Matter Point

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Matter Point Page 10

by GG Shalton

  I nodded as I got into my car. I could tell she was put out by me not going out with everyone, but I didn’t care. Waving goodbye, I took off toward home before anyone else tried to stop me.

  Pulling into the gates, I quickly pushed in the code and drove to the house. I saw Ritchie outside, playing basketball, and looked around for Robbie. I hadn’t seen him at all during the day and had offered to take him to school, which he declined and went with one of his friends.

  Walking up the stairs, I watched Amanda pull up behind my car. She got out with Robbie beside her.

  I tilted my head. “I could have taken him home.”

  She lifted a flippant hand. “It’s no bother— He was supposed to have soccer practice today, but it was cancelled. I thought you had cheerleading practice today?”

  “No, Paisley let us have the day off.”

  “Oh. Well, we’re going to the club for dinner tonight if you want to come?”

  Crap! I didn’t want to take a chance of Trace’s parents seeing me and telling him that I didn’t go shopping with Amanda. If I stayed home, my father would make me go. “I think I may go to Matter Diner. It seems to be tradition.”

  “Oh, that sounds fun.” She smiled as she walked in the front door.

  Robbie ran over to Ritchie and took the basketball from him.

  “What about the boys?” I asked.

  “Oh, Gayle can fix them something.” Amanda took off toward her room. “I’ll see you later. I want to take a shower and get ready.”

  I nodded as I went upstairs to take a quick shower before getting ready to go to the diner. Pulling out my phone, I texted Isabel.

  Me: I need you……

  Isabel: You do realize it’s eleven over here. You’re lucky I miss you like crazy or I would not have answered. What happened?

  Me: Sorry, I forgot about the time difference…

  Isabel: I am awake now. Spill it.

  Me: Do you remember that guy I told you about that I met that is like the big football player and I thought he liked me?

  Isabel: How can I forget. The cute one that took you on a walk.

  Me: Yeah, he also took me out to a nice dinner and asked me to be his girlfriend.

  Isabel: WOW!! Send me a pic

  Me: I will later J… I didn’t say yes.

  Isabel: ??????????

  Me: He makes me nervous. But my dad likes him. Everyone seems to like him. I told him I would think about it, but I have been avoiding him. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

  Isabel: Nothing is wrong with you. You’re not use to dating guys and this guy seems to be a catch. My advice is to enjoy it and let yourself experience this.

  Me: You think I should say yes.

  Isabel: Your dad likes him, he is hot, he is an athlete, seems to like you a lot, and took you out to dinner. Grab the guy before I do J

  Me: LOL. Love ya

  Isabel: Love ya back. Now let me get some sleep.

  I put the phone on my dresser and got ready. Trace had texted me a few times and so had Paisley. Apparently, Paisley was upset that Bailey was talking to “some skank,” as she delicately put it, from the soccer team that went to Matter Diner too. I guessed the cheerleaders didn’t want to eat around the girls’ soccer team and took it upon themselves to leave and ruin the first day of school ritual. Gretchen ended up inviting a bunch of the cheerleaders to her pool instead.

  Looking at the clock, I decided to surprise them. Gretchen lived a few doors down from Paisley, and I knew how to get there. So, after throwing on a pair of cut-off shorts that Paisley had given me and pink T-shirt, I headed over to Gretchen’s. Maybe Trace would be there too, and it would give us a chance to finish our conversation.

  I wasn’t completely opposed to spending time with him but kissing him in the halls needed to stop until I was more comfortable. Perhaps I was being too sensitive. Isabel was right—I should let myself experience this. Trace could be quite charming when he wanted to be. We did have some enjoyable conversations, and I was curious enough to kiss him again. Maybe I should give this relationship status a try?

  Several cars were parked in front of her house, and I ended up parking a few doors down. I walked up and debated on going through the front doors or around the back. Hearing the music, I opted to go around the side and see who was jumping in the pool. I noticed a few kids from school sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. I walked toward the French doors and waved to a few of the kids sitting at a patio table.

  Paisley smiled and came over to greet me. “Hey there, I thought you were tied up tonight?”

  “Had a change of plans. Sorry about the diner.”

  She snorted. “I wasn’t in the mood for the girls’ soccer team today.”


  We both turned toward a guy I didn’t recognize.

  She smiled and waved him over. “Ariel, this is Myles. He graduated last year.”

  “You’re looking good.” He hugged her and turned to me. “Now you must be new, or I would have definitely remembered you.”

  “Stop flirting.” Paisley playfully hit his arm. “Trace has already staked a claim.”

  “I bet he has.” Myles’s eyes roamed over me, making me a little uncomfortable.

  I shifted my feet and crossed my arms.

  “What are you doing here?” Paisley took his attention away from me.

  “It’s a party,” he said, laughing.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I know. I mean I thought you were at college all summer.”

  “I was, we started classes last week, but I had to come home for a family thing yesterday. I go back tomorrow.” The guy raked his eyes over me again. “I saw Trace in the back by the game room. He seemed a little occupied.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “Thanks.”

