Cauldrons and Kittens

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Cauldrons and Kittens Page 24

by R K Dreaming

  “Young people do still like balloons, don’t they?” he asked anxiously.

  Percy tried not to laugh. It was Nan who comfortingly said, “Of course they do, Jeeves! They are going to love them!”

  When Shara and Felix arrived an hour later, Nan nudged them and whispered that they should complement the balloons. Looking confused, Shara and Felix immediately did so.

  Jeeves had popped his head through the wall to listen in, and he beamed on hearing it. Shara and Felix had not noticed him. They were too busy staring at the many twinkling candles that had been lit up and down the table.

  “Wow,” said Shara. “Is this for us?”

  “Jeeves hasn’t hosted a dinner party in ages,” Percy explained.

  Shara looked a little overwhelmed by her surroundings. “You have an amazing house,” she said.

  Percy shrugged. “It’s my mum’s. It’s all I can do not to wreck it.”

  When Jeeves floated into the room carrying an immense platter of deliciously aromatic roast lamb and sizzling vegetables, Shara gave a little shriek of alarm, and then flushed.

  “Sorry, erm, Mr Jeeves,” she said.

  “MISTER Jeeves,” he said beaming. “Did you hear that, Percy? Your friend called me Mr Jeeves.” He threw Percy an admonishing look.

  “Don’t get used to it,” said Percy. “She’ll soon be calling you Jeeves like the rest of us.”

  “No I won’t,” said Shara, laughing.

  “But you’ll have to call Mr Bramble ‘Mister Bramble’. He won’t like anything else,” said Percy. “He’s a bit shy, but hopefully you’ll meet him one day.”

  She had already explained about Mr Bramble being a heg, and both Shara and Felix had promised to keep him a secret.

  If Shara and Felix had been impressed by the place settings, they were even more impressed by the food. Jeeves brought in not only the platter of roast lamb and vegetables, but also a huge roast chicken, an entire baked salmon, and a sizzling side of ribs that was the tastiest he had ever made.

  When they were full to the brim, he proudly carried in an enormous peach and cherry trifle and a gooey chocolate tart, and insisted on dishing up heaping portions for them.

  Shara with her smaller appetite disappointed him slightly, but Felix managed to finish it all and ask for more. Jeeves patted him on the head, saying, “This one should come more often!”

  Jeeves swept off, carrying a large bowlful of the peach and cherry trifle with lots of cream to take down the garden for Mr Bramble.

  Percy helped herself to a bit more of it too. She loved cherries.

  When the four of them were so full they could hardly move, they lolled back in their chairs.

  “So Felix,” said Percy. “Tell us about this Juliet Jolie case of yours.”

  Nan and Shara immediately sat forward in their chairs with expressions of great interest on their faces.

  “Ooh! Is that one of your cases?” said Shara. “It said in Eldritch News Today that she’s a witch. I never knew that. I only knew that her husband was an incubus. Gosh, Brad Jolie was gorgeous, wasn’t he?”

  She and Nan exchanged a glance and giggled.

  “I can’t believe he’s dead,” Shara added sadly.

  “I knew she couldn’t have killed him,” said Nan. “They were so in love.”

  “Pfft,” said Percy. “They’re Hollywood superstars. Of course you’re going to think they’re so in love. It was all a show. Weren’t they known for always having massive rows in public?”

  “Hold on,” said Shara, looking confused. “Last I heard they wanted to find Juliet and bring her in for questioning. Sorry, I’ve been at the hospital too much to keep up with it. What’s going on?”

  “They don’t think it is her anymore,” said Nan a bit impatiently. She was looking at Percy with annoyance. “Juliet and Brad’s fights weren’t real,” she insisted. “They only did them for the cameras. They just liked to give the press something to talk about. They always made up afterwards.”

  “Equally as publically,” said Percy cynically. “The drama queens.”

  “Since when did you know so much about them?” said Nan, with an eyebrow raised.

  Percy shrugged. Since the Arthur Delancey case had been wrapped up on Tuesday, Percy had had time to take an interest in such things, and she had even begun to listen to the Witching Wireless in the mornings to catch up on the latest.

