Cop Tease

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Cop Tease Page 3

by Aubree Valentine

  “Oh, God.” She giggles, no doubt trying to play off the display of vulnerability I caught. “Stop. I know the score. We’re having fun. I got it. I’m well aware you are not a saint.”

  “Still, I’m sorry for that,” I apologize as I carry her up the stairs to my bedroom, hoping we can table any talk about my sexual partners. “I need to sleep. I wasn’t expecting you this early.”

  “I could use a nap after that workout,” she says as I drop her onto my bed. “You could have let me put my clothes back on though.”

  “Nah, I prefer you naked.” Climbing into bed next to her, I pull the blankets around us. “Besides, I’m still not through with you.”

  “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  I raise my brow and glare. “You might want to cut the sass unless you think you can handle another spanking.”

  “I’m suddenly really sleepy.”

  “Likely story,” I say as I kiss her shoulder. “All jokes aside, are you okay?” Things were heated and rough, and I know she had the option to stop the whole thing. Still, I want to be sure she’s okay with what happened.

  “Dylan, I’m not going to break. I can handle a lot more.”

  I’ll take her word for it, for now. Because sleep is calling my name.

  “Hey, Dylan.” Zoey’s voice has me peeling open my heavy eyes.

  “Yeah.” I yawn as I move and put my hands behind my head.

  She moves and straddles my waist, looking me in the eyes. “Remember how you talked about pushing my limits? Giving life to some of my wildest fantasies?” Her eyes sparkle and my dick hardens beneath her.

  “I remember.” my lips turn upward in a wicked grin.

  “What if, I said…I wanted to know what it was like to be fucked by two men at the same time?”

  My cock twitches and I let out a groan. “Jesus Christ, I swear you’re a walking wet dream, woman.”

  “You said you’ve done it before. Shared, I mean. I…I want that,” she says with utter confidence.

  “Baby, I promised I would give you anything you wanted. I meant it.” It’s no big thing for me to share her, bring her to the brink of ultimate pleasure.

  “You’ll do it? You’ll share me with another man?”

  I push my hips up against her core. “I know just the person to call. Next time you come to visit, I’ll make it happen.”

  It doesn’t matter that we finished having sex such a short time ago, I can feel how soaked she is, simply from talking about being fucked by two cocks at once.

  Reaching between us, Zoey palms my hard length before sliding down on top of me.

  “Fuck,” I hiss as her heat envelopes me. “The things you do to me. Shit.” Sleep can wait. But something else cannot. Guiding her up my cock, she pouts when I slip all the way out. “Condom.”

  “Oh.” She flushes as I reach into my nightstand and pull out the box and grab one. She eagerly grabs the foil wrapper from me and rips it open, sheathing my length before slipping me right back inside her.

  “Goddamn, blondie. That feels so fucking good.”

  If I thought fucking her from behind in the living room was hot, it’s got nothing on the erotic image of her riding my dick.


  I thought having Zoey naked – under me and riding me for nearly four whole days would be the ultimate act of restraint. Not pushing her too far too soon. Holding back on my own desires while exploring hers.

  I was wrong. The ultimate act of restraint is in not calling her every day since she’s left.

  Like a pussy, I’m checking my phone constantly and itching to dial up her number every chance I get.

  It doesn’t help that she sends me goofy ass text messages every morning. Usually, it’s some kind of meme or dirty joke. Nor does it help when she sends me a text in the middle of the night just because.

  I guess, in reality, not much has changed. Except for the fact that we met in person and had sex. Lots of sex. Yet, for some reason, these messages feel different. Maybe because I’m yearning for a fix of something that only Zoey is able to give me right now.

  The damn woman has me breaking every single one of my rules and damn, if it doesn’t feel right. No, fuck that. It’s got to be the sex. And the fact that I’ve not slept with anyone, exclusively or otherwise in a while.

  Since you started talking to her, to be exact. My brain yells at me.

  “Earth to Smitty. Ready to pull your head out of your ass and call it?” Leave it to Rhys’ big mouth to distract me.

