Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1) Page 3

by V. F. Mason

  My dad beamed in pleasure and he nodded. “Of course, Erik.”

  Before I could protest, he grabbed my hand and we ended up in the middle of the room as the musicians played an instrumental version of Adele’s “Someone Like You.” Loved the song, but hated the moment with him. His hand ended up on my lower back as he pulled me closer to him, although I kept as much distance between us as possible.

  “You are breathtaking.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, counting the minutes ‘til the song would end.

  “Sapphire, you never answered any of my calls,” Erik grunted. “We could have had a great time together in Aspen.” His hand moved lower and almost squeezed my ass, but before he could do it, I raised it back up and gave him a glare.

  “Behave, Erik. Or I’ll stop this dance.”

  He snorted mockingly. “Right, like your father would want to upset me or my dad.” My brows furrowed, and I was about to ask what the hell he meant by that, when someone patted his shoulder and we stopped our dance. The stranger from the garden stood behind him, and my heart started beating rapidly again.

  “I’d like to dance with the lady.” Although his words made me warm, apprehension about the scene that it might cause worried me. Erik wasn’t known for his good temper. To my surprise, he let go of me and gave me to the guy.

  “Sure, man. Can’t wait to see you again at the club,” he said, and the dirty look in his eyes made me instantly want to wash myself. Whatever the club was, it clearly appealed to his kinks. The rumors had it Erik liked it rough. Disappointment filled me at the thought of the stranger having fun in such places. So much for my fantasy.

  He took me into his arms, and my body tingled from the sensation of being near him. When he pulled me closer, it allowed me to admire his hard chest and strong, muscled arms. One of his hands ended up on my lower back, while the other took my hand in his, and since there was nothing else to do, I put my right hand on his chest, where his heart beat steadily.

  “Thank you,” I breathed out, and his eyes darkened.

  “Not a friend of yours?”

  My head shook and it made him draw me closer. “He always tries to touch me inappropriately.” The disgust I felt for Eric couldn't be hidden anymore, so the words left my mouth before I could stop them.

  His hand on my back tightened possessively as he whispered, “And you don’t like it?”

  “No,” I whispered back, closing my eyes, imagining we were far, far away from here and no one but us existed on the dance floor. I wanted to let the power that was coming from him in waves protect us from this society and the demands my father had on me. Was it so bad to get lost just for one night? This man offered me attention and sexual magnetism that I had never felt in my life. My father would never let me explore it any further, if the glance he gave me when I changed partners was anything to go by. After tonight, I would never see him again. Wouldn't it be a shame to have nothing to remember him by? My body felt like it was his, and in that one perfect moment, my mind didn't want to explore how ridiculous, unrealistic, or untruthful that statement was.

  Before my mind could stop me, I pleaded against his ear, “Take me away from here.” He stilled, leaned back to hold my gaze, and after probably reading determination in my eyes, moved us through the people to my father’s study, and then closed the door behind us.


  Sapphire was like a goddess dancing in an ancient ritual.

  Beautiful, powerful, feminine, and happy.

  Her blue dress displayed her gorgeous beauty in all its glory, and I wanted to punish her for that. For every male who looked at her with desire, and there were plenty. I noticed. Didn't she know that for a body like hers, men started wars? She shouldn't have exposed it so much, emphasized something that belonged to me.

  She was mine; there was no doubt about it. I wanted to strip her naked and fuck her hard in those black glasses of hers. To tug on her hair and see her face light up in pain and pleasure at the same time. I wanted to take her from behind while she faced the wall, and I would lean close to have her cheek next to mine and listen to her every moan and breath.

  Fuck, I was hard just thinking about it.

  This had never happened to me before, but then, she was my first in many things.

  I put my hand on the glass and rested my forehead on it. Although I could look at anyone I wanted from this point, the glass was mirrored from the outside and didn’t give anything away. I had no desire for anyone’s prying eyes.

