Best Friend’s Li’l Sis

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Best Friend’s Li’l Sis Page 4

by Kaylee, Katy

  Logan turned, grabbing a piece of apple from Amber’s plate and sending her a secret wink. She had to turn around in order for Jordan not to notice her completely beside herself with him. Logan kind of liked how secretive it all was. He liked the fact that he could have a secret code with her that no one else knew. Even more than that, he liked the idea of fucking her again, and soon.

  He leaned against the counter as Jordan went on about the chick he met the night before. He pulled out his phone and sent Amber a text. “Eventually, I’m going to fuck you on this kitchen island.”


  Amber laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She had been up, seen Logan in passing, and gone to clear her mind in her room. She couldn’t ever remember a time when she had been so out of it, unable to focus. Her mother noticed it, her brother noticed it, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until they started asking questions. Still, her mind wasn’t focused on them; it was pinpointed on Logan. She still couldn’t believe that she and he had slept together. It wasn’t anything that she had expected, and she had even been slightly disappointed when he apologized for hitting on her.

  That night kept playing over and over again in her head. There were so many perfect moments that she couldn’t help but lay and daydream. His arms around her were amazingly comforting, the way his lips moved across her skin, the way he grabbed onto her in ecstasy. It was all very surreal, but she didn’t want it to end. She had woken up the next day and was happy to find herself on the kitchen counter, her legs wrapped tightly around him. Her only regret was that they weren’t able to finish what they had started.

  Her virginity had never been very much on her mind. Of course, she didn’t ever think about randomly jumping into bed with anyone, but she had been so focused on other things it never had become an issue. For her best friend, it was something that was almost a daily discussion, and continued to be even after she lost it, but for Amber it wasn’t the same. It only became a reality once she no longer had it to hold onto. It wasn’t a negative thing, though, not in Amber’s mind. She found the fact that she had lost it to Logan and then nearly had sex the next morning in the middle of the kitchen absolutely amazing.

  Still, laying there in her bed, she was almost driving herself crazy thinking about it over and over. She needed to get it out, to shout it, but she couldn’t, that wasn’t something you brought up at a family dinner. Amber groaned and grabbed her pillow, throwing it over her head. She knew there was so much more going on in her life at that moment, but none of it seemed to matter a bit compared to the butterflies she got every time she thought about his lips pressed to hers or his hands all over her body.

  Finally, after torturing herself for several moments, she tossed the pillow away, sitting up and grabbing her phone. She wasn’t going to sit there any longer in her own misery. She flipped through the numbers and dialed Taylor’s phone. It rang a couple of times before she answered.

  “Taylor!” Amber said with little control over her tone of voice.

  “Uh oh, I don’t know if you’re excited or I’m in trouble…”

  Amber smiled. “Not in trouble, and I guess I’m excited. Either way, I need to talk. Meet me for lunch?”

  Taylor yawned. “Hell yeah. I’m starving. The deli on fourth in thirty?”

  Amber stood up and looked around. “Yep, just gotta find some clean clothes.”

  Taylor went silent for a moment. “There must be something seriously up if you are calling to make plans and not already ten steps ahead. Make it twenty minutes, but I’m not gonna look pretty.”

  “Me neither, but we don’t need pretty for this,” Amber said with finality.

  She hung up the phone and grabbed a pair of yoga pants from the drawer and a loose tank top. She slipped a pair of flip flops on her feet, pulled her hair back in a messy bun, and she was out the door. When she arrived, Taylor was already standing out front, looking like she was still wearing pajamas. Amber got out of the car and laughed. “Nice bunny pants.”

  Taylor shrugged. “You said pretty wasn’t necessary.”

  Amber put her arm through Taylor’s and led her into the deli. “It’s not. Let’s order, then we can talk.”

  The girls both ordered their favorite; pastrami on rye with a side of thousand island dressing and house made chips. It wasn’t often that Amber splurged on not-so-great-for-you food since she had to keep her energy going and her health in check for Yale, but this was a special circumstance. They took their drinks and sat down at a table by the window, looking around at the empty deli.

