma stepped in front of Finley, the young woman eyeing her with a critical look. “Laura from the missile guidance lab is almost as tall as you. She’ll have something you can borrow.”

  Sabin looked like he was fighting a smile. “I need to contact my ship and update my war commander. I’ll see you at the party.”

  The traitor abandoned her.

  “Come on.” Gemma dragged Finley out.

  An hour later, Finley stepped into the dining room, having been primped within an inch of her life. Everyone was drinking and eating. Some were dressed up; others were still in lab coats and wrinkled jeans.

  Finley wished for her lab coat. She was wearing a borrowed, blue dress that was an inch shorter than she’d like. It wrapped across her body and had a deep V-neck, and left her legs bare. She’d brought some cute sandals with her, so at least she was wearing her own shoes. Gemma had done her makeup, but Finley had balked at letting the woman do her hair. She’d just brushed it out and left it loose. The blonde color looked nice with the blue.

  “Dr. Delgado, the woman of the hour.” Ian, wearing a horrid, red bow
tie, pressed a huge, ball-shaped glass into her hand. “I made this just for you.”

  It was a clear liquid with pineapple and a sprig of green on the side. “What is it?”

  “A gin cocktail. I called it the StarStorm in your honor. Drink up.”

  Gingerly, she took a sip. Mmm, it was tasty.

  She scanned the room. There was no sign of Sabin.

  She took another sip.

  What the hell, she may as well relax a little. Right now, there was no more work she could do. And no sign of the Kantos. So, she was going to enjoy herself.

  Sabin heard the happy noise of the party as he walked down the hall. He’d touched base with Malax, and his gut was still hard.

  They’d had news of the Kantos. The aliens had invaded a planet in a system not too far from Earth.

  Reports said that entire cities and villages had been decimated. The planet, C’addon, had been peaceful. The C’addonites spent most of their days building temples and worshiping their goddesses.

  Now they’d been wiped out and consumed by the Kantos.

  The insectoids wanted to do the same to Earth.

  He wasn’t going to let that happen.

  Trying to shake off the bad news, he entered the dining room. He looked around, searching for Finley.

  He passed over a tall blonde, then his gaze zeroed back. His chest locked.

  By Eschar’s embrace. She wore a form-fitting dress the color of a jewel. The flirty skirt left too much of her long, silky legs bare. He hadn’t known her legs were that long. The neckline gave him a very nice view of the swells of her breasts.

  His body responded. His helian pulsed.

  He struggled for some control. A deep inner urge wanted to grab her, take her away, and spend hours exploring every inch of her.

  He’d come here for the mission, but inside, he knew Finley was his, too—at least for now. At least until he could get her out of his system.

  She turned her head and smiled. He strode through the party, ignoring Dr. Gregson as the woman tried to talk to him.

  Finley turned. “Parties are supposed to be fun, Sabin. You’re scowling like you saw a Kantos.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “A dress.” She touched the hem. “What’s wrong with it?”

  He leaned close and lowered his voice. “You look too good in it. I don’t want any man looking at you except me.”

  Pink tinged her cheeks. “They aren’t looking.”

  “I can assure you they are. At your long legs, your elegant shoulders, the swell of your beautiful—”

  “Sabin.” She lifted her chin, pressing one hand to his chest. “What’s gotten into you?”

  He breathed in her scent and it enflamed him. “You.”

  Her chest rose. “They can look, but they can’t touch.”

  “Can I touch?” he whispered.

  She licked her lips. “I want you to.”

  Cren. Desire was like a hot blade to his gut. He couldn’t let it take him over.

  “Dr. Delgado.” Gemma appeared. “We need you to solve an argument about inertial confinement fusion.” The woman glanced at Sabin. “I’ll bring her back.”

  Sabin dragged in a breath. As the woman towed Finley away, she glanced back over her shoulder, her brown eyes heated.

  “Here, have a beer.” Kaira appeared and shoved a drink into his hand. She was wearing wide-legged, black pants, and a fitted, white shirt that looked good with her brown skin. “You’d better stop looking at the doc like you want to throw her over your shoulder and drag her off to a dark corner.” The commander grinned and sipped her beer. “Or a big bed.”

  Feeling a little desperate, Sabin took a gulp of his drink. It was bitter, but had an interesting flavor. “I…have been fighting the attraction.”


  “I’m here for the mission. To get the StarStorm operational.”

  “Sabin, I’m guessing you won’t let anything stop your mission. And your feelings for Finley motivate you even more to keep her safe, and complete the StarStorm.”

  “Eon warriors don’t usually mix missions with pleasure.” He couldn’t afford the risk.

  Kaira snorted. “How many humans are now mated to Eon warriors? All while battling the threat of the Kantos?”

  He tipped the drink toward her. “A valid point.”

  “If you’re attracted to her, and have feelings for her, that’s special. Honor it. Enjoy it for as long as you have it. You never know when it might get yanked away.” She looked away. “Gone forever.”

