Matter Point

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Matter Point Page 6

by GG Shalton


  I looked up to find several sets of eyes watching me. I gathered they were waiting for me to respond. “Yes?”

  “You must have been in deep thought.” Amanda giggled. “Did you hear your father?”

  I looked at my dad. His brow was lifted, and I had no idea what he had said. “Forgive me, I must have been daydreaming.”

  She smiled. “Quite all right. I think it’ll take a few days for your body to adjust to the time change.”

  My father’s gaze pierced me, and I couldn’t help but look at my plate.

  “I was telling Amanda that my business associate Harold Moore is having a celebration tomorrow evening at my country club. I thought it was for couples only, but apparently, he’s bringing his children and so are the other members. The boys will be at their uncle’s, but Amanda thought you should come. It’s a formal affair and you will need to dress appropriately.” His tone was so matter of fact.

  “What kind of celebration?”

  His frown was evident as he poured water into his glass. “Does it matter?”

  “Joseph?” Amanda crinkled her forehead as she shot him a dirty look. “It’s an appropriate question.” She glanced at me. “It’s his anniversary. They’ve been married twenty-five years. Quite a milestone in today’s world.”

  I tried to keep my bottom lip from trembling. It was obvious he was only inviting me because Amanda was making him.

  “I don’t have to go if you don’t want me to.” I lifted my eyes to meet his, and he slightly narrowed them.

  “Of course, we want you to go.” Amanda said reassuringly.

  “Do you?” I couldn’t help myself as I looked right at him. He didn’t like being put on the spot, but I didn’t care. I wanted to see his reaction.

  He shrugged as he picked up his water glass. “You are welcome, Ariel, but I won’t force you. The country club can be quite boring for teenagers.”

  “Nonsense,” Amanda said as she smiled at me. “Many kids your age will be there. It’ll give you a chance to meet people who will be at your school.” She winked at me. “I think we should go shopping in the morning for a cocktail dress.”

  Ritchie widened his eyes. “What’s a cocktail dress? Sounds like a bird.”

  Robbie rolled his eyes. “It’s a fancy dress for girls.”

  “Oh.” Ritchie took a bite of his roll.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at Ritchie. The kid was growing on me.

  I put on the diamond earrings Amanda had let me borrow. She’d offered to help fix my hair, but I declined. It was nice of her to take me shopping earlier and I enjoyed her company, but I wanted to do my own hair. When she purchased me some makeup, the counter girl had given me some tips. I couldn’t understand how some girls wore makeup all the time—I barely used it on special occasions. It felt heavy on my face. Amanda thought it was the type of makeup I had used in the past, so she’d gotten me some lighter, more natural type and I hoped it didn’t look like too much.

  Using the lip gloss, I tried to finish my look. After taking one final glance in the mirror, I turned around and slipped on my high heels, hoping I didn’t fall.

  My father drove us to the country club in silence. He had some classical music on the radio, and all three of us seemed to relax. I watched him from the back seat as I sat behind Amanda. His fingers were tapping on the steering wheel, and I could tell he was either nervous or anxious.

  I studied my father’s profile, wondering if I looked anything like him. He was dark and had brown eyes. His hair was naturally wavy, but he kept it cut short. I had dark blond hair and my skin tone was lighter than his. My eyes were hazel, and my features were softer. I found nothing in my appearance that I had inherited from him.

  We pulled up to a beautiful stone estate overlooking the lake, incredible landscaping and flowers surrounding the building. My father gave the keys to a valet, then held out his arm for Amanda. I walked beside them into the marble entry way, where we were welcomed by some staff members in uniform.

  They escorted us to a ballroom, and my father spoke to some acquaintances. His demeanor was one of power, and his friends seemed pretentious. His smile never really met his eyes as he greeted his business associates. Several of the women kissed Amanda’s cheek as they all complimented each other on their latest fashion and the name of the designer they were wearing. I tugged at my skirt, which I found a bit too short, but Amanda had insisted it was stylish and appropriate. My father had told me I looked nice but quickly looked away before we left.

  We had arrived late, and many of the couples were drinking as music played. After the introductions, I went to the bar and ordered a Coke. I needed some air and noticed the balcony doors were open. Stepping outside, I looked over the lake. The lights of the clubhouse sparkled against the water, and I felt the breeze.

  “Are you hiding?” a deep voice asked behind me.

  I turned around and saw Trace. I wrinkled my forehead as he smirked and stepped beside me.

  “Miss Burns. Imagine meeting you here?”

  His cologne invaded my nostrils. It was strong and smelled like a mix of spices. He wore a navy-blue jacket and a white shirt without a tie. His dark blond hair was long and curled up on the ends. He cleaned up well.

  I stepped back, trying to put some distance between us. “I didn’t know you would be here.”

  “I told you our dads were friends.” He shrugged as his eyes swept across my body before meeting my eyes. “Are you going to Chester Falls tomorrow?”

  I crossed my arms, trying to cover myself as there was a chill in the air. “I think so. Paisley is supposed to pick me up in the morning.”

  “We all reserved rooms close to the river. It’ll be quite the party and probably last most the night.” He raised a brow. “You can stay in my condo if you want. We have a couple of bedrooms.”

