UnTouch Me (Savage Beast MC Book 5)

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UnTouch Me (Savage Beast MC Book 5) Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  Trista’s lips curl into an even bigger smile. “I told her that people here didn’t do all that. Then, I told her if she didn’t eat, she was going to puke. That’s when she really started to cry. She really doesn’t want to eat carbs and processed ones at that, but she really, really doesn’t want to puke everywhere.”

  “How drunk are you?” I ask, my gaze dipping to the small amount of cleavage that she’s got hanging out for me.

  Lifting my hand, I extend my index finger and caress that sweet dip between her tits. Her body trembles and I hear her let out a sigh.

  “Drunk, but not so drunk that we can’t have some fun,” she breathes.

  Smiling, I move my hand before I slide my arms under her body and pick her up. Turning my head, I watch as Hawk leans in to talk to Avah, who is no longer crying, but instead her head is tipped back as she looks at him.

  Leaving the two of them, I carry my woman back to our room. I’m going to fuck the absolute shit out of her. Wear her sweet fucking body out, then do it all over again once I’ve recovered. My lips twitch, I can’t fuckin’ wait to fuck Trista drunk.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Pinching my eyes even tighter closed, I let out a whimper as I try to roll over. My entire body hurts—even my hair. A hand slides along my hip and I wiggle my body trying to get away. I can’t do it again, I just can’t. I need at least a week, maybe two, off.

  Ridge chuckles softly and I whimper again because it sounds like just his laughter is bouncing around in my head.

  “You okay, babe?” he whispers.

  I mean, I think he’s whispering, but it sounds like he’s yelling. Turning my head, I look over at him, cracking one eye.

  “Everything hurts,” I wheeze.

  He smirks. “Yeah, you were pretty demanding last night.”

  “Me?” I ask, not believing a damn word he has to say.

  I remember a lot of sex, but I honestly don’t remember who initiated anything, but I highly doubt it was me.

  Ridge chuckles. “Um, yeah, babe. You were fucking wild and we definitely have to get you drunk again, but not for a while, my goddamn dick hurts.”

  “I don’t believe it,” I hiss. “No way.”

  He reaches for me, resting his warm palm against my waist. “It was hot as fuck, don’t even deny you want me, babe. I’ll always be down to play any fuckin’ time you ask.”

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I look up at him. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

  “Begged me to fuck your ass, beautiful. I almost came just from your words alone.”

  My eyes widen and I open my mouth to ask him if he did indeed fuck my ass, but his lips twitch and he shakes his head.

  “When I fuck that sweet ass, you’re going to be completely sober and remember every goddamn minute.”

  “Ridge,” I breathe.

  He leans forward, touching his lips to mine. “Oh, it’s happening, babe. It’s going to be fucking beautiful, too. I’ll own every fucking part of you, beautiful.”

  I shiver as I lean forward and touch my lips to his before I bury my face against his neck. I imagine the way that he feels inside of my pussy, wondering if it would feel half as good in my ass and I decide that if it does, then I’ll no doubt love it.

  Ridge’s arms wrap around me, as he holds my body against his, my face still in his neck, breathing him in.

  I wonder how this is even real.

  A couple of weeks ago, I would have never imagined that I’d be here, but now, this is my life and I can’t deny that I’m happy. Truly happy, for the first time ever. We aren’t perfect, but this is more than I could have ever imagined. I just hope that it’s not all a dream, that reality won’t come crashing around me.

  Lifting my face from his neck, I look into his eyes. “What is happening with the girls?” I chance asking.

  He frowns, then flicks his gaze above my head before he brings it back to meet mine. “We got this, babe. Don’t worry about anything.”

  “You have to tell me,” I softly beg.

  He shakes his head once. “It’s club business, but know that I got it handled.”

  Pressing my lips together, my eyes widen as I roll my lips. “I’m sorry, but I need to know. I was thrown into this club business, so I think that you can at least update me on it.”

  He sighs, rolling to his back. “Babe,” he warns.

  “No,” I snap. “No, babe. Tell me.”

