Starry Skies for My Omega

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Starry Skies for My Omega Page 15

by Marianna Forrest

“Esteban. Why?”

  “So it’s not humble. Glad we confirmed that.” Sawyer nodded.

  Eliseo stuck out his tongue, flipping a quick bird at Sawyer before returning to the living room for another quick dance-off with Hazel. Sawyer sighed and idly looked over the pictures hanging in the stairwell. His gaze landed on the old family photo that he had seen so many times.

  The face of the teenager in the photo caught his attention. Lukas’ older brother, Colton. Did he know? Lukas hadn’t talked about his family in a long time, not since the first few months he was here in Boston.

  Lukas made his way out of the living room, carrying Miss Mulberry, as the pair of dancers started up another song. Sawyer steeled himself, carefully piecing together what he thought his friend needed to hear.

  “So, does Colton know? Have you told him yet?” Sawyer asked.

  Lukas sighed, stroking his free hand through Miss Mulberry’s fur. “No, he doesn’t. I haven’t spoken to him since I moved up here. I miss him, but it’s just been so different since our parents died.”

  Sawyer gazed down at his friend. “You two used to be so close from what you’ve told me, so what are you afraid of?”

  Silence drifted between the two before Lukas took a deep breath.

  “You know I lived with him after they died, but he wasn’t the same Colton I knew growing up. He had become so distant. It hit him hard after Ma and Pa died. He had to take on a lot all at once. He had to take care of me, our finances, and the funerals on top of taking care of himself. I think he’s afraid to open up now. Doesn’t want to go through that hurt again.”

  “See, that’s what you think Colton is afraid of, but I asked what you’re so worried about, Lukas.”

  Lukas was silent for a time.

  “I’m afraid he won’t give a damn. That I’ll reach out and he won’t give me the time of day. It’ll be like losing Ma and Pa again. Gone just like that.” He snapped his fingers.

  “So, it’s better to stay in limbo, forever, worrying about it than it is to know for sure?” Sawyer asked.

  Hearing no response from his friend, Sawyer sighed.

  “Lukas. Hear what I say. You and Colton, you’ve both already lost so much. Do you really want to lose each other over what could be a misunderstanding? What if he’s sitting in a coffee shop right now thinking about how much he misses his little brother?”


  “Please, Lukas. You have a few days to think it over. And don’t forget. You’re not alone. You have a whole tsupport team behind you,” Sawyer said.

  Lukas sighed. Colton had always been a fun, strong, sometimes evil, older brother, but he had been Lukas’ best friend growing up. He was scared, of course, but if he could have that same older brother back in his life again…

  “Alright. I’ll do it.”

  Sawyer perked up. “Really?”

  “I mean, it’ll be a mutual decision, but yeah.” Lukas ran his fingers through Miss Mulberry’s fur. “I miss him so much.”

  “No, no, no, don’t cry, Lukas,” Sawyer whispered. “Everything will go great. Just leave it to us. We’ll get this done.”

  “Thanks, Sawyer.” Lukas sniffed. “You spoil me, you know. All of you guys.”

  “You deserve it, Lukas.” Sawyer smiled, giving his friend a hug. Miss Mulberry meowed softly as she was cradled by both warm bodies.

  The peaceful calm in the house was shattered as Eliseo lost the last round of Just Dance. Hazel’s delighted giggles echoed through the rooms as Sienna, Owen, and Archer started making their way downstairs.

  “Sounds like Eliseo got his ass kicked,” Archer said.

  “Well, you did too, hotshot,” Sienna snickered.

  “You wound me. I wasn’t in top form after carrying that crib in,” Archer said.

  “Aw, did you pull a muscle, old man?” Eliseo came around the corner into the entryway.

  “You know what? I did. Help me to my car, young man,” Archer teased.

  The front door creaked open as Mr. Yorke arrived from his last trip to the bar just in time to see Archer using Eliseo’s unwilling shoulders as a support beam.

  “Sheldon, use the power of your accent to make Eliseo stand still! I’m an injured, old man. This is unfair.”

  Mr. Yorke chuckled, clearing his throat.

  “If you’re ready to go home, I will escort you, my friend. I am your driver for the day, after all.” Mr. Yorke stepped through the door, holding it open for his ‘crippled’ friend. “No ifs, ands, or buts.”