  The club was a good way to start something on my own, where I could use the connection and glory of my name, as well as find and lure my victims.

  The thought brought a smile to my face, because among many guests today, there was a man who I would enjoy torturing. I could already see images of knife wounds and burns on his skin, and that brought as much pleasure to me as imagining Sapphire’s body under mine.

  He had no clue he was stepping inside the lion’s den, although he did receive the e-mail.

  Yes, this evening was going well.

  After I was done with him, I could start my plan of kidnapping her and making her mine.

  Sometimes I had flashes of using hot wax on her and torturing her, but they were swiftly replaced with images of hot sex.

  Maybe it would stay that way, maybe not.

  After all, I was an unpredictable sociopath.

  She was about to receive her first e-mail.

  I couldn't wait to observe her as she tried not to go crazy with fear. She would be stupid not to know about me at this point. I was international news.

  There was some odd thrill present.

  She would be my first innocent victim.

  Like I said, she was my first in many things.


  Once the dance was over, I snapped my eyes open and almost blushed, because everyone seemed to be staring at us. Thankfully, several girls joined us and the dance floor was getting busy. My eyes searched for Sophie, and there she was with two guys, one to her front and the other to her back, and it reminded me more of a threesome than a dance. She smirked at me and lifted her hand in a thumbs-up gesture.

  Great, so much for a night out with a friend.

  Exhaling a heavy breath, I strolled to the bar and studied the drinks. My budget was tight, but there wasn't anything less expensive than a hundred dollars. Well, I got my paycheck today from the library, and I had a few bucks on my credit card. Why not allow myself one drink, right?

  The bartender seemed young, in his early twenties. He was wearing a tight black shirt and jeans. His face was spread in smile.

  “What would you like to drink, beautiful?”

  I bit my lower lip. “I’m not really sure. What’s good?” The booze never really did it for me, so when everyone was experimenting with wines and beers back in high school, I preferred cherry-flavored sodas.

  He raised his brows in question then picked up a bottle and asked, “Do you like to try new things?”

  Not really, no. What if those new things could be dangerous and end me up in shit? Although I was already in some deep shit, maybe new things weren't so overrated. Making a final decision in my head, I nodded and he winked.

  “Be right back, babe.” He put several substances in the gray shaker with ice, and his hands moved so easily, fast, and smoothly they made my head spin. Finally, he was done, shaking it one last time, and then he poured the drink into the glass, put a straw there, a pineapple piece on the edge of the glass, and gave it to me. The thing looked delicious, and my mouth watered at the idea of tasting it.

  “How much?”

  He shook his head. “On the house, babe.”

  His words made me blink in confusion. “But why?” Suddenly, everything inside me froze, and the hot, uneasy feeling spread through me. Was he taking pity on me because of how my dress looked? Was it clear I struggled for money compared to all those other girls? “I do have money.” My voice was defensive and biting, and he frowned.

��Didn’t mean to imply you didn’t. Just wanted to buy a drink for a beautiful girl. That’s all.”

  Freak! The dude just tried to be nice, and all I did was throw it back in his face.

  “Sorry, I’m just…well, there is no excuse. I’m sorry.”

  He laughed heartily and winked again. “No problem, babe. Go have some fun.” Taking the drink in my hands, I finally took my first sip and almost groaned in pleasure. That shit was divine! The cherry flavor combined with pineapple and some alcohol, probably vodka, made it sweet, but at the same time sour, and it tasted more like juice than any alcoholic drink. Perfect.

  Since my whole attention was on the heaven in my hands, I wasn't watching where I was going. I bumped into someone else, which resulted in splashing my delightful drink onto someone.

  Oh, hell!

  The man was wearing white sneakers and blue jeans that seemed a size too big for him. Somehow, I found those two details exceptionally odd in a club setting.

