Too Many Lies

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Too Many Lies Page 8

by E B Corbin

  "Dammit!" Her hands slammed on the table in the empty room. She wouldn't let suspicion and paranoia rule her life. Even if she had doubts about the people around her, she could trust her own instincts. Do whatever felt right.

  She decided to throw caution to whatever wild wind came along, and tell Pete everything. He'd either believe her or not, nothing she could do about that. But first, she needed some fortification. Coffee would work. She fixed herself a cup, topped off the mug Pete left on the table with a fresh pod and returned to waiting. It sure was taking him a while.

  Kate quietly slipped through the side door, her arms loaded with towels, a pair of flannel pajamas, shampoo, soap and a hairbrush. "Sorry it took so long. I wanted to make sure you have everything you need. I think this is it." She sat the collection on the countertop. "Where's Pete?"

  "On the phone," Roxanne told her. "Thank you for all that."

  "No problem. I need the practice for when we have paying guests." Kate joined her at the table. "You know, when I first bought this place, it was divided into eight apartments. I kept one of the first-floor apartments for myself and Jonathon, and started restoring the rest of the rooms to their original purpose." She sighed. "I hope I didn't make a mistake."

  "Everything I've seen so far is lovely," Roxanne reassured her. "I'm sure you'll soon have a thriving business."

  "I hope so. I'm going through my late husband's insurance money much faster than I expected." Kate's gaze swept the kitchen. "This place is so big, it scares me sometimes."

  "You seem to be doing fine." Roxanne sipped her coffee before speaking again. "Until you mentioned your husband's death tonight, I assumed you were divorced. I'm so sorry, it must have been an awful thing to go through."

  "Yeah, Paul's death was quite a shock. I didn't know how I'd go on, at first."

  "Was he sick?" Roxanne asked.

  "No. He was shot and robbed at an ATM, getting cash for a family vacation to Hershey."

  The coffee mug almost slipped from Roxanne's hand. "How dreadful! Did they catch whoever did it?"

  "Are you kidding? Philadelphia may not be Chicago, but it's still a big city. Robberies happen all the time and they're seldom the top priority."

  "Even when someone is killed?"

  "Oh, it was a big news story for a few days until something bigger came along... but you don't need to hear my problems. You've certainly got enough of your own."

  Pete came back, shaking his head and looking at his phone in disbelief. "Walters sure has it in for you," he said to Roxanne.

  "Understandable, I guess." She paused when his head shot up to look at her. "I'm sure you know, I shot and killed one of his deputies."

  "I heard that." He nodded once. "Heard you claimed self-defense but no one was left around to back you up. Walters and Bud don't believe it."

  "Yeah, that's obvious," she sighed. She'd spent many a sleepless night reliving the day she shot Luke. Even now, eight weeks later, she sometimes woke up covered in sweat and gasping for breath. She thought she'd be able to put the trauma behind her, but circumstances were bringing it up again.

  A pang of sorrow shot through her. It was tempting to accept Kate's offer to stay at the B&B as long as necessary, but could she be putting them in danger? Conor and Niall were with her, so they couldn't have set the fire which destroyed her house. And the three IRA members that were currently loose in America lacked a motive. More than likely they were holding Roxy captive. Why burn the house down? It made no sense.

  Roxanne decided she couldn't spend even one night under Kate's roof without her hostess knowing the risk. "I think it's time both of you heard the whole story."

  They nodded, waiting for her to continue. Then the doorbell rang, followed by pounding on the door.

  "Christ!" Pete said. "They'll wake up Jonathon."

  Kate jumped up to get the door but Pete motioned for her to stay. "I'll get it. Probably for me, anyway."

  Roxanne heard mumbling at the door, followed by footsteps coming her way. Callahan stopped in the doorway when he saw her. "Where the hell were you?" In spite of the relief on his face, anger laced his voice.

  "Two guys grabbed me on my way to meet you at O'Malley's." It took all her will power to keep her voice calm and matter of fact.

  Callahan pulled her up from her chair and hugged her tight. "You scared me to death," he whispered in her ear. "Are you all right now?"

