Taker - A Single Dad's New Baby Romance (Criminal Passions Book 4)

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Taker - A Single Dad's New Baby Romance (Criminal Passions Book 4) Page 16

by Layla Valentine

  I said nothing, tears forming in my eyes as he went on.

  “Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it. But I’m not one to dwell on things like that. All I know is I love you so much it hurts. And being together, our little family…I know whatever brought me to where I am now was worth it.”

  He reached into his pocket and took out a small box, black and velvet. Then he turned to me, his eyes warm, filled with love.

  “My life with you has been an adventure like nothing else. And I don’t know how you’re feeling, but I’m ready to take the next step.” He opened the box, revealing a gorgeous, glittering diamond ring.

  I gasped, realizing what he was about to say.

  “I love you, Abbie. And I want to make you my wife, if you’ll have me as a husband. What do you say—will you marry me?”

  There was no way I could say anything but the thrilled, excited “yes!” that leaped out of me. I threw my arms around Tate, pressing his body against mine.

  Then he let me go, took my hand, and slipped the ring on my finger.

  “It suits you,” he said.

  I held my hand out, watching the facets of the diamond catch the light from the morning sun.

  “I have to agree with you, Mr. Dale.”

  We kissed again, our first kiss as husband-and-wife-to-be.

  He grinned. “Now comes the fun part. We have a couple of kids down there and your best friend, and I’m ready to let them all know I’m making you my wife. What do you say?”

  “I’m right there with you.”

  Another long, passionate kiss followed, then he took my hand and led me out of the bedroom and then to the balcony overlooking the first floor.

  What I saw was something out of a dream, a life that I still couldn’t believe was mine.

  The baby was playing in her bouncy seat, Jamie watching over her. She was getting so big, already shooting up. Maggie, my little girl.

  Jamie laughed happily as she watched the baby, glancing up to us and giving a good morning wave. Her eyes went to my right hand, going wide as she realized what it was.

  I couldn’t wait to tell her.

  “Breakfast is almost ready!” called out Connor, evidently finally awake and getting started on his new favorite hobby—cooking. I already had my eye on the kid for a gig at my café when he became old enough.

  And at my side was the love of my life. We’d been through so much together, but whatever hardship we’d been dealt had only made what we had stronger, more real.

  It was only going to grow more wonderful, this little life we’d made together. We were going to be married, and Tate had already been hinting that he wasn’t ready to stop at just one baby.

  The more, the merrier, I agreed.

  Jamie rushed up the stairs and stopped in front of us, practically shaking with excitement.

  “You’re getting married!” she shouted, throwing her arms around me as we both screamed with happiness.

  Tate smiled before heading down the stairs to greet the baby, who happily cooed at the sight of her loving papa.

  My little life. It was all mine, and it was perfect.

  There was nothing but love, and I couldn’t wait to watch it grow.

  The End

  I hope you’ve enjoyed Tate and Abbie’s story! Keep reading for the first chapter of the previous book in this series, Breaker

  Happy reading!

  Layla x


  Chapter 1


  The restaurant was beautiful. The wine was delicious. The dress I wore was the nicest I owned. Even the music playing was pretty good.

  But none of that mattered. I was more nervous than I’d ever been in my life.

  “Another?” The bartender, a handsome man with salt-and-pepper hair, dressed in all black, stopped in front of me. His eyes flicked down to the nearly empty glass of red wine in front of me.

  I knew I shouldn’t have. One drink should’ve been all I’d allowed myself to take the edge off my worries.

  Fuck it.

  “Sure. I’ll have another.”

  He smiled, giving me a professional nod before taking down the bottle from a rack above and pouring me another glass.

  “On the tab?” he asked.

  “On the tab.”

  That was a whole other thing. The decision I’d made, the one that would change my life for good—it didn’t exactly mean good news for my bank account. Eleven-dollar glasses of wine weren’t exactly in my new budget.

  But at that moment, it didn’t matter.

  I took a quick sip of the rich, red wine, hoping it would quell my nerves.

  It was a nice restaurant my parents had picked out—I had to give them that. They were rich as all hell, and apparently good taste came along with that. The bar was dark wood, the lighting was low and warm, the service staff silently moved through it all. The light sounds of conversation filled the air and mingled with the music in the background.