  I headed down the back hall, looking for the game room. I passed a few kids who nodded in my direction, then I came into a room with a pool table. I saw Dillon first, who fumbled with his pool stick when he saw me, and I followed his eyes to the corner. Stephanie was on Trace’s lap, and they were making out. Her skirt was pulled up and Trace’s hand was underneath. She had her hand between his legs and the other hand around his neck. They seemingly gave no thought to the guys playing pool a few feet from them. It was highly trashy, and I couldn’t believe I had considered him anything more than what he was. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “Trace!” Dillon’s voice echoed through the room.

  I tried to look away but couldn’t take my eyes off him and Stephanie. Trace looked up, and his eyes met mine. I stood there like an idiot, trying to digest what I was seeing. Finally, I turned on my heel and walked as quickly as I could out of the room. I faintly heard Trace calling after me as I practically ran out of the house. I felt humiliated even though I’d never agreed to be his girlfriend.

  I had almost made it to my car when I felt someone tug at my arm. “I said wait.”

  I turned around, using every ounce of strength I could muster not to cry. I wasn’t exactly hurt, but I was embarrassed that everyone thought we were a couple and he appeared to be openly cheating on me. “I don’t care.”

  I pulled the car door open, but he shut it and stood in front of me. “I want to talk to you.”

  “Leave me alone and get out of my way,” I said as I tried to move around him.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  Now that was comical. I almost laughed out loud. “Look, you can make out with any trashy girl you choose to in front of your friends.”

  He pressed his lips together as if he didn’t care for my comment. Really? “We were just messing around. It was nothing. Stephanie will never be my girlfriend.” He touched my face. “I only want to be with you.”

  He leaned down to try to kiss me, and I pushed him away. I may
be innocent, but I wasn’t naïve. “You can’t be serious.”

  “You’re driving me crazy with your hot and cold attitude.” He clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath. Was he serious? He seemed to calm after a few seconds though, his features softening. “Once you agree to be my girlfriend, then I’ll stay away from Stephanie and any other girl who tries to come between us.”

  I stared at him as I felt a loss of words. I finally closed my eyes. “Trace, I don’t want to be with a guy who acts like that at parties. I don’t want to be your girlfriend.”

  “Ariel.” He used a fatherly tone as he dragged his hand over his face. “You need be to be reasonable. Stephanie and I are only friends.”

  “Really? That’s how you treat your friends? You put your hand up her skirt.”

  He looked at me intensely as his face turned red. “Stop it!”

  I stepped away from him.

  “Look, babe, I can understand why you’re confused. But nothing happened. We were only kissing as friends and it doesn’t mean anything. You’re the one I want to be with.” He touched my face. “I’ve been good to you. I understand that you’re upset, but you’re making this more than what it is. I’ll drive you home.”

  “No, you will not.” I tried to get around him, but he wouldn’t move.

  Trace let out a frustrated breath. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  He wasn’t budging, and all I wanted to do was go home. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. I may not have a lot of experience with boys, but I knew when I was being played.

  “Look, Trace, I need more time.” My voice came out in a whisper as I looked at the ground. Hopefully that was enough to satisfy him and let me go.

  “I understand,” he finally said and touched my shoulder. “I think you need to calm down. I’ll call you later.”

  I nodded, trying not to give anything away.

  He smiled as he opened the car door and I slid into the driver’s seat. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” He kissed my cheek as I tried not to cringe. “I wanted to take you to dinner this Saturday to Martindale’s. It’s one of the best restaurants in town.”

  “I’ll ask my father.”

  He leaned back and I let out a breath, relieved he’d accepted my answer. Closing the door, he watched me start my car and drive away. My eyes filled with tears, and I wasn’t sure why. More out of frustration than anything. I knew Paisley wanted me with him and my father seemed to adore him, but I didn’t want to be with him.

  Chapter 11


  The next morning at school, I avoided Trace and the whole group as much as possible. We had cheerleading practice after school, but I wanted a few more hours of not being pushed toward him.

  In English class, Dillon tried to explain Trace’s behavior. Of course, it was all Stephanie’s fault, because she’d cornered Trace and made it look like more than it was. I pretended to listen until the teacher made him stop talking to me. I was thankful that my next class was History in the old building. No one from Trace’s group was in that class.

  Walking into the Markson building, I hurried along, hoping not to be late again. The classroom was packed, and I noticed that someone had taken my seat from the day before. Not that we had assigned seating, but I was a creature of habit and would normally sit in the same chair as the day before. Looking around the classroom, I spotted an empty desk near the back, and I squeezed in before anyone else took it. The bell rang as a few people came in the door, barely making it. The teacher wasn’t in the room yet, so no one was tardy.

  Jaxon smiled as his gaze landed on me. I leaned back as he took the empty seat in front of me.

  “Hey.” He put his bag on the floor and grabbed a notebook and pen.

  The guy with Jaxon took the seat beside him, removed his jean jacket, and took out a pencil. “Let me get some paper.”

  “You forgot your notebook?” Jaxon whispered. “It’s only the second day.”

  “Sue me. I was in a hurry this morning.”