  My head is pounding, my body trembling from lack of food and pain from a hangover from hell. He frowns, then shakes his head once, but he doesn’t turn away from me. Instead, he turns toward me. He reaches out and cups my cheek with his palm.

  “We have a plan. We’re going to start implementing it today. We don’t know what the outcome will be, if we’re going to start a war or anything. But we’re trying.”

  “No women?” I ask on a whisper.

  His lips twitch into a small smile. “No women, beautiful.”

  “Good.” I nod once.

  “Let’s get dressed and get you fed. Can I say that I require you to eat carbs, not just because it’s ridiculous as fuck not to eat them, but also because I’d like to see you gain a little weight?”

  Smiling, I shake my head a couple of times. “I love carbs, so you won’t have to require anything. And, I know you’re all about tits and ass, so I don’t have a problem gaining a few pounds because to be frankly honest, it’s really hard to maintain all of this.”

  “So you want to be fat and lazy with me?” he asks.

  Crawling over him, I moan as the muscles stretch and ache as I straddle his hips. Tipping my chin, I snort. “I’m not fat and I’m not lazy, I’ll never be either so you can just stop that shit right now.”

  Ridge wraps his hands around my hips and squeezes gently. “Babe, I wouldn’t care if you were. As long as you were still mine, wouldn’t give a single fuck.”

  Leaning down, I run my nose alongside his own. “You’re a liar, Ridge. A damn dirty liar. You would care if I was fat and lazy, you’d care a hell of a lot. Because being lazy means no sex for you, and you would lose your mind,” I breathe.

  His fingers tighten against my flesh and he lets out a grunt. “Damn right I would.”

  “Let’s shower the smell of sex and sweat off our bodies, then you can take me to the diner for real food. I have a hangover from hell and I need all the food,” I whisper.

  “Then?” he asks.

  Brushing my lips across his cheek, I move them to his ear. “Then we can come back here and I can take a nap.”

  He slides his arms up my back, crushing my chest against his as he lets out a low rumbling laugh. “I ever tell you, I love you, Trista?”

  “Maybe once,” I wheeze as he squeezes me.

  He rolls us over so that I’m on my back and his hips are fit between my thighs. “I do, babe. Love you. Love that you’re here with me, willing to be with my crazy fuckin’ no good ass for the rest of my life. Let’s get you fed, then bring you back here. I got church anyway, soon.”

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  He touches his lips to mine in a brief kiss before he pushes up and jumps off of the bed. I watch his tight ass as he walks toward his bathroom, and only when he’s disappeared inside, do I scramble off of the bed with a moan and shuffle slowly behind him.


  The room is quiet when I walk inside. Dragon stands at the head of the table, as is his place, his gaze surveying the men around his table. I can’t deny that I’m still pissed off at him. He was willing to sell humans to a life of pain and death.

  I know that he was only thinking of our families when he agreed, but it still burns deep in my gut. I’m not sure that it should. I’m not a good man, the men around me aren’t good either.

  Nobody would want us around their kids or their daughters. But we aren’t those men either. We aren’t going to sell their teenage daughter for profit to some sick fucker who wants to use and abuse her until she’
s nothing and then kill her.

  “Taz?” Dragon asks.

  Lifting my gaze from the table, I turn my head to look over at him. He’s watching me, waiting for me to give an answer to a question that I didn’t hear.

  “What’s that?” I ask when he doesn’t offer to repeat his words.

  He grunts. Obviously he’s annoyed with me, but fuck, I got a lot going through my head, my cock is achy, and my balls are completely drained of life. He’s going to need to give me a goddamn break.

  “Do we have enough silencers to divide and conquer if we get several leads at once?” he asks.

  Nodding, I jerk my chin toward him. “Yeah, I got a few rifle suppressors and a handful of handgun ones. You think we’ll be able to get more than one name at a time? Plus, some of these people probably live overseas, right?”

  “We’re going to do the best we can to get this done as soon as possible. Even if we don’t get to them all, we need to make a big enough dent that those fucking Punchers know we mean goddamn business,” Dragon growls.