  I took out my phone and checked the time. It was nearly six thirty, and I was set to meet my parents at seven. I had no idea why I’d shown up so early—maybe because puttering around in my apartment, nervously pacing a groove into the ground, didn’t sound like the most appealing thing in the world.

  Nope. Better to get here and try to get this all over with as quickly as possible.

  My phone buzzed in my hand. I was so wound up, so jumpy, that I nearly dropped the thing onto the counter in shock.

  Get a grip, Sierra. You’re not walking to your execution—it’s just telling your parents that…

  God, I couldn’t even finish the thought. I turned my attention back to the phone. It was my best friend, Maggie.

  “Hey!” I said, trying to sound chipper, like nothing was wrong. “What’s up?”

  “A better question is, what’s up with you?”

  “Uh, what are you talking about?”

  “How long have we been friends for?”

  “Ten years?”

  “Eleven. And don’t you think in that amount of time I’d learn when you’re being pretend-cheerful, and when you actually are?”

  Busted. Should’ve known Maggie would be able to see right through me. Or hear right through me, in this case.

  “All that by my tone of voice?” I sipped my wine again.

  “Like I said, I know you up and down, in and out. Might as well come clean with me.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to figure out where to begin. The issue I was dealing with, the one that was coming to a head that very night, was one I’d been trying to keep to myself. But sitting there at the bar, knowing my parents would be coming in any moment, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Maggie prodding me just a little was all it took.

  “It’s about med school…” I trailed off.

  “You mean the med school that you dropped out of? When you decided that you didn’t want to be a doctor? When you made possibly the biggest decision of your life on a total whim?”

  “It wasn’t a whim,” I said. “I’d been thinking about it for a long, long time.”

  “I know, I know. I’m just teasing. You know I agree with you. But what about it? Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts.”

  “Not having second thoughts. Not even a little. But…tonight’s the night.”

  “The night for what?” There was a pause, then, “Holy shit—are you telling your parents tonight?”


  “Ohh…,” she said. “Are you there with them right now?”

  “No. We’re set to meet here at seven. I showed up early to… I don’t know. But each minute that passes it gets worse. I feel like I’m about to come apart at the seams.”

  “I don’t blame you. Being a doctor’s been your parents’ dream for you since you were a kid.”

  “And I thought it was my dream, too. But the more I got into my pre-med, the more I started having second thoughts.”

  “Right. I mean, the life of a doctor’s not for everyone.�

  “Not me, evidently. I mean, saving lives and all that sounds good. But there just wasn’t any passion there. I felt like I was going through the motions. And it didn’t seem fair to me that if I got in, that might mean I’d be taking the spot of someone who really, really wanted it. You know?”

  “It makes sense,” Maggie said, not missing a beat. “And you know I’m on your side for this one. You need to take some time and figure out what you really want to do. Don’t get me wrong—your parents are great. But they’ve had you on a track for so long that I think you’re due for some freedom.”

  Freedom. That was it. That was the word, the idea, that made it all worthwhile. I wanted to be my own person, to make my own decisions, to chart a course for my life that I knew would make me happy. My parents loved me, but this was something I could only do for myself.

  “You get it. I knew you would.”

  “Of course I do. I’m your best friend, remember? But…that doesn’t mean tonight’s going to be any easier.”

  Another right-on-the-money statement.

  “But look at it this way,” she went on. “Nothing in life that’s worth having is easy, right? I don’t have any doubt that a year from now you’ll be well on your way to living a kick-ass life on your terms. But you won’t get that without putting in some hard work. Tonight’s the first of that.”

  “I know, I know. That doesn’t make it any less hard, though. And tonight’s only the beginning. Even if I get through it without my parents disowning me, I still have to worry about getting a new job and apartment and everything else that comes with paying my own way.”

  “But doesn’t that kind of excite you? Everything you’ll have will be because you worked for it. No one will have given you a damn thing. You’ll be able to take a look around your life and be like, ‘I did this.’”

  A small smile spread across my face at her words. Maggie was always good like that, always seeing the positive side of life.

  “You’re right. I know you are.”

  “There’s that old, corny saying about a journey of a thousand miles starting with a single step. But it’s true, Sierra, and you’re at the first step. It’s a big, super difficult step, sure, but you’re going to take it. And you’re going to be glad you did.”

  I sipped my wine, feeling a little better.

  “All right,” I said. “I’m starting to feel like maybe I can handle this.”

