Dragon Beloved: A Reverse Harem Dragon Mythology Romance (Dragon Gladiators Book 3)

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Dragon Beloved: A Reverse Harem Dragon Mythology Romance (Dragon Gladiators Book 3) Page 14

by Zara Stark

  "I'm not a car, Zar, you can't just call shotgun," I shook my head and the fire and ice dragons burst into laughter.

  "This is like the most awkward thing on the planet," Nevada sighed, shaking out his dark curls. "But somehow I'm turned on?"

  I put my head into my hands, hiding my blushing face. "Samesies."

  We laid back on the bed and Nevada pulled my front against his and kissed me. One cold arm wrapped around my waist and clutched me to him tightly. Nevada pulled me into a soft kiss. We stayed like that for a minute, just kissing softly on the bed.

  Azar's hot hands ran down my back in a soothing massage. The feel of his hot-to-the-touch skin and Nevada's cold lips created a delicious contrast of sensation that sent waves of pleasure through my body. I felt so perfect pressed tightly between Azar and Nevada. As kids, they always demanded that I slept between them during all of our sleepovers now I was between them at a whole different kind of sleepover as an adult.

  Nevada pulled up his toga and pressed himself against me. I was still wet and naked from the hot tub. Nevada shoved the ancient scrolls behind him off of the bed sending them crashing to the ground. My inner librarian balked at the blatant mistreatment of the written word but my anticipation quickly overwrote it. Nevada entered me, pulling my thigh over his hip to give him better access.

  Azar laid behind me, still rubbing my back and kissing my neck as Nevada began to slowly rock inside of me, undulating his hips against me in a slow, sensual rhythm.

  A breathy moan escaped me, breaking our kiss and Nevada hissed in pleasure.

  "You feel even better than last time, you belong naked and pressed against me skin-to-skin," Nevada told me.

  I whimpered as he continued to kiss me. Azar's hands left my back and slowly wrapped around me to cup my breasts from behind as Nevada continued his grueling slow pace.

  I could feel Azar's erection like a bar of iron, pressed against my backside. Azar moaned as he continued to knead my breasts and kiss the nape of my neck. As if he lost control of himself, Azar rocked his cock against my backside, thrusting desperately against me in the same rhythm of Nevada.

  "So wet for me," Nevada moved inside of me, whispering before kissing me again. One of Azar's hands left my breast and cupped my ass, his fingers taking some of the wetness on my thighs and coated himself in it. He pressed himself against my back Nevada kissed my face as Azar slowly slid into me from behind. Shock permeated through me, I couldn't believe this was actually happening with Azar and Nevada. It didn't seem real, my mind felt all floaty and dream-like like my mind was a thousand miles away.

  Azar slowly entered me inch by inch, as gently as he could. That position had never been a fave of mine after a few ex-boyfriends tried to treat it exactly the same as you would the front all rough with no preparation but apparently, Azar had done his homework on it. It felt amazing, being stretched from both sides. Azar finally bottomed out inside of me.

  "Wow," Azar said breathlessly, as he was pressed flush against me, his hip bones nudging into my behind.

  "Wow," I agreed, unable to form any other words. How else could I describe the amazing fullness I felt from having both Azar and Nevada inside of me? I felt oddly complete.

  "Are you okay, Tavia?" Nevada stopped kissing me and asked.

  "Yeah, better than okay," I managed to say.

  "Can we move?" Azar grunted into my ear from behind me, his fiery hair dipping into my peripheral vision. "I gotta move, I need to, you feel so fucking good."

  "Yeah," I agreed, slowly moving my hips making both Azar and Nevada moan at the same time. It almost hurt but it was more pleasure than pain. "Woah."

  Nevada and Azar began to move in tandem, one pulling out as the other thrust in. Back and forth, back and forth and I was caught between. It didn't take long until I couldn't take anymore and orgasmed.

  Azar growled in my ear, unable to contain his own orgasm any longer and he collapsed on top of Nevada and I as tremors racked through his body. Azar stayed inside of me as Nevada continued his thrusts, harder now than before. I met his thrusts with my own. Azar reached his hand around and started to tease me with my fingers, ringing another orgasm from my body.

  Nevada followed soon after, holding me tightly to him as he found his own ending, burying his curly head into my neck. He laid like that for a moment before we all sprawled out on the bed.

  The sound of tweeting birds and the busy market below drifted in through the windows as we all laid there, staring up at the ceiling.

  "I can't believe we just did that," Nevada monotoned, running a hand through his dark curls.

  "Weird but good," Azar and I said in unison and the three of us went quiet again.

  "Let's do it again sometime," Azar offered a few moments later, his voice sounded normal again.

  "I get back next time," Nevada snapped at the fire dragon.

  "One, not a car guys, remember? You can't call shotgun," I chastised. "And two, what's the fascination with that?"

  "Societal taboo I guess?" Nevada sighed and I looked over at him curiously.

  "Isn't this," I gestured to all three of us. "Kind of just taboo in general? The harem aspect?"

  He shrugged. "For humans maybe, very normal for dragons. I don't get what the big deal is. So many human males practice polygamy, why can't the females?"

