Holly Pointe & Candy Canes: A heartwarming feel good Christmas romance

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Holly Pointe & Candy Canes: A heartwarming feel good Christmas romance Page 11

by Cindy Kirk

  “You sound like a frog.” Charlotte giggled.

  “Charlotte.” Graham fixed his gaze on Charlotte, and her smile vanished. “Is that kind?”

  “No.” Charlotte’s lips drooped like a chastened clown’s. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’ve got an idea. What if your dad reads Horace’s voice, and I read Hattie’s?”

  “Yes,” Hannah said immediately. “Do that.”

  Charlotte nodded vigorously.

  Sharing the book meant moving even closer to Graham. His fingers brushed hers as he reached out to help her hold it.

  The sizzle had her bobbling her side of the book, and his eyes were hot on hers when they met. Faith had to clear her throat before she began. But after that rocky start, the story progressed smoothly. By the time she reached the end, Faith was eager to know more about the adventures of the hedgehogs and their friends.

  “That’s all for tonight.” Graham shut the book, then turned to her. “Thank you, Faith.”

  She watched him kiss each girl’s forehead and tuck the covers up around them. An action that had to be redone after the girls bolted upright to give Faith hugs.

  Her heart felt ten times its normal size as she and Graham slipped from the room, making sure the night-light was on.

  He closed the door behind them and shot her a wicked grin that had her heart lurching. “Now it’s time to party.”

  “Par-ty?” She choked out the word.

  “Tell me what you’d like to drink. I have Earl Grey and Earl Grey.”

  Faith laughed and brought a finger to her lips. “Why, I think I’ll have the Earl Grey.”

  * * *

  Graham and Faith worked together in the small kitchen. Not only did he have the tea, but he also had peppermint bark from the candy-making extravaganza.

  He took a seat on the sofa in the tiny living space. Instead of sitting beside him, Faith commandeered a chair that was stylish but uncomfortable.

  “Thanks for being a good sport about reading the story.” He took a sip of the tea. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”

  “You didn’t, and I enjoyed it.” She bit into the delicious bark.

  As she chewed, Graham noticed several bits of peppermint crumbs remained on her lips. He wondered what she’d think if he leaned forward and kissed them away.

  Unfortunately, she blotted her mouth with a paper napkin festooned with frolicking Santas, and the crumbs were history.

  “How did your day go?” he asked, realizing that he’d hardly seen her at all today.

  “It went well. Krista and Dustin came to the shop with their production crew to film a segment for their show.”

  Graham’s fingers, holding a jagged piece of bark, paused halfway to his mouth. “I thought you’d already been featured on their show.”

  She washed the bark down with a swig of tea. “I guess you could say I was so popular the first time, they demanded a repeat performance.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “It is and it isn’t.” Her expression turned pensive.

  He waited for her to say more. When she didn’t, he went for levity. “Are you concerned about filling all the millions of orders coming your way?”

  She smiled at the gross exaggeration. “This taping has been in the works for a while, so we’re prepared for the increase in orders. I wasn’t prepared for their offer.”

  “What kind of offer?”

  Two lines formed between her brows. “They want to carry my items in their new store in Gatlinburg.”

  “Faith, that’s wonderful! Congratulations.”

  “It is.” She took a sip of tea, and her saucer jiggled so much she set it down.

  Wanting to soothe her, he captured her hand and found it ice-cold. “What’s the matter?”

  “They want to go big with my products. They offered to let me use factory space in Tennessee for the production of my designs. Dustin and Krista seem certain that will be necessary.”

  Graham tugged her over to the sofa to sit beside him. “What about your shop here and the people you employ?”

  “They said it’d be good to keep it and that it will help Holly Pointe become a destination for those who love my products…kind of like Ben & Jerry’s in Waterbury, only without the yummy ice cream.”

  He chuckled, then immediately sobered. “You don’t appear sold on the idea.”

  She blew out a breath. “They also want me to be a regular on their show. Apparently, the viewing public reacts well to me.”

  Graham nodded. “I can see that.”

  “I’m just not sure going big is what I want.” She leaned her head back against the sofa. “Until I saw Mary tonight, in her element and back to how she used to be before the pneumonia knocked her back, I was thinking there’s no way I could leave her.”

  “Then you saw her, and that excuse went out the window.”


  “Which is good.”

  Her brows furrowed as she shifted to face him.

  “Think about it. You’d have used her as an excuse instead of considering what you really want to do. This way, whatever you decide, it will be your choice.” Graham tightened his fingers around hers. “There are lots of reasons to stay. And lots of reasons to seize this opportunity.”

  “What do you think I should do?” When he started to shake his head, she continued without giving him a chance to speak. “I’m not asking you to make the decision for me. I’m simply asking for your opinion.”

  “I can honestly see the advantages of both.” The choice, for him, would be clear. Dustin and Krista were offering Faith a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But his goals and Faith’s weren’t aligned. “If I were you, I’d make a pro-con list and discuss your options with people you trust. See if the list and what others say help bring clarity.”

  “I trust you,” she told him, her voice turning husky as she leaned close. “That’s why I asked.”

