Without Boundaries (the Without series)

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Without Boundaries (the Without series) Page 11

by CJ Azevedo

  “I think you’re pretty amazing Bay. I don’t know many people who could pull through that and become as successful as you have become. I'm truly sorry for your loss, I'm sure your mom is extremely proud of you as she watches over you.”

  His words hit me so hard in my chest I almost can’t breathe. Plenty of people have said their condolences to me, but never like that. That was the purest thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel the famous three words sitting on the tip of my tongue, and though I can't say them I feel the immense need to show him how much I feel for him. How can I even be thinking about telling him “I love you”? I have only known him for five DAYS!!!

  I sit up and turn his direction before I swing my leg across his lap to straddle him. He places both hands on my hips. I lean in and kiss him slowly and softly on his lips just as my eyes flutter closed. I move my lips down his jaw and nibble on his neck just under his jawline before making my way up to his ear. I take his earlobe in between my teeth and I hear him suck in a quick breath.

  “I think you’re pretty amazing too Talon. You make me feel things I never thought possible, things I didn’t even know I was missing out on,” I whisper in his ear as he grips my hips tighter. I brush kisses across his jaw one more time before he flips me over on to my back and lays on top of me. He’s careful to keep his weight off me as he rests on his forearms placed on either side of my head. His hands tangle in my hair tightly as he kisses me hard and passionately and I have never experienced anything so real in my entire life.

  “Baby,” Talon says in a deep raspy voice that does some amazing things to my insides. I don’t bother answering; I just keep soaking in his kiss. “Baby,” he says one more time before pulling back from me and staring down into my eyes.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I say breathlessly, completely oblivious to anything that could have stopped that kiss.

  The most beautiful smile appears on his face. “I need ice cream,” he says in the happy, sexy tone that I love so much.

  “You need ice cream?” My face morphs into a look of disbelief and I all but stick out my bottom lip in an involuntary pout.

  Talon laughs as he jumps off the bed and holds his hand out for me. “Yes, ice cream. C’mon, go get dressed and I’ll take you to my favorite ice cream parlor.”

  “You’re serious,” I say straight-faced. It's not a question because it is obvious that he is super serious but I still need to state it out loud. “You want to go get ice cream right now. Like stop what we’re doing to go get you some ice cream,” I drawl it out slowly in disbelief that he really needs ice cream right now, that badly. I am frustrated. I don’t know that I'm ready to go any further with him than an intense make out session but I definitely don’t want to stop it so suddenly either!

  “To go get us some ice cream and yes, I'm serious. Now stop pouting and go get dressed, I’ll meet you downstairs.” He gives me a kiss on the nose, spins me around then gives a little swat to my backside as he pushes me out of his room.



  Bailey was driving me wild on that bed. There is no way I could stay in there alone with her for another minute without losing it. The woman is beyond sexy as far as physical attributes go but her heart and the way her mind works makes her dang near perfect. Listening to her talk about her mom and how she doesn’t believe in regrets made me see just how lovable she is. She’s smart, really smart, which is such an attractive quality and the love she has for her family and “the boys” is so real. It’s admirable really.

  So, before I let things get out of hand I told her I needed ice cream. I'm just thankful she didn’t punch me; the look on her face said she wanted to. Not that I blame her, I kind of want to punch myself for putting a stop to that. But my sensibility won and I convinced myself that it is best to hold off on going any further with her until I know for a fact that she won’t be returning to her bastard boyfriend.

  After I push her out of my room I text Kali and told her and Hunter to meet us at the ice cream parlor we had been going to since we were kids.

  Once we arrive at Main Street, I grab Bailey’s hand and stroll down the tree lined sidewalk in front of the local shops. Bailey doesn’t seem to be too pissed at me anymore and she stops several times to window shop. I have always hated doing that, in my opinion you either walked straight to your destination or you went inside to look for whatever you were wanting. However, watching Bailey peer inside the gift shops to browse over the lighthouse figurines or point out a funny coffee mug or to comment on someone’s art display made me find a whole new appreciation for window shopping.

