Book Read Free

This World

Page 30

by Lee, TD

  “Judge Braxton, for being a judge who has dealt with several superhero related cases, it is very difficult for me to wrap my head around your daftness,” Adele replies with several sigh.

  “Excuse you, but I will not tolerate being insulted,” Braxton’s tone changes into a much serious one.

  “Mind control,” Adele quickly answers, ignoring Braxton’s comment.

  “What?” Ainia questions.

  Adele repeats herself, “Mind control. It is quite the simple explanation, really.”

  “How can that be proven from mere photos?” Braxton asks.

  “If you would take a gander at the photographs, it shows that there are several others moving about in a dazed state of mind. Observe the people wander in these photographs. They are robotic, almost completely inhuman as it is so uniform. This is the first sign of any kind of mind control,” Adele explains quickly. “Even the actions in the next few shots will prove continue to prove they are victims of mind control.” Adele shows pictures of a group of people, with myself in there, standing around while Sefirots are attacking in the back. All of us are looking dazed and just staring in the air until we suddenly start attacking each other.

  “I see, well it seems we have the wrong person then,” Braxton responds, defeated. He looks at me and apologizes, “I’m sorry Ridley, it appears that we were quick to judge.”

  “Hold on!” Ainia interrupts again. “This person isn’t off the hook yet. Hey lady, how do you explain the suspect murdering the pilot then?”

  Adele looks at Ainia with a raised brow. She quietly chuckles, scoffing even. “That is simple. The suspect did not murder the pilot, Hiro. Rather, the pilot had died previously to crash landing. The autopsy report of the pilot clearly states that the pilot died due to massive blood loss as well as punctured vital organs. So even with the suspect pulling the Synergetic Cord out of the pilot, the pilot was already deceased at that moment.”

  “W-wait, so you’re telling me that Hiro is dead?” my words tremble at the truth. No way.

  Adele looks over at me, her eyes saddened. Her tone quickly becomes one of pity, “I am afraid so. If you would like, I could discuss the details of your dear friend after this.”

  Words aren’t coming to me. I can’t even say, yes. All I can do is just nod. I want to know more about Hiro’s death, even though it already pains me to know that he’s dead. I just can’t believe it. Hiro’s dead? But just a few hours ago, we were hanging out. We were just being our usual selves. How can he be dead? Teardrops fall onto my lap. When did I start crying?

  Adele places a gentle hand on my back. “There, there.” She takes a handkerchief out of one of her pockets and wipes away the tears on my face. She turns her head towards Braxton and Ainia, sternly suggesting, “It would be of the utmost charity if either of you could release the handcuffs on Ridley now.”

  Braxton sighs, standing up. He moves behind me and quickly takes off the handcuffs that bind my arms. Almost immediately, my arms wrap around myself. I’m trembling. Shaking because of the news about Hiro. I can’t even concentrate on anything. I’m hearing things that Braxton, Ainia, and Adele are saying, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. My head is all foggy. My eyes are blurring. Everything feels so displaced, cold. I don’t even feel like I’m even in my body anymore.

  Just, why? Why did Hiro have to die? He was such a good pilot, an amazing hero and friend, yet he died. I’m so angry at myself for not stopping him from finishing off that Alpha. Maybe if he got medical attention sooner, he would be alive. I should’ve stopped him, but I didn’t. I froze then, just like I’m frozen now. My whole body doesn’t want to work right now. My mind just wants to shut down. I want to shut down. This is all a bad dream right? When I wake up, everything will be fine. Hiro will be alive. I have to be dreaming. This all has to be a nightmare. That’s all it is. It’s a nightmare that I just have to wake up from.

  Yet, this nightmare is reality. A cruel, harsh, cold reality that hurts. My heart is aching. It has sunken so low that I can’t even pick it up anymore. Just nothing wants to work for me right now. All I can do is cry. Cry. Cry. Cry. That’s it.

  I want to scream. But nothing is coming out.

  “Ridley, did you hear that?” Adele asks, snapping me back into the moment with a light pat on my back.