  Jaxon turned, meeting my eyes. “What’s up, Ariel?” I paused realizing he had learned my name. I shrugged trying not to bring attention to it. “Nothing much.”

  “I saw you this morning in the parking lot. Is that Range Rover yours?”

  “Um. Yeah. I just got it.”

  “You must be rich.” His friend’s snarky remark made me cringe a little.

  “Not me,” I said warily. He makes rich sound bad. “It was a gift from my father.” I looked back at Jaxon. “I’m still trying to get use to driving it.”

  He leaned a little over the desk. “Your right tire is low. You need to put some air in it.”

  I creased my brow. “How do you do that?”

  The guy beside him laughed. “They shouldn’t let women drive.”

  Jaxon scowled. “Shut up, Bryce.” He shook his head. “Ignore him.” Softening his features, he lowered his voice. “I can put some air in it for you if you want?”

  “It’s okay.” I didn’t want him to think I was a complete idiot like his friend was insinuating. “I can ask my dad.”

  “You shouldn’t drive home on it that low. It could pop or you could ruin your tire. If you meet me in the parking lot during lunch, there’s a gas station down the street, I can fix it.”

  Maybe he was right. I smiled. “That would be great. I can pay you.”

  He snorted. “I don’t need your money.”

  I touched his arm. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I guess I’m not used to people helping me.”

  He stared at me for a second. “It’s okay. Meet me after class and we can go over there.”

  I nodded as I heard the teacher come in. Jaxon turned and looked at the teacher, which gave me a chance to check him out. I watched him take notes as his friend only doodled raunchy pictures, laughing as he showed Jaxon. Jaxon was a bit of a mystery to me. He was obviously from the Northside but didn’t ignore me. Most of the cheerleaders stayed clear of the boys from that side of town, and none of the Northside girls had tried out for the squad. They were supposed to be gone after the semester, so I could only imagine this was as hard for them as it was for the Matter High students. Most of our sports teams were full, leaving few extracurricular opportunities for them.

  The class dragged on, and I found it hard to concentrate. Watching Jaxon and his friend kept me entertained, as Bryce continued to make wise cracks at the teacher’s expense. I was thankful when the bell rang.

  Jaxon turned toward me. “We could go now if you want. My lunch period is my next class.”

  “My lunch period is after my next class.”

  He shrugged, “Do you want to miss?”

  “I don’t know.” Biting my bottom lip, I thought about it. “Do you think I would get in trouble?”

  He smirked. “I think you should live a little.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I didn’t like the way he thought he had me all figured out. “Fine. I can make an excuse.”

  He lifted the corner of his mouth. “A little rebellious? Missing class already?”

  I snorted out a laugh. “Hardly.” We walked out of the building and turned to the parking lot. “I feel bad if you miss your lunch.”

  “I can grab something at the gas station,” he said as if it was no big deal.

  We walked up to my car as I pushed the remote to unlock the doors. Jaxon got into the passenger side, and I started the car.

  “Do you live close to the school?” He adjusted the seat to accommodate his long legs and shifted the vent toward him.

  “I live on the Point,” I said as I clicked my seat belt and adjusted my mirror. I was still getting used to the car and my driving wasn’t the best. Having Jaxon in my car made me a little nervous.

  “Through the gates?” He cocked his brow as he met my eyes.

  I hated when people aske
d me that. “Yes, near the country club,” I said forcefully, not wanting to talk about where I lived.

  He whistled out loud. “Wow.”

  “What?” I said defensively.

  “Nothing.” He looked out the window as he put on his seat belt. “The gas station is about a mile up the road, next to the grocery store.”

  “What did you mean when you whistled?”

  He looked at me. “Sorry, it’s just that your family must be very wealthy to live on the Point.”

  I snorted. “My father is wealthy, but I’m not.”

  I was tired of people looking at me like the rich girl who had no problems. I put the car in drive and took off through the parking lot.

  Silence hung in the car until I couldn’t take it anymore. “I didn’t grow up like the other kids at Matter Point High School. I was sent away to boarding school. I think you would be surprised at how frugally we lived at school. We didn’t have maids and I had chores each week. We wore uniforms, not designer clothes. I’m not who you think I am.”

  He looked down, chewing on the corner of his mouth. “I apologize.” He sighed. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have judged you.”

  I shrugged. “Everyone has been.”

  His voice lowered to a soft tone. “I mean it. I was out of line.”

  I was a little taken aback by his apology. Rubbing my lips together, I thought about what he’d said. “No worries. Right now, I just need to get my tire fixed. I can figure out the rest as I go.”

  “You will figure it out.”

  “I hope so. I just feel a little lost here.”

  “Really? You don’t seem lost to me.” He shifted in his seat and I felt his gaze. “I heard a rumor that you made the cheerleading team.”

  I wrinkled my forehead. “You heard a rumor about me?”

  “Not the only one,” he said, seeming to gauge my reaction.

  “What do you mean?”

  He narrowed one of his eyes, studying my face. “The other rumor is that your boyfriend is the quarterback.”

  I dropped my jaw as I pulled into the gas station. “Excuse me?”


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