Sunkissed Days

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Sunkissed Days Page 3

by Chase, Samantha

  “I want you all to know,” Pops began after his last forkful of cake, “how much it means to me that you’re all here.” He paused and looked around the table. “I never thought I’d be here this long – that I’d be the one left after so many have gone before me. But as I look around the room, I feel blessed. I look at all of your faces and I feel loved. And when I sit here and look in the eyes of my great-grandchildren, I feel pride because all of you are going to be my legacy. You’re the ones who are going to take what we’ve built here in Magnolia Sound and make it so much more than I ever imagined.”

  Mallory felt tears stinging her eyes and reached for her napkin. To her right, her mother took her hand and squeezed. They looked at each other with understanding. To her left, her brother even appeared to get choked up and it made her smile because it was good to know that he wasn’t completely jaded about being here. Deep down, she knew he understood the importance of their family.

  Sometimes they all just needed a little reminder.

  Once Pops thanked everyone and kissed them goodnight, the party broke up. Mallory, for one, was relieved. Maybe now she could search out Jake and see if they could go outside and talk alone for a little while.

  Or maybe kiss some more.

  Oh, how she hoped he wanted to kiss some more.

  Everyone helped with the cleanup and putting the house back to its pre-party state. Dishes were put away, chairs were folded and put back in storage, and trash was taken out. Things were winding down and when Mallory finally spotted Jake, he was out on the deck talking to her brother. She knew how anxious Sam was to go out so she didn’t think it would be a problem to prod him along.

  Feeling hopeful, she gave a quick glance around to make sure no one else was around and made her way out onto the deck.

  “Hey,” she said casually, looking at her brother. “I thought you’d be long gone by now.”

  Sam grinned. “I had to wait for everyone to leave. Mason asked me if I wanted to go and hang out and I told him I was tired from traveling all day today. No way was I going anywhere with him.”

  “You’ve got to lighten up, Sam. He’s not going anywhere. He’s always going to be family.”

  “Yeah, family that I only have to see for a few days every year. And tonight was enough.”

  Laughing lightly, she looked over at Jake. “I thought there was very little Mason bragging tonight. What about you?”

  He shrugged. “I wasn’t really paying attention.” Then he looked over at Sam. “You ready to go?”

  For a minute, Mallory could only look back and forth between the two of them. “Go? Go where?”

  “Oh, Jake is taking me into town to…what’s the name of that place again?” he asked.

  Without looking at Mallory, Jake replied, “Does it matter? Chances are we’ll hit more than one.” They both laughed.

  Mallory didn’t.

  Sam stuck his hand in his pocket and then groaned. “Dude, give me five minutes. I left my cash up in my room. I’ll be right back.” And then he was sprinting back into the house, leaving Jake and Mallory alone.

  “So…um…great party,” Jake said, studying the deck.

  “Yeah. Great,” she murmured, still hopelessly confused.

  “Zeke seemed to have a real good time.”

  She nodded. “Yup.”

  It was painful. And awkward. And…she had been brave once tonight, might as well try it again.

  “I had hoped we’d have some time alone,” she said carefully. “You know, to talk and…maybe finish what we started earlier.”

  Then he did look at her. His expression was serious, bordering on grim. “Look, Mallory, what happened earlier…it shouldn’t have. It was wrong and…we need to just forget it.”

  Her eyes went wide and she was certain her jaw was on the floor. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s true, Mal. I don’t know what you were thinking, but…whatever it was, you were mistaken, okay? Anything between me and you just isn’t going to happen.”

  As much as it killed her, she had to ask. “May I ask why?” Then she cursed herself for sounding so prim and proper.

  He let out a huff and raked a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable with her question. “We’re friends, Mallory. We’ve known each other for years and…well…I look at you like…you know…a friend or a little sister.” He paused. “You’re still a kid, for crying out loud!”