  Taylor lifted her eyebrows. “Okay, are you going to tell me, or is this CIA type shit?”

  Amber shook her head. “It’s secret, but not that secret. So, Friday night Logan took me out to dinner. He said it was to make sure there was no awkwardness because of his drunk talk. So, we went to my favorite place on the water and just talked and laughed like normal. After that, we were having such a good time that he took me to this secluded part of the beach that he went to all the time…”

  Taylor slapped her hands on the table. “Oh my God. Please tell me you are going to say what I think you are going to say.”

  Amber’s cheeks turned red. “It was innocent at first, like just playing around, and then bam, we were all over each other. We did it right there on the beach, on the blanket, with the moon shining brightly overhead.”

  Taylor shook her head and waved her hand as the counter girl set their food down. “Nope, I don’t believe it. The Amber I know would never.”

  Amber reached out and took Taylor’s hand and looked her straight in the eyes. “Dead serious.”

  Taylor’s mouth dropped open. “Wow. I mean… wow. Okay, so how do you feel about all of it? I mean, this is a huge change and if I didn’t see it coming, you most definitely did not.”

  Amber looked down at her food and let out a deep breath. “I’ve had my head in the clouds since it happened, but to be honest, I’m nervous about it.”

  Taylor gave her a side glance. “Like nervous emotional or nervous because you weren’t safe?”

  Amber shook her head. “Oh, no he had that covered. I’m nervous because of my brother and my father. They love Logan like family, but if they found out that he took my virginity they would fucking kill him. And not like just yelling, like old school head on a spike in the front lawn kind of kill.”

  Taylor grimaced. “Eek. I didn’t even think about that part. That’s a bit complicated. How does he feel about it?”

  Amber shrugged. “We haven’t really talked about it, but he definitely isn’t scared off. We almost did it on the kitchen counter yesterday. My brother woke up and ruined the whole thing.”

  Taylor’s eyes flashed with excitement. “That sounds like a sexy spot.”

  Amber’s eyes got big. “I know, right? It’s just all so crazy.”

  “Okay, so besides nervous, how do you feel?”

  Amber sighed. “I feel different somehow, but not in a bad way. Like, now that the initial nervousness of the deed itself is over, all I can seem to think about is doing it again. That night just replays over and over in my head like a movie.”

  Taylor nodded as she took a bite of her pickle. “That is totally normal. Seriously, it’s exactly how I felt after I lost mine. I just wanted to jump him every five seconds. Hell, I still do. Why do you think I was still sleeping when you called me? It helps that my boyfriend has his own place and now that I’m technically an adult, my parents have given up on lecturing me on not spending the night with my boyfriend. They just had to come to the understanding that their daughter was living in sin, oh well.”

  Amber giggled. “I really doubt my father or brother would give two shits about the sin part. I think what they will care about is the fact that it was Logan who deflowered me. They forget that I’m not seven years old in pigtails, a lace dress, and frilly socks. I am actually capable of making my own decisions.”

  Taylor took a bite of her sandwich. “Oh, sure just tell them that, I’m
positive they will see it your way.”

  Amber groaned. “You are so sarcastic. But you’re right, they aren’t going to care about any of that. All they are going to think is he took advantage of me. I just want to point out that there was no taking of anything. I gave it all away freely and of my own accord. Happily, in fact. And there was no alcohol involved.”

  Taylor put down her sandwich and made a serious face. “I do have something serious to ask you…”


  “How was it?” she asked excitedly.

  Amber’s mouth curled up into a huge smile. “Absolutely amazing. He was so gentle with me, it didn’t hurt even a little bit. We took our time and he coached me the whole way, but in a sexy way, not a creepy teacher way. We finished at the same time with the waves crashing and the echoes bouncing off the cliff walls. It was like a freaking movie sex scene.”