  Several blocks later we walk up to Kali and Hunter who are sitting out on the patio of the parlor. The antique wrought iron table is white with matching chairs and different bright colored seat cushions. I expected Bailey to drop my hand once she saw them but much to my surprise she only squeezes a little tighter as she looks up at me and smiles.

  “Hey guys! Decided to get out and join the rest of the world, huh?” Kali says happily as she gestures for us to take a seat.

  “Yeah, it was the weirdest thing. We were watching a movie and out of nowhere Talon jumps up and declares that he needed ice cream right away,” Bailey tells them dramatically as they all laugh. “So here we are.” She sits down in the chair across from Kali and I sit next to her only dropping our hands so I can push her chair in for her. Reaching over, I pick up her hand again and place it on my thigh inside my own hand. I notice that she looks over at me as though she was questioning if it was a good idea to do that or not, so I just wink at her and she keeps her smile on.

  Hunter asks what we each want and goes inside to get our ice creams for us.

  “What have you guys been up to today?” I ask Kali when I notice that she is really paying attention to Bay and me. She wants to ask questions, it is killing her I'm sure. So I decide to interfere before she has the chance to make Bailey uncomfortable.

  “Oh, nothing much. Mom asked me to stop in and check on Mrs. Anderson while we’re here so we did that and then got a little shopping done, had lunch, ran into a few friends and that’s about it.” She eyes me carefully as she mentions the friends and has me curious what everyone is saying about Bay and me.

  “Who did you run into?” I was curious and have to ask as Hunter came up with our ice creams.

  “Darren. He said he was an ass to Bailey last night and that everyone was giving you a bunch of crap about Missy. I told you she was a bad idea, but you couldn’t listen to me, could you?” Kali has a smug look on her face and it irritates me.

  “He was an ass to Bailey. He needs to stop drinking like that is what he needs to do.”

  “Did you tell him about Declan?” Hunter asks Kali.

  “What happened to him? Is he alright?” That boy stresses me out more than anything else in my life. I always assume the worst when someone is getting ready to update me on him.

  “He’s fine, you worry wart. He sent me a text this morning and told me he had a fight in New Jersey this afternoon so I invited him out to the house. Him, Grayden, Keegan, and Luca are going to be at the house about nine tonight.”

  “Oh good! I miss that kid; it's been a long time.”

  “Who’s Declan?” Bailey asks from beside me.

  “Declan James is our cousin. He lives in California and fights MMA. I haven’t seen him fight in almost a year but he’s going to be breaking his way into the UFC quickly from what I hear. He’s a good guy, you’ll like him.” Bailey just smiles and nods at me. We finish our ice creams and decide to go back to the house to cook dinner and hang out on the back patio by the fire.



  I panic internally when we walk up to Kali and Hunter while we’re holding hands. It takes everything in me not to yank my hand out of Talon’s. I'm not sure what exactly I am afraid of; it is just a gut reaction. But, I don’t want to do that to Talon. Plus it feels so amazing walking hand in hand in this cute town looking
at all of the local shops. Actually, it feels comfortable, natural. As we sit there with them I realize that it isn’t a big deal to them what Talon and I do, or if it is they don’t let on. I know I need to figure out what I'm going to do about Talon and Hollister, but for the time being, I think I will just enjoy my time with him and see where it takes us.

  We all pitch in and make dinner together which is a blast. They had their seafood and after much teasing, Talon grilled some chicken kabobs for me since I can't do the whole fish thing. There’s just something about the texture that I can't like, no matter what.

  Talon and I are cleaning up in the kitchen after dinner and Kali and Hunter are still out on the back patio when the doorbell rings.

  “Can you go let them in please?” Talon asks as he washes the dishes. I lean in and give him a quick kiss. “Thanks baby,” he whispers across my lips. A small sigh escapes me and he laughs as he pulls back.

