Vegas Series: Six-book Boxed Set (Hot Romance & Powerful Suspense)

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Vegas Series: Six-book Boxed Set (Hot Romance & Powerful Suspense) Page 52

by Mimi Barbour

  It sounded to him like the party was in full swing. Screaming giggles from both women and men, hand clapping and a dancing beat told its own story, one that he had no part in.

  Tied up like a side of beef and left to rot in the dark had to be the ultimate insult of his life. Then an image of a mysterious older man full of hate, holding a gun and aiming it at his body, popped into his head. Okay, maybe this wasn’t the ultimate. It seemed too far-fetched to think he might die because of this situation but he was dealing with people who were smart enough to know the consequences of their actions and still not give a damn.

  Dangerous, even deadly, Troy’s narcissism meant he cared only for himself and the payoff. Sam, all he really cared about was hiding himself in the next bottle. Then there was Ben Stokes. Evidently, his plan was to torture Jeff’s father as long as possible to in order to get his so-called revenge before taking the ransom and disappearing. That much he’d gleaned from overhearing a conversation earlier between Sam and Troy. Sam, still worrying about Troy’s party, said that if they ruined years of planning because of this night, not only would they be kicked out of the family, but the old lady would never forgive them. Troy had scoffed and mumbled something like what did it matter anyway. The goal to drive Jim Waters crazy first and then settle an old score meant nothing to him. All he and Sam wanted was the money.

  God, his head was spinning with all the crap scenarios that were driving him mad. If only he knew what was really happening. Suddenly, he heard a noise of the door being unlocked and in the dim light made out the door handle slowly twisting.

  Chapter Thirty

  Lisa slapped away Sam’s wandering hands. The drunken fool thought he had a right to touch the goods while they danced. Her follow-up glare warned him against pushing his luck. The silly ass just couldn’t take no and pushed his face towards her as if a kiss from his slobbering mouth would cheer her up. The heel of her shoe digging into his foot put paid to his foolishness. Fake entreaties of remorse satisfied his masculinity somewhat as she fawned over the idiot and sat him down on the closest chair with a double whiskey.

  Aurora, who’d been entertained by a very toadying Troy, gave the signal for Lisa to come over. “Troy, honey, Lisa needs my help with her strap. Which little girl’s room is safe for us to use?”

  He looked to see that the bathroom set aside for their guests had the door closed and so he led her to the doorway of the suite they’d closed off. “There’s a bathroom in here that no one is using. Don’t be long, baby. I need you close.”

  “Be right back, sugar.”

  Gack! Only Lisa saw Aurora’s expression and knew her thoughts. They were identical to hers. All evening, Troy had puffed up like a bee sting while Aurora played him. Since Sam was pretty well bombed out of his mind, it was Troy they needed to watch.

  Earlier, Lisa had purposefully ambled around the room, sneaking peeks in the closet and both bathrooms. A word to the guys watching from the other room and a signal to Aurora shared her lack of luck. They’d known it wouldn’t make sense for Jeff to be held in the same place where the guests were hanging but they’d needed to cover all the possibilities. It was the bedroom they’d closed off to the guests that interested them the most. As soon as they knew the party suite’s bedroom was occupied and so was the bathroom, Aurora had made her request. Hopefully, Lisa could search where they were almost certain Jeff was being held.

  Aurora watched the door, while Lisa went in to the bathroom and almost keeled over. On the back of the toilet, all crumpled up, she spied a type of dress shirt that she knew Jeff favored. Picking it up carefully, she held it to her face and breathed in the man’s essence. Proof! He’s here. Pain grabbed at her until she clenched her jaw to keep from wailing. Tears bombarded, and though swallowing helped, nothing stopped the ache in her cheeks or in her throat. Her knees gave way and she grabbed the empty towel rack to keep herself upright. Shaken more than she’d ever been in her life, she searched the article for signs of blood and noticed quite a bit near the cuffs. Okay! Not life-threatening. Then the larger stain over the back and the rear collar broke her. Lisa heard herself making noises, like that of a wounded animal, and it took Aurora’s arms and common sense to help her keep it together.

