Book Read Free

This World

Page 31

by Lee, TD

  “Have me be safe? Was he really that worried for me?” I ask.

  Adele nods. “He was. His worry for you is not one of him thinking you were not capable of helping yourself, rather it was a concern to your general wellbeing,” she answers. “Believe it or not, there are plenty of heroes out there that employ detectives or any sort of police to keep a watch on their loved ones.”

  She’s speaking so honestly. Hiro was this worried for me? I don’t know whether to think he was a really good friend for looking out for me like this or overbearing because having someone keep an eye on me seems excessive. Regardless, it’s good to know I have a friend that cared that much for me. Or had, I should say.

  “Of course, I am not here to force you to accept my help. My original client cannot ask me to continue my services, so I dropped by to give you that choice. You do not have to continue to have me watch over you. It is your decision,” she says. She reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out a business card. She gently places it on my desk. “On this business card is the address of my agency as well as my numbers. You only need to contact me in order for me to continue my services.” She stands up, looking like she’s about to leave.

  Adele grabs her coat and starts walking downstairs herself. I slowly trail behind her, staring at the business card she gave me. It looks so professional, the lettering is glossy and a little too perfect for the eyes. This conveys Adele as a person pretty well. Articulate, professional, and scarily perfect.

  When I open the door for Adele to leave, Ainia appears behind it. Ainia’s first reaction is one of surprise that the door opened, however it is quickly overtaken by annoyance. She angrily glares at Adele. “I will be awaiting your answer Ridley, please think over it carefully. Until next time,” Adele shakes my hand and moves over to her car.

  My eyes watch Adele drive away. Once the car is out of view, I turn to return back inside my house only to be stopped by Ainia. She’s looking exceptionally annoyed at the moment. “Alright, let’s just get this over with. I’m here to take you to a SAVE meeting per the orders of me having to watch over you. I don’t want to take you there, but if I don’t they’ll cut my funding,” she remarks with the most annoyed sigh I’ve ever heard. Her hands fiddle with the umbrella in her hand, it flies open, spitting water on the already wet earth.

  “Funding? What does that mean?” I ask.

  “None of your business,” she replies. “Now, let’s go. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can get back to my life.” She starts leading me even though I’m completely unprepared to go about my day. Even when I call out to her to wait she doesn’t stop. Either she’s really impatient as a person or just horribly frustrated with the situation she’s in. Or both.

  The city streets are especially busy today. There’s still construction still being done due to all of the damage that was done yesterday. Some of the roads are still disjointed, some areas are just craters of nothingness, some buildings are just debris on the ground. Given the limited amount of time, Disaster Relief definitely did work fast and they’re still working. Even in this rain Disaster Relief is hard at work just trying to fix the broken city.

  Yet, even with that world ending event yesterday, people are moving about like it’s a normal day. Nothing changed. How can everyone just be so nonchalant about it?

  Was I like that?

  Even with these broken streets and buildings, there’s still that one building that is televising the news. On the TV is an obituary piece about Arthur’s passing. Arthur died then? Then again, it’s hard to think he wouldn’t have died just then and there.

  “Oh, how unfortunate. He was so young,” an old lady says, staring at the screen.

  “Brand new too,” another lady adds.

  I stare at the screen a little longer, waiting for a piece for Hiro, but nothing comes up. The news moves right onto something else. What? Why wasn’t there anything about Hiro? He was the one that actually defeated the Sefirots and saved the world! He did all of the work, yet Arthur is the only one that actually gets something on the news?

  People are moving about so freely. Just living their lives like nothing even happened. How can they live like this? Don’t’ they know people died yesterday? My best friend died to save all of you! And yet here they are, existing as normal while my best friend is dead.

  Ainia leads me to a building that doesn’t look like it was even touched at all by the world ending event yesterday. Everything is still standing tall, no brick was even scratched. Either Disaster Relief did a really good job in fixing this building or it was a lucky place to be while carnage was reigning around it.