  My eyes traveled from his white shirt covered in a pink stain to the man's face. He was wearing huge glasses with frames that covered half of his forehead, eyes, and nose, so it was impossible for me to see his features clearly. His brown hair was in a messy bun on the back of his head, and his jacket, which was a size too big, covered his wide shoulders.

  Overall, the man wasn't anything special or spectacular to look at.

  That was before the club light flashed on his face and I had a clear view of him. Wait…was it? How the hell could he look so different? And why would he wear those clothes in the first place?

  “I’m so sorry,” I quickly mumbled and tried to dry his shirt with my napkin, but somehow made it worse while he stood there shocked. “That’s probably not what you imagined when you allowed me to enter your club.”

  He frowned, and then raised his eyes in confusion. “Have we met?” Freak. I could feel that stupid blush heating up my cheeks again. Of course, he wouldn't remember meeting me. He probably had girls throwing themselves at him all the freaking time, and my words were putting him into an uncomfortable position.

  “Yeah…well, kind of yeah…outside just now? When you allowed me to walk in?” Finally, recognition filled his eyes. It was safer to mention the recent meeting. Our night together in my father’s study probably meant nothing to him and he forgot all about it. The connection and lust that ran through us back then must have been the act of my imagination.

  Stupid, so stupid.

  That connection was one of the reasons I hadn’t been with anyone. It felt like cheating on him. How ironic was it that the man in question didn't even remember me or my name?

  “You met my brother.”

  “Brother?” It was my turn to be confused. What did he mean by brother?

  “My twin, he’s the owner.”

  Instant relief washed over me at the thought that the mysterious stranger didn't forget about me, and then it was replaced with many questions. Well, at least his appearance answered one of them. This dude looked more like some geek kid compared to his brother, and he didn't have the aura of confidence that attracted me in the first place. “Oh, sorry, I didn't know that.”

  His mouth lifted in a half grimace. “Not many people do.” Then he laughed nervously. “Although, one glance at me makes them question what’s wrong.” He adjusted his frames more firmly, and part of me felt sorry for him. It probably wasn't easy to be, well, the less attractive brother. He took out a napkin from his pocket and tried to do damage control too, and it snapped me out of my thoughts. I ruined his shirt, and he wasn't even pointing that out.

  “I’m so sorry once again! I wasn't watching where I was going. The shirt is probably ruined.” After a year of doing laundry for myself, I became almost an expert in such things. He shook his head.

  “It’s okay. It wasn’t that great a shirt anyway.” It was hard not to agree with him. “You, on the other hand, lost your drink.” Yeah, it was a delicious drink, and now it was all over his shirt and the floor. I was surprised no one was paying attention to us.

  “Looks like I will have to buy that drink after all.” Those two sips weren't satisfying for me, and I still wasn’t even close to being drunk enough to master the courage to sleep with someone.

  “You got that drink free?”

  “Yep, the bartender told me it was on the house.”

  Something flashed through his eyes, but it went so quickly, I couldn't catch it.

  “Did he now?” he asked, and then smiled. “Let me buy you a drink then. Are you here with someone?”

  Was this guy for real? He didn't owe me anything, yet here he wanted to make it all better.

  “You really don’t have to buy me anything.”

  A blush covered his neck and he nodded. “Yes, I’m sorry. You probably have better things to do than hang around with me. Have fun.”

  This made me feel like a freaking bad person, really. Wasn't he essentially the same as me?

  An outsider among people who fit into this place? How many times had people passed an opportunity to be with him, or just invited him because of his brother? He never said those things, and I hadn't known him long enough, but it was obvious the dude lived in the perfect shadow. I could relate, really. I placed my hand on his elbow, and a spark of something filled my body and put it on high alert. He froze, but didn't take his eyes away from mine, gazing into them.

  What the hell was going on?

  The same spark ran through my body in the garden a year ago. What were the odds? Or maybe my body reacted to the image in my head, since they both basically looked alike.

