Book Read Free

This World

Page 14

by Lee, TD

  It’s so hard to describe what it is exactly that I’m watching. The sky isn’t blue, exactly. The sky looks like it’s a bunch of stitched up patches of a variety of colorful clothing patterns. Decorated all along the soil are shadowed flowers that grow upon each other over and over again into the patched up sky. Spread out are tall mushroom like platforms that are also growing more tall mushrooms. The ground itself has been altered to become really wavy with tons of peaks and slopes. Standing grand is what I assume to be the Hag which is probably the hardest thing to comprehend. The Hag looks like a paper puppet and moves sporadically, looking like it belongs on a 2D plane, yet it’s moving freely about like any living thing would. The Hag itself has a dreadfully elegant look to it since it looks like its wearing a long, regal, midnight blue gown that drastically alternates to a deep violet color as well, yet the top half of the Hag is skeletal. Its head is wearing a tower of multiple black crowns of different shapes and sizes. Flowing from the gown are several long ribbons that dance near the Hag. Aside from the hag, there are smaller creatures that have that same paper puppet aesthetic. Their faces look like clowns, yet their body looks like a cross between a serpent and stingray. They glide in the air, yet slither about creepily. The clown faces don’t help with the creep factor too.

  There are a lot of heroes fighting the weird clown creatures. Some are flying in the air shooting whatever they got while other heroes are on the ground deploying whatever they got too. There are some giant creatures working with heroes to help repel the Hag. In particular, there’s a giant ankylosaurus with a flaming spike tail and a pack of ice breathing spinosauri that work in tandem to freeze then smash their foes. However, it’s not all good for the heroes as some of these clown monsters open their abnormally giant mouths to eat some heroes as well as some of the spinosauri. This is so weird, we got things that are very real fighting against these things that look like they belong on paper. My head is having a really hard time comprehending just what these monsters are. The Hag and these monsters look like they should be easily defeated simply because they look like paper puppets. Just throw some water on them and maybe they’ll just melt, right?

  The Hag lets out a terrifying screech that looks like it shatters the sky as the patches that were once the sky have been torn apart to reveal what looks like the swirling cosmos. So many stars and even galaxies can be seen. Are those real? Or is this just an illusion created by the Hag? I’m starting to see why the Hag is an Omega threat, it looks like it can alter reality before our very eyes. Even some of the heroes that are fighting stop for a moment just to either admire or fear the scenery in front of them. The Hag’s gown changes from the alternating blue and violet to a reflection of the flowing cosmos. Emerging from the ground in colorful ooze are more clown-faced creatures of all sorts of different sizes and shapes. Sinister grins are plastered all over these clown monsters. A lot of heroes and chunks of earth are quickly and literally eaten up by these clowns. What a way to go, being eaten alive.

  Cutting their way across the galactic skies is a rainbow of colors. Finally, it’s the Mobile Knights. I wonder if Hiro is going to be okay fighting these things since they seem to be extremely formidable. There’s a lot happening with a really dangerous foe. When I can finally pinpoint where Lancelot is, I notice that Lancelot is being accompanied by plenty of other Mobile Knights as they fly and cut their way through the massive horde of clown monsters. Hiro’s piloting Lancelot like a pro again, he’s dodging attacks while making sure to fully destroy the monsters. The clown monsters should be nothing compared to the Sefirots, but then again all of these monsters basically act the same from what I can tell.

  Coming in as more reinforcements are giant mechs and robots of all sorts. One I recognize as the giant fused robot the Kaleidorangers make together. Others are in all sorts of shapes and forms, some are mechanical animals as others are an amalgamation of vehicles and a humanoid. Other reinforcements in the shape of a mass amount of heroes. Some are part of the Retaliators, others part of the League of Judgment, but they are all heroes doing their best to fight this Hag and her clowns.