  Ainia guides me through the doors and several hallways. We make it through a set of doors where we’re greeted by a somber atmosphere. Several chairs are placed in a circle, each chair is occupied by a sad looking individual. To the side are several drinks and snacks, none of which really looked like they’ve been touched except for the tea.

  "Hello, you must be Ridley," an older man stands up from a small group of people. All of the attention is directed towards me and Ainia. The older man approaches me, but looks at Ainia, “You must be Ainia, Ridley’s protector.

  “Whatever,” she remarks quickly.

  “Well, come on in. We just started today’s SAVE meeting,” the man states, he moves over to the table with drinks. “My name is Allister Mentior, you may call me Al for short. How about you introduce yourself to everyone else here. Who are you?”

  I slowly walk towards an empty chair that was just placed for me. Everyone’s gaze is fixated on me. This is weird. Ainia takes the seat next to me and immediately takes an unenthused pose. “Uh, hi. I’m kinda here just because I was brought here by Ainia,” I start as I look around the room. My eyes lock with an unfortunate familiar face among the crowd. Beth. My whole body shivers and freezes when I see Beth who looks at me with absolute disgust and anger. She’s pissed, but she’s not saying anything.

  “It’s okay, you can keep talking. We’re here to listen,” Al speaks with a voice that immediately calms my nerves and soothes me. Maybe it's that deep, yet reassuring voice that's getting to me. It's almost fatherly in a weird way. "If you want, you can go ahead and talk about why you're here. What has affected you?"

  “Uh, well, I,” I stammer. I can feel the tears starting to well up around my eyes. Just remembering yesterday is a nightmare. “M-my, um, m-my best friend died yesterday. During the world ending event yesterday with the Sefirots, he was killed. H-h-he was a pilot for the Mobile Knights of the Round Table, he was Lancelot. He was the one that ended the event. He saved everyone! But he died. Everyone lives, but him. And it’s just unfair! He’s a hero and yet no one has said anything about him. The news hasn’t said a single thing about Hiro saving the world, why? He did so much, but he’s left in the dark. He was the pilot that saved everyone! Yet, I was the one that saw him die.” Tears have streamed down my face. I’m getting flustered.

  “I see,” Al remarks, placing a hand on my shoulder. When did he get so close to me? In his other hand is a cup of steaming tea that he gently places into my hand. “It is unfair that your best friend did so much and doesn’t get any credit. He is a hero. To you, to all of us. Through you, he will live on.”

  “Through…me?” I question.

  Al nods, a reassuring smile creases up on his lips. “Yes. That’s what friendship is about is it not? Even when separated, good friendships last because of the memories they share. Even in the most dire of times, it’s our friends that can keep us going. Don’t forget that. I’m sure Hiro would want you to continue to be happy even when he’s gone.”

  “He would,” I murmur. “Hiro was always the guy that made sure everyone was happy and safe, even at his own expense. We had a falling out at one point, but he never stopped caring about me. He was a really good friend.”

  “He sounds like a hero that we can all look up to,” Al comments. “Now, have some tea.” He returns to his seat after handing Ainia her cup of tea.

  “Yeah, not a tea person. I’m much more of a coffee gal,” Ainia remarks, her face is completely showing her distaste for the beverage in front of her.

  Al smiles nervously. “I insist, please have some tea.”

  “I’m fine,” Ainia says, setting the cup down on the floor.

  “Please, I insist,” Al repeats.

  “And I insist shoving this cup down your throat,” Ainia sasses.

  “Just drink the damn tea!” Beth explosively yells. Looking at her, she’s shaking in her seat angrily. She’s fuming about something. “Really!? We want to be fighting about something as stupid as tea!? There’s so many more things to discuss. Like having a goddamn super bitch in our meeting!”

  “Super what now?” Ainia rhetorically questions. Her face grew even more angry. She leans in, her eyes wide open.