  Archer planted his feet firmly on the ground, crossing his arms.

  “Provided I leave with you now, you must use your accent on this bully, and promise to let me drink something when we get back to your bar. And I mean alcohol, not soda,” Archer stated. “How’s that for an if, and, or but?”

  The room was silent as everyone stared at Archer in shock.

  Archer himself was shocked by the silence, and he turned back to stare at everyone.

  “What? You don’t think old Archer uses his noggin’ every now and then? I’m hurt,” he said.

  “While that was an amazing ‘up yours’ to my ‘if, and, or but’ scenario, it doesn’t change the fact that we still have much to plan. Now let’s go. I’ll let you drink one shot.” Mr. Yorke laughed, dragging Archer to the door.

  “Goodbye, bullies.” Archer saluted as the door closed.

  Hazel slinked over to her mother, leaning into her legs as the commotion died down.

  “Mama, I’m tired.”

  Sienna stooped down and picked Hazel up, resting the girl on her hip.

  “Well, I think that’s our cue to head out. We had a lot of fun today, Lukas, and I hope you enjoyed yourself, too,” Sienna said softly. She dragged Lukas and Owen into a quick hug. “We’ll see you all at the fair.”

  Lukas grinned. “Absolutely.”

  “We’re going too, guys,” Sawyer said. “Thanks for inviting us today.”

  “I need a twelve-hour nap,” Eliseo groaned as he walked to the front door, stretching and yawning. “Glad you’re the one driving, bruh.”

  “Me too because the way you drive is terrifying,” Sawyer stated bluntly. “You drive like you’re a star in Driveby Delinquent.”

  “Hey, it’s a great game,” Eliseo huffed as he leaned against the doorway. “Anyway, thanks for the invite, Luuu. We’ll see you at the Hullabaloo.”

  The door shut with a final click. As the sound of Sawyer’s car speeding off down the road died out, Lukas sighed, leaning against the door.

  “Sweet, sweet silence. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to–”

  Owen’s feverish body was already against his, trapping him against the door in a tight embrace.

  “Well, this wasn’t my original plan, but I can get behind this,” Lukas whispered, smiling.

  Chapter 15

  “And coming up next, Kinetic Flaw with their new song, ‘Why, Monkeys, Why?’”

  Cheers erupted from the small crowd gathered in front of the jumbled stage. Archer jounced around it with his band members, who were poking fun at each other before they began their song.

  Archer’s band might not have been well-known outside of Boston, but the locals knew every release. The man had a habit of coming up with new tunes and songs while in the kitchen, and the customers loved every second of it.

  Lukas clapped lightly from the booth, enjoying the shade more and more as the temperature rose. As the song started, he stared up at the clear, blue sky, feeling nostalgic. The Heated Hullabaloo was set up on a fairground north of Salem, far from the tall buildings of the center of Boston. Still not exactly like home, but close.

  Despite the crowds already filling the fairgrounds, there were plenty of opportunities to take a breather and enjoy the atmosphere, especially with Mr. Yorke at his side.

  “Rest for a while, Lukas. After that rush, it should so slow down for a while.” Mr. Yorke rearranged the dishes on the counter. “Or, not, as it would seem.”

p; Lukas raised his head and saw Hazel rushing toward the booth, dragging Sienna behind her. She ducked under the plastic flap on the side of the tent and grabbed Lukas’ arm.

  “Lukas, come on! Eliseo has his shop set up! Let’s go look at the pretty clothes!”

  He looked over at Sienna, who shook her head with a smile.

  “Nuh-uh. Don’t look at me. Mama needs a break. She’s been running like mad since the gates opened. Anyway, she wanted to show you a costume she liked.”

  “I suppose it can be arranged.” Lukas stretched, sighing as his body relaxed. He let her take his hand and lead him deeper into the fairgrounds.

  Lukas could instantly tell which tent belonged to Eliseo. Each wall was adorned with sketches of his past designs and different fabrics. The table he was frantically running around was covered with beautiful pieces of jewelry, each stone glittering brightly in the afternoon sun.