  “My friend is right over there.” I pointed at Sophie, who was chatting at another bar stand with the guys she was dancing with. One of them put his hand on her thigh suggestively, and she flashed him a smile and turned around so he would have a better view of her ‘assets.’ “As you can see, she already has company and doesn’t need me. I’d love to have a drink with you.” He gulped then gave me a tentative smile and raised his hand to the bartender.

  “Tim, the same drink she had and a shot of whiskey on my table.”

  Tim saluted and replied, “On it.” The stranger put his hand on my lower back and pushed me in the direction of the VIP lounge, which had crystal tables and comfortable couches. Several people studied us with interest, and some women just rolled their eyes, whispering to each other.

  Oddly enough, at the moment, I didn't give a shit what anyone thought, just wanting to enjoy the moment. Finally, we sat down and a moan of pleasure escaped my lips, which turned his attention to my mouth.

  “Those heels were killing my feet.”

  His dark brows furrowed. “Why did you wear them then?” Men were so clueless sometimes.

  “They do have their appeal, and besides, girls look prettier with heels on. Men pay them more attention.” It was strange sharing all this stuff with him, but hey, he didn't even seem in a league for a one-night stand, and since I couldn't see a guy in him, so to speak, it didn't bother me being completely open and honest in my opinions.

  “I think you’d get attention with or without them. There’s no need to torture yourself.” An edge to his tone made me uneasy and my eyes cast down, as though displeasing him was my biggest sin.

  Maybe the drink was very strong and two sips were enough to make me drunk, because I was acting crazy. Before I could reply to his comment, a waitress showed up with our drinks and placed them in front of us on the table.

  “Tim said you ordered those.” He nodded, and then she licked her lips. “Anything else you might want?” Her finger trailed down her neck to her open cleavage.

  His eyes darkened in anger, but his tone was firm and bored when he spoke up. “That’s it for now, Angie. Thanks.” She sent daggers my way, but left immediately.

  “Bad breakup, huh?” I tried to joke to lighten the mood while he took a sip of his whiskey.

  “No. She just wants to sleep with me.” So, he had no problems with ladies.

  “Why not?
She’s hot.” And she was propositioning him. No offense to the guy, but he wasn't exactly some Gerard Butler type to get the ladies fawning over him. In fact, I was surprised she tried to nail him in the first place. His self-mocking laughter sent chills through me.

  “She doesn’t want me. She wants my brother. Trust me on this, sweetheart; none of the women here are interested in what I have to offer.” His words stung, and part of me wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. While I decided to enjoy his company originally, my thoughts were on his brother too, which made me no better than any other woman he’d met before. Suddenly, his fingers grabbed my chin and lifted it to his face. The gesture was unexpected coming from him, and I shifted uncomfortably. Up close and personal, he reminded me a lot of my mysterious stranger.

  “What’s your name, sapphire eyes?” For the first time, my lips drew a smile that probably brightened up the room.

  “Sapphire,” I replied softly, and his brows furrowed once again.

  “Yeah, like the precious stones.” He was still not getting my meaning.

  “No, I mean that’s my name.” He stayed silent for several seconds, and then let go of me and leaned back on the couch with his drink in his hand.

  “Well, your parents sure gave you a suitable name.”

  My nose wrinkled in distaste. “Yeah, it wasn't delightful growing up with it.”

  “Seriously? What’s wrong with it?”

  “It’s different,” I whispered, tugging on my dress, trying to make the small wrinkles on it go away. His hand gently touched mine as he studied me with those eyes behind his big glasses, which I wished were off him. At the same time though, it helped the image of his gorgeous brother vanish from my mind.

  “What’s wrong with being different?”

  My teeth nipped my lower lip, and it didn't escape my notice how his eyes traveled to it and the dark hint of desire that colored them. “Kids don’t really like when someone is not like everyone else. Don’t you know that?”

  The chuckle escaped his lips, but he shook his head. “Not really. I never went to school, grew up homeschooled along with my brother. He had no problems with my differences.”


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