  “Yeah, whatever. Let’s go.” We’re not far from the station and had more than our fair share of drunk college kids for the night. It seems like they may all be sleeping now. Or, at least we can hope.

  “You still over there dreaming about what’s her name?”

  “Dude, don’t be a jackass. You know her name. And no, I wasn’t thinking about Zoey,” I lie through my teeth.

  “Bullshit, man. You’ve had that glossed over look on your face for the last half hour.”

  Fucking Rhys. Damn kid is a pain in my ass, been stuck with him since his first day and I swear he’s more like the little brother I never had. Which means, he knows me better than most people do.

  “Drive back to the station and shut the fuck up, will ya?”

  “Man, you’ve got to get laid more often. I feel like you’re going through withdrawals. Maybe long distance isn’t the best option for you,” he pokes.

  If it weren’t for the fact that I know Rhys is dealing with his own bullshit, thanks to Zoey’s best friend, I’d give him hell right back. Instead, I let it die off and ignore his dig. After all, he did have to put up with the two of us, Zoey and I, drunk off our asses Thursday night.

  Now more than ever, I’m thankful I didn’t get tangled up in Zoey’s master plan to try and get Rhys and KJ together, considering it’s ended in nothing more than a dead end.

  Chapter Five


  Working on a sex scene between my characters has taken me hours. Crazy, right? I know. You would think that those scenes would be the easiest to write. Except they’re not. Not always anyway. Case in point, my alpha reader has so kindly pointed out that what I’m describing may be in no way physically possible.

  Checking the time on my phone, I see that it’s two a.m. Dylan should be at work tonight, and I’ve come up with the perfect idea to find out if this would really work or not.

  ZoeyDanielsAuthor: Hey stud. I have a question for you.

  Minutes tick by. I’m about to give up hope that I’ll get a response when my phone finally rings.

  Dylan’s groggy voice fills the line. “What’s up?”

  “Are you…asleep on the job? You are at work, right?”

  “Got an appointment first thing in the morning. Took the night off.” He still sounds half asleep.

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry D. If I had known you were asleep…”

  “It’s fine. What did you need?”

  “Right! The reason I messaged you. So, um. I’m writing this book. And well. I’ve come to this scene and my alpha reader is telling me it’s not humanly possible. I thought I would run it by you and test your knowledge,” I say in a rush, as my courage begins to waver.

  “Don’t go getting all shy now, Zoey,” Dylan replies, sounding more awake now.

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me through the phone. “Anyway. My heroine is with her two lovers and they have her head sort of hanging off the table. She’s at the perfect height to suck the one guy’s cock, while the other is fucking her. We’re debating if the cock sucking would really work. Would it put her at too weird of an angle? Would it still be enjoyable for the guy?”

  “Jesus Christ. Zoey. You seriously called me for this?”

  Not going to lie, the lust in his voice and the imagery in my head has me extremely turned on right now. “If you could answer the question, so that I can get back to work, that would be great!” I answer with way too much enthusiasm.

“Yes. Yes, it would work, And I’m sure that if the three individuals know what they are doing, it would be pleasurable for everyone involved. First chance I get, I’ll prove it to you.”

  Holy shit. Yes, please. “Great. That’s all I needed to know. Got to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Not so fast.”

  I should have known he wasn’t going to let me off the hook that easily.

  “Why me? Why did you call me to ask that question? I thought you and KJ ping these crazy ass ideas off each other all the time?” Dylan asks.

  “Well, I would have asked her but I’m pretty sure she has no experience in that particular area. Not that you needed to know that. But she’s also busy with Rhys coming into town this weekend, so I can’t bother her. They’re doing a little family bonding.”

  “Family bonding? Elaborate.”

  “With Reid. Their kid. Duh.”

  “Rhys, has a kid?”

  “Fuck. He didn’t tell you?” I’ve clearly just inserted my foot firmly in my mouth.



  Finishing up at my very early doctor’s appointment, I see that Rhys is online and decide it’s time we have a little chat.