  Lukas grinned as he got a good look at his friend. He was wearing a piece from his new steampunk collection. Not at all fitting for this event, but well-constructed and sensational. Atop Eliseo’s shoulder sat his beloved bearded dragon, Newton Lysaurian Geckosli.

  Hazel ran off, weaving her way through the crowd gathered around his booth. Sneaking under the tables, she poked up beside him, eliciting a fake scream from the man.

  “Ha, I got you!” Hazel beamed.

  Eliseo smiled coyly. “You may have gotten me, but Newton is the true threat!”

  Eliseo snaked his arm down to Hazel’s shoulder, letting the reptile scurry down to her. The girl giggled as the lizard ran along her arm.

  “So, where’s Sawyer? I thought he was supposed to be here with you,” Lukas said.

  “He’ll be coming in about an hour. He got a last-minute order at his shop that needed to be taken care of before he could close it down,” Eliseo said.

  “There are a lot of new designs here. New muse?” Lukas asked.

  “Been experimenting. Found the most beautiful piece at that antique shop I was telling you about. Victorian, 1839. Goes great with my steampunk collection.”

  “You sure that’s all?”

  Lukas was referring to the glances directed toward a young man running maintenance on the nearby rides that hadn’t opened yet. “You keep sneaking glances at Abraham.”

  “You know him?” Eliseo gasped.

  “Of course. He comes to the diner all the time.” Lukas picked up a small ring, idly turning it over. The reflected, red hues from the gem danced across his face. “So, when are you gonna go talk to him? You are gonna talk to him, right?”

  “Well, I mean… maybe. Maybe not. Just look at him. He works hard and doesn’t talk much, but look at him. I know he’s a beta, but I’ve had my eyes on him for a while. I just feel drawn to him. From those smoldering eyes to those tight coveralls. He’s covered in sweat, but I wouldn’t mind working up a sweat with–”

  “Psst!” Lukas motioned to Hazel, who was still standing nearby, playing with Newton.

  “Relax. Who said I was talking about–”

  “Psst!” Lukas covered Eliseo’s mouth with his hand, causing his friend to snicker. “You forget, I’ve known you for years. I know your true thoughts.”

  “Well, it looks like you’re about to have more to worry about than my foul mouth,” Eliseo said.

  “What do you–”


  Lukas was grabbed by a strong arm and pulled back against a broad chest. A strong scent of sunscreen hit his senses, causing his nose to crinkle.

  “You have got to try this.” Owen waved a piece of chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick in front of his face.

  His free arm wrapped around Lukas’ waist.

  “Oi, get a room, you two.” Eliseo stuck his tongue out at the pair and glanced over at Abraham.

  “How about a table?” Sienna’s voice cut in.

  “No!” everyone yelled, looking shocked that she would even suggest such a thing.

  “Such indecency, Sienna,” Lukas gasped.

  “I mean to sit at, fools! Archer was looking for everyone.”

  “Tell him to look harder. I can see his mangy golden mane from here just fine,” Eliseo quipped, turning to answer a question from someone who was looking at his jewelry.

  “Whatever. Just get over to the table as quickly as possible.” Sienna took Hazel by the hand and led her back to the table.

  “Wonder what he wants? He’s been running himself ragged between the booth and the stage.”

  Lukas turned and saw Owen attempting to hide a smile.

  “You know something.” Lukas’ eyes narrowed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Owen crossed his hand over his heart.

  “What sort of mess are we about to be thrown into?” Lukas asked.

  Owen simply smiled as he wrapped an arm around Lukas’ shoulders and led him back to the table.

  A million thoughts were racing through Lukas’ head. The baby shower was already done and over with, his birthday wasn’t until October, and wasn’t Archer supposed to be on stage?

  “Oh, Christ. This is it,” Lukas whispered.


  “You’ve all spent time getting close to me, and now my time has come. This is going to be a modern-day Clue game. ‘Who killed Lukas?’”

  “You’ve been watching too many crime shows. I liked it better when you watched the cooking channel nonstop. It makes you all happy and dancy.” Owen laughed.

  As they approached the table, the conversation died down, which didn’t do anything to help Lukas’ unease.

  “Okay, so what’s everyone being so secretive for?” Lukas asked.

  Archer stood from the table. “Come one, come all! Watch as I, Archer Moodnifico, grant your wildest desires!”