  “I’m flattered.” Graham wanted to kiss her. Instead, he released her hand and abruptly stood. “I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Faith stared at Graham’s back and tried to make sense of what had just happened. He’d been ready to kiss her. She’d been absolutely—okay, nearly—sure of that when he’d surged to his feet like a scalded cat.

  She’d been ready to slink down the stairs when he’d turned back and flashed her a smile that had her heart pitter-pattering.

  In a matter of seconds, he was back and sitting beside her, his arm around her.

  “Why did you leave?”

  He flashed a rueful smile. “I remembered the two little girls just down the hall. Once they’re asleep, they’re down for the count. But sometimes they lie there and talk, then get up and want a drink of water. I wanted to make sure we wouldn’t have to worry about being disturbed.”

  The pitter-patter became a salsa rhythm. “You don’t want them to overhear our conversation?”

  He trailed a finger down her face. “Not conversation, but this.”

  His mouth closed over hers, and every fiber of her being broke into the Hallelujah Chorus. It was as if she was starved and hadn’t realized it until this moment.

  The kiss might have started out sweet, but the underlying fire set her insides to blazing. She pressed herself against him, not able to get close enough.

  His tongue swept her lips, and her mouth opened to his probing tongue. It was as if he was inside her already, and she wanted him there with a desperation she’d never felt.

  They kissed like that for the longest time. When his hand slipped under her shirt to unclasp her bra, she wanted to weep with relief. His fingers, ah, those magic fingers soon had her breasts aching with need. She wanted his mouth on her. Needed his mouth on her.

  But when he pushed up the hem of her shirt, she shook her head. “Not out here.”

  Her voice, raspy and raw with need, captured his attention.

  “Your bedroom. There’s a lock.”

dless of what he’d said about the twins being sound sleepers, Faith wasn’t going to risk them seeing something they shouldn’t see.

  “Let’s go.” He took her hand, and they stumbled against each other in the tiny hallway, stifling their laughter.

  Only when the door was firmly locked did Faith remember there was one other thing. “Condoms? I’m not on the pill.”

  The blank look on his face for that single second had her heart plummeting.

  Then his expression cleared. “Give me a moment.”

  He rummaged through his dresser drawer and pulled out several foil packets.

  “Are they still good?” Faith lifted the packets from his fingers and read the date on the foil wrapper. “Looks like we’re covered.”

  Brushing her hair back from her face, he kissed her on the mouth with such intensity Faith’s knees went weak. She found herself clinging to him as need and desire merged to become an inferno.

  Stepping back, she pulled the shirt over her head and tossed the unclasped bra off to the side. “Now that’s out of the way.”

  He stared at her breasts with their peach-colored nipples and taut tips. “You take my breath away.”

  She crooked her finger. “What are you doing way over there? And why do you have so many clothes on?”

  Before long, his clothes were on the floor next to hers, and they were on the bed.

  He talked while he made love to her, whispering sweet things as his hands explored her body, as his mouth followed in its wake.

  Stroking, caressing and kissing her until every nerve ending vibrated with need for him.

  “I want you,” she whispered against his ear. “Inside me.”

  After slipping on the condom, he gave her what she wanted—what was obvious he wanted, too—but as he slid inside her, he continued to make love to her with his hands and his mouth as their bodies fell into a rhythm as old as time.

  Faith hadn’t had many lovers. Only three, and that counted her almost-fiancé, Thomas. But these feelings, this intense yearning and need, were something she’d never experienced before.

  “I don’t want this to end,” she moaned as the orgasm began to ripple through her. “But I can’t stop it.”

  “Let go.” He took her earlobe between his teeth, and Faith lost control.

  She clamped her legs around him, her nails digging into his shoulders as she went over the crest. Still, he continued to pump, as if determined to wring every last ounce of pleasure from her.

  When she sagged against him, he took his own release, surging and calling out her name before collapsing on her.

  Faith’s heart hammered while everything inside her relaxed. She wasn’t sure where she found the energy to wrap her arms around him, but she did, planting a kiss against his neck.

  She couldn’t recall ever feeling this warm, this comfortable, this…satisfied.

  His arm tightened around her, and he kissed her hair. “That was amazing.”

  She smiled against his muscular chest. “It was.”

  “Sometimes, when something is so good, you shouldn’t even attempt to top it.”

  Faith could see where he was going with this. “I like the way you think.”

  He chuckled, and she felt him grow hard again within her. Within seconds, she was on top of him and gazing down into his glittering eyes. “Then you’re really going to like this.”

  * * *

  Faith left Graham’s bed sometime during the night. After round two of making love, they’d both slept, with her cuddled up beside him, her soft brown hair a tantalizing cloud against his chest.

  She smelled like vanilla, a scent that made him think of everything sweet. But as sweet as she was, she had a wild side to her in bed that he liked very much. He could tell the first time that they made love that she was unsure how much to give back. The second time, she’d given as good as she got.

  His pillow still smelled of her. Graham inhaled deeply. Just the scent and the memory of her body under him had him hardening.

  A cold shower took care of that issue, and by the time he was dressed and the bed was made, the twins were beginning to stir. On the way to their room, he checked his phone and found a text from Faith.

