The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three

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The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three Page 6

by West, Harper

  The two of them were going to have dinner together, and he was already dreading it, but I was looking forward to the time alone in a big ass place like this one.

  The inside of the cabin was even nicer than the outside, with its dark wood and polished floors. Everything looked expensive, and aside from the fact that stuff was made of wood, there was nothing rustic about it.

  Killian gave me a somewhat rushed version of the tour, pointing out bedrooms and the master bath with its deep, whirlpool tub.

  “The kitchen is stocked with food already,” he told me. “So, help yourself if you want. I should be back in a couple of hours if she’s feeling benevolent.”

  “And if she isn’t?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Then send a search party for me in the morning.”


  “You have no idea.”

  And then he was gone, and I was alone in the house. I laughed softly as I walked the length of it, poking into the rooms Killian hadn’t shown me. There was an entertainment room with a large television and theater style seating, a sort of spa looking room with massage tables, a couple of storage rooms that were full of golf bags and other equipment for fancy outdoor sports, and even a room that looked like it could be used like a ballroom if the occasion called for it.

  I couldn’t imagine having a ball all the way up there, but rich people planned for everything, apparently.

  My attention was drawn by the whirlpool tub in the master bathroom, and I made my way back to it, taking a bit of time to figure out the taps and knobs before I started filling it with hot water.

  The whole bathroom was beautiful. The tub was white marble, and it sat on a little platform in one corner of the bright bathroom. There was a mirror that ran the whole length of the opposite wall, and speakers built into the corners, clearly meant to pipe music from somewhere.

  It was all done in pale colored marble and tile, a contrast from the dark colors of the rest of the house, and there were gold veins running through in eye catching glimmers.

  While the tub filled, I went to the kitchen and hunted for some snacks that would be suitable for so fancy a soak. I settled on crackers and fruit and cheese, piling a tray up with them and even going so far as to take a whole bottle of wine and a glass with me.

  It was decadent as hell, and I was very glad I’d agreed to come, just for this.

  There had to be some perks to being married to an obscenely rich man, and aside from having my bills paid, I hadn’t really seen any of them yet. Although, financial security was a large thing, I could admit that.

  But it wasn’t as nice as stripping down after a long week and sliding into that deep tub, letting the hot water lap around my chest while the jets hit that spot on my lower back that had been bothering me all week from carrying heavy boxes at work.

  It was amazingly blissful, and I closed my eyes, soaking for a long moment before I poured myself a glass of chilled white wine and sipped at it.

  When I got the money at the end of this marriage, I was going to have to get one of these tubs. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so boneless and relaxed, and my head was blessedly empty of all the things I’d been worrying about.

  Killian was with his mother, Simon was back in the city, my parents were a plane ride away, and there was nothing in that moment but me and the tub, and I could so easily get used to it.

  Chapter 9


  I must have drifted off a little, from the hot water or the wine, because the next time I opened my eyes, it was to see Killian standing over the tub, giving me an amused look.

  I jumped, nearly dropping the wine glass in my hand, and then when it registered he wasn't a murderer, but the owner of the house, I scowled at him.

  "Make some fucking noise next time, Christ."

  He just laughed, but once again, the humor didn't reach his eyes. I wondered if his dinner with his mom had been more stressful than he imagined. "I did," Killian said. "I called out to you when I got in the door, and you didn't answer. I came to make sure you hadn't drowned in here."

  "How did you even know I'd be in the bath?" I asked.

  "Call it a hunch. Are you alright?"

  I nodded, reaching up and dragging a wet hand through my hair. "Yeah. I'm fine. I must have dozed off for a bit. This tub is my favorite thing this house."

  "I thought you would appreciate it." He leaned against the counter, and there was something heavy about his posture.

  "Are you alright?" I asked, throwing the question back at him.

  His eyes found mine, and I could see he was considering just brushing it off. And that was fine, honestly. We were... whatever we were, but that didn't mean we had heart to hearts about our emotions or whatever. He wasn't obligated to tell me anything.

  But to my surprise, he sighed and leaned back onto his hands, using them to pull himself up and onto the counter.

  "My mother is a horror," he said finally. "That's all."

  "Was she particularly brutal today?" I asked him.

  Killian nodded. "She usually prefers to have lunch, so she can have the rest of her day away from me, so the change to dinner didn't sit well with her."

  I rolled my eyes. "Oh no, forced to have a late meal with her son. How ever will she cope?"

  He laughed, and it was a little bitter. "By being bitter and biting through the whole thing. Apparently, the reason no one wants to get close to me, despite the fact that I have good breeding and a six-figure income is because my personality is... how did she put it? Oh yes, 'as appealing as a platter of wet fish on a hot day.’"

  "Jesus," I said. It was funny, but kind of horrible for a mother to say to her son, when it came down to it. "What did you do to piss her off?"

  "I remind her of my father and at the same time, I'm not him. She hates that, I think."