  Was he teasing me? I tried not to act shocked. “Thanks, but Paisley got us a room.”

  He grinned as if he held a secret. “Oh, Ariel, I’m going to enjoy the challenge of making you like me.”

  Chapter 5


  Paisley said our room was within walking distance of the river and the famous Chester Falls. We left around lunchtime because supposedly she had a forgotten dentist appointment. Gretchen said she only wanted to be fashionably late.

  Riding in a car with them was educational to say the least. After about an hour of their incessant chattering, I had a thorough understanding of the hierarchy of Matter Point High School. Courtesy of two gossip-filled cheerleaders.

  “Do you think Bailey will talk to me?” No matter how many subjects we talked about, Paisley’s mind was on Bailey.

  “Depends.” Gretchen cracked a smile. “If Sara is close by, she’ll try snagging him with her whole female-in-distress routine.” Cracking up, she imitated Sara. “‘Oh, Bailey. You are so strong; I can’t lift the lawn chair.’”

  Paisley snorted. “‘Oh Bailey, I can’t possibly walk across the rocks with my new sandals. Can you carry me?’”

  I laughed but kept my opinions to myself. I didn’t know Sara, but it seemed typical that a girl would pretend to be weaker than she was so that a boy could protect her.

  “Oh, she finally laughs!” Gretchen teased. “I can’t wait for you to know the people we’re talking about. Knowing who you can trust and who to avoid can be like a minefield.” She glanced at Paisley. “Speaking of knowing who you can trust, Dillon has been trying extra hard to hook up with me. I may give him a shot.”

  “Dillon is looking good these days.”

  Gretchen glanced at me. “What about you, Ariel? Anyone catch your eye?”

  Paisley smirked. “Ariel has nothing to worry about. I’m sure Trace plans to keep her warm tonight.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked a little defensively. I wouldn’t be warming up with

  “Oh, come on. I know you hung out with Trace last night at the country club. He posted online that you guys were together. He even had a selfie of the two of you. I can’t remember the last time he talked about a girl like that.”

  I looked away and stared out the window. “We were only talking. The picture took me by surprise.”

  Gretchen turned around to look back at me. “My cousin is fuming! Serves her right, since she flirted with Dillon in front of me last week. Trace hasn’t spoken to her since he met you.”

  “There’s nothing with me and Trace.” Why are they pushing me toward him?

  “Right. You don’t have to pretend with us. Most girls would kill to have Trace even acknowledge them.”

  “Our families are friends. That’s all there is,” I said as convincingly as I could.

  Gretchen’s eyes widened as she covered her mouth with a gasp. Paisley laughed out loud as Gretchen shook her head. “Oh, Paisley, we have our work cut out for us with this one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gretchen tilted her head as though she was trying to figure me out. “We know that an all-girls’ boarding school can be strict, but Matter Point High is not, and hooking up with the quarterback of the football team is a big deal. There’s a certain protocol you must adhere to, and we can help you with that.”

  “What kind of protocol?” This is ridiculous.

  “We have a group we stay within. Trace is sort of our unofficial leader. If he’s interested in you, no other guy will touch you until he gives the okay. And that could make for a lonely senior year if you don’t at least go out with a him a few times.”

  “I’m not really interested in anyone. Besides, I’m going away to college next summer.”

  Gretchen waved dismissively. “Please, that’s a year away. This is going to be our best year ever. And you, my little boarding school friend, will have a year to remember.” She giggled. “Now, what’s wrong with Trace? He’s rich, popular, and gorgeous. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.”

  “And he’s a family friend,” Paisley added. “Your dad would approve.”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Honestly?”

  Paisley laughed. “Yes, honestly. We don’t want you to lie to us.”

  I took a deep breath, slightly embarrassed. “I don’t have a lot of experience with guys like him. He would probably eat me up and spit me out and never look back.”

  Gretchen lost her smile. “True, but… while he’s eating you up, you can have a lot of fun. Then you’ll be free to move on.”

  No thanks. I decided to just play along to change the subject. “We’ll see.”

  The girls gave each other a look as the banter became silent.

  After a few moments, Gretchen groaned. “My toenails need to be redone. I should have had a pedicure yesterday.”

  Paisley smiled. “I had my toenails and fingernails done.”

  I looked at mine in the flip-flops Amanda had let me borrow. I wonder if I should change into my sneakers. I had never been a fan of my feet, but I had painted my toes with some pink nail polish Amanda gave me.

  “That’s the exit.” Gretchen pointed.

  Paisley swerved, then she drove up the hill and found the condominiums by the woods.

  “This is where we’re staying.” She parked the car, then we got out and retrieved our bags from the trunk.

  “Where are the Falls?” I asked as I looked around the parking lot.

  “The guys said it’s about a mile walk through the woods to the cliffs,” Paisley said as we followed Gretchen to the stairs.

  “Get the key from the office. I want to check out the pool,” Gretchen said as she walked through the gate.

  I followed Paisley inside the office door. “How many people are coming?”

  “Not sure. At least twenty of us.” We waited in line by the lobby as Paisley got her license out of her wallet. “But knowing everyone’s big mouths, there could be more.”