  I open the door and find a somewhat younger looking Talon staring back at me. I'm kind of awestruck at the similarities and forget to greet the four guys standing on the porch when a slow smile creeps across the face of the Talon look alike. Jeez, he even grins like Talon.

  “Hi. I'm Declan James,” he says as he reaches his hand out to me. Still, without speaking, I slip my hand into his as I survey the other three guys who are apparently enjoying my speechlessness. They are all so good looking it's unreal. I notice as I allow my gaze to saunter back towards Declan, that he has a few cuts on his face, a lip ring, and incredible eyes.

  I hear a throat being cleared and realize I still haven’t said a word. I give a slight shake of my head in an attempt to get my wits about me and plaster on a smile.

  “Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Bailey Hayes, a friend of Talon and Kali’s. Please come in.” I step aside and allow the four men to enter the house. Just then Talon comes around from the dining room and wraps Declan up in a tight man hug.

  Talon releases Declan and grabs my hand as the six of us retreat to the patio to Kali and Hunter.

  We are sitting around the large outdoor dining table while they all catch up with each other’s lives and I listen in. Declan and his friends are a riot. They definitely know how to have a good time and I find myself really enjoying listening to them banter back and forth. Talon may be the older cousin but he doesn’t stay out of their juvenile bantering. No, he runs with the best of them.

  “Do you have a girl Declan?” Talon asks after being slammed for being a “washed up bachelor”.

  Declan doesn’t answer right away but his buddies take all of two seconds to throw their heads back in laughter. Greyden, the friend with the most tattoos, short spiky light brown hair, golden brown eyes with two studs in his left eyebrow, and a lip ring pounds his fist into the table as he clasps his other hand onto Declan’s shoulder.

  “Oh, there’s a girl alright! Tell him about your girl Dec!” Greyden manages to choke out as he continues to laugh at Declan along with Keegan and Luca.

  “Shut up Greyden,” Declan forces through his teeth while looking at his hands on his legs.

  “Who is she? Why is it funny?” I ask as I laugh at the guys who are laughing so hard. It’s contagious.

  “Tell her why it’s so funny Dec!” Luca says as they try to control themselves.

  “I’ll tell you!” Greyden announces. All of our attention turns to him, anticipating a grand proclamation. “Dec, for the first time in his life, has been turned down. Repeatedly! The girl won’t relent, no matter what our poor Declan tries, he can’t get her!” They all start laughing again, including Talon, Kali, and Hunter this time. I just feel bad for the poor guy.

  Declan shakes his hanging head and then pushes Greyden off his chair using only his forearm.

  “Greyden, seriously, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

  Greyden gets up from the floor still laughing and brushes himself off. Before he can start on Declan again I cut in. I’m not sure why, but I almost feel protective over him like he somehow has become a little brother to me. I think it has something to do with how much he looks and acts like Talon; how he is so kind and polite but still looks rough and tough.

  “What’s her reason for not dating you? Wait, you are asking her on a date and not inviting her into your bed, right?” I mean it as nice as possible but it just starts another round of laughing fits from everyone, including Declan this time.

  “Yes, I’m asking her out on a date, not into my bed. Although, I wouldn’t mind taking her there either.” He winks and Talon all but falls out of his chair laughing again.

  “Alright Romeo, seriously, what’s her story?” Talon asks.

  “I’m not really sure, she bartends at a local bar that’s near our gym, so we go in there quite a bit. I asked her out, she said no.” Declan was probably going to leave it at that but Greyden, Keegan, and Luca weren’t having it.

  “And then you asked her again and again and again…” they all say somewhat in unison before trailing off in laughter and pushing Declan around a bit.

  “No. Not that much. I have asked a couple times and maybe I tried to convince her…” He trails off for just a second and the other guys try to hold in their laughter.

  “Well, what has she been giving you as her reason for saying no?” Talon asks him and I admire him even more for actually caring what is going on his younger cousin’s life. He’s pretty amazing. Again I find myself wishing I’d met him earlier.