  “It doesn’t mean anything. Hurry, go check the closet before that skinny fucker comes looking for me. Are you okay?”

  Kai’s voice broke in through the closed door. “Lisa, he’s coming. Move!”

  Aurora tried to pull the shirt from her resisting hands and looked around. “Where was it?”

  Lisa crumpled it back up and gently placed it on the toilet tank once more. She cleared her voice, rubbed at her eyes and said, “I’m good.”

  “Okay. You check the closet and I’ll go keep Romeo busy, hurry. I don’t know how long I can stand not shooting the bastard.”

  Kai’s wicked chuckle made both girls smile.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Heart pounding, terrified of what she’d see, Lisa slowly unlocked and opened the closet door. Facing her, Jeff sat on the floor with a couple of pillows as his mattress. There was a strip of duct tape over his mouth, around his ankles, and his arms were pulled behind. Covering his torso was a t-shirt that revealed his muscular chest and shoulders. His eyes were wide with questions, then relief, and finally a sparkle lit them as if all his dreams had come true. Soft grey morphed to molten silver as his gaze travelled her body and she’d never before felt so beautiful or so welcomed. Feverishly, he looked behind her and began to struggle and she knew without a doubt that he thought to get loose so he could protect her.

  Lisa stepped inside and closed the door partially so there was a small amount of light from the room’s lamp situated on the table between two queen-sized beds.

  “I’ve got him guys and he looks in good shape,” she whispered before she took his head in her hands to quiet the man down. Then she lifted his face so he could look into her eyes and see her relief, her happiness, her open adoration.

  When he moved as if to pull his hands free, he winced, and his discomfort made her soft heart collapse with pity.

  Without another thought, she wiggled behind him and unwound the tape from his wrists so his arms could drop to his sides. His moan of relief brought tears to her eyes. Quickly, she massaged his shoulder and back muscles, working with her fingers in the same way her trainer did when she had a cramp. Sighs of pleasure were welcoming and made her thankful she knew how to help. Lisa whispered her relief in his ear. “Thank God I’ve found you, Jeff. I’ve been frantic, thinking you might be injured or dead and I’d never get to see you again. We’re onto the Stokes boys now and it won’t be long before we get the old man and this nightmare will be over. In fact, the team is working right next door. Can you hold out for a few more hours?”

  He nodded and as soon as he could manage, he swept her into his arms and she went willingly. The hug, filled with all-consuming hunger, only lasted a few moments and had her longing to rip the tape from his mouth so she could have the same kind of kiss that had kept her lying awake in her lonely bed for many nights.

  A warning coming over her microphone had her replacing the arm tape much looser than before but in a way that her tampering wouldn’t be noticed. “I’d better go back now before they miss me.” She kissed his forehead and then his cheek. “God, I hate leaving you like this but it won’t be for long. I promise.” Then she quickly locked the closet and ran to the balcony where she unlocked the French doors and left them open a few inches.

  Aurora’s voice came through clearly. “She can’t hold her liquor, Troy.” A fake giggle only Aurora could make sexy and then she sighed, “I’m always finding her passed out on someone’s bed.”

  Great idea! Lisa flung herself across the bed closest to the windows and lay there as if out cold, one arm under her and the other hanging over the side.

  The door opened and Troy followed by Aurora entered. “See, here she is. The brat never could hold her booze. Help me sit her up and I’ll get a col
d cloth for her neck. That’ll revive her.”

  “Maybe just let her sleep. We won’t be needing the bed, at least not until I can clear everyone outta here. Then I’ll take you to paradise, baby doll, see if I don’t.”

  A distinct snarl came over the mics, loud and clear to the women’s ears, and Lisa had to work really hard not to let a grin appear on her slack face. To cover up the noise, Aurora let loose with another inane giggle and then play-slapped Troy’s arm. Already a bit unsteady, he toppled over from the force and flopped next to where Lisa lay spread-eagled. “You are my kind of man, lover. First, I’ll get Lisa to her room and I’ll be back. And that’s a promise.”