  Taylor was listening intently. “Wow, lucky. I think I kneed my boyfriend in the stomach twice and almost kicked him in the balls. We laughed, but it was definitely not movie making kind of sex scene. More like bloopers from a cheap porno.”

  Both of the girls laughed loudly. Amber sat back, dropping her pickle on her plate. “Thanks so much for meeting me here. I was going crazy, and I had no one that I could tell. How are you supposed to be that excited with something and not be allowed to tell a soul? It’s like torture.”

  Taylor wiped her mouth. “I can’t even imagine. When it happened I called you first, then my mom, and then my cousin. It was like a fucking family announcement. Of course, my father didn’t get that call, that would have been a nightmare.”

  “Well, you are the only person I’m telling, for now. I will just have to play it out and see how it all goes. Right now, I’m just wondering when he’s going to try to get me alone again. It’s like fucking torture, sleeping two doors down from him. Seriously, every time I pass his room I smell his cologne. My eyes glaze over, and my mind tries to steer my body toward his door. Not to mention laying there at night trying to keep myself from sneaking off. It’s crazy.”

  Taylor giggled. “I think its romantic. You guys are like Romeo and Juliet.”

  Amber narrowed her eyes. “Have you actually ever read that? They’re from warring families and sneak off to get married at like fourteen. He is part of my family, in a weird way. Weirder now.”

  “I just meant the sneaking around part, but I get what you are saying. Hey, at least it keeps the excitement in your relationship. Sex with my boyfriend has rekindled our excitement with each other. We no longer are bored watching movies at night. It’s like we have a completely new pass time. I love it.” Taylor picked her phone up and smiled, looking at the picture of the two of them.

  Amber smiled sweetly. “You two are adorable. Seriously, you are.”

  Taylor tapped the table. “Hey, you might have found your adorable too.”

  Amber scoffed. “I highly doubt that. I see this more as extremely exciting and fun, until it goes crashing and burning into my father’s back yard. Think about Christmases where we just stare angrily at each other across the room, but no one knows why.”

  Taylor waved her hands. “Please, you two will make it, just you see. Sometimes you have to be the fool to be happy.”


  Sweat poured down Logan’s head as he pushed himself the last quarter mile on the treadmill. As the incline lowered, he slowed his pace to a fast walk, gripping the handles tightly. He had been to the gym three days in a row. It was the only thing he could do to keep his mind off of Amber. Just sitting in his room was agony. He just wanted to be with her, touch her, kiss her, fuck the hell out of her. But he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted, and he knew she would die if her brother and father found out. He also knew he would probably die too.

  As the treadmill slowed to a stop, he grabbed his towel and wiped the sweat from his face. He picked up his bag and headed back toward the house, figuring he would just shower when he got home. His marble shower with its water fall shower head was a hell of a lot more comfortable than a small stall with curtains where even shower shoes didn’t protect you from the fungus on the floor. He left the top down on his jeep and let the air cool his sweaty body and dry his hair as he drove down the main strip.

  When he arrived, he parked the Jeep and headed inside, stopping at the bottom of the steps. He could hear the television on in the other room so he stuck his head around to see who was in there. To his surprise, Amber was lounged on the couch in a cute pair shorts and a crop top, watching movies. He slowly walked into the room and stood at the end of the couch.

  She looked over and gasped. “Holy shit, you scared me. What are you doing sneaking around here like some crazy psycho killer? I could have hurt you. I could have accidently hurt you and then there would have been cops and drama. And I would have had to play nurse.”

  Logan laughed. “With what? Your wedge? And if it means you will play nurse with me, you can injure me at any point. Sponge bath time, baby.”

  Amber threw a pillow at him. “Those wedges are heavy. That would hurt like hell. As far as nurses, I would hire you one out. Her name would be Helga or Bertha and she would take real good care of you.”

  Logan grimaced. “That sounds like hell on earth. Or like some weird, kinky, Swedish hostel. The kind where you go in a boy and you come out a really troubled young man.”