  He cocked his head. “Kaira?”

  She released a breath. “I lost my husband two years ago.”

  She’d lost two important men in her life so close together. How devastating. “I’m sorry.”

  “He was in the Air Force as well. He died in a training accident.” Grief crossed her face. “I was lucky to have Ryan as long as I did. We were married for two wonderful years. He was a good man.”

  “I hope, in time, you meet another,” Sabin said.

  Kaira shook her head. “We have a saying on Earth that lightning never strikes twice.” She straightened. “Anyway, this is a party. We should be having a good time.” She touched his hand. “Don’t waste the time you have with her.”

  Kaira’s words, the echo of her grief, rattled through his head. Could he live without ever knowing Finley’s touch? Was she worth the risk to his control?

  He turned and watched Finley smile at something Gemma said.

  The Kantos were coming. She was their target.

  Don’t waste the time you have with her.

  Driven by the need inside him, he said goodbye to Kaira and moved toward Finley. He grabbed her drink and set it on a nearby table.

  Her brows creased. “Sabin—?”

  “Come with me.”

  She followed without a word. Already so much trust between them.

  He led her through the corridors, and up some stairs. He opened the door that led to the roof.

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  Stars filled the sky overhead. He led her over to a spot where someone had left some chairs and a blanket laid out. Clearly, some of the scientists came up here when they needed fresh air. He’d found the spot when he’d assessed the building security.

  “Look at the stars, Sabin.” She arched her head. “I can’t believe you travel through them.”

  He’d become so focused on his work, he often forgot how beautiful space could be.

  “I have seen some amazing things.” His gaze was on her as she smiled at the sky.

  He reached for her and pulled her down on the blanket. They both lay back and she rested her head on his arm.

  “Look.” She pointed. “A shooting star.”

  “It’s not really a star,” he said.

  “I know that, but we have an old tradition of calling them that and making a wish.” She closed her eyes.

  Right then, Sabin wished for so many things, all centered around this woman.

  He rose up on one elbow and leaned over her. Gently, he pushed the strap of her dress down and kissed her shoulder.

  She shivered. Her beautiful, intoxicating scent filled him. He dragged his lips over her skin, pulling in all the sensations.

  Her hand slid into his hair. “Sabin.”

  Need filled him—hot and vicious. He pushed the top of her dress down.

  She wore another froth of delicate lace on her full breasts. He lowered his head and sucked nipple and lace into his mouth.

  She moaned and arched into him. He took his time, savoring, then moved to the other breast. She was a temptation he couldn’t keep away from.

  “So pretty, Finley. And sexy.”

  “Really?” She was breathing fast.

  “Yes.” He shifted, his hard cock pressing against her hip.

  Her lips parted, hungry need in her eyes.

  “Where do you want me to touch you?” he asked.


  “No.” He pres
sed a finger to her mouth, shaped her lips. “Show me.”

  She was frozen for a second, then her gaze roamed his face. Her hand moved, sliding down her body. Over the silky fabric of her dress.

  He growled and his cock pulsed.

  She grabbed handfuls of the skirt of her dress, bunched it up, baring more thigh.

  Cren. He felt wild. A male predator sensing a female.

  Finley’s hand slid between her legs. She made a husky sound.

  “There?” he asked.

  “Yes. I feel empty, hot. Sabin—”

  He moved his hand to join hers.

  He found matching lace panties. “These are in the way.”

  “I can—”

  With one hand, he gripped the lace and yanked it off. They tore easily.

  “Oh.” She jerked.

  Then he twined his fingers with hers, and together they stroked the sleek, soft folds between her legs. She moaned, and he bit back a curse.

  So soft and wet. The scent of her arousal was driving him wild.

  She writhed. He explored her, stroked. He slid her finger and his inside her tight warmth.

  “Sabin. Please.”

  He bit back a growl. He lifted his hand and licked, the taste of her exploding in his mouth. More. He needed more.

  He pushed her hand away, feeling like a wild beast. He shoved her legs wider apart.

  Then his mouth was on her.

  Finley’s cry pierced the night. He licked, sucked, and lapped at her. Her legs locked around his head. The feel, the scent, the warmth of her swamped his senses.

  “Oh, God, yes. Sabin, please.”

  He found the small nub with his tongue and she went wild. He sucked and she broke apart. Her body shook and she cried out his name.

  Sabin had never felt need like this. He wanted her so badly his hands were shaking. His senses were spinning out of control.

  She fell back on the blanket, panting. Her gaze locked on his face. “Sabin?”

  His body shook as he fought for control. Fought not to pin her down and take everything he wanted.

  “Sabin.” Her hand cupped his cheek.

  “Don’t touch me. My control…isn’t good right now.”

  She sat up and cupped his other cheek. “It’s not supposed to be. Together, like this, I don’t want your control.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want…to lose myself.”


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