  Forgot to mention. Krista & Dustin asked if you, the girls and me would like to go look for a tree with them. Interested?

  Graham had to smile. Unlike most of those he corresponded with via text, Faith appeared to prefer complete sentences and spelling everything out.

  Just one more thing to like about her.

  He thought about his plans for the day, which involved working on the proposal and keeping the twins occupied.

  The essence of Dustin and Krista’s brand still hadn’t solidified in his head. That was standing in the way of him nailing this new ad campaign. Spending time with them would give him the opportunity to know them better.

  Know me, know my brand?

  Sure, he texted back. Time?

  Ten o’clock, came her reply. We could meet downstairs at 9:45??

  He replied with a thumbs-up and turned to find his daughters, sleepy-eyed and hungry, watching him. “Guess what we’re doing today?”

  * * *

  Graham didn’t know the first thing about picking out a Christmas tree. Oh, he knew that he liked his trees full with a good shape, but other than that, he let the people who brought the tree to his apartment and set it up handle the pesky details.

  Now, he stood with Faith and the twins in a field of trees that stretched in all directions on the rolling hillside. Dustin and Krista, in search of a taller tree for their great room, had wandered farther up the hill with their sons.

  “We don’t want anything too big.” Graham rubbed his chin, speaking almost to himself. “The living room is small, and I still need room to work.”

  When Charlotte pointed to a tree that had to be seven feet tall, he shook his head and watched her smile turn to a frown.

  “I like it,” she said, her voice just shy of a whine.

  “Think of this like we’re detectives and this is a puzzle we have to solve.” Faith, looking pretty as ever in her puffy coat and hat with plaid earflaps, put her hands on her hips. “One of the clues is we need to find a tree no taller than me.”

  “Maybe one with a nice shape.” Graham made the shape he was looking for with his hands.

  “One with soft bristles,” Hannah said, getting into the game.

  Graham thought about correcting her, but didn’t want to dampen her enthusiasm.

  Charlotte brought a finger to her lips, a thoughtful expression on her face. “It needs to have a stem at the top where we can put a star…or an angel.”

  “Good puzzle pieces,” Faith said before Graham could respond. “Now the search begins.”

  The twins raced off. It felt natural to take Faith’s arm as they trudged through the snow.

  “I enjoyed last night.” Though no one was nearby, he kept his voice low.

  “I did, too.”

  Graham wasn’t sure if the flush on her cheeks was from the cool breeze or because of the night they’d spent together. He hoped it had to do with pleasant memories of the two of them together.

  “It’s beautiful out here.” She inhaled deeply, and a look of serenity crossed her face.

  “It is.” But his eyes weren’t on the rolling hills of white dotted with tall trees of green, but on her. He took a step closer, his eyes on her mouth.

  She lifted her face, and the sunlight streaming from the bright blue sky bathed her face in light.

  “I found it.” Charlotte’s voice rang out.

  “We found it.” Hannah’s voice rang out a second later.

  Expelling a resigned breath, Graham took Faith’s arm and headed for what he hoped was the perfect tree.

  A half hour later, with the tree safely secured to the top of Faith’s Subaru and Dustin and Krista’s tree on the schedule to be delivered later that afternoon, the couple and their children stood near the bottom of a nearby hill.
r />   “Please, Daddy, please,” one of their boys pleaded. “We want to sled.”

  “You promised,” the other one said.

  “Sled?” Graham asked.

  Dustin gestured to a hill off to their right. “The Landers, who own this tree farm, make the slope available to anyone who buys a tree.”

  “There are any number of good sledding spots in the area, but the boys love this particular one,” Krista added.

  “I wish I’d have known,” Graham said when he saw his girls’ eyes light up. He shrugged. “But we didn’t bring sleds.”

  “You don’t have to.” Faith jumped into the conversation and gestured to a small wooden building not far from them. “There are all kinds of sleds in there, free for use on this slope.”

  Graham glanced up the tall hill. It had been a long time since he’d been on a sled. A long time since he’d been five. He couldn’t be sure, but this slope looked too steep for two little girls.

  As if she could read his mind, Faith spoke in a low tone. “It’s really perfect. The snow is soft if they take a spill. And see how it is at the bottom? No trees, water or roadways to worry about. The worst part is climbing up there with the sleds.”

  Graham felt his daughters’ eyes on him and knew they were begging just as hard as the boys, only in their heads. “Sounds like fun.”

  “Yay.” The twins hopped up and down.

  “Let’s go pick out our sleds.” Dustin slapped one of his boys on the back and slung an arm around the other while Krista beamed.

  Family. It struck him then, and Graham wondered how he hadn’t seen it. At the core, this was what defined this couple and was the key to their brand.

  Thoughts of how he could incorporate this into their campaign began circling in his head as they picked out saucers and toboggans and snow tubes in the shed and began the long climb up the hill.

  * * *

  The two sets of twins ran on ahead, while Faith lagged behind with Krista. Dustin and Graham had fallen into conversation on the walk up, and Faith wanted to give him time to connect with Dustin.


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