Cop Tease

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Cop Tease Page 11

by Aubree Valentine

  “She said he…was…dead.” I’ve cried so much in the last few days that I’m not even sure I have anything left in me now.

  “He is.”

  “Did you….”

  “Refer back to my earlier statement. Leave it at that.”

  “Dylan.” I throw my arms around his neck and bury my face. Part of me doesn’t want to know while the other part of me can read between the lines and figure it out. “How long have you known?”

  “That he died? Don’t worry about that.”

  “How are they so sure he’s the stalker? Did you know? Why didn’t you tell me that my stalker was dead? And you mentioned my ex before, was he somehow involved in all of this?”

  “Calm down. Cole called while you were in the shower. I’m sorry I fell asleep, or I would have told you myself. Your ex is innocent. Other than being a douche, there’s nothing at all that ties him to any of this. All that matters is that you’re safe now. This entire nightmare that’s haunted me since Natalie died can be put to rest.”

  I pull back slightly and look into his eyes. “Can I ask you one more thing? About Natalie?”

  He hesitates but agrees.

  “Are you still in love with her?”

  “I’ll always carry a piece of her with me. I loved her. Not the way I love you though. This love is different. In a way, I feel like she led me to you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Tonight, I’ll go back to work for the first time since my partner got shot.

  I don’t expect this to be easy, especially since I’ll be riding solo for the foreseeable future. I’m sure I’ll miss Rhys’ witty personality, so before my shift starts, I’ve decided to pay the fucker a little visit to the hospital.

  “Well, look what the cat drug in.”

  I laugh. “I’m glad to see they didn’t remove your charm in the operating room.”

  “Fuck, don’t make me laugh, it still hurts.”

  Kelsey stands up to give me a gentle hug. “I’m going to go get some food, I’ll give you both a few minutes.”

  “You don’t have to leave just because I’m here.”

  “She hasn’t eaten all day. Too afraid to leave me alone. She’s worried I might sign myself out of this joint. So yeah, let her go eat while you babysit my ass.” Rhys glares at Kelsey, daring her to disobey.

  “I said I’m going. I won’t be gone long.”

  “Kelsey,” Rhys scolds.

  She flips him the finger over her shoulder as she walks out.

  “You two seem to be getting along fabulously,” I state as I pull up a chair.

  “The last Goddamn thing I want to talk about right now is myself, in any capacity, including things with Kelsey.”

  “Alright then. Would you rather talk about the weather? It was fairly cool out today. Fall like, almost,” I try to lighten the mood.

  “You’re a horrible visitor.”

  “And I’m sure you’re a terrible patient. I think that makes us even?”

  “God, I want out of this fucking place. I want to go home where my woman can sponge bathe me in peace. I want to sleep in my own bed. And I’m sick and tired of the smell of sanitizer and rubbing alcohol,” Rhys complains.

  “Man, I bet the nurses love you.”

  His lips turn upward in a crooked grin. “Oh, they do love me. Apparently, even in this hideous hospital gown, I’m the ‘Hot Cop’. You know what’s better though? Getting shot at makes me ten times hotter.”

  “Christ, I’m sure Kelsey is loving that.”

  “Nope. Not at all. Doesn’t help that one of the nurses is an old fling.”

  “Oh, fuck.” I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Yeah, Kelsey is not pleased about that. She demanded to speak to the charge nurse and said it was a conflict of interest and a violation of my privacy.” Rhys is trying so hard not to laugh.

  I almost feel bad for the guy.

  “I’m sure you’re practically charming the pants off of them, which isn’t helping matters.”

  He holds up one arm, the one not in a sling. “I swear, I’m not. I’m really trying to stay out of trouble in here.”

  Taking the first chance I’ve gotten since all of this happen, I fold my hands together in my lap and really look at Rhys. “Hey, listen…I know we don’t usually do the whole mushy emotional stuff and shit, but…”

  “Oh, fuck no. Don’t you dare.” he glares at me. “Smitty, I swear to God, do not go soft on me. Don’t thank me for having your back. Don’t tell me you’re sorry I got shot. I don’t want to hear it. I was doing my job. You would have done the same damn thing. So, seriously. Don’t even say it.”