  Satisfied she spoke the truth, after all Aurora totally meant what she’d said, Troy grinned and helped her shift Lisa into a sitting position. He lifted her mass of curls so Aurora could slap the wet, cold towel on the back of her neck. “She sure does have pretty hair.”

  His little-boy words softened Lisa’s disgust until he added, “But it’s her legs that have every man drooling.”

  The sound Aurora couldn’t stop caught his attention and he swiftly wrapped his arms around her stomach and buried his face against her smooth skin. “Don’t be jealous, honey. I’m a boob man myself.”

  Oh-oh! Lisa thought fast and said. “I’m going to puke!” Dramatically, she stumbled to her feet and grabbed Aurora’s hand as if she couldn’t make it on her own. As soon as the door closed behind them, both girls made gagging noises while flushing the toilet. Smiling across at Aurora, Lisa muttered. “This isn’t all playacting you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. That man is a slime pit but we found what we came for, right? Jeff is alive?”

  “Oh, yes.” Lisa, hearing the softness in her voice, tried a nonchalant expression, pretending she hadn’t been sick with worry. Aurora’s eyes narrowed and spiked her with a knowing look.

  A pounding on the door caught their attention as Troy’s voice, sounding completely different from the oily tone they were used to, yelled, “Hey you two! Break it up. Time to leave.”

  Now what? Lisa quickly removed one of her diamond earrings and let it fall to the floor. Then she followed Aurora as she approached Troy.” Hey sugar, what’s up?”

  He grabbed both girls by an arm and frog-marched them to the door. “Party’s over.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Both Lisa and Aurora hustled, returning from the lobby after following the rest of the crowd into the elevator. They waited in the stairwell for an all clear. Once back into their suite, they saw Kai’s furious expression and stopped dead. “What’s up?”

  “Bastards just pushed the carts out to the hallway and the flower baskets with them.” Ham’s voice held disgust and frustration.

  Aurora grimaced. “Yeah, we saw them.”

  Lisa spoke up. “Did you see why they made everyone leave? One minute we were having a party and the next thing we knew the schmuck forced us from the bathroom and out the door along with everyone else.” Lisa tempered her fear but she couldn’t hide the concern.

  Kai hunched his shoulders, flabbergasted. “Hell if I know. A woman arrived, not one we’ve seen before, and she galvanized both those boys. It was as if she held some power they feared. Without a word, she pointed one finger at Troy, waved her hand and both boys jumped to do her bidding. They cleared the room faster than a smelly fart.”

  “Did you get a clear shot of her when she arrived in the suite?” Lisa’s gaze circled the space. “Hey, where’s Jim? Maybe he could recognize her?”

  “He left a while ago, when Jonathon phoned to say they had the money organized. He wouldn’t have been able to ID her anyway. When she first walked in there were too many people blocking the view and then she stayed by the window the whole time with her back turned. “

  “How about the video displays from the hallway or the elevator?” Since Ray had attached a live feed to one of the monitors they’d set up, they had the ability to see everyone coming and going.

  “No!” Kai shook his head then dropped his chin to his chest. With hands gripping his hips, he stomped back and forth in front of the now blank screens. “She wore a disguise. Her hair was all poofed up around her face, dark glasses and a goofy hat. We just thought it was another weird partyer arriving. We couldn’t even tell her age. She’d dressed in a long muumuu kinda dress that hid everything.”

  “So we’re back to square one. Jeff’s still a hostage and we’re no further ahead on who’s running the show.” Aurora plonked down on the sofa behind her, folded her arms over her head and stretched, seeking relief from the tension. Lisa knew exactly how she felt. Only relief wouldn’t come to her so easy.

  “I’ve got a plan and I don’t want any discussion,” Lisa said.

  The other three turned to her with questioning looks.

  “I know how to get to Jeff. I purposely left their balcony door ajar, and as long as no one has closed it, I can get into the room again.”

  Kai’s voice iced with anger. “Over the balcony? Are you stark-raving mad? We’re on the twenty-sixth floor, Sunshine.”

  Lisa made sure that she looked confident even if nausea emerged from just the thought of her intentions. “I checked. The balconies are not that far apart and there’s an overhang, plus a ledge. I can make it. No problem.”

