The Crossroad

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The Crossroad Page 38

by Mark Donaldson, VC

  BOOM! Explosion set off to destroy the biggest cache find of arms and ammunition in Uruzgan since 2005. In excess of 450 rocket-propelled grenades were found here. Also surface to air missiles and scores of weapons were hidden and buried. The blast was huge! You can see all the dust escaping from the house to the left of the flame. 2012.

  Some of the boys getting amongst it with a tenacious insurgent shooting at them from inside a water well. It took a few goes but the boys got the upper hand in the end. Eastern Uruzgan somewhere, 2012.

  Moments before wheels up. Everyone had a different ritual before going out on a job. The US crews were good to us and would always try to get us in to wherever we asked. 2012.

  About to drop an anti-structural grenade through a hole in the roof of an enemy hut in western Uruzgan, 2012. Paddy in the foreground moving out of the way. Unfortunately on the ground behind me was the body of one of the Afghan partners who had been shot by the enemy in the doorway of this hut.

  The first stage of my anti-structural grenade.

  The end stage of the grenade. I love these things, they work so well.

  Cleaning out the small mud igloo after the contact. Just one of six weapons we got off the enemy that were in this hut.

  Returning from another successful job. 2012.

  Local women and children leaving the area was always a sign that a contact was imminent.

  A selfie moments before extraction from Tarin Kowt Bowl, 2012. The hay fever was killing me this day, identifiable from my red eyes. The poppy season was in full swing and it shows how thick it can be in the greenbelt.

  Safe and sound spending some quality time with Kaylee and Hamish. It’s a rare photo when one of us is not pulling a stupid face. They always bring me back to earth after being away. September 2013.


  My acknowledgments could go on forever. I have no last and no least. I have always found inspiration from the less obvious sources, so here goes:

  Big thanks first up to Emma (the rock), Kaylee and Hamish. You guys are the reason I come home every day; thank you for reminding me we are human. We have missed some time together, but I am looking forward to enjoying all the time from here on and growing older together.

  Thanks to Malcolm Knox for his professionalism, understanding and friendship. We will get that wave one day. Tom Gilliatt and the team at Pan Mac, your patience is outstanding.

  Thanks to my brother Brent, you were and will be my hero forever. Also to Kate, Taylor, Abbi and Charlize. I promise we will come and have a family holiday again soon.

  Thanks to my extended family: Auntie Margaret and Uncle Ken, Val and Ross, Kenny and Julie – you were always there when we needed you the most. Thanks also for letting me show up unannounced, eat your fridge dry and sleep.

  Thanks especially to Jo Beaumont. Not only for basically being my second mum and treating me like one of her own children, but for those critical hours, days and years after Dad and Mum were no longer around. Thanks again and again and again. Words do not do your heart and nature justice. You as well, Gaz.

  Thanks to my old friends Murray, Bleaks, Vaughan and Melissa. Good times and good memories.

  Thanks to Kelvin for introducing me to surfing but also for teaching me surf etiquette. As well as how to constantly have fun no matter how old you get.

  Thanks to the Dorrigo RSL Sub-branch and Bob Denner for his help with Legacy.

  Thanks to the people of Dorrigo for coming together and supporting us at one of our hardest times. You truly are a great example of an Australian community.

  Thanks to Mike and Misty. Your friendship is straight and true. Thanks for all the good times through Canada and America. One day we will get those Steelheads, Mikey. Thanks to all the amazing friends and people for the great times we had throughout Canada – you will know who you are.

  Chris ‘Camel’ Tulloch: Thanks for the long nights, big laughs, pints of Guinness and snowmaking adventures. Snowboarding still beats skiing, sorry mate! Thanks to all the blokes I ever worked with while making snow. Both here in Australia and also in the US. Hope the snow is dumping and blue skies are forecast for the next day, wherever you are.

  Thanks to Dom Freestone for all those parties, hard work days and fun waves around Newcastle.

  Thank you Dad. For showing and instilling in me a sense of adventure, tenacity, good work values and how to be a man.

  Thanks Mum. I am still yet to meet someone in the world who has a kinder and more pure nature. Thanks for showing me understanding, compassion and how to fight for what you believe in. You were taken from this world earlier than you should’ve been. Thank you for telling me that there was nothing in this world I could not achieve if I truly wanted it.

  To all my cousins: Kay, Tony, Chrissy (Jindabyne was special), Christine, Fiona and Brodie. The times we shared and fun we had should be experienced by every family. Family by blood but friends by choice.

  Thanks to Mark Occhilupo for your advice and showing that people can turn their lives around.

  Thanks to the following: Steve Patterson – cheers for being the asshole! Dave Harris, Nish Miles – you are amazing at what you do and thank you for the sounding board; Dave and Michelle Mulhall, sorry to do that to you on your first week on the job. Didy Grahame, Peter Harvey, Tony Sanftl, Kathy Sweeney – always be ready! Gary Murphy, Drew P, Willie Apiata VC, Bruce Lee, Johnny Chimpston – you have the funniest way of looking at the world and I have never laughed so hard as I have with you.

  Thanks to Hollywood Hospital for looking after two of the three most important people in my life.

  To anyone I have ever met, or forgotten, that has made me laugh or made my time on this planet all the richer.

  To all those who have served, both here and around the world, who have been wounded in the line of duty. Your journey is an inspiration that reminds me every day: ‘What’s my excuse?’

  Devil . . . Thank you. You were unconditional and saved my life and others. Thank you also to Quake, Kuga and Fax for doing the same.

  To all those I have ever served with – it has been a pleasure. To all of you in the Special Air Service Regiment from the beginning to the present – it has been an absolute honour and nothing short of the most unforgettable times of my life. It is an unbelievable job and lifestyle. For those of you I have fought alongside, I hope these words have done us justice. You are the best soldiers in the world and fighting with you has made my soldiering above and beyond what I ever thought it could be. If nothing else, at least I have given plenty of ammo for stirrers!

  About Mark Donaldson

  Mark Donaldson was awarded the Victoria Cross in 2009, the first Australian to receive this honour since 1969. He was also the Young Australian of the Year in 2010. He remains a serving member of the SAS.

  He lives in Perth with his wife and children.

  First published 2013 in Macmillan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Limited

  1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

  Copyright © Mark Donaldson 2013

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher.

  This ebook may not include illustrations and/or photographs that may have been in the print edition.

  Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available

  from the National Library of Australia

  EPUB format: 9781743289334

  Typeset by Post Pre-press Group

  Cover design by Deborah Parry Graphics

er image: Mark Donaldson. Courtesy of the Department of Defence

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