  “Agreed,” Bones cheers.

  “How’s Ana?” Mamba asks, changing the topic of conversation for a moment.

  Bones’ lips curve up into a small grin. “She’s real good. She’s going to fit in just fine in our neck of the woods,” he practically purrs.

  “Fuck,” Silver grunts. “Asshole’s already got her naked and locked up in one of his cages.”

  Bones lets out a bark of laughter, not offended in the slightest. “No bitch ever complained in my cage, not fucking once.”

  The room rumbles with much-needed chuckling, obviously enjoying the friendly banter. Dragon taps his gavel down, calming the room down and bringing the attention back to the matter at hand.

  “Who can get information? We’re going to have to do some serious hacking. There has to be some kind of electronic trail,” he says.

  Hawk shifts in his seat and Dragon eventually shifts his gaze to him. “What?”

  “That prospect. Worm?”

  “God, who thought of that fucking name?” Wolfe grunts.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Hawk says. “What matters is that guy is a computer fucking genius. I don’t know why he’s here with us. All I know is he’s a vet, he was military intelligence, and that fucker can work a computer better than any of us buffoons.”

  There’s a moment of silence. I think back to the prospect that’s been working the bar. I really don’t pay much attention to them anymore, I’m too busy focused on my own duties and with Trista being here, I’m even more focused on her and my weapons more than anything else.

  I can’t even picture the fuck in my head, that’s how little I know about him. Dragon tilts his head to the side and sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.

  “Let’s bring him in here. We’re not giving him any information about what we’re doing. Just the basics. If he can find these fucks, that’s all we give a shit about.”

  Hawk nods his head, then stands and we watch him leave the room. Silver stands, leaning over the table, his head tilted to the side looking over at Dragon.

  “You sure you want to bring a prospect in on this? Don’t those Italians have an IT guy?” he asks, his voice rumbling.

  Dragon jerks his chin. “We’re on a limited time frame. We can’t sit around and hope that someone else finds these fuckers. We need to get this done, handled, in days, not weeks.”

  Lifting my hand to the back of my neck, I squeeze my fingers there as I wait for what’s coming. We don’t know if this kid can actually find these guys, the only fucking leads we have are that they have contacted the Donkey Punchers, and they’re willing to pay for women. That’s it. That’s not fucking much.

  Hawk makes his way back inside, a man following behind him. He looks as if he’s in his late twenties, so thankfully not some punk-assed kid. He’s strong, lean and mean as fuck looking. How I never noticed him before, I’ll never know.

  He dips his square jaw toward Dragon, not looking at anybody else in the room. Dragon jerks his chin upward, then smirks as he looks down his nose at the fuck.

  “I’m going to give you a job, Worm,” Dragon announces. “The Donkey Punchers have contacts, these contacts are into buying women for their personal abuse, use, and disposal. We want to know who these men are,” Dragon explains.

  “This like vigilante shit?” Worm asks.

  Dragon shakes his head. “This is protection. This is insurance. This is to save our club. I hear you’re fucking brilliant on the computer, now’s the time to earn your patch.”

  Worm’s body jerks. “You got it. I’ll get to the bottom of this, I can fucking guarantee it. When do you need it by?” he asks.

  Dragon’s lips turn up into a grin. “Yesterday.”

  Worm nods once. “Got you. I’ll get right on it.” He turns around and practically runs out the door.

  “I hope you made the right call,” Wolfe mutters.

  Dragon shakes his head once. “Me, too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Avah doesn’t appear for the entire day. To be honest, I’m okay with that. Sleep is the only thing that I want to do. Sleep and eat, like a fucking hibernating bear and I don’t even care. What feels like only minutes after he fed, watered, and left snacks for me, Ridge reappears.

  He chuckles as he sits down next to my hip. My eyes slowly open, I look up at him, my lips automatically turning up into a small smile.

  “Hey, you get this stuff all figured out?” I ask.

