Four Letter Word

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Four Letter Word Page 34

by J. Daniels

  “Same.” Jamie turned his head. “You want a hand mounting the TV before I head out?” He directed this at Brian.

  “I got it,” Brian replied, setting the screwdriver on the table behind him, then moving in my direction. “Appreciate the help today.”

  “Yep,” Jamie said.

  “Anytime,” Cole assured.

  I grabbed the last slice of supreme, slid it onto a paper plate, and held it out as Brian came to stand beside me.

  He smirked, threw his arm over my shoulder, and tugged me close like he was always doing, kissed the top of my head, then used his other hand to take the plate I was offering and placed it on the counter in front of him. He picked up the slice and lifted it to his mouth.

  Kali entered the kitchen just as I was getting ready to combine the remaining slices into one box.

  “I don’t know where my head is today but I didn’t bring it with me,” she announced, bouncing Cameron on her hip and looking frazzled. “I forgot the Cheerios and the wipes, and this one is both starving and in need of a change. I’m gonna need to get going.” She turned her eyes on me. “I’m sorry, Syd. I thought for sure I had extras in my car but I just spent the last ten minutes searching and the only thing I found was a bag of Goldfish that were so stale I wouldn’t even risk feeding them to Sir.”

  Responding to his name being said, Sir barked at my feet.

  “Da-de-da!” Cameron squealed, waving his arms excitedly and whipping his head around looking all over for the puppy.

  “Don’t worry about it. Everyone’s heading out now anyway,” I told her, watching the regret keeping weight. She wasn’t letting go of it.

  Kali shook her head and slid her hand up higher on Cameron’s back, keeping him steady.

  “No, I told you I’d help today and I didn’t even get to really do that. I’m so irritated with myself right now.”

  “Taking care of your kid takes precedence over carrying boxes,” Cole put in, trying to make her feel better and, in doing so, earning high merits from me. “Just saying. And it’s not like we didn’t manage. Everything’s done.”

  “What he said,” Brian mumbled around his bite of pizza.

  “Plus, you kept Sir occupied for me while we were in and out of the house,” I added, bending down and picking him up when he started pawing at my leg. “You and Cam were a help today. Big ones.”

  Kali gave me a soft smile, finally accepting my appreciation.

  “Okay,” she said, turning Cam and allowing his roaming eyes to spot the puppy in my arms now.

  He reached out with both hands.


  I carried Sir over to Kali and let the two new friends say their good-byes, which consisted of Sir licking all over Cameron’s face and Cam giggling sweetly and bopping Sir on the head a couple times, caught up in the excitement of puppy kisses and unable to contain it.

  I fully understood the struggle. I got caught up myself at least once a day.

  Everyone left at the same time after that, giving farewells to one another. All except for Tori and Jamie.

  Jamie gave his. Tori ignored it and made a point to single out the rest of us.

  I rolled my eyes at my best friend and waved when she got to her car, then after making sure Sir was on the correct side of it, closed the front door and collapsed backward into Brian’s waiting arms.

  He kissed the top of my head.

  It was four in the afternoon, and the only thing I wanted to do was curl up on our mattress surrounded by my boy’s limbs and scent and the dirty words he’d whisper to me when I was nearly asleep. Nothing else would do.

  “Wanna unpack now or wait a bit?” he asked, tightening his hold.

  On the list of things that wouldn’t do, unpacking was at the very top.

  “Is never an option? ’Cause if I’m being honest, that seems the most appealing.”

  I felt Brian’s warm breath tickle the top of my skull.

  “Not an option if you want to live here with me,” he murmured. “You still feeling that?”

  Underneath his palms, my stomach muscles tensed.

  I spun around, wrapped my hands around his neck, gave him a calming smile, and whispered, “I’m still feeling that.”

  “Good.” He tugged me closer, moved his hands down to my ass, and squeezed. “You wanna feel me now?”

  My belly dipped.

  That calming smile I was wearing turned into something that could light up a large city. I was sure of it.