  Amber sighed. “You’re the one creeping around like that. It’s only a matter of time until she’s throwing you over her shoulder to take you into the bath.”

  Logan plopped down on the couch and scooted closer to her. “Whatcha watching? These women seem to be wearing a whole lot of dress.”

  Amber kept her eyes on the television. “This television show is about Queen Elizabeth, or something. I couldn’t find anything else exciting. I got tired of staring at the same questions over and over again on the study guide for the entrance exams, so I decided to veg out. It’s something I don’t normally do.”

  Logan wrinkled his forehead. “Yes, because this is absolutely riveting. You had me at or something. But I think it’s good. You have been working your ass off for, like, ever. I thought we had lost you to the abyss of papers scattered across your room. I think there was one point your mom suggested we check to make sure you hadn’t died under the SAT books.”

  Amber chuckled and did a double take, looking at him. “You need to take a damn shower, and I don’t even care if that’s rude. You smell like a high school gym locker room. What have you been doing?”

  Logan grinned. “I was at the gym for the last two hours. They have a locker room, but I feel more comfortable showering here. There are too many old guys walking around, swinging their balls right and left.”

  Amber raised an eyebrow. “This is like the third day in a row you’ve gone to the gym. And no, I’m not stalking you, but it’s hard not to notice your sweatiness as you traipse back through the house every day. You trying to get buff?”

  “More like trying to keep my mind off of being alone with you,” he replied.

  Amber cleared her throat blushing. “Oh, that’s a good idea. I apparently do that by watching boring shows on Netflix.”

  Logan looked around and over into the kitchen. The house was quiet, which was unusual because there was usually someone lurking about or playing music somewhere around the place. “Is anyone else home right now?”

  Amber smirked. “Nope. We are all alone in this big house. I’m surprised that it took you that long to realize it. Oh, what ever should we do?”

  Logan coughed, surprised by her sassiness. “How long do we have?”

  Amber shrugged. “A couple of hours, maybe three.”

  Logan reached over and grabbed her arm. “Good. We definitely don’t need that much time, though I could fill it up if necessary.”

  Amber stared him up and down, pretending to be innocent. “Why Logan, what are you suggesting from a fine woman like me? I was thinking we could stroll through the rose gardens or take the horses fo
r a ride.”

  “First of all, you don’t have horses or a rose garden. Secondly, you’ve been watching way too many of these shows. You need to be watching some sassy strip club movie or something.”

  She pretended to fan herself, leaning closer to his face. She bit her bottom lip, teasing him. “I could never. What would Mother think? Besides, if I started breaking out stripper moves, you wouldn’t have anything to show me and that might hinder your attraction to me.”

  He shook his head and grabbed her by the face, planting a big kiss on her lips. He could feel her melt into him and he pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth. Her hands ran up his thighs and to the edges of his shorts, lingering right under the edge. He could feel his cock getting harder every second, and the passion between them was exploding all over again.

  He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, kissing her deeper and harder. She turned and straddled him, tilting her hips and rubbing against his cock. It had gone from playful to full on in about three seconds, but Logan was not going to complain in the least. He liked that about Amber; she didn’t fool around. When she had the chance to get something she wanted, she went for it and put one hundred percent into it every time. He was glad that focus was on him at that moment.

  Amber started to grind her hips against his hard shaft, which was trapped beneath his basketball shorts. She let out a small moan and dug her fingers into his shoulders. She moved her mouth across his cheek, then stopped, pulling back.

  Logan looked at her, concerned. “What is it?”

  She started laughing. “I wasn’t kidding about that shower. You smell not so fresh.”

  Logan gaffed, leaning his head back. He pulled it back up and smirked at her mischievously. “Come on, I can take care of that and this all in one set of motions.”

  He lifted Amber up off of his lap and set her down next to him. Standing up, he reached down, pinning the top of his cock in between the waistband of his boxers and his abdomen. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her up into his arms. Logan kissed her deeply and then crouched down, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.


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