The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three

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The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three Page 12

by West, Harper

  Right there, caught between a window and Killian's cock, I could admit to myself that being wanted like this, being used and fucked and wrecked like this, had its place and was hotter than it had any right to be.

  Then Killian drew his cock back, sliding out of me just enough that he could slam back in, shoving me harder against the window and every thought that wasn't 'more' and 'yes' and 'oh god fuck please' flew right out of my head.

  My nerves were singing with the pleasure of it, and Killian set a hard and fast pace, pounding into me hard enough that I would have been worried about the structural integrity of the window if I'd had the brain power to worry about things like that.

  My breasts were mashed against the glass, and my breath was fogging it up, soft cries echoing back to me while Killian fucked me.

  I kept watching the people below, wondering if they could hear me, wondering what it sounded like, what it looked like. If someone glanced up, they probably wouldn't be able to see Killian. Just me, pushed against the glass and in the throes of pleasure, eyes and mouth wide open, looking every inch like the slut Killian had called me.

  All I needed was a collar and maybe a gag in my mouth to complete the look.

  My heart kicked up a notch at that thought, and I moaned louder.

  Fuck, what was he doing to me? I thought that just about every time we fucked, but really. What was he doing to me?

  My head was filled with images of my body on display, naked and maybe bound, a gag in my mouth, clamps on my nipples, helpless and turned on. Everyone standing around watching while I was forced to come over and over again.

  It was a powerful fantasy, and I kept my eyes on the people coming and going below, letting it build while Killian kept up his thrusts behind me.

  It wasn't going to take long at the rate I was going. Soon enough I was going to lose it, exploding into an orgasm that would shake me to my core.

  The pleasure, the heat of it was already climbing, racing through me at breakneck pace, threatening to overwhelm me completely while I struggled to breathe and keep a handle on myself.

  Killian didn't let up, driving into me again and again.

  "Oh my god," I nearly sobbed, feeling that tightening low down and knowing I was so close. "Fuck. I'm gonna—”

  "Come on," he urged me. "Come on, you little slut. Come all over this cock and remember who you belong to. I'm the one who makes you feel like this, aren't I? The one who makes you fall apart and beg to come like the needy thing you are. Say it. Tell me who you belong to."

  "Yours," I panted, nails scrabbling at the glass as the first powerful waves of my orgasm broke over me. "I'm yours! Fuck, Killian, oh my god."

  I shook and trembled my way through my orgasm, not even bothering to muffle the moans and cries that spilled from my lips while Killian fucked me through it.

  Suddenly, nothing else mattered.

  Not the people on the street below, or Simon, or Eve, or my parents, or Killian's mother. No one was in that room but the two of us, and I didn't think I had ever felt so connected to Killian before.

  I came and came until I was sure I was going to fall over and not be able to get up again, but Killian's hold and his hard cock still inside me kept me up, pinning me and supporting me while he fucked me harder and faster.

  I could tell by the way his breath was coming in shorter pants that he was chasing his own pleasure, getting close to losing it for me the way I had for him, and I wanted that. I wanted him to fill me up and to know that I felt good enough to make him surrender his control.

  "Come on," I panted, voice raspy and a little weak from the force of the pleasure I was still feeling. "Come on, Killian. Let me feel you."

  He groaned my name, and it sounded amazing like that, a little wrecked and desperate. I loved knowing that he was affected too, apparently.

  "Yes," he moaned. "I'm gonna... I'm close."

  I tightened around him, working my hips back and grinding against him. I wished I could see the look on his face, watch the pleasure overtake his handsome features, but I had a good enough imagination to know what it would look like.

  The fingers in my hair tightened even further, and I gasped at the thrill of pain, pussy rippling with it.

  That was enough to send Killian over the edge, apparently, and he swore harshly under his breath, falling apart for me and filling me with his release.

  He was buried to the hilt, pressed tightly against my back, and we both fought to catch our breath, not moving or speaking for long moments.

  Finally, Killian pulled out, and I breathed a soft sigh of almost disappointment when I was empty again. When he let me go entirely, my legs gave out on me, and I sank to the floor in a heap, sticky and wet, clothes still a mess around my chest and thighs.

  I didn't even care.

  I leaned my head back against the window, letting the coolness seep through my overheated person.

  Killian stood there for a moment, looking down at me, no expression on his face. And then, like he was making a decision, he nodded and folded down onto the floor with me, holding out a hand to beckon me closer.

  I went without hesitation. I always wanted to be close to him after sex and this was no exception. He pulled me in, and I laid my head in his lap, sighing softly when he started stroking his fingers through it, a contrast from the harsh way he'd been holding on only moments before.

  It was warm and quiet, and we stayed like that for a while, neither of us saying anything or making any attempts to move.

  Just when I was beginning to wonder how long the peace could actually last, Killian cleared his throat lightly. "Are we... alright?" he asked.

  I nodded, closing my eyes. "I think so. I forgive you for being an emotionally stunted jackass."

  He huffed a laugh and pulled my hair, but it was teasing. "I'm so relieved, you have no idea." There was sarcasm in his tone, but I knew he was also serious. "I know it's a risk to bring this up while we're basking in the afterglow and all, but what about Simon?"