  The number of clown monsters is dwindling down as the heroes are making a very triumphant attempt at repelling it. From the looks of it the Hag can’t keep up summoning clown monsters fast enough. When there’s only a few of the clown monsters left, I see Hiro fly in and take a good swing at the Hag’s gown. Instead of looking like it got hurt, the Hag instead regenerates immediately from where it was slashed. The ribbon of the Hag’s gown start moving violently and aim at Hiro. As the Hag seems to be distracted by Hiro, the other Mobile Knight’s create a circular formation and go in for the attack. Before any Mobile Knight could make any contact, the ribbons quickly redirect themselves to defend the Hag. Many of the Mobile Knights get knocked back as one unfortunate green Mobile Knight gets its arm severed by a ribbon.

  How is this thing going to go down if it can just regenerate and defend itself immediately? This thing looks like it’s impossible to kill, but then again almost every so-called invincible villain or hero has been defeated before. It has to have a weak point somewhere. Maybe a very specific spot in its skeletal section. The gown looks like it is used for both offense and defense, but the skeletal part of the Hag hasn’t really done anything. I wonder if anyone on the battlefield has noticed.

  Hiro flies around the Hag alongside many of his Mobile Knight comrades. I don’t quite know what they’re trying to do, but they eventually split off. The ribbons the Hag’s gown chases each of the Mobile Knights that was flying circles around it. Hiro, however, flies straight towards the Hag. When it looks like he’s about to crash, Hiro immediately flies straight up and uses his sword to cleave a rib. The Hag lets out a treacherous screech so loud that I can see the sonic booms erupting around her. The ribs of the Hag open briefly to reveal a shining, yet chaotic swirl of black and blue core. Just the general power of the screech causes anyone and anything near a good radius of the Hag to be sent flying. A ribbon dances and chases after a flying Hiro, wrapping the leg of Lancelot. Other ribbons swoop in to bind Lancelot. A ribbon bigger than the others dances in front of Hiro in a taunting manner. It curls and unfurls, twisting and bending. Then within a split second, it whips and slices the head of Lancelot off.

  My eyes shoot open. “Wh-what? What!?” I start yelling unintentionally. My fingers grip my phone tightly, my whole arm shakes violently making it hard for me to keep my phone still. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He has to be okay right? It’s like it was his head that got cut off, just Lancelot’s. Right? He has to be okay right? He told me that whatever the mech feels, he feels, but it doesn’t mean that his head would be severed. Shit! Is he okay? Can this Omega threat end so I can check up on my best friend!?

  I take a couple of more deep breaths. I have to calm down. But how can I stay calm when I don’t know if my best friend may have died or not? Ridley, no, calm down. Shit. Why is this taking such a big toll on me?

  When I finally work up the steadiness and calmness to watch the broadcast on my phone again, I notice a sea of shadowy paper puppet soldiers that storm the field. The Hag changed its look. The calming space gown has become a psychedelic dress of random colors that explode constantly. There are shadowy bones that grew on top of the skeletal structure of the upper half of the Hag. The core, however, is exposed. On the ground are tons of downed mechs, beasts, and heroes. What happened during my small freak out?

  The ground shakes violently again, the Hag screeches so loud that it’s even hurting my ears through my phone speakers. Before my very eyes, or what I’m seeing being broadcast at least, is a weird scenery change. The sky once again changes from a swirling cosmos to an unsettling blue sky with harsh looking clouds that looks like it was cut out and pasted into the sky. Not only does the sky change, but the ground becomes unsettlingly green with tall grass and vibrantly colored candy. It’s not just the scenery or color that is really strange, but just the way everything looks on top of each other. It looks like eve
rything is in a pop-up book. There are harsh shadows created from anything that stands out, which is weird to say because everything looks like it’s popping out. Even the heroes that are standing are confused about this scenery change.

  “The Magical Melange Musical Maids are now here to steal the show!” Lorelai announces loudly. The camera of the broadcast I’m watching points at her as she stands valiantly alongside many five other colorful young girls. Her face is serious as she stares at the towering Hag. “Together! Magical Melange Musical Maids, transform aglow!”

  What is it about these heroes that have an outfit change just standing there with their eyes closed? In a flash of light all of the girls are equipped in color coordinated maid outfits of all sorts as well as being armed with their weapon of choice.

  “Now Magical Melange Musical Maids, let us repel this Hag and free humanity of the shackles of delusion!” Lorelai orders boldly, “Fight as one complete fusion!” Her eyes are unwavering and filled with determination. There’s a reason why she’s the leader of this troupe of girls. She readies her bow crossed with a harp, preparing to fire.

