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Hot Wolves

Page 18

by Lilly Wilder

  Her answer made me want to scream. “There has to be something we can do.”

  Roman walked into the room with a bucket of cold water. “How is he doing?”

  “He refuses to heal,” I said, my voice cracking with every word I spoke. Saying it aloud made it all the more real and I really didn’t want to think about what would happen if Landon didn’t pull through. “And Cynthia can’t do anything to help him.”

  “I am sure that Cynthia is doing everything that she can to help.”

  I shook my head. “I’m scared, Roman… I don’t want our son to lose out on knowing such an amazing man. I want him to grow up with both of his fathers.”

  “And he will.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “I know that things look kind of bleak right about now but you need to realize that Landon is as tough as nails. Some stupid infection won’t be his way out, trust me.”

  “I don’t think you understand how serious this is. People used to die of infection all the time!”

  “Yeah, back in the civil war era. Not any more. I can just go to the pharmacy and pick up some antibiotics and he’ll be as good as new.”

  Cynthia held up her hand. I really didn’t want to hear what she would say next because I could tell by the look on her face that it wasn’t anything good. “I’ve already tried that and he isn’t taking to it.”

  “What?” Roman looked like he had just been slapped in the face.

  “I’ve tried every antibiotic in my arsenal and they don’t do a lick of good. There’s something wrong and I don’t know what it is.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know what it is?” Roman bellowed. “Landon is dying? Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Because Landon can’t possibly be dying. He has a pack that he needs to lead and a son he needs to raise.”

  Cynthia hung her head and didn’t say a word. “What are we going to do…?” she whispered. There were tears running down her cheeks. “There has to be something.”

  “I don’t know.” Roman looked like he was about ready to pull his hair right out his scalp. “But I need some air.” And with that, he left the room, letting the door slam behind him.

  The sudden bang of noise was enough to rouse Jayden from his sleep. He started to cry, his face red and blotchy. “Shh, shh…” I tried to rock him back to sleep but there was no consoling the little guy. He just wasn’t having it.

  “Try laying him down next to his father,” said Cynthia. “It might help them both.”

  “I appreciate the thought but —”

  She was giving me such a look that it was hard to argue with the woman. I really had nothing to lose, so I decided to give it a shot.

  Gently, I eased Jayden into the crook of Landon’s arm. Almost instantly, he started to calm down. His crying stopped and he snuggled in a little bit closer to his father’s side. “How did you know…?” I asked.

  “Love is the most powerful medicine of all.”


  With Landon acting as Jayden’s bed, I had a little bit of time to get myself cleaned up. It felt good to soak in a warm bath but with everything that was happening, I couldn’t fully enjoy myself. I was haunted by a bunch of ‘what ifs.’ What if Landon died? What if another wolf attempted to dethrone Roman as leader? What if there was another attack? What if our new territory proved to be a horrible decision?

  My head felt like a wind-up toy that had been turned one too many times.

  I sank a little deeper into the water, until it just about grazed my chin.

  Overhead was an upside-down garden. Roses and tulips were in full bloom. I had no idea how Cynthia was able to maintain such a thing but it was incredibly beautiful. Each rose was a vibrant red and the violets weren’t just purple, they were a dimension of color.

  Knock, knock.

  Roman let himself into the room. “Mmm.” He pressed his lips together. “Now this is a sight that will certainly lift my spirits.”

  “You’re just saying that. I’m sure I look like crap. No one told me that motherhood would do this much damage to my body.”

  “What did you expect?” He formed his fingers into a tight circle. “When something goes from this to —”

  I stopped him before he could go into detail about the destruction of my hole. “Way to make me feel better.”

  “If it helps, I think you’re just as beautiful today as you were the first day I met you.”

  “I almost drowned the first day you met me.”

  He motioned towards the tub. “See what I did there.”

  I rolled my eyes. “How can you crack jokes at a time like this?”

  “Well, I, for one, think that laughter is a good way to chase away depression.”

  “Right.” I couldn’t argue with him there. With the water getting cold, I lifted myself out of the tub. Roman was ready with a warm towel which he helped to wrap around my body. “Did you want something from me or did you just pop in to say hello?”

  “I wanted you to see something.”


  “It’s the pack.”

  “What about them?”

  “It’ll just be better if you see it for yourself.”

  “I don’t know if I like the sound of this…”

  “Just trust me.”

  So, that’s what I did. After putting on a fresh outfit, I followed him to the base of the tree. There, he told me to close my eyes. I really didn’t think it was an appropriate time for surprises but he insisted that it was necessary. “Fine,” I conceded. He waited until my eyes were closed, before taking me by the shoulders and guiding me in the right direction.

  There was a strange noise floating through the air. I couldn’t quite tell what it was but it sounded like a hum of sorts — perhaps cicadas in the distance?

  “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

  As soon as I did so, I saw the entire pack sitting in a prayer circle. There was a giant fire in the middle of that circle but the flames were not red or orange but a deep emerald green. “What’s going on?”