  “Not gonna happen!” Kai was adamant. “Too dangerous. If they catch you this time, they’ll peg you for a cop.”

  “Not if I’m still in this stupid costume. Look, I left behind my diamond earring, well it’s a rather large Cubic Zirconia, but they’ll never know. I’ll just say I discovered it missing when they pushed everyone else out, so I hid in their guest bathroom near the entrance until they went to bed. Then I made my way to the other bathroom where I’d been sick because I was sure I’d lost it in that room. And it is there, so they’ll believe me.”

  Aurora stared at her with searching bewilderment that slowly turned into an approving grin. “That’s what you were doing when you stopped behind me. You always intended to go back.”

  “Yep! I’m not leaving him there for them to torture any longer than necessary.”

  “Get ready. I’ll help you.”

  “Au-ro-ra!” Kai headed in her direction, intentions of strangulation clearly on his unhappy face.

  “Dammit Kai, I’d do it for you and her legs are a hell of a lot longer than mine.”

  Ham interrupted while pointing at the monitor. “Better go now, darlin’. Check who’s heading up the hallway… and does he ever look pissed!”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “Quick, can you see if it’s still open?”

  Lisa kicked off her spikes, balanced on the iron balustrade while reaching upward to the railing above. In this dangerous position, she saw clearly that the light in the room had been shut off and the door still the same as she’d left it.

  “It’s open and the light is off. Either Sam is passed out or he’s with the others.”

  “How do you know it’s his room?” Aurora’s curiosity had her asking.

  “Didn’t you see the empties everywhere? Troy might be the bigger creep but he wasn’t drunk. Okay, here goes.” Lisa hesitated for a split second and did exactly what she knew she shouldn’t. She looked down.

  The traffic below streamed by steadily since the hour had arrived where most sane folks headed for the hills. Of course, that left a hell of a lot of insane who, while in Vegas, went to bed with the sun. She scanned the horizon where the incredible lights of a city, whose power bill must exceed many other major metropolises’ put together, gave a stunning display. For a split second, mumbling a prayer to all the Gods on duty, she gazed at the beauty of the man-made kaleidoscope of sparkles. Lisa heard Cory Ashton’s booming voice in the other room reaming out Ham and Kai who she knew were trying to give them the time they needed to make this happen.

  Aurora cut into her thoughts. “If you intend to go ahead with this, it’s now or never.”

  Gathering her strength by sucking in a deep breath
, Lisa said one word before she leapt. “Now!”

  The railing on the opposite balcony beckoned her grasping fingers but it was her long legs that saved the day. The bruise from where she’d smashed into the planter would heal but the fearsome image of her broken body hurtling to the traffic below would take time to clear. Moving fast, she zipped over the barrier to safety and then waved at Aurora.

  “Quick, toss me my gun and my shoes.” Her whisper galvanized Aurora who threw first one, then the other two. Aurora seemed to hesitate for a second and then held up her fingers to her mouth and blew a kiss. From a person who didn’t believe in such gestures, it sent her courage and warmed Lisa’s heart.


  When Aurora returned to the room, it was to find a furious Cory reaming out the guys.

  “What in the Sam Hill is going on around here?! I get to the station earlier today and no one will tell me anything. My second in command is missing. A detective, who I depended on to keep the place going, decides she needs a personal leave and my staff are hiding shit all over the place. Hell I threatened to sack the whole lot of them and they still refused to talk.” Cory glared from Kai to Ham, then back again. “And then I get here and find you.” His finger pointed to Kai. “Aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon?” His eyes took on the ferociousness of a cat in hot pursuit of its prey. His voice lowered to a growl. “This better be damn good.”

  Aurora made a sound of disgust and stalked around the room. “Are you just gonna sit there and ream our asses, Cory, or are you gonna help? Right now, Lisa is locked in a fucking closet with Jeff while, as far as we know, one woman with a lot of power and two men with guns, who’ve threatened to kill him, are in the same apartment.”

  A roar erupted as Cory shot to his feet. “What?!”


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