  It would probably make me look like a pussy right now if I started crying, tears don’t care though.

  “Motherfucker, I’m not kidding.” Rhys grabs the box of tissues off his bed tray and throws them at me with his good arm, narrowly missing my face. “Stop that shit, right now. I’ve dealt with enough tears over my sorry ass for the last few days. My mom was in here sobbing. Kelsey’s done nothing but cry. If you start sobbing, I’m getting out of this bed and stealing your taser to use it on you.”

  That does it, a full-on belly laugh erupts from me.

  “I fucking hate you, Rhys.”

  “You do not. You love me, and that’s why your ass was about to start crying like a girl.”

  “You’re such a dick, man.” I chuckle.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” He shakes his head at me. “Cole and Logan have been filling me in on shit. How’s Zoey holding up?”

  “Way to change the subject,” I lean back in the chair and stretch out my legs. “She’s doing okay, I think. I told her about Natalie and the connection to Richard Ives.”

  “How’d that go?”

  “She’s trying to be strong for me. She’s worried about Kelsey. Worried about you.” I roll my eyes. “I wonder if she blames me for all of this though.”

  “Dude, what the fuck ever. None of this was your fault. You know it. We deal with fucked up people every day.”

  “Yeah, we do. Usually, those people aren’t trying to kill us, or the ones we love.”

  “Yeah, well. It’s over and done now. I’m pretty sure we’re all safe.”

  Before I go, Kelsey comes back in the room holding a muffin and a bottle of water. Rhys’ face lights up at the sight of her, and I send up a silent prayer. Grateful that the bastard is still here to annoy all of us.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “I need to go help Kelsey get ready for Reid’s birthday party. Are you going to meet me there, or do you want to come with?” I call over my shoulder as I sort through the closet, trying to find a shirt to wear.

  “What time do you need to leave?” Dylan asks from the bed where he’s still laying. Naked at that.

  “In ten minutes.” I tug the pink shirt over my head and slip my feet into a pair of sandals. “Which means,” I say as I step back, “you need to put clothes on if you’re going with me.”

  There goes that wicked grin of his again. I know what’s next.

  “Or, you could come back over here, and we could be late for the party.”

  “Tempting, D, really. However, I promised Kelsey I would be there. With Rhys’ limited mobility currently, she’s going out of her mind.”

  It’s been a month since Rhys came home from the hospital. They tried to talk him into going to inpatient rehab, but the stubborn man refused. Instead, Kelsey’s had a trail of people in and out of her house for the last four weeks, providing Rhys the therapy that his body needs to recover. He’s made amazing progress, but he’s still not 100%.

  “Fine. Fine. I’ll put some clothes on,” Dylan protests as he gets up out of the bed. “This is a waste of a perfectly good hard-on, for the record.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I head to the bathroom to swipe on a little bit of makeup.

  I haven’t completely moved in with Dylan, yet, but most of my things have m
igrated here. Before the end the year, when my lease ends, it seems I’ll be taking up permanent residence in Dylan’s townhouse.

  Opening the vanity door beneath the sink, I reach in to grab my makeup bag and freeze. Off to the side, a package of tampons sits, untouched. Counting back in my head it hits me that my period is late. Very late. Shit. I can’t be. There’s no way. I’m on the pill.

  Birth control pills are not 100% effective, my brain screams.

  We’ve always used condoms too. Except for that night at the hospital. In the shower.

  Oh hell.

  It doesn’t matter. I don’t have time to analyze the situation any further right now. Instead, I grab my mascara and quickly swipe it on, followed by some lip gloss, and then I need to get out the door.

  I guess I’ll be stopping at the pharmacy on the way home from this birthday party.

  Dylan’s waiting for me at the garage door entrance, scrolling through his phone. I wish it only took me ten minutes to look that good walking out the door.

  “Bike or truck?” He grunts in his usual voice, barely looking up from his phone.