  "I guess so," she answered, uncomfortable with Pete and Kate watching them. "As right as I can be."

  "God, Roxanne. I'm sorry about the house. When you didn't show up at Tom's place and we heard sirens stopping down the street, we panicked."

  "It's time that you all heard about what really happened to me," Roxanne glanced at Callahan before sliding out of his embrace. She held onto his hands. "You already know the background."

  She turned to Pete. "And you need to know what's going on. Although, I'd appreciate if you could hold off writing up a report on this."

  "I don't know that I can," he said with a shrug. "It's my job."

  "Hear me out, first. Then if you still feel the need to make a report, I won't try to stop you," Roxanne turned to Kate. "And if you want me to leave after you know all the facts, I'll understand. I'd probably kick me out, too, if I were you."

  Still gripping Callahan's hands, she sat and pulled him into the chair next to her. She nodded at Pete. "You may as well get comfortable, it's a long story."

  "Before you start," Kate interrupted, "I need some wine. Anyone else?"

  Roxanne was grateful for the breather. "I could use some."

  When Callahan asked for beer, Kate handed him a cold brown bottle from the refrigerator. She threw a bottle opener on the table before she went into the pantry and emerged with a bottle of pinot noir.

  "I'll stick to coffee." Pete waved his cup. "I'm still on duty."

  Kate poured two glasses and returned to her chair.

  As they all stared at Roxanne expectantly, she cleared her throat. "I guess I'll start with the two men who grabbed me."

  She covered the entire time from being snatched to when they dumped her back in Oilville. Then she told Pete and Kate about the ransom note and chronicled everything she could remember about the IRA members, hoping it was enough for Pete to use discretion in his report.

  "So, that's it," she concluded, rubbing her still-sore wrists. "I don't know what Conor's phone call was about or why they dumped me immediately afterward." She looked at Callahan. "I thought you said you had eyes on these two."

  "We did." He shifted in his chair. "We lost them sometime this afternoon."

  "And you still can't locate the other three?" Roxanne asked.

  He shook his head.

  "Wait a minute," Pete cut in. "Your guys lost them? All of them?"

  "Yeah, it's been a real cluster-fuck," Callahan admitted. "It's no excuse, but the whole department's short-handed and there's too much political infighting. The worker bees versus the administration, the leadership cracking down on anyone who doesn't agree with them. A lot of the experienced agents are bailing to go into private security. We have to take what we can get, and sometimes that leaves a lot to be desired."

  "I read where the Secret Service is short over four hundred bodies," Pete said. "I didn't know the problem was so widespread."

  "Believe it." Callahan took a swig of beer. "I'm getting out as soon as this mess with the IRA is over."

  "How did the IRA get involved in all this?" Pete asked.

  Roxanne looked at Callahan. "I guess we need to tell him everything, from the beginning."

  He nodded in agreement. "I can fill you in on past events, but what's going on currently is still under wraps." After twirling the beer bottle, he picked at the label.

  "Before we begin, how about some more wine or beer?" Kate said before refreshing their drinks and sticking another coffee pod in for Pete.

  "Why don't I start with how I got involved," Roxanne glanced at Callahan for approval.

; "I'll fill in where I can," he added with a nod.

  Roxanne told them about the letter from Ralph Patterson and talked steadily for a few minutes, concluding with Patti's death in her Pittsburgh condo.

  Callahan explained Chester's involvement and the lies Taggart was feeding them. By the time they finished, the coffee, wine and beer were long gone.

  "So you see why it could be dangerous for you if I stay here?" Roxanne said.

  "If no one knows you're here, we should be fine," Kate countered. "We never met face to face before tonight, so why would anyone suspect you're here?"

  Roxanne studied Pete. "Did you tell the sheriff where I was going to stay?"

  "He didn't ask. Besides, I didn't feel it was any of his business," he answered with a shrug.

  "So, that's settled then." Kate wiped her hands on her jeans.

  "But I can't sit in the house all the time," Roxanne protested. "I need clothes, a phone, computer and a bunch of other things. Someone could see me coming and going."