  Paisley checked us in as I waited by the sofa in the lobby. I took a minute to look around at all the pictures hanging on the walls. Many were photos of groups jumping off the cliffs. No way was I doing that. They looked like they were having fun, but I would prefer to watch from a distance.

  “Let’s go.” I turned to see Paisley walking toward me. “I got an extra key for you and Gretchen.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded as I took the key and followed Paisley outside.

  Our condominium was big and had three bedrooms, so each of us had our own space. There was an island in the kitchen with four stools, and the living room had a huge television and circular sofa. Paisley took the master and had her own bathroom; Gretchen and I would share one. We didn’t complain because Paisley paid for it all.

  Paisley looked out the window toward the woods. “Let’s change and put on our swimsuits. I think most of the guys are already there, according to all the text messages I’ve been receiving.”

  I took my bag and went to change in my room. I wished I had a new swimsuit, but that hadn’t been on our list when we went shopping. Amanda had apologized when I packed this morning, but I told her it was no big deal. I had a basic black one I’d used in gym class when we swam laps at school. It was conservative and a one-piece, but it was better than nothing. I wasn’t certain if I was going to swim anyway. But I knew for sure I wouldn’t jump off a cliff. Amanda had offered me one of her bikinis, but they were way too revealing for my taste.

  I put on my jean shorts and covered the top with a pink tank and went out into the living room. Both girls were dressed in bikinis with see-through cover-ups.

  Paisley brought her hand to her chest. “What are you wearing?”

  “Huh?” Jean shorts seemed appropriate in the woods.

  “Those straps look like a one-piece.” Her face squeezed together as if I was wearing nothing.

  I felt my shoulders. “Yes. But it shouldn’t matter. I don’t plan to jump off the cliffs.”

  Gretchen choked on her water as she laughed. “You can’t be serious. Your body is rocking, and you’re wearing a one-piece?”

  I suddenly didn’t want to go. “It’s all I had. Really, it’s no big deal.”

  Paisley put her perfectly manicured hands on her hips. “Your father is richer than both ours put together and that’s your only swimsuit?”

  I shrugged. “We weren’t allowed to wear two-piece swimsuits.”

  “Come here.” Paisley took my arm and practically dragged me to her bedroom. She let go and sifted through one of her bags. “Here, wear this one. You may choose not to jump off the cliffs, but there will be swimming in the caves. You can’t wear the one-piece.”

  She held up two pieces of cloth, but when I looked at it, I knew there was no way I would wear it. I might as well wear nothing.

  Gretchen came into the room and shook her head. “That will turn heads.”

  Paisley continued sifting through her bag then held out a shirt. “Wear this tank. It shows your stomach and looks better than hiding the goods.” She winked and walked to the door. “Hurry up and change.”

  I reluctantly nodded and changed quickly. I’d never felt so out of place in my life. Looking in the mirror, I tried to decipher if my hips were too big? I had always been on the thin side, but this bikini left nothing to the imagination. I didn’t like the way it looked on me.

  “Ariel?” I heard knocking on the door. “Hurry up.”

  I took a deep breath and put on my shoes. Folding my clothes, I placed them on the bed, then I took a band off the dresser and put my hair up in a messy bun. The girls were waiting by the door and nodded in approval as I walked out.

  “Better.” Paisley said as she put on her sunglasses. “Now let’s go and show them how to jump.” I kept quiet knowing there was no way I would be showing them anything and followed them outside.

sp; The trail through the woods wasn’t as simple as one would think. It was well-marked and even had some lighting for when it got dark, but it was rough terrain and my flip-flops were the wrong choice of footwear.

  I heard music after a while and saw the cliffs. It was beautiful, and the swimming hole they’d referred to was a lot bigger than I’d imagined. For some reason, I’d thought it would be a small pond, but it ended up being a pretty big swimming area that lined itself with three different caves.

  “What’s up, Gretchen?” I turned to see a guy walk over to us with a few beers, which he passed to Paisley. I shook my head as he smirked at me. “Oh, come on Europe.”

  Why is he calling me Europe? I thought his name was Derek, but I couldn’t remember. I wrinkled my nose. “I’m good.”

  He shrugged and tickled Gretchen until she said, “Stop, Dillon.”

  Ah! Never mind, that was Dillon. I spotted Trace walking toward us, a few people following him. Paisley stiffened as I recognized one as the famous Bailey. I guessed he’d decided to still come despite adding girls to the guest list.

  “Ladies.” Trace smiled brightly as his eyes scanned my body.

  Feeling a little apprehensive, I didn’t meet his stare and turned to Paisley. “Where should we put the towels?”

  Trace pointed toward a few blankets by the shore. “You can put them by my stuff. I have the red cooler over there and the blue blanket.” I nodded as I tried going around him, but he stepped in front of me. “Do you need help with your bag?”

  I looked at my bulging beach bag and shook my head. “I can carry it.”

  He nodded and walked beside me as I walked to the shore.

  I dropped my bag and looked up at his large stature. “Have you jumped yet?”

  He smiled and looked at the cliffs. “A few times.”


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