  “Uhm.” Riding his bike isn’t something the two of us get to do often. Regard for the tiny life that may or may not be growing inside me causes me to second guess myself. I want to feel the rumble beneath me while I hold on to Dylan. There’s something freeing about being on the back of his bike with him. A calm that you can’t get anywhere else.

  “Woman.” He pockets his phone and looks up at me. “Nevermind. Truck, let’s go.”


  “Get your ass in the truck. You’re the one who said you couldn’t be late.”

  Things are in full swing at Kelsey’s house when we pull up. The outside of the house has balloons tied everywhere announcing the birthday boy is one. Inside streamers are already hanging from the ceiling with more balloons decorating the floor.

  “Kels, what the heck, lady? Have you been up all night? I said I’d come over and help.”

  She’s outdone herself, the house looks like a toddler wonderland.

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I got a head start.” She grabs my arm, “Come with me. I do have one thing you can help me with.”

  “Good luck with that,” Rhys yells out to me as Kelsey drags me away.

  “Here.” She hands me a glass of wine. “Drink this.”

  Her glass is already pressed to her lips, while I hold mine in stunned silence.

  “Uhm, Kels…are you okay?”

  “Yep, I’m good.” She says cheerfully. “My baby is turning one. My fiancé is alive and well… I’ve got my bestie and a whole bottle of wine. All good, now drink up,” she points to my glass.

  “I…yeah, I’m good. I thought Dylan may want to have a few beers with Rhys while we’re here, so I’m driving home,” I reply quickly. A little too quickly judging by the look that’s on her face.

  “Are you pregnant?” my best friend blurts out.

  “Shh. Shut up. NO! I…I don’t know. I’m late. I didn’t have time to buy a test, I have no clue.”

  Kelsey shakes her head. “Oh no, we’re finding this out right now. I’ve got a whole stash of tests in our master bathroom.”

  “No, forget it. It’s fine. I don’t…”

  Too late, Kelsey has me by the arm again, prancing through the house and into her room. Both guys laugh at us on the way by.

  I hear Dylan say that Kelsey’s in rare form, behind us.

  Kelsey shuts and locks the bathroom door behind us before pulling out a box and tossing it at me. “Pee. Now. I need to know.”

  “You’ve lost your mind. I’m not peeing with you in here.”

  “Oh please, I’ll turn around.”


  “Listen biatch, you’re my best friend, we do life together, remember? This could be one of the biggest moments in your life. I’m not about to miss out on this. Pee on the stick so I know if I’m going to be an auntie or not.”

  Reluctantly, I drop my pants and do my business with Kelsey hovering with her back to me. When I’m done, I set the stick on a folded piece of toilet paper on the counter. I wash my hands, and we wait.

  “Is there a reason you have a stockpile of pregnancy tests under your bathroom sink?” I try to take the heat off me for a minute. Three minutes to be exact.

  Kelsey giggles. “We may or may not be trying again. Or, were trying, before all of this. Well, that’s not true, we’re still trying. We’ve gotten creative with how we have to…”

  “STOP! Nope, say no more.”

  She laughs again and checks her phone. “Time’s up. I gave you one of the digital ones, so it should tell you…”

  “I’m pregnant.” Holy fuck. I’m pregnant.

  “I’m going to be an auntie!” Kelsey squeals in my ear as she throws her arms around me. “Gah, I can’t believe it. You’re going to be a mom. This is so awesome.”

  I can’t breathe. This… We never talked about kids. I…I was on the pill. This…is happening. Fuck.

  “Can you go get Dylan?” Yes, send Kelsey to get Dylan. Best to get this over with now. Oh, God, what if he’s not happy. Shit. I...deep breath. Deep breath. It will be fine. We’ll be fine.

  I place a protective hand on my stomach as Dylan walks in. Concern etched on his face.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? What is it?”

  I’m unable to form words as I hand him the plastic stick.

  He looks down at it and studies it, then looks back up at me.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  Biting my lip, I nod shyly.

  “We’re going to be parents.” It’s not a question but a statement of certainty. “Wow. We’re…Zoey, we’re going to be parents.”