  I sighed. It was like a dash of cold water to have that brought up, but we did need to address it. "It's not an issue," I said.

  "Ah. Because you told him about us?"

  "No, because we aren't going to be a thing," I clarified.

  Killian was quiet for a moment, and I was half tempted to raise my head so I could see his face, but the fingers in my hair were too nice for that. "What happened?" he asked finally.

  I thought about how much to tell him. The last thing I wanted, even now, was for Killian to get all smug about me not wanting to be with someone who wasn't kinky in some way. I didn't want to start another fight or give him more ammo to think he was God's gift to women or anything like that.

  But I supposed he did deserve to hear the truth.

  "We just... weren't compatible," I said. "He's nice and we have plenty in common, but there were just some things that weren't going to work out."

  "What things?" Killian wanted to know.

  "None of your business," I replied, but I said it lightly.

  To my surprise, instead of pushing it, Killian just laughed. "Alright," he said. "I suppose that's fair. I don't want to infiltrate your sacred business or anything like that."

  I snorted. "Of course you do. You're nosy as hell."

  "Sometimes. I suppose what matters is that you ended things with him because you wanted to, not because you felt like I was forcing you to."

  I rolled my eyes at that. "Killian, I know you think a lot of yourself, but you have to know by now that you can't force me to do anything I don't want to do. Not really. Some of the sex stuff is up in the air because of the contract, but if I wanted to see Simon, I would see him. I just... don't want to be with him like that. We're still going to be friends, though, so you're going to have to deal with that."

  "Alright," he said again. "I can handle that."

  "Good. Because you don't have a choice."

  We fell into silence again, just sitting there on the floor, and I didn't move
until it felt like my ass was about to fall asleep from lying on it.

  I was a sticky mess, and I needed a shower or something, so I dislodged Killian's fingers from my hair and made myself get up.

  "I should probably go," I said.

  He glanced at me and then away. "You don't have to."

  "I need to clean up."

  "I have a bathroom. Shower. Tub. Whatever you want."

  "A unicorn and a puppy?" I teased. He seemed like he wanted me to stay, though, so I sighed and decided to let him have that. I didn't really want to go home anyway. "Sure. I could do with a bath. I don't have any other clothes, though. I wasn't really intending for this to go the way it did. I just came over here to talk."

  He snorted and got to his feet, offering me a hand up. "And then you were helpless to resist me."

  "Sure. You keep telling yourself that." I kept my face neutral because, technically speaking, he wasn't wrong, and that was annoying.

  Standing there in the middle of his living room, still right in front of that window, I started to pull off my clothes properly. I shimmied out of my panties and leggings, leaving them in a heap on the floor.

  I pulled my shirt over my head and took my bra off, and when I was naked, I could feel Killian's eyes on me, hot and devouring.

  He reached for me, and I batted his hands away, taking a step back. "I'm supposed to be getting clean," I reminded him.

  "What's the point of that when I want to make you dirty all over again?" he asked, and it was a good point.

  One orgasm was pretty light for the two of us, and just standing there, watching him watch me already had me eager for him again.

  It was ridiculous to be that attracted to another person, but it was what it was, I supposed. I could hardly help the way I felt about him, and I'd come there to tell him that, for the most part.

  It was the weekend anyway, and we usually spent weekends having sex wherever he wanted, so why buck tradition?

  Chapter 19


  Ash was gorgeous most of the time, but there was something about having her wet, naked, and slick in my shower that really just did it for me.

  She was on her knees, wet hair slicked back from her face, steam from the hot water surrounding us while she stroked my cock with one hand and ran her tongue up the shaft, collecting the water droplets as she went.

  It was fucking hot to watch, and she moved with confidence, taking me into her mouth and holding me there for a second before she moved down lower and lower, her hand compensating for the parts she couldn't reach with her mouth.

  I leaned my head back against the wet shower tiles and let out a messy breath, trying to keep my composure. Part of me wanted to bury my hands in her hair and use her mouth until I came down her throat, but that wasn't the plan for this.

  I wanted her to get me hard all over again so I could fuck her in the ass against the shower wall.

  All of her holes were tempting and wonderful, but her ass was tight and yielding, and just thinking about working her open and taking what was mine was sending the blood south quicker than usual.

  I swallowed hard, watching as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked her way back up, licking around the head before she pulled off.

  There was a self-satisfied look on her face, and she was so good with her mouth and hands that she deserved that satisfaction completely.

  "Little slut," I teased her. "You look like you were made to suck cock."

  Her cheeks flushed, but she didn't back down, going back in after a deep breath and taking me nearly all the way down to the root before she gagged and had to pull off again.

  I shivered. If she kept that up, I wasn't going to last long enough to get to what I wanted to do, so I reached out for her before she could go back down, pulling her to her feet and then against me so we were chest to chest, the heat and the slickness making it so easy for me to give in and touch her everywhere.

  I put my hands at her hips at first, and then moved them down and around to her ass, groping it and squeezing, pulling her impossibly closer.