  I shake my head. When I focus back on the room Ainia looks even more annoyed than she was before. Adele and Braxton are just looking at me, as if they’re waiting for some sort of verbal response.

  “Well, I’ll repeat what I said. While you are free of any charges, you will be closely monitored by Cutla—Ainia who will act similar to a bodyguard. Of course, she isn’t one, however she will check in on you, mostly out of safety and security for you,” Braxton explains.

  “Security for me?” I question.

  Braxton nods. “Yes. Adele has made it abundantly clear that there is a powerful mind controller out there. For you falling victim to that mind controller, it would be a lot safer for you to have a hero in close contact if something were to happen.”

  “And Ainia is the best option for that?” I continue to question.

  Braxton continues to nod. “Yes. I am aware that you two attend the same school, so it would be easier on the both of you because you are close in proximity to each other. It’s rather simple really.”

  “As much as I hate to agree with sir judge here, having Ainia as a protective service for you would be very beneficial,” Adele agrees with Braxton. However, with the way she presents it, she’s more persuasive. Then again, it just might be her accent.

  “I-I feel like I don’t really have a choice here,” I quietly respond.

  “Well, you’re not wrong,” Braxton sighs, “whether or not you approve of this. Ainia will be deployed as your protector. Again, this will be good for you considering you have had multiple encounters with this mind controller, according to Adele.”

  “Well, if I don’t have a choice then, I guess it’s fine then,” I mumble.

  Braxton rises up from his seat. He reaches into his pocket and places a business card on the table. “It was nice to make your acquaintance Ridley. If you need any help, then please contact SAVE, or as I should say, the real SAVE.” He approaches the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Yeah, because the last time I went to a SAVE meeting, it went so well for me.

  Ainia quickly follows behind Braxton, but before she leaves, Adele speaks up, “Ainia, please take this.” Adele holds out a business card in between her fingers. Ainia angrily glances at the card, her arms unmoving to even grab the card. “Believe me, we will meet soon, whether you approve of me or not.” Adele smiles slyly, victorious even.

  Ainia continues her angry glare at the card, but reluctantly takes it before leaving. Adele gathers all of the photographs and papers that she’s displayed on the table. She doesn’t speak to me as she’s doing it, but she is humming quietly to herself. Just who is this lady? Who just comes into an interrogation room so unexpectedly and talks down on authority like that?

  Adele glances over at me, catching me staring at her. She tilts her head, asking, “So, would you like to see your friend?”

  I’m caught off guard with how straightforward her question is. “Am I allowed to?”

  “I do not see any conflict. Granted, if it is too soon for you, then I will gladly be able get you an appointment to see your friend and the medical staff that attended him. This is all up to your discretion, I just want to be of assistance. If you request for it, I will see to it that you get to have time to see your friend,” she answers. She locks up her work case and moves towards the door. “You can say no.”

  “I-I, I wanna go see him,”

  “Yes, yes, of course you do,” she smiles sadly, “come, I will get you there quickly.” She opens the door.

  As soon as I stand, I feel my legs shaking. With each step, I feel like my legs are going to give in. Why?

  “Come now,” Adele speaks, gently placing her
hand under my arm to help support me. She takes the lead, quickly moving and pulling me through the hectic HERO HQ. There’s so many people just running around that it’s hard to even comprehend where I’m going or seeing.

  All I can hear is frustration.




  What’s happening? What even is happening anymore?

  Adele pulls me all the way to her sleek black car. Not a single scratch or dirt touches her car. It’s so glossy and shiny that it completely reflects the destruction around it. She opens the car door for me, waiting for me to enter. But my body refuses to move. Not because I’m scared of Adele nor am I hesitant. My body just feels done, out of energy. I just want to collapse.

  “Ridley?” Adele questions. I don’t respond. I can’t. She sighs quietly, she gently moves me into the car herself. Literally having to move my body herself before she takes her driver’s seat.

  The car’s engine revs loudly and makes a quick start on the road. Adele drives dangerously, swerving unnecessarily and move with such haste that everything outside the window is blurred. Why is she so quick to help me? Why is she helping me?