  Smitty: Pretty boy, don’t you have a citation to write or something?

  Rhys: Fuck off

  Smitty: Breakfast after work

  Rhys: Plans

  Yeah, this fucker has plans alright.

  A certain blonde told me all about those plans. And now I’ve got a bone to pick with my partner and best friend for withholding vital information.

  That dead end I thought he hit with Zoey’s best friend, isn’t as dead as he let me believe.

  Smitty: Nope. Breakfast, it wasn’t a request. I’ll meet you at the diner. Don’t stand me up.

  He’s still fighting me, but I’m not giving in. I think he and I need to have a little chat about where he’s been spending his weekends and why he didn’t think it was worth mentioning.

  When he pulls up outside the diner a little bit later, I’m leaning against my car waiting on him.

  “Got some catching up to do.” I follow Rhys inside and grab a table.

  My ass has barely touched the seat when my favorite waitress, Carrie, comes over with two cups of hot coffee. I’ve been coming here for a long time, and Carrie’s always done a grand job of taking care of me. With our orders placed, she rushes off, and I watch as Rhys nervously pours Splenda and two creamers in his coffee.

  The little shit knows I’m about to lay into him.

  “Something been keeping you away, pretty boy?”

  It’s not gone unnoticed that he’s rushing out the door when our shifts end and at the end of our four days on – he’s running like his ass is on fire. Too caught up in my own shit, I almost thought nothing of it, until Zoey spilled the details.

  “Aww, Smitty, you been missing me?” The fucker jokes.

  I grunt and shake my head, cutting right to the point. “What’s this I hear about you having a little boy?”

  The color drains from his face, he looks like a kid who has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  “There a reason why you’re hiding him? Why you haven’t told anyone?” I question when he doesn’t respond.

  “There a reason why you’re offended by this information? I mean, damn, I’m still getting used to the idea and trying to work out the details myself,” he snaps back.

  “I’m your partner. When shit goes down, I’ve got your six. And yet, you didn’t think you should tell me that I’ve got a little nephew out there?”

  I can tell that my reaction has surprised him. I’m not sure how he thought I’d handle the news, but I’m guessing he didn’t expect me to be so supportive.

  “Who told you?” he questions.

  “You do realize, I’m banging your girl’s best friend?”

  He holds up a finger. “First, she’s not my girl. Second, I prefer not to know about your sexcapades.”

  “Whatever,” I huff. “Still, I should have heard it from you.”

  “You’re right. You should have. Which means your girl should have kept her mouth shut.”

  Our conversation is interrupted when one of the new girls brings us our food. I expect her to drop off the plates and leave, but she lingers instead causing both of us to look up at her in confusion.

  When she starts giggling, I have to hold it together. I know what’s next, and it’s going to be hilarious. The minute she asks Rhys if he’s the ‘Hot Cop’, I just about lose my shit.

  Rhys is fighting the urge to look at me, knowing full well I’m enjoying this way too much.

  He offers to sign a copy of her book with him on the cover which sends her bouncing off with a squeal.

  The minute she’s out of earshot, I’m done for. “Son of a bitch. This never gets old.”

  This fucker takes a damn selfie during hurricane clean up with some of the other guys at the department and next thing you know, he’s a viral sensation. Watching this girl fall all over him is fucking hilarious.

  “You don’t have much room to talk. Yours is coming. Just wait,” he reminds me.

  Yeah, I still can’t believe Zoey plans to put my ugly mug on a book cover. As soon as she finishes writing the damn thing.

  Ava gets her autograph, and Carrie comes back to check on us, apologizing for the new girl and letting us know that Mac has covered our breakfast today. Our protests fall on deaf ears. He’s insistent, and there’s no fighting with Carrie or Mac, he’ll come out from the kitchen and kick our asses if we argue too much.

  “Smitty,” Rhys looks at me as he wipes his mouth.

  “Yeah, I know, you’ve gotta run. Before you go, let me see pictures of the kid. I know you’ve got some.” If he thinks he’s getting out of here without letting me see the little guy, he’s got another thing coming.