  “Looks like it,” I reply meekly. “Are you okay with this?”

  “What? Are you kidding me? I’m thrilled.”

  “It’s just, we never talked about, we hadn’t really discussed…Wait…” I stop when his words sink in. “You’re thrilled?”

  “Over the moon, Zoey. I couldn’t be happier.” Wrapping his arms around me, he lifts me up and spins me around. “We’re having a baby. I’ve never been more excited in my whole life.” When he kisses me, my toes curl. I can feel his words and know this is meant to be.

  We’re having a baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I fucking suck at surprises. If I make it to the Bahamas alive, it will be a small miracle.

  “You sure she got on the plane?” I ask Rhys for the hundredth time.

  “Do me a favor? Drink another beer and chill the fuck out.”

  Christ, don’t let this shit backfire on me. “That doesn’t answer the question.”

  “Yes, man, for fuck sake. She got on the airplane with Kelsey.”

  “She still thinks it’s a girl’s weekend?”

  “Yes, and you’re probably going to get me in trouble for putting Reid on an airplane. Fucking hell, man.”

  Reid wiggles in his arm. “Daddy, cuppa!”

  Rhys gives me a dirty look and hands the kid his sippy cup. “I’m finally feeling like myself again and two weeks before I get to return to work you decide it’s a fine time to do this. You know, I’m actually not sure what is going to get me into more trouble. Not telling her that Reid and I are coming along, or the fact that this wasn’t my idea and she and I are not the ones getting married.”

  A wide grin spreads across my face. “I’m older and wiser. Maybe you should take lessons.”

  “Says the man who hasn’t even proposed yet.”

  “She won’t say no.”

  “For your sake, I hope not.” Rhys shoots me a smartass smirk.

  “Dick,” I grumble.

  “DICK!” Reid screams.

  My mouth drops open and a hearty laugh bubbles out. “Oops.”

  “Great, now he’ll repeat that one to his mother too.”

  “Dick. Dick. Dick,” the kid babbles on.

  “That’s right little guy. Duck, quack
quack.” I reach over and gently poke his little belly. Shit, in forty-eight hours I’m going to be a married man. In another six months or so, I’ll be a dad. Fuck. This is not how I saw this year playing out.

  “Nice save.” Rhys smiles and takes a sip of his draft beer.

  The girls are up in the air according to the online flight tracker and within the hour we won’t be far behind them.

  They think they’re getting a nice little extended weekend getaway thanks to Rhys and me…for dealing with all the bullshit for the last three months.

  We’ll give them twenty-four hours of relaxation doing whatever it is women do to relax. Then, I plan on joining Zoey for breakfast with a ring in hand. The minute she says yes, I’ll be whisking her off to the courthouse to file for a marriage license.

  All those hard-earned pennies I’d been saving and the side jobs I’d been working with Cole sure did come in handy when it came to this expense. An expense that was well worth it.

  “You’re late,” Rhys grunts, and I look up from my thoughts in time to see Cole joining us finally.

  “Fuck off, man. I had an issue this morning that needed resolving. Not my fault.” He flips Rhys off and fluffs Reid’s hair. “You ready to do this?” Cole turns to me.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Like there was ever a doubt that I’d be doing this without my two best men by my side.

  “Flight 106 to Nassau Bahamas is now boarding at gate 26.”

  Looks like Cole made it just in time.

  “Let’s do this, boys.”


  For a guy who doesn’t usually do nerves, my nerves are fucking shot.

  I thought we could handle one day without getting caught and blowing our cover. We did. Barely. And only because we stayed confined to the room. Why? Because the one time Cole stepped out to get food and a six-pack of beer, he was almost spotted.

  That quickly ended that.

  Not that Rhys could really go anywhere with a kid. Though, Reid would make a pretty adorable Carlos. If only he had brought the infant sling. We could have been the three-man wolf pack, prowling the bar. Hell, who am I kidding, there was no chance there would be a Hangover remake starring the three of us, four counting Reid.


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