  “Who are you?” I manage to ask.

  “I am Adele, I am sure you gathered. Of course, that is not what you are particularly asking for correct? No, of course not. I am a detective. Simple as that. Well, not that simple, but I am sure you understand what I am trying to get at even in this current state of panic and sadness that you are experiencing through. However, please think of me as an ally rather than a threat. In this kind of world, you need allies,” she rambles. Are all of her explanations always so strange?

  Is this lady really just a simple detective? Why does it seem like she knows way more than everyone else? How did she know everything that happened during the Sefirot attack? Just who is this lady?

  “Why are you helping me?” I ask.

  “Is it not obvious? I simply cannot leave the authorities to protect civilians such as yourself, so I take it upon myself to uphold this civic duty. Well, upholding civic duty is not exactly my modus operandi, rather it is to seek the truth that society does not want to reveal. Simply put, I am a harbinger for truth. No matter the impact, truth is all I seek,” she answers me while maintaining focus on the destroyed road ahead of us.

  “But why are you helping me specifically? I’m just a nobody, I’m not a hero,” I ask, not realizing my voice got a little louder.

  “You have much more value than you realize. Well, not as much as heroes of course, but much like any living being, you have a purpose,” she explains.

  Purpose? What purpose? All I am is just a person of no value. Just a nobody.

  Adele notices my silence. She follows up with, “While it may seem dismal now, you will find your calling for life. Everyone has one, it just takes time. But of course, you do not have to listen to a stranger you just met. Think about it in the meantime.”

  What is she even talking about? What calling for life? What even is anything anymore?

  “You know, I have been watching you for some time now,” Adele states to break the silence, “not particularly for any reason, no. Rather, all of it has been rather accidental. My eyes have been keeping a close watch on your best friend, you just happened to be in the same places most of the time. It is quite particular, I must say. But you do not want to hear about this. After all, we have arrived.”

  The car stops in the busy parking lot of a large hospital. With how many cars there are, I’m surprised Adele was even able to find a parking spot. I swing the car door open and run inside. Even inside the hospital is just as busy as it seemed like outside. Without any sense of direction of where to go, I’m running around frantically. I just need to see Hiro, that’s it. That’s all it is.

  I bump into several people, topple over a couple of chairs. They’re just in my way. My eyes look at several directories and signs. Intensive care, that sounds like the place Hiro would be right? Or the emergency room? I just have to find Hiro!

  Someone grabs my arm to stop me. I try to pull my arm so I can start moving. I look back and find Adele who seems to be out of breath. Has she been chasing me down this whole time? “You will not get anywhere by just running around like a frantic monster. I have asked and located where Hiro is,” she remarks, her grip around my arm tightens. “I understand you want to see your friend as soon as possible, but this is not the way to do it. Just follow me.” With a tight grip, she pulls me to follow her through the crowded hallways and lobbies.

  The elevators take too long. The stairs are too crowded with people. The wait to see Hiro is becoming annoyingly unbearable. What felt like hours to get to has finally arrived. Adele releases my arm when we approach a door in one of the many hospital wings. I enter without any hesitation to find Hiro’s still body lying on a bed.

  He’s just sleeping. He has to be. I slowly move over to him. There’s so many scars and cuts on his body. Why haven’t they been bandaged up at all? The sheets covering him are getting dirty. It’s cold in here, someone needs to turn up the heat. My friend is getting cold.

  “Hiro,” I call out, “wake up bud. You’re okay now.”

  No response.

  “Hey Hiro, buddy, c’mon,” I nudge his body. He can’t be dead. He’s just sleeping right?

  “Ridley,” I hear Adele call out to me.

  I shake him. “C’mon bud! You have to be okay!” I scream, shaking his lifeless body harshly.

  In the next moment, a hellish, blood curling scream fills the air.

  Chapter 18

  “Ridley!” I hear my mom call out to me.