  “You’re a fairy godmother!” Hazel squealed.

  Archer visibly shrank back as if the little girl had assaulted him.

  “No, no. I am–!” Archer started before sighing. “Nah, forget it. Yes! I am a fairy godmother. Now, you see, a little birdie tweeted in my ear about a recent arrival to Boston. Please, give him a warm welcome.”

  Lukas froze as Colton stepped out from behind the old oak tree their table sat under.

  “Hey, little brother.” Colton’s voice was small and quiet, unfitting for an alpha. Worry twinged his few words.

  The world seemed to come to a standstill as both brothers were speechless. A slow grin formed on Lukas’ face as tears welled up in his eyes.

  “Well, that little birdie didn’t sing no song for me!” Lukas laughed as he pulled his brother into a hug.

  Colton seemed shocked by the younger man holding him in an iron grip before he slowly wrapped his arms around his brother.

  “Has it really been that long?” Colton asked.

  “Too long. Way too long,” Lukas sniffled.

  Colton carefully pulled back, taking a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket in a hurry. “Whoah, don’t cry! The other part of the surprise will be ruined!”

  Lukas tensed up. “Oh, ya’ll are killin’ me here. It’s not even close to my birthday yet.”

  Colton gave the small piece of paper to Lukas.

  Lukas cautiously took it and stared at it for a moment. “Well, it’s not a pink slip, so I know Sienna didn’t conspire to get me fired.”

  “I would never.”

  “Now, where have I heard that before?” Owen whispered.

  Sienna glared at the alpha. “Hush, you. Read it, Lukas.”

  Carefully unfolding the paper, Lukas began to read aloud.

  “To Lukas McGuire, in appreciation for your acts and services to the city of… The Roaring Ridgemont Eatery?”

  Archer spoke up, “I wanted it to sound official. Keep going.”

  “We would like to present you with the… behind curtain number one: it’s a brand new co-ownership of The Roaring Ridgemont Eatery!?

  Lukas snickered. The writing was so bad and really did not fit on the line provided. Then,
it hit him.

  “Wait, seriously?”

  “You gotta read the best part!” Hazel squealed.

  “Owning a part of the diner isn’t the best part?” Lukas asked.

  Hazel pointed to the bottom of the paper. “No. Read the rest.”

  Lukas took a deep breath before continuing, “Formally signed by Bitty-Piggy, the Bacon Bit of Porkington… Bitty-Piggy?”

  Colton spoke up, “Bitty-Piggy is my pet. She’s a micropig. I told Archer her name, but he thought a micropig should be named Bacon Bit, so we compromised.”

  “And she’s so cute.” Hazel beamed.

  Colton smiled. “The cutest.”

  “So, what say you, Lukas? Do you accept the micropiggy’s gift?” Archer asked.

  “Absolutely. I will work hard and bear the whisk in her name.”

  “And so it shall be!” Archer announced.

  * * *

  Dusk settled over the fairgrounds as the rides and booths began to glow, the lights reflecting gaudy shades of pink, yellow, and green across the ground.

  “We’re gonna have to find a supplier,” Lukas idly said. “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with just a small garden of berries.”

  “Just promise me one thing: no back-alley suppliers. You’re classier than that, babe,” Owen joked as he munched on a piece of funnel cake.

  “Find me a reputable supplier of blueberry cocaine, then we’ll be in business.” Lukas laughed.

  “That’s one way to make your goods stand out,” Owen said.

  A peaceful moment drifted by. Lukas’ stomach rumbled as the smell of fried foods drifted down the gravel pathways. Songs blasted from the stage as people huddled around the best rides and booths. Costumed performers strolled between the fairgoers, wresting jeers and laughter from the crowds.

  Lukas sighed contentedly, “Almost reminds me of the county fairs back home. Only one thing missing.”

  Owen perked up, draping his arm across Lukas’ shoulders. “What’s that?”

  “The stars. That’s one of the things I like about being outside this time of year. Back home, there was always a cool breeze flowing through the valley. Evening would come and paint the sky with the touch of an artist. So many beautiful colors. Then, the stars would come out, sparkling like diamonds.” Lukas stared up at the darkening sky.


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