  "Not if you go out the back door, through the yard to the alley. You can take your car, do your errands and park back in the garage when you return. The garage is still standing, isn't it?" Kate asked Pete.

  "Yep, the guys protected it with everything they could. Your car should be fine."

  "It's still too dangerous. You have to think about Jonathon," Roxanne said. Even though she really wanted to remain at the B&B, it was too risky.

  "You can always stay at Chester's," Callahan offered.

  "Oh, and put him in more danger? I don't think so," Roxanne told him. "Although I appreciate everyone's support. I should find a motel room somewhere far away from here."

  "No!" three voices chimed together.

  "Then I'll go to Erie tomorrow." She stood, hoping to end the conversation. "It's big enough that they won't know where I am."

  "Unless there's a leak," Pete said.

  "How could that happen?" Roxanne's glance encompassed everyone at the table. "Only the three of you know where I'll be. If word gets out, we don't have a big suspect pool." At least she had come up with a plan that would keep them safe at the B&B. She took a step towards the door, then pivoted on her feet.

  "But first I need a new phone and a change of clothes. I'll get what I can tomorrow and drop out of sight."

  - 10 -

  The kitchen went silent. By the stunned look on their faces, Roxanne knew her words had hit home. She drew a deep breath, stealing herself for what came next. She would listen to what they had to say but wouldn't let them talk her out of it. Her mind was made up.

  They all started speaking at once.

  "Not a good idea," Pete said.

  "It's too dangerous," Callahan shook his head, then stared at her as if she had lost her marbles.

  "No, I won't let you do that!" Kate jumped up from her chair and wrung her hands through her hair.

  "Calm down, all of you." Roxanne patted the air. "It's my best option. If you don't know where I am, those IRA dudes won't be able to find me, either."

  "How do you know that?" Callahan said. "They might be watching you right now. They could follow you. You're not trained in how to lose a tail. Hell, they could have been following you all day."

  "I'm not a complete idiot!" she snapped at him. "I'll find a way."

  Of course she lacked experience or training in covert operations. She was a lawyer, for God's sake. Not a cop like Pete or a special agent like Callahan. She could talk her way out of a situation, but she sure couldn't fight her way out. Nevertheless, she had to keep her doubts at bay and not let either man catch on to her fake bravado.

  She wished she had kept her big mouth shut about her plan. On top of everything, she now had to escape from the people who were trying to help her.

  "The sheriff isn't going to like it." Pete broke the uncomfortable pause. "He wants to talk to you tomorrow."

  "Not if he can't find me," Roxanne muttered. "Unless you arrest me now and throw me in jail."

  "It's tempting." He scratched his chin. "We could always issue an all-points bulletin for you."

  "Don't you have to have a good reason for that?" Roxanne still felt determined in spite of being outnumbered.

  "I'm sure we could come up with something," Pete said. "You sure do know how to aggravate a person."

  "Tell me about it," Callahan mumbled.

  "You'd have to come up with a better reason than aggravation to make it stick. You forget, I'm a lawyer, I would fight it."

  "Cut the nonsense," Kate ordered before turning to Roxanne. "Your plan doesn't sound safe. There must be another way."

  "None that I can come up with," Roxanne sighed. "Seth was murdered this morning. And my house just burned to the ground. I'm not going to put anyone else at risk. I'll be careful; I don't have a death wish."

  "Sure sounds like you do," Pete said.

  "Just give me some time to get some backup in place, okay?" Callahan took her hand and gently tugged her into the chair beside him. When he kept his grip on her fingers, she knew she should pull away. The physical contact felt reassuring, and his touch warmed her in a way she didn't want to think about.

  "You said yourself the agency is short on manpower." Roxanne looked into his eyes, silently begging for him to understand. "Somebody set fire to Roxy's house. It might just be a warning, but I don't want to take that chance. We have no idea what they'll do next."

  "Do you think that will stop them? You weren't even around when the house went up," Callahan argued. "I don't think it was a warning. I think they hoped you were inside."