  “Super bitch!” Beth repeats herself louder.

  “Now, now Beth. We accept all people here,” Al says, trying his absolute best to defuse the situation in front of us all.

  “No! I can’t accept that we have a super bitch in here because this is a group for people who have been affected by super people! It’s not right!”

  Ainia cocks her head to the side. “I’m not here because I want to be okay!? I have to be here, I don’t have a choice!”

  “You don’t have a choice!?” Beth screams, she stands up and takes a step towards Ainia. “Super people are the only people with choices in this world and you’re saying you don’t have one!? Being a super bitch is easy!”

  Ainia stands up too and slowly walks towards Beth. “Super people have it hard too! It’s not just sunshine and rainbows for us. We put our lives on the line all the goddamn time and you can’t even have the decency to acknowledge that!? It’s people like you that makes super people lose hope in what they’re doing!” Despite her best efforts to hold them back, I can tell that Ainia is starting to cry. Her eyes are swelling.

  Everyone around me looks incredibly uncomfortable. I feel the same. Things went from somber and sad to just angry in seconds. Instead of anyone else taking initiative to help stop Ainia and Beth from yelling at each other, everyone is passive. Rather, with each shout they all flinch. They’re scared.

  “You know what super bitch!? You’re-”

  Al’s calm voice becomes a stern one as he commands, “Beth, that’s enough.”

  Almost robotically, Beth’s body language and angry scowling completely stops. She calmed down immediately. She looks slightly embarrassed about what just happened, but there’s no trace of anger in her face at all. Deep breaths come from her chest. She sits down without saying another word. Either Al has a really good commanding voice or he’s got some superpowers.

  “I apologize, Beth is quite the passionate person,” Al’s calm voice returns as he turns his attention to Ainia. “She is feisty, but her heart is in the right place.”

  Ainia sighs deeply. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

  “Please, take a seat and have some tea. I’m sure you must be thirsty after all that arguing,” Al speaks reassuringly.

  “Fine, since you’re so damn persistent about it. This better be some damn good tea,” Ainia sighs, taking her seat. She gently lifts the cup to her lips and takes a sip.

  “Now that everyone has calmed down, let’s get on with today’s meeting,” Al begins as he takes center stage of the group. Everyone’s eyes gaze at him. Despite his older age, Al has a charm to him that is unexplainable. I have to attribute it to his voice, there’s something awfully soothing about it. “We shall all-”

  I begin to lift the cup of tea up to my mouth, but it flies out of my hand. “Ridley, don’t drink that!” Ainia warns me, as I notice that she smacked the cup out of my hand with her umbrella. She furiously stands and immediately points the tip of her umbrella towards Al. The cup shatters on the floor. Her face is even more angry than it normally is. Everything about the way she’s speaking and standing tells me that she’s ready to fight. “What are you playing at Allister?” Ainia questions, her eyes angrily fixated on Al.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Al questions back, his face surprised.

  Everyone around me is surprised by Ainia’s sudden burst of violence. I’m surprised by her outburst. Everyone’s frightful stare returns as they all cower deeper into their seats. I know Ainia has a temper, but does she have to let it out all the time?

  “What the hell did you put in this tea?” she snarls. She waves the cup of tea in front of her while keeping her umbrella at Al’s neck.

  “It’s just herbal tea, nothing strange,” Al nervously answers. I can see the sweat forming on his forehead. “Please, take a seat.”

  I can see Ainia grit her teeth. Her arm is shaking lightly, as if she’s fighting against something internally. Ainia quickly regains her composure and she starts yelling again, “You lying asshole!” Ainia pushes the tip of her umbrella into Al’s neck causing him to reactively yelp in surprise. Everyone else gasps in shock.

  “Ainia what are you doing?” I ask.

  Ainia announces loudly to the room without taking her eyes off of Al, “This asshole laced the tea with something. And he won’t admit it!”