  “Absolutely.” I went up on my toes for a kiss. “That’s my favorite option.”

  * * *

  I came hard on a cry, losing suction on Brian’s cock when my back arched and I pushed up, hands splaying across his lower stomach, elbows locked, and weight on my knees with Brian’s face between them sucking perfectly on my clit.

  “OhGodOhGodOhGod,” I chanted as my hips jerked, smearing my desire over his lips and chin.

  I was making such a mess. I could feel it, hear it, and Brian, God, he loved when I was like this. He wanted me dripping.

  It turned him on like nothing else.

  He moaned greedily and lapped at my slit. He wrapped his arms around me and pinned me down or pressed up with his face when I squirmed and held back.

  He fucked me with his tongue and sucked me with his lips until I was panting and dizzy and building fast to another slow burn.

  “Brian,” I gasped with shaking legs. “Please. If you don’t get inside me soon, I might die. This is not an exaggeration.”

  Warm breath burst against my flesh as he laughed. Then his tongue gave me a long, slow lick.

  I gasped, shuddered, then glanced over my shoulder to peek at the top of his head.

  “Are you hearing me?” I hissed.

  I yelped when he bit my inner thigh.

  He was hearing me.

  “Please,” I urged. “I’m being seriohh!”

  He slid his hands to my hips and quickly shifted me off and onto the mattress beside him, sending me falling over on a yelp, then he was up on his knees and dragging me down to my back, spreading me wide with his big hands hooking behind my legs as he settled and stared between them.

  “Play with yourself, babe. Want you coming again on my cock,” he ordered, stroking himself slowly.

  I could’ve told him there was no need, that I’d be coming again with or without assisting, I always did, but I wanted to do it.

  Anything he asked of me, I wanted just as badly.

  I slid my hand down my body and between my legs.

  I was swollen and sensitive from Brian’s mouth, but I still pressed with two fingers and rubbed, teasing that tiny bundle of nerves.

  It hurt to touch. It hurt worse not to.

  Then he surged forward and filled me, hitting deep.

  “Fuck,” he growled, thrusting slow. “Goddamn, I want you, Syd. Never wanted anything like I want you.”

  Oh, God. He just said that.

  “Me either,” I breathed, running my hand over the tight muscles of his stomach up to his chest and pressing there.

  His heart raced under my palm.

  “Wanna give you everything.” He licked his lips and stared at my mouth. “Everyfuckingthing, Wild.”

  “I just want you.” I cupped his cheek while my other hand worked between us. “I only want you.”


  I blinked, saying nothing.


  He read my confusion, smirked, and with hips dragging slow told me, “Not good enough. Not with what you’ve given me.”

  I didn’t understand.

  But before I could question any of it, Brian bent lower, dropped his forehead until we were touching, and said words I will never forget no matter how many years I walk on this earth.

  “Wanna set your whole fucking world on fire, babe, ’cause that’s what you’ve done to mine.”

  I stared up at him, unable to breathe. My one hand stilling between us. My other pressing firmer to his chest with fingers tens
ing and curling under, reaching for his perfect heart.

  Tears filled my eyes.

  “You’re killing me,” I whispered.

  He was. Saying words like that to me, I’d never heard anything more beautiful before in my entire life.

  And like everything else with this man, I wanted it. I wanted it all.

  Kill me, I thought.

  Let me die for this love.

  “Know the feeling,” he murmured, still moving inside me.

  I couldn’t take it.

  I grabbed the back of Brian’s neck and pulled him down at the same time as pushing up, going for his mouth and getting it as he continued driving into me, over and over, his one hand covering my breast and his other pinning my hips to the bed.

  I went a little mad after that, holding him tighter and begging him louder and kissing him harder than I’d ever kissed him.

  Brian drove deeper, staring into my eyes, his gaze intense as he took me.

  And took me.

  And took me.

  “Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ tight, Wild,” he rasped, fingers digging into my flesh. “Squeezing me like that…Jesus.”