  The instant a light arrow is released from the harp bow Lorelai is using, unfitting orchestral music starts emanating from the battlefield. These arrows don’t obey the laws of physics as they don’t fly a linear path, but they’re tracking the ribbons of the Hag. The light arrows pin the ribbons to the ground which only makes the Hag angry. More of these shadow puppet soldiers flow from her gown. Many of the other Musical Maids fend off these soldiers with their own sets of an amalgamation of a musical instrument and weapon. How they’re all playing their instrument while fighting is absolutely uncanny to me. But you can definitely tell these magical girls are in their element. They jump high into the air whimsically, twirling around as if it was some sort of performance. Each step or jump looks like it’s part of a dance. Candy platforms will appear under these magical girls as they fight, almost as if their safety was ensured. Each attack is so exaggerated with either giant weaponry or sparkling lights that it kinda hurts my eyes to watch. There’s so many colorful explosions and lights that it’s really hard to keep track of what’s happening. From what I can tell, they are kicking the Hag’s ass.

  The other heroes know their place as they fend off the Hag’s minions rather than taking on the big boss itself. This works really well in tandem with the Musical Maids as they can just focus on the Hag rather than the small fry. There are still some Mobile Knights around, but I don’t see Lancelot. I hope they took Hiro to safety.

  Even though it looks like the Musical Maids have the upper hand, they haven’t quite gotten the Hag to the point of defeat. Attack after attack seems to do something, yet nothing at the same time. The Hag has been able to retaliate by using its ribbon to tie up a couple of the Musical Maids. They get saved, however, by Lorelai’s light arrows. A Musical Maid with a giant guitar axe moves herself close to the Hag, she has a devilish grin on her face as she raises the axe and completely cleaves open a section of the Hag’s ribs. The Hag screeches in pain which causes another distortion in the scenery. These distortions can’t be an illusion as cameras can’t capture it. The fact that all of this weird scenery is real is extremely unsettling. The scenery becomes a little more violent as the clouds shoot down to hit the Musical Maids while vines burst from the ground to entangle them. Some do get grabbed only to be saved by a fellow maid. Their synergy is really good as they’re all very well coordinated without having to say anything to each other. I wonder if it’s just a product of time spent together in situations like these.

  The Hag takes some more coordinated attacks at the ribs, some from the guitar axe, another from a violin sword. Somehow, the Hag is able to grab a hold of a couple of the maids in an attempt to smash them into the ground. Saving the captured maids are these long, yet sturdy threads that Lorelai has around each of the maids. Lorelai pulls on these threads hard enough to save the maids from the Hag’s grasp. With this failed attempt to squash some maids, there’s a powerful retaliation in the form of gunshots from a gun trumpet and stab from a flute lance.

  “Together!” Lorelai orders. All of the Musical Maids flock to Lorelai with their weapons all pointed at the Hag. With some sort of machination, their weapons fuse together to create an even bigger, multi-colored bow that everyone holds onto horizontally.

  All of the maids announce together with triumph, “Symphonic Finale!” Several almost rainbow arrows fly and explode all around the Hag—it looks like they’re missing a color, blue to be more specific. One large prism of an arrow shoots straight through the core. The Hag starts to spaz out of control, writhing in pain. Its crown falls apart, followed by its skeletal body. The scenery starts to fall flat and slowly return back to normal. What’s left of the Hag is a floating, cracked core and slowly disappearing gown that fades into a pile of black ooze. When the ooze dissipates, we’re left with a small tiny doll that resembles the Hag.

  “It hurts, it hurts it hurts it hurts!” an ominous wailing voice echoes. Once the echo ends, all traces of the Hag are gone. The doll disappears in a glimmering shine of sparkling lights.

  A sea of cheering erupts from the triumphant heroes. They all exchange formalities as they all start dispersing. The Musical Maids are being surrounded though, as they were the power players of this whole entire Omega threat attack. The Hag, what a weird and powerful monster. Being able to distort space like that is something that is pretty scary in the wrong hands. Luckily for us, all the Hag really wanted to do with those distortions is to create pretty, and weird, looking sceneries.