  "Even if they find out I'm still alive they'll assume I'm out searching for the money. It will buy us some time. Besides, I doubt they're watching me. They didn't do anything to interfere tonight when I was grabbed off the street."

  "You're sure that Conor fellow and his friend aren't working with them?" Callahan asked.

  Roxanne lifted her shoulders in an exaggerated shrug. "Pretty sure. They never once asked me where the money was. They seemed more concerned about Roxy. But I'm positive they know more than they told me."

  "And you don't have any idea why they ditched you so fast?" Pete asked.

  "Not a clue," she said. "It had something to do with the phone call Conor received. All of a sudden, he was in a big hurry to get out of there and drop me off."

  "Okay." Callahan rose pulling Roxanne up with him. "I'm going to push real hard to get more bodies in Erie. In the meantime, you stay where I can find you. And just to be clear, I don't like your plan at all."

  "I was driving the pickup, until Roxy took it," she said. "Tomorrow, I'll take the Lexus. I don't think they know about that car."

  "And I have a blond wig. You can use it as a disguise," Kate offered. "I'll get it for you before you leave."

  Callahan nodded his approval.

  Pete jumped in. "Maybe I can get some time off and meet you in Erie. They'll be looking for a single woman, not part of a duo."

  "I can't let you do that," Roxanne said, trying not to think of Roxy and the cover she had used in Northern Ireland. "The sheriff would never agree to it and you could jeopardize your job. Besides, shouldn't you be investigating Seth's murder?"

  "The state police are itching to take it over and the sheriff can't wait to be rid of it." Pete seemed determined to get involved. "He doesn't have to know what I'm doing."

  "This could turn into a holy mess." Roxanne wanted to cry but fought to hold onto her composure. "The Erie police will have to know, sooner or later. Then Sheriff Walters would find out you were working on your own. I appreciate the offer, I really do, but it's too risky for you."

  "Hopefully he won't find out until it's over," Pete said. "When you get settled, text me the location. These Irish guys may know Callahan is with Diplomatic Security, but they don't know me."

  She felt the tension vibrating through Callahan's fingers which were still wrapped around hers. "That might work." Her eyes remained locked with Callahan's.

  "I still don't li
ke it," Callahan said. "We'll have enough people in place to watch you. I'll make sure of it. There's no need for Pete to place his job on the line."

  "But, how long will it take to get those people?" Roxanne had to bite her tongue to keep from adding and how can I trust them if Roxy didn't?

  "I'll get right on it." He sounded confident. "By Monday morning, for sure."

  "I can't hang around here that long," Roxanne said. "Every second I'm here, I'm putting Kate and Jonathon in danger."

  "Then I'm coming with you," Callahan dropped her hand and held his palms up in front of her. "No argument."

  Roxanne rubbed her forehead to alleviate the headache she felt building. Basically, she agreed. No sense continuing the debate. "Fine. But it will take me most of the morning to buy a few things. Meet me here tomorrow around noon."

  "You're not going anywhere tomorrow by yourself. I'll pick you up at ten. We can stop at Walmart, they should have everything you need. Including a new phone plus a burner phone," he told her.

  Roxanne frowned. "I don't need you looking over my shoulder all the time."

  "Are you sure of that?" Callahan flashed his crooked grin for the first time since he'd arrived.

  Roxanne remained silent. She would feel better with Callahan around, but she didn't care to be treated like a child. Despite what Conor had told her about Roxy's suspicions, she found it hard to doubt Callahan or his intentions. If she didn't get so riled up by his high-handed remarks, she would actually be grateful for his support.

  "I'd better get back on patrol." Pete stood and placed his empty cup in the sink. "I'll check on your house first."

  "Call if there's anything I should know. Let me give you my number...oooh." The self-assurance she tried to project until now dissolved as she came to grips with her situation. "I don't have a phone," she finished in a weak voice.

  "I'll call Kate," Pete said. "If Bud shows up for his shift, I'll be back a little after midnight. You should be all right here until then."

  "I'll come with you," Callahan told him. "I want to have one last look around the place myself. Then I'll bring Chester up to speed before we leave."


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