  The irritation in his voice spoke volumes, she thought, but couldn’t figure out why he should be so upset. She was the one who humiliated herself. What was she thinking, throwing herself at him like that? She wished the deck would open up and swallow her just so she could escape.

  Not sure of what to say, she gave a curt nod and looked away and willed herself not to cry. Beside her, Jake muttered a curse and pulled her into his embrace. He was all warm and muscled and if she could, Mallory would simply climb inside of him. She wanted to apologize, to turn back time so she wouldn’t have made her move without thinking it all through first.

  “God, Mallory,” he murmured, his voice low and just a little tortured. His breath was hot against her skin and it sent delicious shivers down her spine and if she wasn’t mistaken, he placed a gentle kiss right there on the shell of her ear. She felt the rasp of his tongue and held her breath. “You have no idea how much I want…”

  “I’m heading out with Jake!” Behind them, they heard Sam’s loud proclamation and instantly broke apart.

  Jake looked away but Mallory watched him – stared hard at him – willing him to finish what he was going to say. But he didn’t. In the blink of an eye her brother was back and clapping a hand on Jake’s shoulder.

  “Dude, let’s go!” Sam said excitedly. He looked at Mallory. “Mom’s looking for you again. I think she wants to discuss all of the plans for tomorrow.” The grin he gave her made her want to punch him. “Have fun.”

  “Goodnight, Mallory,” Jake said quietly as he turned and walked away, her brother right beside him.

  “Please tell me there are going to be a ton of girls there tonight,” Sam pleaded.

  Jake laughed. “More than you’ll know what to do with.”

  Then they were out of sight and Mallory’s heart sank.

  All of her hopes and dreams just walked away to go pick up other girls – girls he didn’t look at as friends or little sisters – and it made her want to cry.

  Well…she’d show him.

  “You just wait, Jake Summerford. You’ll be sorry.”


  She was trying to kill him.

  It was the only excuse Jake could think of. Five days after their kiss, and he was slowly losing his mind.

  Had he really only ever seen her as a kid?

  Well…those days were long gone.

  Sam had gone back to New York at the end of the weekend, but Mallory and her mother had stayed. They’d all spent Zeke’s birthday weekend together, but there were enough people around that they were never alone. But once Monday hit? Yeah, it had been nothing but a test of his self-control.

  His current job with Coleman Construction actually had him working on Zeke’s place. It was only him and six other guys, but he was the lead on it. They were replacing the roof on the house. It was a last-minute decision apparently and because he lived right next door, Zeke had asked him to be the one to handle it. Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, but with Mallory prancing around the house, the yard, and pretty much everywhere in his line of vision, it was making work difficult.

  One week. The job would only take a week, he reminded himself. And it was half over.

  He’d had to knock more than one guy in the head for looking at her and making crude comments, but he wasn’t going to share that with anyone. And as he crawled down the ladder late Wednesday afternoon, he wondered if that was the right thing to do. Maybe if he mentioned something to Zeke, he’d tell his great-granddaughter to stop walking around in skimpy shorts and bathing suits while there was a construction crew on the premises.r />
  With the crew gone for the day, Jake walked around and made sure things were cleaned up and all the tools and supplies were put away so as not to disturb the Coleman family. He noticed a couple of extension cords weren’t wrapped up and as he bent down to grab them, he looked out toward the Sound and saw her.

  And had to bite back a groan.

  Today’s bikini was turquoise and as Mallory walked down the pier toward the boathouse – a place she seemed to favor – he couldn’t help but stare. He knew if the men from his crew were still here, they’d all be watching her too.

  And it had to stop.


  Tossing the cord aside, Jake took off after her. The only thing keeping him from actually sprinting was the fact that he needed a minute to get himself under control. If he were beside her right now, no doubt he’d start yelling and say something stupid and that wasn’t appropriate. After all, their steamy kiss aside, she was still his boss’s great-granddaughter and he needed to treat her with respect.