  “We will now disengage Safety Mode,” a voice announces through the many speakers of the street posts. The giant mechanical ceiling opens and the whole city quickly rises up.

  I gain my composure and start running for the train station. I have to make sure Hiro is okay, head of his mech got severed off. He better be okay. He told me he feels the pain of the mech, but I don’t know if that means because the mech got beheaded that he would feel that same thing. I’ll ask him about it when I get there, he just better be okay when I get there!

  The train is taking too long to get here, impatient as I am, I need to make sure my best friend is okay. This is so stressful. People are moving about normally as if nothing happened. As soon as a train comes, I shove some people aside just to get on. I really wish I had a car right now.

  As I’m eagerly waiting for me step, I overhear a couple of people talking, “Ugh, can you believe it? We got saved by magical girls. They’re like the worst kind of heroes to be saved by.”

  “Why? They’re heroes, so what makes them so different?”

  “They’re just so…girly. Kind of stupid and dumb really. How stupid does it sound to save everyone with the power of love and flowers and pretty, pretty lights? Ugh, I want to throw up just because I said that.”

  “Oh come on, they’re not that bad, they’re not the cheesy Kaleido Rangers.”

  “I don’t know, I almost prefer the Kaleido Rangers because they’re more humorous. It’s hard to take them seriously, but at least it seems like they realize it.”

  What the judgmental hell? I’ll admit that the Kaleido Rangers are cringe levels of weird, but being disappointed that we got saved by magical girls is just sexist. Like what in the world? I can understand people getting bored like me about being saved, but being disappointed about what kind of hero saves you is really weird.

  My fingers unintentionally start tapping my thighs. The longer it takes for me to get to the Mobile Knights facility, the more nervous I get about Hiro’s condition. All I need to know is if a heart is still beating and if his head is intact.

  A gentle hand grabs onto my shoulder. I turn to find Mari. “Oh, Mari?”

  “Hey, you remember me,” she responds with a bright smile. “Some fight that was right? Who knew Hags were so destructive?” There’s an odd smile on her face as she talks, it’s a bit unsettling.

  “Yeah,” I murmur. I’m not much in the talking mood consid
ering my best friend might be dead.

  She stares at me blankly. Tilting her head, she asks, “You’re not much in a talking mood are you?” She folds her arms and leans against the wall of the train.

  “Sorry, yeah, not really wanting to talk today.” Please stop talking to me.

  “Can I at least ask why?” She continues to stare blankly at me.

  “Uh, well my best friend was in that fight against the Hag and he may be really injured,” I briefly explain.

  She nods her head slowly. A bit of a smile creeps up on her face. “So you’re worried about him, well as you should be since it is your friend after all. The big hospital for heroes isn’t in this direction though, shouldn’t you head back?”

  “He wouldn’t be at the hospital, at least I don’t think he would be,” I say. Right? The Mobile Knights facility should be where Hiro should be.

  Her finger touches her bottom lip as she looks up in thought. “Unless your friend is part of the Mobile Knights who have their own trained medical staff,” she deduces. “So your friend has to be that pilot that got its head lobbed off then.”

  My eyes widen, is she just really good at putting two and two together or did I give away too much info? “Uh, yeah.”

  The train comes to the stop I need to get off at. Mariana places her hand on my shoulder again and says, “I hope your friend is okay. Tell him a stranger says hi.”

  “Um, okay,” I say before I walk out of the train. How weird.

  As soon as I could, I start running for the facility. Of course with my totally not athletic self, I take a couple of breathing or walking breaks. But I do my best to get there as soon as I could. Throughout several of the streets are people cheering for joy as some heroes are flying overhead after the big fight. Most notable are the Musical Maids as they’re standing on a levitating float decorated with flowers and pastel colors. There’s a large table on the float where a couple of maids are sitting and sipping from teacups. Flying overhead are a couple of other heroes that participated in the fight, each of them waving with a smile on their face. I do notice some have a sorrowful smiles on their faces, they look like they’re struggling to keep up a happy face. Understandable considering some of their own friends or comrades were killed in that fight. Shouldn’t be too big of a deal though right since heroes come back to life all the time.


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