  “What do you mean laced?” I question. I’m confused about everything that’s happening right now. Why is Ainia so angry at Al? She’s an angry person, but this is definitely a lot more violent than usual.

  “All of you are drinking something that’s not a natural herb. It can’t be. There’s something wrong with this tea and you’ve all consumed it!” Ainia continues to announce. She pushes her umbrella harder. “Now fess up!”

  “Stop her!” Al yells as he quickly backs away from Ainia’s umbrella.

  As Al walks backwards, Ainia continues forward. She takes a few quick thrusts of her umbrella at Al. He dodges a couple, but does get hit a couple times as he can’t keep up with Ainia’s quick movements. However, everyone around me quickly rises from their seats and lunges for Ainia. The sudden attacks from the people around me catches Ainia off-guard, but she’s quick to defend herself. All of the people, including Beth, are shaking and their movements seemed forced. Each of their faces are filled with terror and fright. There’s no hesitation in any of Ainia’s movements, no regrets or remorse, as she dodges and whacks people with her umbrella. She moves fluidly, dodging any sort of strikes.

  What’s happening?

  Even though so many people are against Ainia right now, her target is Al. Every time she has that window of opportunity, she goes for him before someone stops her. Beth wraps her arms around Ainia’s legs, Ainia loses her balance and falls to the floor. Many of the other people hold Ainia to the floor. As hard as Ainia is struggling, she can’t get out of the dogpile on top of her.

  “Get off me!” Ainia yells, struggling to wriggle her way out.

  No one says anything. All I can hear are voices of struggling. All of the people on top of Ainia are grunting in struggle.

  “Ridley! Don’t just sit there, help me!” Ainia orders me aggressively.

  I don’t know what to do. I stand up from my seat. There’s something wrong with how everyone is acting. There’s something really familiar about it. The hesitation in their eyes, yet the forced movements that seem all too natural.

  Then that horrible flashback appears before my eyes. My hands grasping around Hiro’s neck.

  All of these people. I think they’re being controlled. And I can’t do anything to help them.

  “Ridley! Call the cops or something! Don’t just sit there!” Ainia orders me as she slowly fights her way to be free from the dogpile.

  “Uh, r-right!” I say, quickly pulling out my phone.

  I quickly dial the numbers and get greeted with, “You have contacted HERO emergency unit, what is your emergency?”

  “Uh, um-”

  Ainia yells loudly, “This is Ainia Freeman requesting assistance! Location is SAVE building on fourth street! Get here now!”

  “Read you loud and clear Cutlass, assistance is coming your way,�
�� the receptionist says before hanging up the phone.

  In the following minutes, Ainia continues to struggle her way out of the dogpile. However, several of the people start releasing Ainia on their own will. As soon as they release Ainia, they give a shocked expression. Some look at their hands or hold their heads in terror. They were controlled, doing things out of their own will, so they feel vulnerable. I understand all too well.

  Once the last person finally releases Ainia, she immediately stands up and waves her umbrella towards everyone that held her down. They all look at her in fright, afraid she’s going to hit them. Ainia breathes hard as she looks around. “Where did he go?” Ainia asks.

  I look around the room, noticing that Al left. When? He obviously left while Ainia was being dogpiled on, but why? Who is Al? And why was he controlling people? Or could he be King!?

  Two police officers kick their way into the room. Both of them looking confused at the rather calm room now. Before any of them could ask, Ainia immediately explains, “I was assaulted by the people in this room due to an escaped culprit. The culprit goes by the name Allister Mentior, what do you guys know about him?”

  The officers look at each other with a confused gaze. “We never heard of this Allister Mentior before. There’ s a superhero on their way here too, they might know more. In the meantime, we will have to gather information about what happened here.” The two are quick to work as they talk to each and every single person here. Everyone looks terrified as they speak to the officers. I can understand why though. Their actions weren’t their own. They were being controlled. It’s hard to explain what you did while being controlled because you don’t mean to.


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