  “Jeeves is always harping on about it,” said Percy airily. “You know he loves that kind of stuff.”

  This was true. Jeeves had been ridiculously happy to have Percy take an interest in the case. He had caught her up on everything she had missed. Apparently the entire witching and eldritch worlds were riveted by the scandal of incubus Brad Jolie’s death and the subsequent fleeing of his supposedly guilty witch wife. This was certainly true in school, where the story had become a hot topic.

  Nan turned to Felix. “People are saying the Eldritch Council is fighting with the conclave about jurisdiction. Is that true?”

  Felix nodded. “An incubus was killed,” he said. “So yes, they do want their say.”

  “Everyone knows that it was those two wizards who escaped from prison who killed Brad Jolie,” said Nan. “The conclave has announced that they have evidence that the Sheedy cousins did it, but the baena community is still desperate to blame it on poor Juliet. It’s not fair! We think the Eldritch Council might be biased, so mum and I think it’s right that the conclave should take lead.”

  “Juliet’s been missing for a week,” said Felix. “The council just want to question her about what happened. Her information might help them track down the Sheedy cousins. The council is worried for her safety.”

  “But are eldritch investigators equipped to deal with a magical murder case?” said Shara worriedly.

  “Exactly!” said Nan. “And it’s no wonder Juliet is in hiding. Imagine how terrified she must be about the Sheedys coming for her, especially if she witnessed the whole thing. The news said it was awful what they did to him. Poor Juliet. I think she’s right to hide out until the conclave catch the murdering monsters.”

  “I can’t believe she hasn’t been found yet,” said Percy. “It’s been a whole week. And anyway, no one’s seen her since Brad’s murder. She might be dead, you know.”

  “Don’t say that!” said Nan and Shara in ringing tones.

  “I always knew she must be innocent,” Shara added. “That Christmas romance movie that she and Brad did last year is one of my all-time favorites.”

  “I don’t understand why the British branch of the council is involved,” said Percy to Felix. “Brad Jolie’s murder happened in America, and the convicts were last sighted there too.”

  “Are you and Octavia really investigating it?” said Shara, wide eyed.

  Felix shook his head. “Of course not. Octavia just wishes we were. She’s been reading up on any files and memos she can get her hands on.”

  “Ooh!” said Nan. “Tell us what you know.”

  “Not much more than you do. And even if I did, I couldn’t tell you.”

  Nan looked disappointed. So was Percy. She might have solved two murders recently, but those had been nothing in the league of the Brad Jolie case. She had caught herself wishing a couple of times that the murder had happened in London. She was getting an itch for solving mysteries, and her mind had turned to this new one often.

  “You’ll tell us,” she said with a cheeky smile to Felix. “It’s not like we can interfere on this one. It’s all the way across an ocean unfortunately.”

  Felix laughed.

  Remembering the sweets and various tricks and toys that they had brought for Felix and Shara from the Magicwild Market, Nan handed them out.

  Felix sat bolt upright in his chair at the mention of the market, his eyes going wide.

  “I’ve heard of that place,” he said excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to go, but we’re not allowed in.”

  “Maybe we can find a way to sneak you in one
day,” said Percy thoughtfully. “We’ve got the whole of half term break next week to do it!”

  Felix looked hopeful.

  “I can’t wait,” said Shara, giving a deep sigh of bliss. “This week’s been exhausting. I could do with a break.”

  She had been examining the selection of magical sweets carefully, and now popped a little pink bonbon into her mouth, obviously thinking it was the most innocent looking of the lot. The Strawberry Frothsplosion exploded into a fountain of fizz inside her mouth, and her eyes bulged. Nan had to quickly hand her a wad of napkins as dribbles of pink goo dripped down her chin.

  Percy burst into laughter. “We’re not gonna tell you what is what,” she warned them. “You’ll just have to try them all and find out for yourselves.”

  “That was amazing,” said Shara when the Strawberry Frothsplosion had finally finished bubbling and gushing inside her mouth. She shivered in delight.

