Classic (Adrenaline Book 1)

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Classic (Adrenaline Book 1) Page 7

by Neal, Xavier

  Does your heart thump a little harder every time he whispers my girl's name? What do you mean she's not mine yet? We've met now. You see they don't say no often, right?

  Krissy hands him his device, and he instructs, “Grab Shelby from the pool please and have her change. We need to hit the Bankman.”

  “Yes, Vinnie.” She plants a kiss on his cheek before going onto her new given task.

  I don't know many guys who can make having two girlfriends who know about each other work. Crazy thing is Vinnie doesn't just make this shit work. He excels. And they all love each other. See. Love is a real fucking thing.

  His fingers key in his password before he hacks his way into the information highway. “What exactly do you want? Address? Cell?”

  “A place I can run into her.”

  Vinnie grumbles under his breath something before his fingers come to a halt. Slowly he drags his face up. “You want me to find a way for you to 'run into' Commissioner Carter’s only daughter.”

  With a mischievous smirk I nod. “Yeah.”

  “You know the charges for kidnapping are way worse than those of street racing and gambling.”

  “Thank you for that,” I sarcastically remark.

  “Does Madden know about this?” He flashes me the newspaper photo.

  “Oh he knows. Has chewed me out. And banned me from seeing her.”

  “Which is why you're sitting here on my couch needing a favor.” He sighs and shakes his head. “I'll get you what you want, but I need something from you.”

  My eyes glance over at Krissy and Shelby who begin pushing the stacks into large yellow envelopes.

  “I told you Vinnie. I'm not racing in Lake View. The heat there isn't worth the payout. Ever.”

  I'm not like my cousin. Trouble for the sake of trouble doesn't give me a boner. I'm smarter about my illegal activities. I have to be.

  “I know. It's not about that. Had a racer approach me last night at the fight. Wants to try his hand at you in a few weeks.”

  “Muscle or sports?”


  I have more fun playing with muscle cars, but happen to drive sports cars better. Comes in handy considering most of the cars I move for The Devil are exotic beauties.

  “Payout is gonna be huge.”

  “He stand a shot?”

  “Would I lead you into a loss?” Slowly I start to smile. “I get paid when you get paid. And obviously.” He waves a hand at the girls who are stuffing away his last batch of cash. “I like to get paid.”

  “Get me to my girl and I'll get you your win.”

  My proposition pleases Vinnie by the way he gets a crooked grin and his fingers start moving across his tablet again.

  No. This is not what it looks like when doing a deal with the devil. Trust me. You'll see what that looks like soon enough.


  You know what I love most about my job? I can spend most of my shift staring into art books or searching through classic poetry. Between checking books out to children, moms who are looking to pass the time by, and college students who couldn't find what they were looking for on campus, there's quite a lot of downtime. Besides Hayli comes over on her breaks or when she gets off to hang out. That is when she's not being summoned by one of her many 'friends with benefits' she rotates through.

  “Classic Art in Modern Culture.”

  Startled, one of my hands flies on my chest as I gasp, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Merrick smirks as if pleased with my response.


  He sits on the edge of the table on the top level of the library, a place I deemed my own little hiding spot. “I found you again.”

  Leaning back in my seat I fold my arms across my chest. “You came looking for me, you mean.”

  “Pretty much.”

  I let my eyes soak in just how incredible he looks in his loose jeans, solid black shirt that hugs his broad shoulders like it's afraid to be without him, and his turned around baseball cap that exposes his bright blue eyes that could mollify even the most averse soul.

  Brace yourself. I know I am.

  “Go out with me,” he declares rather than asks.

  Unsure how I feel about his approach I counter, “You haven't heard no in a long time have you?”

  “Heard it just this morning.”

  “From a female?”

  His cocky smile returns and I shake my head. “Chicks don't typically tell me no. They don't have a reason to.”

  “There's a fine line between confident and cocky. You're dancing with it.”

  “You're enjoying it.”

  “You're crossing it.”

  “You're loving it.”

  Rolling my eyes I lean forward and shake my head again. “No.”

  “No what?”

  “No. I won't go out with you.”

  “And by no you mean...yes.”

  “No. I mean no. No means no.”

  “Until it means yes.” The attitude has me rolling my eyes again.

  Charming and nauseating. Also a fine line. But a guy like this? I get the feeling everything is easy for him. Hell I was easy for him...but I wanted to be easy yesterday. After my father's comment and now his, I don't feel like it. Stubborn. I feel like saying fuck off.