  “They heard about Landon and they decided that this would be the best way to help him. Everyone is really hoping for his full recovery.”

  I was touched that everyone cared so much.

  “And why is the fire green exactly?”

  “Something to do with healing herbs. I didn’t ask for the scientific explanation.”

  Fiona got up and approached us. She held a bouquet of flowers in her hands. “On behalf of Gerald’s ex-pack, we all want to thank Landon for the sacrifices he made in order to free us from the clutches of that horrible man. We are eternally grateful and will remain forever faithful to all three of you.”

  I took the bouquet but I couldn’t think of what to say.

  “Thank you.” Roman nodded his head. “That is very kind of you, Fiona.”

  She returned to her spot and joined the prayer that seemed to be getting louder and louder. With this many people believing in Landon’s ability to get better, I had no doubt that it would happen.

  All I could do was wait and have faith in the man that I loved.

  Chapter 29: Roman

  It was the middle of the night and I could not sleep. Seeing that Jayden was also awake, I took him out of his crib and brought him outside with me.

  Even after two weeks, he was still such a tiny, little thing. Yes, he had grown but not very much. Cynthia kept assuring us that he had a future of strength but apparently that strength didn’t come with height. “You’re going to be a little shortie just like your mother,” I teased.

  I bopped him on the nose and he laughed, trying to grab my hand.

  “But you’ll definitely be a fast one.”

  Overhead, the stars were bright and the moon was making its full appearance. The healthiest of the pack had gone out for a midnight kill. I would have joined them but it didn’t feel right for me to leave my family behind. They needed my support and I couldn’t provide tha
t support while hunting stags.

  Those who had been left behind were performing household duties. Some women were busy making jerky while others were mending clothing by the fire.

  I walked around and greeted some of the members. It felt surreal to know that I was in charge of such a large group of shifters. They all depended on me but, without Landon, I felt useless. He was my partner in crime and I needed him.

  “Hey!” Fiona spotted me and flagged me down with a wave of her arm. “What are you doing out here with the baby without a blanket? He could catch a cold.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought about that. I’m kind of new to this whole fatherhood thing.”

  She ducked inside her hut and retrieved a blanket. “Here, I made it for my child a long time ago but I think you should have it.”

  “Wait, you have a child?”

  “Almost,” she answered. “But I would rather not talk about it.”

  I nodded. “I understand, but if you ever need someone, I’ll be more than happy to listen.”

  She smiled. “You’re going to be a good leader.”

  “I can only hope so.”

  “There’s no point in hoping when it’s true,” she said. “Now get that baby back to its mother. By the way he’s squirming, I’d say that he’s getting hungry.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Taking her advice, I returned inside. The nursery, however, was now empty. The bed where I had left Jane was vacant and even a little bit cold. Where could she have gone?

  Jayden started to fuss. “Shh,” I whispered, as I held him against my chest. “We’ll find mommy in just a second.”

  I checked Landon’s room because that was the only other place where I thought she’d be. And my suspicions proved correct. She was snuggled underneath the comforters. Landon’s arm was slung over her body. I smiled.

  “Is there room for two more?” I asked.

  Jane lifted her head off the pillow and looked at me with sleepy eyes. I didn’t wait for her response. Instead, I eased onto the very edge of the bed and sandwiched Jane between our bodies. “You’re going to push Landon off the other side!” she exclaimed.

  “He’ll be fine,” I said, dismissing her concern. She shot me such a glare that if looks could kill, I’d be dead three times over. “Oh, and Jayden is hungry,” I added, in hopes that it would distract her because she looked about ready to push me off the bed and the hardwood floor didn’t look very comfortable in the case of a fall.

  “Is that right?” Her voice rose in pitch as she talked to the baby. In an instant, she was making funny faces and cooing about his button nose. “Your mommy’s hungry boy, aren’t you?” As soon as she brought him to her breast, he latched on, sucking away. He was a shifter, true to my own heart.

  “That’s my boy.” Jane and I were both surprised to hear Landon’s voice. It wasn’t quite ‘his’ voice with all the roughness but it was still obvious who it belonged to.

  “You’re awake,” said Jane.

  He chuckled. “So I am. I think Cynthia has been drugging me into unconsciousness.”

  “She’s just trying to help.” Jane pressed her hand to his forehead. “How are you feeling? I can’t quite tell if you have a fever or not. You feel pretty hot to me.”

  The grin on his face deepened. “Hot you say?”

  “Even on your death bed, huh?”

  “Where else?” he countered. “When your mate calls you hot, you take that compliment and you run with it.”

  “Sounds like someone is feeling better,” I commented, with a certain sense of relief.

  “I am.”

  “Good, because I’m going to need your help running this new pack. Everything is okay for now but I’m sure some issues are bound to crop up. We’ll need to assign duties and come up with a system for keeping everything organized.”

  Jane slapped my shoulder. “He isn’t even fully recovered yet and you’re already bombarding him with work. Keep it up and you’ll overwhelm him into another round of unconsciousness.”