  No matter how much it killed him.

  As he made his way across the yard, he watched as Mallory climbed the ladder to the flat roof of the boathouse. The party deck. It was a spot he knew she favored for the views of the Sound but…it was a little late in the day for her to be up there in a bathing suit – she certainly didn’t need to be wearing one to just go up there and relax. If it were earlier in the day she could possibly use the excuse of trying to work on her tan…

  At the end of the pier he stopped and tried to clear his mind and regain some control, but every time he closed his eyes he could see her walking in her tiny bikini and now he was going to have to see it up close.

  Turn around…no one even knows you’re here…

  He was climbing up the ladder before he even realized it.

  And there, sprawled out on her stomach without a care in the world was Mallory. Her dark hair pushed across one shoulder and nothing but smooth skin broken up by tiny strips of fabric.

  Turn around! There’s still time…

  She leveraged up on her elbows and turned her head to look at him. Lifting one hand, she shielded her eyes to block the sun. “Jake?”

  It was like there was sawdust in his mouth and he couldn’t seem to utter a single word. And then – Lord help him – she turned and completely faced him. Her body was every fantasy come to life – all sweet curves and temptation.

  Then she stood and began to walk toward him. He knew if he took more than one step back, he was going over the rail and would either break his neck on the pier or end up drenched in the Sound.

  Like a cold shower, only more embarrassing.

  “What are you doing up here?” she asked, but she kept moving until they were practically toe to toe. The knowing smile on her face told him she wasn’t really surprised by his appearance – almost as if she orchestrated it.

  Which – let’s face it – she did.

  Forcing himself to clear his throat, he began, “You can’t be walking around like this while work’s being done on the house, Mallory.” He was going for a firm and commanding voice, but it was way harsher. “Do you have any idea what my crew has been saying about you?”

  She shook her head and cocked a defensive stance. “No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  “Let’s just say with your attire – or lack thereof – there’s been a lot of conversation about what they’d like to do with you if they got you alone,” he snapped. “Is that your thing now? Walking around being a tease?”

  Her expression went from defiant, to shocked, to mortified. He saw the flush of her cheeks and her posture changed as she almost shrank away from him.


  Turning her back to him, Jake saw the slight shudder and then the tremble and felt like all kinds of crap.

  “Mal, look,” he began, reaching for her. Once his hand touched her shoulder, she flinched away. He instantly dropped it to his side. “You can be mad all you want, but this had to be said. You can’t parade around half-naked in front of the crew, okay?” There was frustration, regret, and even more frustration in his words and he couldn’t help it. If she were someone else – anyone else – this wouldn’t be an issue. He wouldn’t feel so…protective.

  She stared at him defiantly.

  “I’m just looking out for you,” he said when he couldn’t stand the silence any longer.

  “Right,” she murmured with hostility. “Because I’m a child who needs to be looked after.” Storming past him, Mallory climbed down the ladder and Jake quickly followed her down. She walked into the main level of the boathouse which was essentially a small living area, a bathroom and kitchenette. It wasn’t as if she could hide from him in there.

  Once inside, he closed the door behind him, thankful that if they were going to argue, they’d at least have some privacy.

  She pulled a can of soda out of the small refrigerator and completely ignored him.

  All Jake wanted was to sit and cool down. The heat and exhaustion of the day caught up with him. The boathouse A/C was on and there was a comfortable couch to sit on and now he wanted something to drink too. Walking around Mallory, he grabbed himself a bottle of water and drank half of it down before taking a seat.

  “I could have gone and had this conversation with your mother or Zeke,” he said evenly, “but I figured you’d be mature enough to handle it.” He paused for dramatic effect. “My mistake.”

  Placing her drink down on the small countertop, Mallory crossed her arms and gave him a defiant stare.

  It was better than the devastated look up on deck.

  “Fine,” she finally bit out. “I’ll be sure to stay fully covered up and out of everyone’s way until the roof’s done. Satisfied?”