  “Wait till you try Bubblicious Bubbles,” said Nan. “We’ll get you some next time. We had too much stuff to carry this time.”

  Patch the cat returned from his exploration of the house and jumped lightly onto the dining table, where he sniffed curiously at the leftovers.

  This seemed to remind Shara of something. “You’ll never guess what,” she said. “I was at the hospital today and Delphine has finally woken up from her coma. They say she is going to be fine.”

  “That’s good,” said Nan. “But she still tried to frame Percy for attempted murder. What do you think will happen to her, Felix?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “Probably probation and community service. Maybe a fine as well.”

  Nan looked glum about this. “Delphine’s family won’t even notice a fine. Even a hefty one. It’s hardly a punishment, is it?”

  “At least it’s something,” said Percy. “She would have got away scot free if Arthur hadn’t confessed to what he’d done.”

  “Arthur won’t be getting out for a very long time,” said Felix.

  “Is he going to the same prison as his dad?” asked Shara.

  Felix shook his head. “They modified Arthur’s memory to make him forget about magic, but he still remembers that he committed murder. He’s in a Humble prison. Best place for him really. Now that the memories of the magic part are gone, they say he’s really sorry about what he did.”

  “Do you want to abandon Octavia and join our team now that we’re such a success?” said Percy jokingly.

  He laughed. “Councilor Strickt will have my head on a stick. And anyway, between me and Octavia and you guys, hopefully Humble High will remain trouble-free in future.”

  “Unlikely,” said Percy and Nan together.

  They both knew about Lucifer. The other two did not. This was the one thing they had to make sure that their new friends did not find out about.

  “So anyway,” said Shara shyly. “I have some good news.”

  “Tell us right now,” Nan demanded. “I could do with some good news.”

  “It turns out Lucky kitten really is lucky after all,” said Shara, looking like she was bursting with excitement.

  “I knew it!” said Percy. “What did she do?”

  A couple of nights ago Lucky kitten had disappeared, and Percy had panicked, unable to find her all around the house. She had feared that the rogue cat had terrified Lucky kitten into hiding or chased her off.

  But it turned out that Lucky kitten had crept into Shara’s pockets when Shara had come over to visit. She’d travelled with Shara to the hospital, where she had bonded so firmly with little Liro Greyshale that she had refused to leave his side.

  Percy had decided that maybe this was meant to be. After all, it was too greedy to keep Lucky kitten all to herself.

  “She ran off today inside the hospital ward,” said Shara, “and the nurses were really angry with us because obviously we’re not supposed to have a kitten hiding in Liro’s bed. When we finally caught up with her, she was sitting on the lap of my great uncle Euron!”

  “That’s, er… great?” said Percy, not understanding why this was so exciting for Shara.

  “It is great!” Shara’s eyes gleamed. “My great uncle Euron went back out to sea decades ago, and he never came back. We never knew what happened to him. But it turned out that he recently got sick. He was so ashamed about it that he never told any of the family that he was back in London to get treatment. And there he was, at the hospital, all fully recovered and ready to be discharged. And he has the same rare blood type as Liro! The whole reason Liro couldn’t have the operation he desperately needs is because they couldn’t find a match. So now, they’ve scheduled Liro’s operation, and Liro will be totally fine! Can you believe it!”

  “Amazing!” shouted Percy, banging her palms on the table in excitement. “This calls for more cake!”

  “No!” groaned the other three, clutching their stomachs.

  They all dissolved into laughter.

  “You have to admit Lucky kitten is lucky after all,” said Percy to Nan.

  Nan nodded her head. “Fine, fine, I absolutely believe that luckiness is her gift.”

  “I kind of miss her,” said Percy. “Do you think your brother will mind if I come and visit her after he’s had his operation?”

  “Of course you can visit,” said Shara. “But I’ve already warned Liro not to get too attached. I think Lucky kitten goes wherever she wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if she found a way back to you sometime either.”