  I'd never seen him so vulnerable before, admitting things about his family the way he was. Usually he played it off as a joke, told me he didn't care. He just wanted his father's money, and his mother was a cranky old bat he had to put up with and enjoyed teasing.

  But in that moment, I could see how heavily it weighed on him.

  Killian had a lot of money, that was true. He was handsome and funny and smart, and he could walk into any room and immediately leave with whoever he wanted for the most part. I think I had assumed before that it was all he wanted out of life, but it was just occurring to me that maybe he was a bit lonely, too.

  I had my parents, and for all they could be irritating and nosy and rude, they loved me. If I'd had to move home with my tail between my legs because of the money situation, they would have been there for me, no questions asked. It would have been painful, for sure, but I had never doubted they would help.

  Killian didn't have that. He didn't even seem to have close friends who would be there for him if he needed it.

  Maybe within the kink community he did, but there seemed to be a sort of separation between what happened at the club and at events and what went on in real life.

  Killian just had me, I was realizing. I was like a link between his kinky lifestyle and his real life, and it was startling and a little strange to put that together.

  I'd never asked for it, but it was happening all the same.

  "You look like you could use some wine," I said to him, reaching down to brandish the bottle at him. "There's some cheese and stuff, still, too."

  He smiled, and it was a little lopsided. "I'll pass on the cheese because I was just force-fed roast pheasant like we live in the eighteen-hundreds, but I will take you up on the wine."

  He took the bottle from me and drank directly from it, and I laughed, a little delighted at seeing him be so improper.

  "What do you think of the house?" he asked once he'd swallowed.

  "I'm a huge fan of the tub. I don't know why you'd need a ballroom, though."

  "You never know when you're going to need to invite your other friends with cabins on these hills over for a soi
ree," Killian said, accent sharpening to be something upper crust and ridiculous that made me laugh again.

  Out of his element, if the element was the city and his penthouse or the club, he was different. More approachable and less up himself, and he was easier to be around.

  I supposed I had to admit I'd been getting more used to him over the last six months either way, but I liked him like this.

  Feeling a little mischievous, I drained my wine glass and held it out for him to pour me another.

  With a little smirk he took the glass away from me and passed the bottle back.

  I rolled my eyes. Drinking out of the bottle was nothing new to me. I'd been in college when my friends and I had pooled our leftover funds at the end of the week to buy large bottles of cheap wine from the grocery store, passing them back and forth on the soccer field while we bitched about being tired and lost.

  I lifted the bottle to my lips, watching Killian watch me, and sucked down a good amount of wine, letting the crisp flavor coat my tongue before I swallowed.

  I held his gaze and passed it back.

  He didn't drink right away. Instead he ran a finger around the rim of the bottle's opening, keeping his eyes on me.

  I was suddenly very aware of how naked I was. My clothes were in a pile on the floor of the master bedroom, and I hadn't given a lot of thought to what I was going to put on when I was done with my bath.

  I'd assumed Killian would be gone longer, or that I'd have taken a shorter bath, and had planned to just walk the ten feet from the tub to the bedroom to change.

  But now Killian was right there, and I was naked and wet and warm, and I could see from the way he was looking at me that he was interested in what he saw.

  It was interesting, being there with no playroom in sight. Although...

  "Do you have some sort of secret dungeon up here?" I asked him.

  Judging from the look of surprise on his face, my question was sort of out of the blue, which made sense, considering he hadn't heard my mental thought process that got me to that point.

  "No," he said, laughing finally. "I don't. It's an interesting idea, though. Very secluded up here. No one would hear you scream."

  I blushed down to my chest, hoping the water would sort of hide the way my nipples tightened at the way he said that.

  "Sound carries," I replied, going for flippant but just ending up sounding breathless.

  "It does," he agreed. "And that's why gags were made. I don't have my gear with me, but I'm amazing at improvising."

  It hit me that he said he didn't have gear with him. I'd assumed he was bringing something, planning to take advantage of having me here, alone and at his mercy. It was a weekend, after all, and that was when we had sex.

  But he clearly hadn't brought me up to the cabin for just that, and, weirdly enough, that made me want him even more.

  I drummed my fingers on the edge of the tub and held my hand out for the wine again.

  Killian passed it back, and I took a longer sip, needing the liquid courage for what I was considering doing. It was rare for me to take the lead when it came to sex between us. Killian was 'in charge' as the dominant one, and he was the one with all the kinky little plans and ideas. I was mostly just along for the ride.

  But without any of that in the way, we were on a more even playing field, and maybe it was the wine or the fact that I wanted to distract him from his crappy dinner with his mother, but there was something I wanted to do.

  So I decided to go for it before I lost my nerve.

  When I passed the wine back, Killian chugged the last of it, killing the bottle and putting it on the counter. His eyes went right back to me, and I could feel the heat in his gaze.

  Good. That was what I wanted.

  I pushed myself up and out of the tub, the water running down my body in little rivers, clinging to my skin, flushed from the heat of the water.

  Killian didn't look away.

  "Will you hand me a towel?" I asked, stepping over the lip of the tub and onto the platform.