  Not nearly, he thought.

  Standing, he faced her. “Again, Mal, I’m just looking out for you. No one’s saying you can’t go swimming or get some sun, just…stay covered up a bit until you get to the pier or maybe go down to the beach, that’s all.”

  “So now I’m not allowed to enjoy my own backyard?” Sarcasm laced her words.

  “We’ll be done on Friday. I think you can hang on for two more days!” God, the woman was infuriating!

  Her expression changed, went a little coy. And that worried him.

  “I guess it’s not a big deal to parade around on the beach with a larger population of guys roaming around then, right?”

  Before he could answer, she took a step closer.

  “I mean…I’m assuming that as long as you’re not hearing the comments, then it’s okay for me to wear what I want. Do I have that right?”

  Several things occurred to Jake at once. First, the air was cool in here and her nipples were hard. Second, her voice had a sultry tone to it. And third…he could probably untie the little bows holding her bikini bottom together with his teeth.

  She stopped and gave him a sweet smile. “You can go now. And don’t worry, you won’t see me walking around here while you’re working.” Then with a little dismissive wave, she turned away.

  And for some reason, it had him seeing red.

  She wanted to play? She wanted to tease and taunt him and make him think all kinds of crazy thoughts about her?

  Grasping her arm, Jake spun her around and captured her lips with his. It was wild and untamed and he couldn’t have stopped himself if he tried. There was no shock, no time to think about what was going on. All he knew was that Mallory Westbrook kissed like a damn dream and she had him in knots for days.

  Part of him figured she’d put up a fight – even a token one – but she didn’t. One minute she was walking away, and the next she was wrapped around him and kissing him as if her life depended on it.

  Doing what he wanted to do on Friday night, he lifted her up, carried her over to the sofa and sprawled out beside her without breaking the kiss. Mallory’s hands raked up into his hair while one of her legs came up and wrapped around his hip and it felt so damn good that he thought he’d combust right on the spo

  He needed air, needed to breathe, and slowly broke the kiss. Mallory’s breath was just as ragged as his. Her head fell back slightly and Jake decided he could kiss and lick and taste her slender throat while he took in some much-needed oxygen.

  “Jake,” she whispered in a sexy, throaty way.

  “No more…walking around…like this,” he panted between kisses. “Makes…me…crazy.”

  A slow smile of satisfaction spread across Mallory’s face. “What if I did it just for you?”

  Raising his head, Jake considered the possibilities.

  Then…he considered how he had played right into her hands.


  With a muttered curse, he pushed off of her and sat up.


  Looking down at her was a mistake. She was a living, breathing fantasy and in another minute, he was going to dive in to taste her again.

  “Is that what this was about? Tricking me into following you here?” he asked and cursed himself. Dammit, he was afraid of the answer.

  Her lack of response was all the answer he needed.

  Jumping to his feet, he felt like an idiot. This was getting out of control. He didn’t like being manipulated and she was using his attraction to her against him. Hadn’t he explained to her why this was a bad idea? Why they couldn’t get involved?

  “Mallory, we’ve been over this…”

  Slowly, she stood and faced him, looking more composed than he was. “No, we didn’t. You gave me some kind of lame excuse Friday night and then you’ve avoided me ever since.”

  “I told you. You’re too young, too…”

  “Oh, save it!” she snapped, losing her patience. “The way you kissed me Friday night and the way you kissed me right now tell me that you want me just as much as I want you! I’m not a child, Jake. I’m a grown woman! I’m not going to spend the entire summer having you telling me what I can and can’t wear or where I can and can’t go. You don’t have the right!”

  The whole summer? He thought she’d be leaving sooner than that. She always did.

  His mouth moved, he knew it did, but no words came out.

  She took a step back and put her hands on her hips. “If you look at me and still see a child, then tell me that right now. Look me in the eye right now and tell me that’s what you see.”


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