  "Nevada, have I ever told you that you're a very smart man?"

  "Yes but I like to hear it as often as possible," Nevada grinned.

  "Well, what about you Azar?" I was about to turn to look at Azar but a loud snore rang out through the room. Nevada leaned up and looked over at Azar.

  "The idiot's asleep," Nevada sighed, laying back on the pillows.

  I wiggled up in the bed until I was close enough to rest my head on his chest. "Sounds like a plan to me."

  He wrapped his arms around me and we both went quiet again. It didn't take me long to drift off into dreamland.

  The two doors to the bedroom creaked open woke me, I shot up out of Nevada's arms and looked up. Raiden and Cobalt stood in the doorway, both wide-eyed with their jaws dropped open.

  "Hi?" I waved, grinning sheepishly.

  "Smells like sex in here," Cobalt droned, looking around the room.

  Azar and Nevada woke up, rubbing at their eyes and Raiden growled at them. "Cover yourselves up, I didn't want to see your dicks today."

  "Just today? How about tomorrow?" Azar asked with a grin, he rolled out of bed and did a cat-like stretch. Everyone cringed at Azar’s exaggerated movements.

  “It’s time for the feast,” Raiden sighed. “Get dressed.”

  “No time for a shower?” I asked.

  “Nope, you made a choice on how to spend your time before the feast, a shower obviously wasn’t one of them, now you have to deal with the consequences,” Raiden shrugged, a small smirk quirking up the corner of his mouth.

  “I don’t mind,” Azar grinned, running a finger down my shoulder and upper arm. “Everyone will smell out scent on you. Makes my inner dragon very happy.”

  “Mine too,” Nevada grinned.

  I rolled my eyes and hopped out of bed, pulling a sheet with me to cover myself up.

  “Really? Covering yourself up?” Raiden raised a single eyebrow, his eyes following me as I walked past him.

  “Yeah, nothing wrong with a little modesty,” I shrugged, pulling open the doors to my wardrobe.

  “I think we’re past that,” Raiden whispered.

  I looked over my shoulder at him. “Get out, all four of you so I can get dressed and have a little privacy.”

  “I--” Raiden started but Cobalt grabbed him by his shoulder and turned him in the other direction.

  “Come on, Captain Prick, you don’t need to be a jerk all the time, trust me, your title is secure,” Cobalt grumbled and Azar and Nevada laughed. Nevada covered himself with a pillow and walked out of the room while Azar followed him, completely naked and with no shame, just strutting his stuff in front of us.

I really hate those two,” Raiden shook his head.

  “The feeling is mutual,” Cobalt clapped him on the back as he pushed him out of the room. I gave Cobalt a smile and a nod. The metal dragon winked at me in return. I loved that man.

  I hopped in the tub, not getting my hair wet but honestly, there was no way I was going to parade around a bunch of dragons with super strong senses of smell after I just had my first threesome. No way!

  I soaped my body off and quickly dried off. I went back to my wardrobe and picked a dress I thought Cobalt would like, after all, he was probably the only one that didn’t drive me totally insane today. I slipped it on, clipping it over one shoulder and wrapping the second accompanying piece of pale silk around my shoulders and waist.

  I twisted my hair up into a bun that looked far fancier than the mess it actually was, clipping it in place with a handful of golden bumblebee hairpins. I pulled a few strands out so they would frame my face. My cheeks were all flushed pink, my eyes glassy and my lips were swollen from kissing. Even if I had washed off their scents, I still looked like I had gotten laid. I shrugged, I supposed that it wasn’t a big deal. Not only did I not give two shits about what any of these ancient dragons thought about me, I had just had sex with two of my soulmates. At the same time. Nothing wrong with that right? No stigma there. There was only a stigma if I thought I did something wrong. Which I didn’t! A lot of people had threesomes, just most people weren’t as lucky as me getting to do that with two people who loved me unconditionally.

  I vaguely wondered what it would be like to do the same thing with Raiden and Cobalt. I choked on air, feeling my cheeks heat. No way would those two ever want to be a part of something like that. Or would they? I felt my cheeks heat more just thinking about all the different combinations.

  The bedroom doors creaked open behind me.

  “Ready, Taves?” Azar poked his head in.

  “Yeah,” I fanned my face and ran over to meet Azar. My eyes drifted down his body, he looked so damn good in his ceremonial armor. He saw me check him out and grinned, looping his arm through mine.

  Nevada was next to him and grabbed onto my other arm, leading me into the large antechamber where Cobalt and Raiden waited. I looked at my four guys. I really was the luckiest woman ever. Four sexy dragons who loved me? What more could a woman want?

  Raiden led us out of our castelli into the semi-darkness of Rome. The sun had set, meaning we were late. We followed the flickering lanterns to the feasting hall.

  As soon as we entered, a white-robed Concilium member called Raiden over and he followed the man with a loud groan of irritation.

  “Let’s dance,” Cobalt didn’t wait for an answer, he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the makeshift dance floor, away from Azar and Nevada.

  Dancing was one thing I never turned down, I loved it, even if I probably looked like an awkward mess doing it. I always had a good time dancing.