  He nodded and reached over to the shelf near him to hand me a large white towel. "Do you need a hand?" he asked.

  I didn't, but it would work in my favor.

  I nodded and held my hand out to him, letting him take it and help me down onto the cool tile of the floor. Without saying anything, he took the towel and started to dry me off, lifting my arms and working the soft cotton over my skin.

  I was facing the mirror at that point, and I could see him in it, so I watched the way he moved around my body, toweling me off and giving soft touches to the small of my back, and the curves of my hips.

  My tongue darted out to lick my lips, and I spread my legs a bit, letting him dry between them. When he worked the towel up, brushing against the most sensitive part of me, I gasped softly, the sound coming out louder than it might have otherwise in the quiet of the bathroom.

  Killian did it again, brushing the towel a bit more firmly between my legs, clearly seeking out my clit to rub against.

  I swallowed hard and leaned forward so I could brace my hands against the counter, pushing my hips and ass out, putting them on display for him.

  I heard his breath catch, and I knew he was surprised I was taking initiative like this. It wasn't like me, but I was going with it, already getting wet while my nipples hardened in the cool air.

  He smoothed a hand down my back and grabbed a handful of my ass, squeezing hard enough that I moaned for him.

  "Is this what you want?" he asked, voice low and husky. "Have you been sitting that tub thinking about me fucking you?"

  I hadn't been, but at the moment it was all that was on my mind.

  "Show me," he said. "Show me what you want from me."

  He stepped back, and it was amazing how I'd started out trying to seduce him and ended up with him in control again, but he was just too good at being in charge, I supposed.

  I let out a shuddering breath, glancing up at my own reflection.

  My face was flushed, and my hair was slicked back from my face, making it easy to see how into this I was. My eyes were wide, and my lips were parted, and when Killian slapped my ass, I cried out, unable to look away.

  Chapter 10


  I might not have been confident and knowledgeable when it came to the kinky stuff Killian was usually into, but I had a certain amount of confidence when it came to everything else. I knew he was attracted to me, and by this point, I knew what he liked. He wanted to see me put on a show for him, and I could to that. I could do that very easily.

  I lifted one hand from where it was braced against the counter and slipped it between my legs, finding that sensitive button of nerves and giving it a little flick with my index finger.

  It felt good, and I moaned softly, glancing up at my reflection in the mirror while I touched myself.

  Killian was still behind me, eyes intent. He looked like he didn't want to glance away for a second and risk missing anything I was doing, and he kept his eyes on me, watching as my fingers slipped deeper, grazing my entrance.

  "Are you wet?" he asked, still in that low, husky voice.

  I nodded, biting down on my lip. I could feel how slick I was already, and I knew it would only get worse as time went on.

  One finger dipped into my hole, and I let out a shuddering sigh when I pushed it in, the tight heat of my pussy clenching around that one digit.

  I imagined myself doing this in the bath, thinking about Killian and how he might come back soon and find me, rubbing myself to the thought of him.

  He was right there, and my face still flushed darkly at the mental image.

  Months ago, I wouldn't have even entertained the thought of thinking about him when he wasn't around, preferring to act like he didn't exist unless I absolutely had to acknowledge him, but things had clearly changed with regards to that.

  Because there I was, touching myself, fingers slipping and sliding through the wetness between my legs, dancing over my fo
lds and sliding into my hole, and the burning feeling of his eyes on me just spurred me on, making me want to put on a show for him.

  I licked my lips and pushed my ass out more, inhaling sharply when I added another finger and started to pump them in and out of myself.

  It felt good. Not as good as his cock would feel in me, but good enough that a soft moan slipped out of my mouth, echoing slightly in the room around us.

  "Good girl," Killian praised, and he slapped my ass hard.

  The slight pain mingled with the pleasure I was starting to feel, like it usually did.

  Months ago, I wouldn't have thought I'd ever get off to being spanked during sex, but that was just another thing that had shifted, and now I could clearly see why some people were into it. Not that I ever planned to admit that out loud to Killian.

  I didn't have to, though. I knew he knew, and I knew he was probably going to bring it up in some smug way one day, because he was incapable of not gloating.

  So far, though, he hadn't said anything about the day before, when he'd tied me down and left me a sobbing, incoherent mess. I could still feel the soreness from how hard he'd been fucking me and how many times he'd made me come, and working a finger around my clit while thinking about it made me shudder hard.

  "God," I breathed, working a third finger into myself because I just couldn't get enough at that point.

  I was already practically dripping, and my body had learned how to respond to things like this, clearly. My nipples were hard, and I lowered my chest a bit more, letting the sensitive nubs drag along the cool marble of the countertop.

  It was an interesting sensation, especially compared to how hot and wet my pussy currently was, and it made me work my fingers in deeper, coaxing the pleasure that was already pounding through my body to build and spread.

  And Killian was still watching. I glanced up and his eyes were like embers, burning with heat and desire. I wanted his hands on me more than I wanted my own, but I wasn't going to beg for that. He'd gotten enough begging out of me the day before.


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