  Ridge nods his head once. “We did. Now, I have a surprise for you, get some clothes on. You good to ride?” he asks.

  Slowly, I sit up in the bed, and realize that my head isn’t pounding, it doesn’t feel foggy and I do feel pretty damn good. The sleep and rest was just what I needed.

  “I’m good to ride,” I say with a smile.

  “Get dressed, we have to be there in twenty.” He smiles.

  Frowning, I wonder what he could have an appointment for. Ridge is like the rest of the Beasts, he doesn’t make appointments, he just shows up and expects to have someone serve him. In every way.

  It doesn’t take me long to get dressed, just a few minutes. I freshen up and brush my teeth, but otherwise, I’m in my normal cut-off shorts and a tank top. It’s just a seemingly simple outfit, one that I wouldn’t have thought twice about a year ago.

  Now, with living in Los Angeles for a year, this isn’t anything that I would be caught dead in around the city. Not with the clients that I had, they expected class twenty-four seven.

  I knew that some of them even went as far as to hire private investigators before events just to make sure their dates were exactly what they wanted.

  Ridge doesn’t care. He likes the cut-offs and tanks, short skirts, and low tops. Whatever I want to wear, he pretty much could give a fuck about, as long as I’m on his arm while I’m wearing it.

  That’s what I’d missed, being able to just be myself. I don’t have to pretend or hide who I am. I can be just Trista when I want to be and he’s cool with it. I can be the girl who doesn’t dress fancy, who isn’t educated at all, who doesn’t know anything about politics or world happenings.

  Maybe it’s stupid, maybe it’s silly. All I know is that with Ridge, I finally feel at peace. I always knew he was where my heart was. But getting him to see it for himself, to really see me, it took a while.

  I’m glad that he does now, I’m happy that we’re a couple and that he wants to be one, too. He’s not just saying the words to shut me up, he’s actually trying. I see it in every single thing he does.

  A knock on the bathroom door causes me to jump. Turning around, I tell him to come in. He slowly opens the door, then smiles at me from his place at the entrance.

  “You ready? We need to run,” he murmurs.

  Nodding, my lips tip up into a small smile. “I’m ready.”

  “What’s got that look on your face?” he asks as I take a step toward him.

  Sinking my teeth
into my bottom lip, I tilt my head back to look up into his eyes. “I just can’t believe all of this is real. That you’re mine and you want to be with me, forever?” I say making it sound more like a question than a statement, because to be honest it still does feel like an unanswered question.

  He shakes his head once. “Let’s go, we’ll talk about this after we get to our appointment.”

  Ridge turns from me. I hurry behind him and I can’t help but smile as I try to figure out just where we’re going and what we’re going to be doing. He doesn’t stop, practically sprinting out of the bar area, ignoring everyone else around us.

  He’s already on his bike with the engine roared to life before I even make it to him. He’s in a seriously huge hurry and I don’t understand where he’s all amped up to go. Climbing behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him, my signal that I’m ready to go.

  It doesn’t take long for us to arrive at our location. Ridge stops in an empty dirt and rock parking lot. Lifting my head, I look around his body at the building in front of us. It’s a small building, all by itself in the middle of nowhere.

  “Ridge?” I ask on a whispered breath.

  “Ink, babe,” he says as his only explanation.

  Climbing off of his machine, I stand to the side and wait for him to swing his leg over and join me. Tilting my head to the side, I squint my eyes to make out the extremely faded sign in the window.

  Very simply the sign in faded lettering spells INK SHOP. I almost laugh, but decide that it’s maybe not so funny, since this place is in the middle of nowhere, with faded old signage, and I’m possibly going to allow them to put a needle against my skin. Perhaps it’s more scary than funny at this point.

  “Ridge?” I murmur as we approach the front door.

  He looks back at me from over his shoulder, shaking his head once. “You ain’t a virgin to tattoos, babe. You got a whole fuckin’ sleeve. Seems you’d be okay with this?”

  “Depends on what this is? I got all mine in Phoenix in a pristine shop.”


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