  I should have known better when he handed over his phone with that shit eating grin on his face though. “You fucker.” I slide his phone back over to him. “There is something really wrong with you Rhys.”

  “Aww, come on, you didn’t like that picture?”

  “I could have spent my whole life without seeing whoever’s schlong that is. Jackass. Why the fuck do you have a dick on your phone, man?”

  “I googled it,” he smiles proudly.

  Stupid ass. “Sure you did.”

  “Trust me. I could have shown you mine, but I didn’t want you to get jealous.”

  Jealous. Not hardly. I’m quite confident when it comes to my dick. “Never mind. Forget I asked,” I raise my hands in surrender. “But seriously, delete them before you get in some kind of trouble. And dear God don’t be dumb enough to send nudes to anyone.”

  “Okay, that conversation went south quickly. Thanks for the tip. Christ man, I’m not that dumb.”

  I wonder sometimes. “Nightstand.” I cough in my hand.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Just sayin.” I’ll never forget Zoey’s best friend KJ cuffing Rhys to a nightstand at the hotel and running off with the key. That was one of the highlights of the weekend. “Now, can you be serious for five seconds and let me see my nephew?”

  “Okay, for real, here’s Reid.”

  I eye his phone cautiously, refusing to take it from him until I’m sure he’s not setting me up again. When I look this time, there’s no doubt who this kid belongs to.

  “Man, he looks just like you.”

  “I know.”

  “You and KJ?” I ask.

  “She kept him from me.” It’s evident that he’s struggling with that. Who could blame him?

  “But she’s the mother of your child.”

  “And I respect that.”

  Yeah, no. That’s not going to cut it. “When you get back, we’ll talk more about this. You should be doing right by her. Not having them live four hours away man.”

  Chapter Six


  Zoey(Cell): Home from the spa. I’m feeling nice and relaxed. Thank yo
u. You didn’t have to do all that.

  Dylan: You’re welcome. Though I prefer you bad and tight. ;)

  Rhys let me know what he was planning for KJ and that he pulled Zoey in on this plan. His attempt at figuring out his bullshit with KJ involved a spa day. So, I made some calls of my own and made damn sure my girl was taken care of too. The itemized receipt the spa sent to my email tells me that it was well worth it.

  Zoey(Cell): Oh I am. Shame you’re not here this weekend.

  Damn. I wish I was with her. Instead I’m heading into a bullshit meeting with a friend of mine. Because, somehow, I always get roped into helping out with some of the most random shit.

  Dylan: You wouldn’t dare give me a break would you? Christ, woman, I told you I had some things to take care of.

  Zoey(Cell): I know. I know.

  Dylan: It’s ok. Keep it up with the sassy mouth of yours. I’ll be sure to put it to good use.

  Zoey(Cell): You’ve got to do better with the threats, mister. The thought of all the things I could do with my mouth does not scare me.

  Dylan: Damn it, Zoey, now I’m about to walk into a meeting, and I’ve got a hard-on.

  Zoey(Cell): Not sorry.

  Dylan: Babe…so help me God. I have to go, but I’m calling you after this meeting. You better answer.

  Goddamnit. My cock is fucking rock hard as I imagine her mouth wrapped around it. Tossing my head back against the headrest of my seat, I stretch my legs – as much as one can in the driver’s seat and close my eyes. Counting backward and trying to redirect blood flow before I walk into Cole’s office to talk about this assignment I volunteered for this weekend.

  Cole and I have been best friends since we were kids. Always stirring up trouble together. He went into the military when I joined the police academy. These days he runs event security, among other things, which is exactly how I ended up at the first book signing where I met Zoey. Sometimes I help him out, other times he actually partners with the local PD to make shit happen, safely.

  My cell phone rings in my hand, which is more than enough to calm my current issue. Especially when I see Cole’s name on the screen.

  “I’m on my way in, asshole,” I answer.

  “I wondered if you were going to sit in the car all afternoon. I promise you this gig isn’t that bad, and it pays well. Now get your ass in here so we can get this meeting over with.”


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