  “I told you I was little down there,” I said, smiling against his mouth and risking ruining the moment we were sharing but deep down knowing I could never truly ruin it.

  Not with him inside me.

  And this was only confirmed when Brian kept on fucking.

  “Weren’t lying, babe. Shit is like a vise around my cock. Christ, I’m fucking close already.”

  “You’re welcome,” I whispered, giggling when he leaned back and shot me a glare.

  Again, a risk, but I really couldn’t help it.

  “Don’t be cute while I’m fucking you, Syd,” Brian grated.

  “I can’t control my cuteness, Brian. It just flows naturally.”

  He glared harder. His hips stilled.

  “You’re being cute again.”

  “Completely accidental,” I explained, wiggling underneath him and smiling big. “Come on, big boy. I’ve heard I’m wild when I come. You don’t want me cute, better do something about it.”

  His eyes flashed, then he started pumping, hard and heavy, swiveling his hips and grinding low.

  I dug my fingernails into his back and shuddered with need.

  Oh, God, yes.

  Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. YES.

  “Trouble,” I panted.

  He growled, twisted my nipple, and hit that spot inside that made my body tremble and tighten.

  “Wait,” he grunted, thrusting harder. Deeper.

  I shook my head, warning, “I can’t.”

  “Wait, Syd.”

  “Oh, God,” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut and taking my hand out from between us, putting it on his hip and holding on.

  Brian dipped his head and sucked on the skin of my neck, murmuring so good and so fucking good and fuck, Wild, FUCK. He kept thrusting and working my nipple, and I felt his breath catch just below my ear before his lips touched my cheek and he groaned, “Now, baby.”


  Oh, I liked that. I liked that a lot.

  I liked it so much, I came harder than the first time, my head slamming back, hitting half pillow/half mattress, my nails cutting and dragging across skin and my hips pressing down, forcing Brian deeper.

  He leaned back to look at me, meeting my eyes, and I saw his were nearly black and mad with want. He looked possessed. He looked beautiful.

  Always. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, inside and out.

  Then on a moan, he buried deep, cursed, and gave it to me, spilling his pleasure inside and sliding out at the last second to watch the last shot bathe my pussy.

  “Shit, Wild,” he panted, then took his thumb and smeared it over my clit.

  I gasped, reached down, and caught his wrist.

  “Sensitive,” I breathed, still working for air. “It aches a little.”

  He bent and kissed the top of my hand before I released him, then eased his thumb away, sat back on his heels, and continued staring between my legs while he rubbed my thighs restlessly.

  His chest heaved. He looked like he wanted to eat me alive.

  “Know I usually clean you up, but gotta say, babe, I like seeing you like this. I like it a lot,” he admitted, lifting his eyes. “You want a towel or are you good?”

  The way Brian was looking at me right now, I’d be good for a while.

  I hooked my feet behind his waist, bent my knees to draw him in, and reached for him.

  “I’m good. Come here.”

  He crawled over me, covering my body with his, and gave me a slow, wet kiss I felt all the way in my toes, then he rolled onto his back and took me with him, tucking me against his side so I was lying partially on his chest and partially on the mattress, my arm slung over his waist and my knee bent, resting across his hip. He slid his hand down my spine and cupped my ass, giving it a squeeze, then bent his other arm and tucked it behind his head.

  I pressed a kiss to his chest and felt his fingers tense on my rear.

  “That was amazing,” I told him.

  “Always is,” he admitted.

  “I know. I’m so good at it.”

  He tickled my side until I squirmed and cried out.

  “I’m agreeing!”

  “You’re being cute,” he argued, keeping me in his hold when my body bucked uncontrollably. “What’d I say about that?”

  “You’re not fucking me! And I told you, I can’t help it!”

  I wiggled and tried moving away, but Brian held on tighter and kept pressing his fingers into the skin above my hip.

  My eyes watered. Laughter caught in my throat and tangled with my breath.