  Her eyes were dark with desire, and I knew mine probably were, too, and when I leaned in to kiss her, I poured all the want I felt for her into it.

  I didn't care that her mouth had just been on my cock. I wanted to devour her. I wanted to lay claim to every bit of her, making sure that when we finally parted for the week, she would remember that she was mine.

  The jealousy had faded, knowing that she and Simon weren't going to be a couple (and I had my own thoughts as to why), but I was still left with a pounding possessiveness that felt almost like a primal urge to grab her and make sure she knew where she belonged.

  I was pretty sure if I said that, though, she wouldn't like it, so I tried to show it with my mouth on hers and my hands on her ass, and when I let a finger slip between her cheeks to probe at that furled pink hole, she gasped softly into the kiss.

  If she told me no, I would respect it, of course, but I was willing to bet that she wasn't going to say no.

  As much as she liked to protest, Ash liked an adventure and she liked trying things. She liked to push herself, and she liked when I pushed her.

  I waited, just in case, though, and when all she did was let out a shaky breath, I kept going, probing just a bit inside that heat. I didn't go further, since she wasn't prepared, but I had announced my intention, and it switched the mood from playful to intense in about a second.

  Ash clung to me a little and when I reached for the bottle of oil I kept in the shower to slick things up when I needed it, she licked her lips and looked up at me.

  I arched an eyebrow, waiting to see if she had something to say, but she just ended up tucking her face into the crook of my neck, and I smiled, more than alright with that.

  The oil went on my fingers, and I slicked them up before replacing the bottle on the shower caddy. I trailed a slippery finger down her spine starting from the nape of her neck and ending at the swell of her ass, and then I moved back between her cheeks.

  Her hole was there, curled and ready, and I pressed that finger against it again, smiling when it yielded to me with no issue.

  She wanted it. Her body wanted it.

  I still let my free hand stroke her skin soothingly, and I murmured a "Relax for me," just in case she needed the instruction.

  But she was taking it like a pro, breathing through the stretch as I worked one finger in and out of her tight ass, and I had to wonder if she'd done it before.

  There was the time when I'd made her wear a plug under her clothes, but that was different. That was her doing it to herself, going at her own pace and stopping when she needed to.

  And I was pretty sure she hadn't done it because she wanted to, even if it had led to a spectacular orgasm for her in her car.

  No, I was wondering if someone else had ever been where I planned to go. If this was uncharted territory, or if I was going to be wiping away the memory of someone else.

  Either way, it was going to be something for her to remember, and I planned to leave my claim there just as surely as I'd left it on all her other holes.

  She was mine, and they were mine, and that was how it was.

  When it seemed like she was taking one finger with no issue, I added a second, really stretching her open then. She gasped softly and muffled a moan against the skin of my neck.

  Her legs spread a bit, and I knew it was because her pussy was getting wet from me toying with her ass, which was such a turn on. She got wet so easily, making herself slick and available for me, and I was already thinking about round three where I would fuck her in my bed with her in the clothes I planned to lend to her.

  It was only Saturday. There was still all of Sunday, and I planned to see if she would stay the whole weekend with me. We deserved a do-over after the way our last weekend had gone.

  If we could keep things going well, then I would take her back to the cabin one day and we could try that again. The thing she'd said about having a bondage d
ungeon up there where no one could find us had been sticking in my mind lately, and it wasn't a bad idea. I could tie her to trees or to the railing on the porch and use her as much as I wanted to.

  For the moment, we were in the shower, and I had two fingers buried in her ass, and she was gasping and rolling her hips, clearly looking for more.

  I intended to make her take three fingers, just to make sure she was opened up properly for me, so I could be rough with her without fear of hurting her.

  When she moaned louder, I added that third finger, pressing it inside her along the others, feeling her inner walls against my digits while I fucked them in and out of her.

  It was quiet except for the pounding of the water from the shower and the sound of her moans and gasps, so I spoke up, ready to tease her as I usually was.

  "Do you like this?" I asked. "Having fingers in your ass? Knowing I'm about to fuck this pretty little hole the same way I fuck all the others? Every one of your sloppy holes belongs to me, you know."

  She moaned deeply, but that wasn't good enough. I could read what I needed from her body language, of course, but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to hear the words from her. I wanted her to tell me that she wanted this, the same way she'd made me tell her what I wanted.

  I slapped her ass with my free hand, the combination of the water on her skin and the acoustics in the shower making it echo loudly around us.

  Her sharp cry was beautiful to my ears, and I spanked her again for good measure, making sure she was paying attention.

  "Answer me," I growled low, letting the words reverberate. "I want to hear it."

  "They're yours," she panted, swallowing hard and still not looking up. "I want it, please."

  That was better. I smirked and rubbed her ass where I'd hit her, letting the sting be soothed by my palm before I grabbed a handful of that tempting flesh and squeezed hard, just to make sure she knew whose she was.

  She was in my hands, and I was going to take care of her, but I was also going to push her and make sure she got the best out of this.

  That was half the thrill, after all.

  My fingers kept working into her, fucking her as deep as possible, and when I felt like she was as open as I needed her to be, I pulled them out, leaving her gaping and empty.


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