  “And” Hayli coos sitting down at the seat beside me on her knees. Without giving him a chance to respond she asks, “Are you Romeo?”

  Merrick shoots her a puzzled look. “Romeo?”

  “The guy who whisked her off her feet.”


  “Whisked huh?” His obnoxious grin grows again, this time eyes landing on mine. “Whisked?”

  “I didn't say that,” I mumble.

  “You so did,” Hayli outs me.

  She's gonna be needing a new best friend soon.

  “She so did,” Hayli repeats to him.

  “I know she did.” Merrick says back to her.

  Am I not in the fucking room?

  “She likes you.”

  I interject, “No I don't.”

  “I know she does,” he comments flashing his smile that's now blindingly bright.

  They should date each other. Shit. No. I take that back. Ugh.

  “Tell me this, Hayli is it?”

  “Yup. And you're..?”

  He extends his hand. “Merrick.”



  Am I invisible? That would be convenient.

  “So tell me Hayli. How do I turn Jovi's no, into a yes?”


  “Don't help him!” I squeak at my best friend, which makes him toss his head back in laughter, that sound soaking into my soul, settling like it's never going to leave.

  Seriously? I don't know if I wanna hug him or hurt him. Is this normal? I really wouldn't know. I've had like 1 and half boyfriends in my entire dating profile. And I was 15. Wow. That sounds pathetic. Pretend I didn't mention that.

  “Don't give up easily,” Hayli cautions.

  “I don't.”

  “I don't doubt that.” My comment grabs both their attention.

  Shit that was meant for you.

  Hayli's phone buzzes in our ears and she hops back up. “Gotta take this. Nice to meet you Merrick.”

  “You too.”

  She disappears back towards the stairs answering her phone in a whisper.

  It is the library.

  “I like her.” His smile expands.

  “Wanna date her too?” I snap, an unfamiliar emotion sizzling.

  “You're jealous.”

  Slamming my book closed, I stand. “You're...” There's more to my sentence but I'm not sure what. “You're...” A huff comes out of me, “You're...”

  “Interested in only you,” he whispers his face now close to mine.

  Ugh. He's really good at shutting me up.

  Breathlessly I say, “I...have to get back to work.”

  “Jovi.” The way my n
ame leaks from his lips stops me before I'm more than a foot away. “Just so you know. I'm gonna turn that no into a yes.”

  I briefly gnaw on my bottom lip before backing away slowly. “I don't doubt that.”

  My response causes him to smile confidently instead of cockily.

  It's kind of funny that I'm starting to tell the difference.

  With one sweet smile from me, I turn around and head back the bottom level to see if I'm actually needed for anything.

  And yes to hide from Merrick.'s the library.


  Nadie places a plate in front of me and then in front of my father who sits at the opposite end from me. I politely thank her while doing my best to keep my eyes from wandering over to him.

  Not like it matters. He's working from his phone.

  There's a buzz from my own phone and I flip it over to check the message.

  Merrick: Thinking about me?

  I smile and turn the message off.

  Yes. I caved. I gave him my phone number. It was the only way I was gonna get any work done. But I didn't say yes to going out with him. Not yet.

  “Nick, could you please put your phone down for a few minutes and enjoy dinner with your family?” Nadie firmly requests sitting at her place in the middle between us at the kitchen table.

  Referee zone.

  “Just a minute,” he mumbles without looking up.

  My phone vibrates again. Doing my best to hide my smile a second time I check the message.

  Merrick: I'm thinking about you...

  Before I have a chance to turn off the phone another message comes in.

  Merrick: Not just naked either.

  I giggle, roll my eyes, and put my phone face down.

  The noise causes my father to shoot his head. “Who are you texting?”

  Picking up my fork I snap, “Who are you texting?”

  “Is it that boy? The one you kissed. You know his name?” His change in conversational direction irks me.

  “I know the two of you need to eat before the chicken Parmesan I worked so hard on gets cold,” Nadie fusses. “Eat up.”

  “I want his name,” he demands.

  “You stalk my phone records. I'm sure you'll know soon enough,” I smartly reply cutting into my chicken.

  “I am your father Jovi. I have a right to know who you're involved with.”

  “And I'm 21 dad. I think I've earned the right to some privacy.”

  “Privacy is a privilege.”

  “One I've earned.” Putting my fork down I lean back in my seat. “I have one friend. No social life. And the one time I do something spontaneous you call me something degrading. Don't wonder why I can't wait to leave at the end of the summer.”