  I could’ve fought harder but I didn’t. I hated being tickled, but if he was doing it, I loved it.

  I adored playful Brian.

  I imagined a younger version of him in moments like this, youthful and spirited, a beautiful boy who didn’t have worries or regrets or burdens, who always smelled like salt water and sunscreen and the hot July sun.

  “Brian!” I giggled louder when he went for the sensitive spot above my collarbone.

  Sir barked at the door. His nails scratched the wood.

  Brian stopped tickling me but kept his hold just as firm.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled.

  I twisted, pushed hard against his chest, and forced a stern look, hiding my happiness.

  “You roused the boy. Now we can’t have alone cuddles,” I hissed, shook off his arms, and slid out of bed.

  Brian fell back onto his pillow.

  “Alone cuddles?” he repeated, fighting a smile while tucking his hands underneath his head and stretching his body out.

  His cock was still half hard and lay heavy on his thigh.

  I really wanted alone cuddles with that.

  I snatched my panties off the floor, explaining, “Yes. I wanted time with you before Sir got done licking the peanut butter out of his Kong toy and came looking for us. Now because of your antics, we won’t have that. I can’t just ignore him.”

  “Sure you’re heartbroken over it,” Brian joked. “Think you like time with Sir over time with me.”

  I stopped halfway to the bathroom, panties in hand, shot him a look over my shoulder with eyes hard and narrowing, and firmly disagreed.

  “That’s absurd.”



  “See you’re not arguing it, though.”

  “It’s absurd and doesn’t even warrant the time to argue.”

  “Using time to tell me it’s absurd, Wild. Could be using that time to tell me I’m wrong, but you’re not.”

  My eyes narrowed farther.

  “Now you’re the one being cute,” I told him because he was.

  He grinned then, full lips stretching wide, and it was so beautiful I couldn’t keep my eyes narrowed for fear I’d miss the full impact of a grin like that.

  My face relaxed, my breath left me i
n a whoosh, and the flip and twist happened, right on cue.

  “What?” Brian asked after I kept staring silently.

  I swallowed.

  “I just love you,” I said with a quiet voice, shrugging. “That’s all. Nothing new, it’s just, I’m feeling it on a deeper level right now. You’re hitting my soul. No one’s ever hit that.”

  His grin wavered, softening to something equally beautiful.

  “Come here,” he murmured.

  I bit my lip.

  “Um…” I looked down at my thighs pressing together then back up at him. “I’d love to, so much, but I need to get cleaned up. And I need to get Sir before he destroys something.”

  He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, keeping his eyes on me.

  “Handle what you need to handle in there, then I want you back in this bed and in my arms. I got Sir.”

  He stood, grabbed his boxers off the floor, and started pulling them on.

  I stared at Brian while he did this, running my gaze over his hard body and appreciating the view.

  His muscled back, leaned out hips, and fantastic ass, sculpted to perfection.


  I was totally an ass girl now. Not that I’d ever heard women declaring something like that before, that was typically a guy thing, but if the trend ever picked up for the female population, I knew where I stood.

  Sir barked again at the door and scratched once more on the wood. He was growing impatient.

  Instinctively, I turned to let him in.

  “Go,” Brian said with a firm tone, halting me and reminding me of my instructions. He snapped the band of his boxers against his stomach and moved around the bed.

  I stepped inside the bathroom and quickly cleaned myself up before pulling on my panties. After a quick check on my reflection in the mirror, finger-combing my roughed-up locks and wiping underneath my bottom lip, where my rose-tinted ChapStick had smudged, I cut the light and went back out into the bedroom.

  Both of my boys were on the bed, as expected.

  Brian was on his side with his arm out, pushing Sir back when he got too close but doing it gently and in a way Sir found playful.

  He was growling back at Brian, bouncing swiftly right and then left, trying to pounce on him from every angle and getting denied, his little stubbed tail wagging back and forth at a rapid pace.

  I smiled at the two of them as I came to my side of the bed.


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