  “It’s fine, Jane. I need to know what is going on. Cynthia can’t keep me confined to this bed forever.”

  “She’s just waiting for your wounds to heal.”

  “Right…” he pulled Jane a little closer. “Will you guys stay the night? It helps to have you around.”

  “Really?” Jane cocked her head to the side. “Why haven’t you told us.”

  “I didn’t want it to seem like I was being needy.”

  “Oh, Landon.” She handed me the baby and gently pressed her lips against Landon’s. “If you need help, you shouldn’t feel ashamed when asking for it. We’ll stay as long as you need us to.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Not at all,” she answered. “Right, Roman?”

  “Right,” I confirmed. “Everyone wants you back on your feet — including me. And if that means clinging to the edge of this bed all night then that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “I’m the luckiest wolf in the world,” he said. I could tell that he was growing tired by the way his eyelids were drooping. He could barely keep them open.

  “I think we are all in need of a good night’s sleep.” I brought the blanket up and over the entire family.

  “Mmm.” Jane found a place to rest her head, which just so happened to be my shoulder. It was bound to put my arm to sleep but I didn’t have the heart to tell her to move.

  Jayden had his own place between Jane’s breasts. In a way, I was very jealous of the little guy.

  “Goodnight,” I whispered but all three of them were already asleep. “And I love you.”

  Chapter 30: Jane

  I woke up in what felt like the middle of a furnace. To say I was sweating would be the understatement of the year. I could wring out my clothes and fill a bucket.

  “Jeez… who turned up the heat?” I asked, as I slowly came to my senses. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and found that I had been sandwiched between both of my mates.

  Roman was still fast asleep but Landon was awake and entertaining the baby with a game of peekaboo.

  I watched, mesmerized by the chemistry forming between the two. No one could deny that they were father and son. “It looks like you’re having fun,” I said with a smile.

  “I thought I would give your chest a break.”

  “But what about yours? Having Jayden bounce around on those broken ribs can’t feel very nice.”

  “Actually, I can’t feel a thing.”

  I frowned. Numbness was not a good thing. “Um…”

  “And I know what you’re thinking,” he intercepted before I could voice my concerns. “But I’m fine.”

  I raised an eyebrow, dubious. “I’ve heard that one before and it hasn’t been entirely truthful.”

  “Well, this time, it is.” He passed off Jayden to me and then proceeded to pull away at his bandages. I was about to stop him but he was too quick. Underneath the white wrapping, I expected to find swollen flesh, discolored by infection, but instead, his skin was pink and healthy-looking.

  My jaw practically hit the floor. “How in the hell…?”

  “I think you guys had something to do with it,” he said. “Because last night, while I dreamed, something strange happened. I became weightless and I went on a journey where everything was colorful and bright. I swear, I saw our future and I couldn’t bear to let it pass me by, so I reached for it.”

  “So our love… it healed you?”

  “I think so.”

  “Cynthia did say that love was a powerful medicine…” I mused to myself. “I didn’t think she meant it in a literal sense.”

  “What’s happening?” Roman grumbled, still half asleep. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll have the flapjacks ready. They’ll be to die for, I promise!” His head dropped back down onto the pillow and he started to snore.

  “All this leader business has taken a lot out of him. He’s been tryi
ng to be in a million places all at once.”

  “He has a lot to learn,” said Landon.

  “I can’t believe that you’re completely healed. It’s like some sort of miracle.” I ran my fingertips across his skin. It was smooth and firm, just as I remembered it being.

  “I wouldn’t say completely.”

  “Oh? Is there something the matter?” I asked.

  “Yes. There’s a little lady that I’ve been missing and until I have her in my arms again, I don’t think I can be considered completely cured. Only her loving can bridge the gap between ‘okay’ and ‘excellent.’ Or, at least, that’s what I’ve heard.”

  I laughed. “You have me in your arms right now. Is this not enough?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Is that your only prerogative?” I asked.

  “It’s definitely one of them,” he answered. “And are you really going to blame me if I want to treat my woman right?”


  It took a couple of days before Landon was able to regain his full strength. All of his wounds had healed but his muscles had atrophied from being stuck in bed for such a long period of time. Roman was gracious enough to help him through his exercises.

  “Come on,” I cheered, as he stretched his calves in a lunge. He was shaking from all the effort it took to hold the position. “You can do it.”

  He lost his focus as he looked over his shoulder. “Hey there, good looking.” At the end of his greeting, he toppled over like a cardboard cut out. I couldn’t help but giggle. “And now, I look like an idiot…”

  “A very handsome idiot,” I said as I walked over and helped him up. He was quick to take both my cheeks in his hands and line us up for a kiss. His lips were so tender and sweet. I knew I was an addict but every day, my desire was growing hotter and hotter. I didn’t know how much willpower I had left.

  “So, is the answer still ‘no?’ Or is today my lucky day?”

  “It depends. How are you feeling?”

  “Like a million bucks.”

  “I might have to wait until you’re feeling like a billion bucks. I just want to make sure that you’re a hundred percent before you go exerting yourself for my sake.”


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