  On a huff he argues, “You're not going to that school.”

  “What?!” I shriek.

  “I don't...I don't think it's a good idea.”

  “Too bad.” I fold my arms across my chest. “That was the deal dad. If I stayed and did my basics here, I could go to school anywhere I wanted and―”

  “And I changed my mind.”

  “Well that's unfortunate because we already filled out the papers, and I already wrote the check,” Nadie joins the argument as she lifts her glass of wine.

  “You did what?” He growls at her. “You had no right―”

  “I have every right Nicholas. I am legally one of her guardians. You also put her care and well-being in my court. She's going to that school starting Fall semester, so I suggest instead of alienating your only daughter before she leaves you, you try to make the most of the moments that are left.”

  Nadie's speech causes a long exhale out of him. His hands rub the back of his obviously tense neck, but he doesn't say another word.

  I pick my fork back up, the nerves in my stomach wanting to be fed with something.

  As the first bite enters my mouth he grumbles, “Well, she's not living on campus in a dorm. Statistically speaking her chances of date rape are much higher there.” The words cause my eyes to pull themselves back up to him. With a firm finger point he snaps, “But don't you dare pull another stunt like you did last night while you're away. spontaneous kissing of random guys. You're better than that. Understood?”

  “Understood,” I cave.

  Now's not the time to mention that Merrick's not so random any more. We're just gonna let that slide.


  “Already looked into apartments close to campus. There's a list of potential roommates for you to background check waiting in your personal email account,” she informs him between bites.

  Dad's lips press together.

  That's right. She knows him as well as I do.

  “And about a car?” I meekly ask.

  While the subject of anything related to me behind the wheel of a vehicle typically causes his face to go pale in color, I'm thankfully once again saved by Nadie who says, “It's been narrowed down to three. Sent to your personal email account as well, Nick.”

  Dad's phone begins ringing, so he simply nods at her his thanks.

  Takes her for granted I swear. He treated mom like this too. I wonder if it would've ever gotten this bad. I don't know if I could end up with a man so dedicated to his work he ignored his family. Damn sure couldn't marry a man who works so hard because part of him is hell bent on vengeance. Call me old fashion. Kinda like the idea of love being a major factor.

  “No! No Thompson! That's not gonna―” he cuts himself off. “No. I'll be in. Don't. Touch. Anything.” The conversation consists of a few more grunts as he leaps to his feet. When he ends the call, he sympathetically tilts his head at me prepared to apologize. “I―”

  “Go Dad. Someone's gotta save the city from all the criminals.” My playful comment gets a soft smile.

  Do I hate how he treats me sometimes? Of course. But he's still my dad. I still love him.


  “You've got a to-go plate packed in the fridge with instructions.”

  “Thank you,” he hurriedly says rushing towards that direction.

  “Hope it's worth it!” Nadie calls to him.

  “They think we've finally got a break in the Ghost Case.”

  Ah. The infamous Ghost Case. Apparently he's some driver that transports things for some man nicknamed The Devil. They don't even know what the Ghost's face looks like because of the mask he wears. However, they figure if they can grab him, they can get a step closer to their main target, The Devil. I don't know much about any of it for obvious reasons, but to my understanding, The Devil is basically a drug lord.

  Sweetly Nadie says, “Have a good night.”

  “I'll be back―”

  “You'll sleep in your office.” Dad's mouth opens to fight when she states, “Just make sure you use that new pillow I got. It's better for your back.”

  With a small smile he says, “I will. Thank you Nadie. I...appreciate it.”

  Quickly, he rushes out of the kitchen with his food in his hand, the sound of keys jingling the indication he's out the door.

  Once he's gone, Nadie turns her face to me, wine glass still clutched. “Well that went better than I thought it was going to.” I simply grin. “Then again, he did get called off to work. I'm sure he'll flip out again at least once more before you actually leave.”

  “Definitely,” I agree finally really digging into dinner.

  We start eating with a little more ease and let the conversation take it's natural flow.

  Typically dinner goes one of three ways. Either the two of us, the two of us and Hayli, or all on my own heating up whatever I find while locked away in my room with homework. Don't give me that look. Just understand why learning to have fun is fucking crucial.

  After dinner, I lock myself away with my art books spread across my bed and my semester project paper taunting me from the center of it all. With determination, I flip through books that feature some of my favorite artists trying to figure out a way to make this a
ssignment unique.


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