  Percy felt a jolt of happiness. It had been a wrench to give Lucky kitten up. Beaming, she took the photo of her dad out of her bag. Looking at him, such a young man with his dark green hair so like hers, she said wistfully, “Maybe Lucky kitten will help me find him.”

  Felix reached over and took the photograph to take a look. “If you could get her into the Magicwild,” he said.

  “What you mean?” asked Nan.

  Felix had handed the photo over to Shara, who was now looking at it curiously. “Is this your dad, Percy?”

  Percy nodded. “I don’t know. But I think so.”

  “That’s where you got your hair from, then?” said Felix. “I always thought you had dyed it, but it’s from your dad, isn’t it? It’s amazing that he’s a forestwilder from the Magicwild.”

  Percy’s mouth dropped open. “What are you talking about?” Her hand rose to catch a lock of her hair. She looked at it incredulously. “The Magicwild?”

  Now it was Felix’s turn to look surprised. “But didn’t you know?” he said. “People from the Magicwild have differently colored hair. Green for forestwilders, blue for waterwilders, pinks and things for flowerwilders. We studied it at my… my old school.”

  Felix had told Shara that he was half sentinel, a fact which Shara had found alarming at first, but which she could forgive since he had saved her life. He clearly wanted to give her some time to get used to this fact before he mentioned the Sentinel Alliance out loud to her again.

  Shara handed the photo back to Percy, who stared at it with fresh eyes.

  “I can’t believe it! I can’t believe my dad is from the Magicwild. From the place that all magic comes from.”

  She looked up sharply at Felix. “Is that why they call me mosshead at school? Do all the other eldritch kids know?”

  Felix shook his head. “I doubt it. If they knew your dad was from the Magicwild they’d be mad jealous. It’s really cool isn’t it?”

  Percy didn’t know. She was remembering how all of the people at Magicwild Market had looked at the green haired boy in the photograph with suspicion and told her she was better off without him. She was wondering how she would ever get to that other world to find him. But now at least she finally knew where he was.

  “You’re a half-magicwilder,” said Felix. “That is crazy amazing.”

  “Or just really crazy,” said Percy.

  “Or really magical,” said Shara with a grin.

  “Persephone Prince,” said Nan fondly. “I always knew you were from a
whole other world!”

  “What other world?” a voice rang out from the dining room doorway.

  Percy, who had just put a Strawberry Frothsplosion in her mouth, turned to look in horror towards the door. When she saw who was there, her eyes went wide. She grabbed the photograph from Shara and quickly stuffed it into her pocket.

  A ravishingly beautiful woman swept into the room like a celebrity.

  “Darling,” she said in her melodic voice. “Look at you having dinner with all your lovely little friends!”

  She paused a few feet from Percy, a beaming smile on her face. She flourished her hands into the air as if to present herself and then struck a pose like a model, her hand resting on her jutting hip, her floor-length pinkmink travelling cloak swept aside to reveal her spangly dress and her hourglass figure.

  She looked gratified at the way Shara and Felix were ogling at her, clearly recognizing who she was.

  “Well darling, aren’t you going to give your mother a kiss?” she said.

  It was none other than Gwendolyn Prince herself, looking larger than life with her flame red hair in a bouncy halo of waves framing her perfect face, her lips a scarlet pout, her emerald eyes twinkling with the sort of mischief that made Percy’s stomach lurch with dread.

  And that was not the worst of it. Gwendolyn brought her hands together in an excited flurry of little claps, and almost swooned with glee.

  “I’ve got the most wonderful surprise for you, darling,” she trilled. “I’ve bought someone to see you. Someone special that I want you to meet.” Gwendolyn flourished her hand towards the door.

  With her heart racing, Percy turned to look.

  Magic And Mayhem is the next book in the series

  Percy Prince just wants to enjoy the school holidays with her new friends, but this becomes impossible when her flamboyant witch mother arrives home and brings along secret house guest — a fugitive who is on the run from the authorities following a murder. When two dangerous wizards begin hunting her fugitive houseguest, Percy’s friends and family are put in the path of danger, and Percy has to play detective again. Is she up to solving her biggest case yet?


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