  “I don’t know; she’s really busy I guess. She’s still in grad school full time and works two jobs. I believe her words were ‘I have more responsibilities than you have ever thought of having, I don’t have time to date.’ I mean, what do you say to that?” Declan says in a very serious tone. I think he really likes this girl.

  “What’s her name Declan?” Kali asks, seeming to have picked up the same vibe as I did.

  “Ava. Ava Sterling,” Declan answers with a dreamy look on his face as the corner of his mouth turns upward.

  “That sounds like a movie star name. It’s beautiful,” I offer to Declan.

  “Yeah. You should see her, she looks like one too. The girl has a bangin’ body on her!” Greyden interjects And the look that Declan is giving him says he’s just crossed a line.

  “Dude, you can’t deny it, she’s hot.” Greyden tries to recover but just digs himself even further. I assume Declan is used to his comments and behavior because he just shakes his head and turns his gaze back to us.

  “Well, I hope it works out for you man, she’s sounds like a great girl. I know what it’s like to want a girl that’s unattainable though, so hang in there.” Talon gives him a small sad smile before discreetly winking at me and it breaks my heart. I want to crawl into his lap and nuzzle his neck. I want to tell him that I am attainable and I’m all his. Unfortunately, that’s not possible.

  Unable to stop myself, I lean into him and whisper, “I’m sorry” into his ear. His hand moves to my thigh and gently squeezes. He kisses the side of my temple. “I was teasing Bay, didn’t mean to make you feel bad. But I am going to kiss you now, ok?” He lifts that sexy eyebrow and smirks. Like he even has to ask, of course I’m going to let him kiss me!

  After accepting my nod for a reply, he turns and brushes his lips against mine softly before pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. I hear the others start to comment but when I feel his tongue coax my lips to part, everyone else disappears. It’s just me and Talon.

  All too soon, Talon pulls back just enough to separate our lips for a brief second, then kisses me one more time. I realize the table is silent and my heartbeat takes off, out the front door, and around the block. “I need ice cream,” I say to Talon with bated breath. I know he knows I’m using his code when he shakes his head and laughs before giving my thigh a quick squeeze.

  “Alright, anybody else want some ice cream?” Talon asks the group as he stands to retreat to the kitchen. Declan pushes out of his chair and says he’ll help as he also makes his way into the house
. I sit there with all eyes on me. I don’t know what to say or what to do so I just throw them all a cheesy smile as I raise both eyebrows. That must be enough to appease them since they all laugh and start different conversations. All I can think of is whether I truly am hurting Talon with my current behavior. Hurting him is the last thing I want to do. I really care for him and if I am only hurting him by being here then maybe I should go home tomorrow. Or to Drea’s since I still haven’t found enough peace to forgive Hollister.

  With that revelation, I start toward the house. After walking into the living room, which is located just off the kitchen, I can hear Talon and Declan. I know instantly I need to turn around and respect their privacy but my legs stop working on me. Or maybe it’s my brain that won’t relay the message telling them to move. I’m not sure where the connection fell apart, but it definitely has since here I stand, not moving.

  “What happened to her face?” I hear Declan ask Talon. Talon responds with a loud desperate sigh. Yes, I am hurting him. I hate that.

  “It’s not my story to tell Dec,” he replies remorsefully. How can I not just hand over my whole heart to him right now? This man is full of integrity, he’s loyal and trustworthy. He is something I have longed for and here he is, wanting me.

  “I can only assume it wasn’t a car accident or a fall down the stairs. So are you taking care of it?” Declan has a hard edge to his voice. I just met him tonight and he’s asking with a hint of protectiveness in his voice. I’m sure it’s more out of his closeness to Talon, but it still warms my heart.

  Another sigh comes from Talon, only this time it’s frustrated. “The best I can, man. Not much I can do without hurting her or going against her wishes.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’m taking care of her while she’s here but I don’t know what she plans to do when we get back to the city. She won’t talk to me about it.”


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