  “No ‘maybe’ about it. You’ll be fine. And if you have a bad night, you know I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks, Mags.”

  “Anytime, babe. Keep me posted, okay?”

  “Will do.”

  With that, we said our goodbyes and I hung up.

  The moment I slipped my phone back into my pocket, the anxiety returned. It wasn’t as intense as before, but it was still there, gnawing away at me. Part of me wished I could call Maggie back and put her on speakerphone, keeping her on the line while I talked to my parents.

  Totally ridiculous, sure, but it all seemed so insurmountable. But I had to do it. I had to pull the trigger.

  I sighed and took another sip of my wine. Right as I set down the glass, a figure settled into the open seat next to mine.

  “Let me guess, you’re a Virgo?”

  I didn’t need to look up to know what was going on. One more deep breath, but this one out of frustration rather than fear.

  A glance to the side revealed a middle-aged man in an expensive suit, the buttons of his dress shirt down enough to expose a pasty expanse of skin covered in thick chest hair. His face was fleshy, his eyes a watery blue. His dark hair was slicked back. A gaudy ring was on his pinky finger. Everything about him screamed “lots of money, no taste.”

  “Nope,” I said, bringing my eyes back to my drink. Part of me hoped that by ignoring the guy, I could get him to go away. But I’d been hit on by enough sleazy men to know that only made them more insistent.

  “Okay, then. How about Leo? You’ve got a way about you, one that makes me think you love the spotlight.”

  I turned back to him, watching as he sat back, as if trying to get a sense of me.

  “You ever done photography?” he asked. “Movies?”

  I sighed. “Listen, I’m meeting some people here. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but—”

  He grinned, revealing a row of what appeared to be perfect veneers. “I assure you, I’m anything but a nice guy.”

  He didn’t need to tell me twice. The man extended a hand toward me, one that was just as fleshy as the rest of him.

  “Phil Johnson. A pleasure to meet you. And when I say a pleasure, I mean it.”

  At that moment, my parents coming in would’ve almost felt like a blessing.

  “Sierra Finch,” I said, taking his hand. And I kept it at that.

  The skin of his hand was cold and clammy. I swiftly drew my hand back, wiping my palm against my dress.

  “So,” he said. “Ever done it? Photos, movies?”

  “I took some pictures for a photography class back in high school. But that’s really it.”

  He shook his head, bringing his olive-packed martini to his lips.

  “That’s not what I meant. I’m asking if you’ve ever been in pictures.”

  “Um, no.”

  “That’s a damn shame. Gorgeous girl like you with a killer body like that—it’s a waste to keep it under clothes.”


  “Think about it. You in a skimpy little two-piece, posing next to a pool. I do a little work like that, and I can tell right now you’ve got what it takes. A woman as beautiful as you, you don’t need to work for a living.”

  I was stunned, so stunned that I had no idea what to say.

  “How about this,” he said, leaning forward, close enough that I could smell his sweat. “I’ve got a room at the hotel down the street. We finish these drinks and head back there, and I take a few sample pictures. Some tasteful stuff—I bet you’ve got a sexy little pair of bra and panties under that dress. And, well, if the night takes us someplace…fun, then so be it.”

  He grinned again. I couldn’t believe how forward this guy was being, how freaking sleazy. Part of me wanted to toss my glass of wine into his face and follow it up with a hard slap.

  But before I could say or do anything, a hand came down onto my shoulder. Phil and I looked up, and what I saw nearly took my breath away. Standing at my side, all smiles, was about the most handsome man I’d ever seen in my life.

  “There you are, darling. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

  Breaker is available on Amazon now!


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  Hot To Touch






  How to Have Your Boss’ Baby

  How to Have Surprise Quadruplets

  How to Wed a Billionaire

  How to Propose Accidentally


  The Baby Scandal

  Prince Baby Daddy

  The Triplet Scandal

  The Baby Plan

  Twins For Christmas


  Second Chance Twins

  Nanny For Hire

  The Baby Bargain

  Accidental Triplets

  Take My V-Card

  Bought by the Boss

  Four Secret Babies

  My Brother’s Best Friend

  Not Marriage Material

  The Single Daddy Situation


  His Baby Secret

  Hot Pursuit


  Secret Daddy Surprise

  My Protector

  In Deep

  The Wedding Steal


>   Triplets For The Billionaire

  Quadruplets For The Billionaire

  Baby, ASAP




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