  My body jolts itself up. My groggy eyes look around to find myself in my room. When did I even fall asleep? Last I remember was losing control of my emotions after seeing Hiro in the hospital. I’m still in yesterday’s clothes? Gross. I’m home though. How did I even get home? Why can’t I remember anything?

  I sit quietly in bed. Only the rhythm of the light raindrops fills the air. Has even the color of the world become bland? Everything just doesn’t seem right. A quick flash of me choking Hiro enters my head. I violently shake my head just to get the image out. Why does that happen?

  “Ridley! You have a visitor!” my mom shouts again, breaking the momentary silence.

  A visitor? It’s Hiro! He’s all better and everything!

  I rush downstairs only to be disappointed to find the all too familiar Adele. She’s sporting a completely different set of business clothes, but she still retains that same look. She can read my expression pretty easily. “I know I am not the person you expected to be here, but I am here to offer you any sort of assistance in this time.”

  “Well come on in Adele, it would be rude for our guest to be out here,” my mom speaks to Adele friendly. My mom looks at my confused face, she quickly follows up, “Adele brought you home last night and we talked for a bit.” She brought me home? What even happened after I saw Hiro?

  My mom leads Adele inside. Adele turns to me and says, “Would it be alright if I speak to you in private? There are some important matters that I would like to discuss.”

  “Oh by all means, if there is something important for you to talk about with Ridley, then go ahead,” my mom says, leaving the two of us in the hallway.

  “Uh, I guess we’ll go to my room?” I say quizzically, slowly leading Adele up into my room.

  As soon as the door closes, Adele takes off her jacket and makes herself at home. She announces, “Well, let us get straight to the point.” She crosses her legs and continues to speak, “I am here to ask if you would like to still have my assistance.”

  “Assistance? Assistance for what?” I question.

  “Assistance in protecting you. Or rather, keeping a watchful eye on you so you are safe,” she answers.

  “What?” I quickly ask. “I already have to have Ainia watching me, I don’t need you to watch over me too. And why would you help me anyway? I’m nobody, why would you be keeping a watchful
eye on me anyway? That’s just stalking at this point!”

  Adele sighs deeply. Her eyes then lock onto mine which makes me immediately look away. “You may have Cutlass as a protector, but she is only doing it reluctantly. And there is a lot more to this situation that you may think. You may not play an important part, but it does not mean that someone does not want you to be protected.”

  “Cutlass? Protected? Someone!? Who is this someone? “Why are you trying so hard to help me!? I’m just a stranger to you!” I yell. She’s frustrating me. None of my questions are being answered. She just keeps saying the same thing.

  My yelling doesn’t faze her at all. I take a deep look at her eyes by accident. Why does it seem like she’s seen hell and back? “Yes, we may be strangers, but I was not a stranger to your friend, Hiro,” she answers calmly.

  “Wh-what?” I question, “You knew Hiro?”

  She nods, taking a deep breath. “Yes, he was quite the character. I only knew him for a brief amount of time before his unfortunate passing, however he made quite the impression on me,” she smiles lightly, “without beating around the bush, he came to me so I could keep an eye on you.”

  “An eye on me? Did he not trust me or something?” I ask. This is really weird. Why would Hiro want Adele to keep an eye on me?

  “No, no, that is not it. It was for your protection. Soon after he became a pilot and your argument with him, from what he told me, he grew to worry about you. He grew especially worried when you revealed to him that you were affected by the mind controller King. So he asked me to keep an eye on you, for your safety. So here I am, doing the best I can,” Adele explains.

  “But, why are you still looking after me?” I ask.

  Adele replies bluntly, “Solely because I worry for you. You are, to be rather blunt, quite defenseless. Also, as a victim of a mind controller, it will be difficult for you to acclimate to society soon after.” I raise a brow. Adele continues to explain, “You may have not quite noticed it yourself, but the world probably seems quite dreary and bleak. Accompanying that are strange visions. Violent dreams sometimes as well. All of these things are out of your control. But I assure you, there is a way to help with that and I intend to help you with that. Think of it as a way for me to honor Hiro’s wish to have you be safe.”


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