  “You look gorgeous in that dress, has anyone ever told you how good you look in metallic?” Cobalt twirled me on the dance floor before pulling me closer to him. I grinned, I wondered if he knew I had picked it out just for him. “Did you know I made those little metal bees in your hair?

  “Really? Cobalt Aurelius complimenting my clothing? I think you meant I look good with a little metallic in me,” I wagged my eyebrows at him and he gave me a sheepish grin in return.

  “How did you know?” Cobalt growled into my ear as wrapped his arm around my waist and spun the both of us around.

  “I’ve got your number, punk,” I growled back at him and he lowered me into a dip.

  “Aren’t I lucky?” Cobalt dipped my low, one arm secured around my waist holding me up and the other trailing down my chest, between my breasts. He spun me up and twirled me once before pulling me close to his chest. We followed the beat of the music, dancing ever-so-close together.

  “I shouldn’t be so surprised you’re good at dancing since you’re so good at other, similar activities,” I grinned.

  Cobalt leaned down and placed his face in my hair, breathing in deeply.

  “I’m good at a lot of things, not just working metal,” He told me.

  “I’m well aware,” I grinned, taking advantage of him being so close, I took his earlobe between my teeth and gently nibbled on it. His whole body jerked and he growled in my ear.

  “Now, now, don’t start anything here that you aren’t willing to finish right here, I’ll take you right up against a wall,” He hissed in my ear and my whole body trembled in response.

  “You really do have a thing for public sex don’t you?” I asked him with a saucy grin.

  “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. Maybe I just like everyone in the world knowing we’re together,” Cobalt whispered into my ear, the hot breath from his lips tickling down my neck, making me shiver.

  “I like it too,” I told him, hooking a hand around his neck, ready to pull him down into a kiss.

  “We need to get out of here,” Raiden snapped. His voice coming out of nowhere made me jump. I looked over to see Raiden, Azar, and Nevada staring at us, worried expressions marring their handsome faces.

  “What’s wrong, Ray?” Cobalt asked. His sexy grumble gone, replaced by concern.

  “That man pulled me aside,” Raiden jerked his chin in the direction of the Concilium member he had been pulled away by earlier. “He told me the Concilium has hired another group to attack us again.”

  “So what?” Cobalt scoffed. “All five of us together can take anyone on.”

  Nevada shook his head. “Any trouble and they use that curse mark on Octavia’s chest to kill her, remember? It’s all a ploy to get us into a fight so that they can kill Tavia on a technicality.”

  “We need to get out of here,” Raiden nodded.

  “How do you know that he wasn’t playing you? Getting us to leave early only to get jumped on our way back? The streets are empty right now, it would be a perfect time,” Cobalt asked. Even though he was arguing, all five of us started heading toward the door.

  “Good thing, I’ve got a solution for us,” I grinned, making sure all four guys were outside with me when I pulled my card out. The Two of Shields. “Can’t really start a fight with people you don’t know are there, huh?”

  I grabbed Raiden’s hand and the other guys caught on, grabbing Raiden’s arms and shoulders. I twirled the card in my fingers feeling the magic come to life. The Two of Shields was very similar to the Alpha, perhaps not as strong but so far in practice, I hadn’t come across a true weakness. Darkness sprang from the card, coating my body and then passing to Raiden and then the other three guys rendering all of us invisible.

  We made our way down the abandoned streets of Rome, the sounds of music and laughter filled the air, escaping through open doors and windows. All of Rome was partying tonight, the monthly tournaments were the highlight of life in the city, turning into Mardi Gras-level shenanigans every month. I thought it was funny. Technology changed, opinions changed, healthcare and people’s lifespans changed but you want to know what didn’t change? People’s love of a partying and merriment. They loved any excuse to let loose, any excuse to be released from their mundane lives of work and sleep. These people didn’t care that dragons died every day in the arena just like people back home didn’t care that athletes broke their bodies every day for their sports.

  We passed a group of dragons in different colored ceremonial armor, obviously not on the same team then waiting a few blocks away from our castelli. Cobalt had been right, that Concilium member was trying to set us up. I shook my head, I wasn’t surprised in the slightest. We slipped past them with ease, entering our little home.

  Only when the door had shut behind us and magically sealed itself did I release the card magic. The guys came back into view.

  “Told you,” Cobalt shrugged at us.

  “Congratulations, it must be shocking to be right for once,” Raiden rolled his eyes, he ran a hand through his short hair. “I’m ready for this damn ni
ght to be over.”

  He stormed past us down the hall, heading toward our bedroom. I glanced at the other guys, Azar shrugged but Nevada and Cobalt weren’t even paying attention, already going to sit around the table.

  “I’m going to go check on him,” I told them.

  “Good luck with that head case,” Azar told me, going to join the other guys.

  I sighed, heading down the hall. The doors to our room were shut. I opened them and found Raiden lying in bed on his back. His arms crossed and facial expression clenched shut.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, just pissed off they're trying to kill you again,” Raiden shook his head. I crawled into the bed and scooted up to him, resting on my side.


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