Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 3

by Izzy Slam

  In all my thirty-four years, I don’t think I had ever cum so hard. Not even with Helen. There was a time I would have felt guilty to admit that, but now that I’d met my perfect angel, I was free once again. Free to love and free to command. And free to show her all the ways she will satisfy me once we’re wed. I will satisfy her, too. Make sure she trembles and shakes like an earthquake when I take her every night. She’s going to be sore in the beginning. But as time moves on, she’ll reach the point where she silently begs for me to slam my hips against her round ass as I claim her.

  To see how she responds to me is all I’ve ever wanted. The way she wrapped her lips around my throbbing member and swallowed my seed without so much as a grimace made me so proud. I have heard numerous stories of men having trouble getting their new brides to drink them down. Some of them cough and gag. Helen was never able to take me in her mouth. Her jaw wouldn’t open wide enough. Apparently, I’m fairly well endowed compared to most men. But Claire didn’t seem to have any trouble accommodating me. Her full, red lips seemed to be made for sucking her master off.

  Now that I had left a mess on her, she should have lost that lustrous innocence. But she hadn’t. In fact, with her rosy cheeks, hungry eyes, sweet expression, and heaving bosom coated in my cream, she looked even more innocent than before.

  I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back with a cloth.”

  She fell back on the mattress, and I walked to the washroom to clean myself and get a small towel. When I got back to her, I wiped all traces of myself from her flushed skin and brushed off the spunk from her dress. I saw her suitcase on the floor and realized that she had not even had time to unpack. So I lifted the case and set it on the bed before clicking the handle open.

  “You’ll be staying here for the night, my love. Go ahead and unpack your belongings and put on a fresh outfit. I’d like to take you into town and show you off to my family.”

  “You don’t want to choose my outfit?”

  “Not for this, darling. Whatever you choose will be fine. You’ll be lovely in anything.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her eyes lit up before I walked away, pulling the door closed behind me.

  I wanted to stay and help her change, but I was trying my damnedest to do the right thing and give her the privacy she deserved before becoming my bride. I know it sounds ridiculous. After all, she just took my manhood in her mouth, and I tasted her innocent nectar. But there are just some things that are not done before being married, and changing clothes is one of those things.

  On the ride into town, Claire was quiet but alert. I could sense her excitement in the way she took in everything and it made me so proud. I reached over and touched her hair, wishing I could feel it fan across my chest as I held her naked body to mine.

  “What are you thinking?”

  She glanced my way and nervously bit her lip. “That I hope everyone will like me.”

  “There isn’t a thing not to like. You’re beautiful, sweet, and conscientious. And there isn’t a person close to me that doesn’t know how happy I am you are here.”

  Her face turned several shades of red. I loved this shyness about her, the way she was so humble. “I’m happy to be here, too.”

  When we finally made it to my sister’s house, the whole clan was there—my sisters and parents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. I could tell that she was a bit overwhelmed as everyone greeted her with a hug or a polite wave from a distance. So I stayed close to her, making sure she knew I would not let her out of my sight. When I could tell she was feeling worked over, I pulled her close to my side.

  “If it doesn’t offend anyone, my Claire here is quite tired from her travels. I’d like to take her upstairs to rest until it’s time to eat.”

  My sister Delores took her by the hand but looked directly at me. “Before you go anywhere, let me pack you a basket of food with a blanket. You can take her by the river and spend the afternoon relaxing.”

  I glanced at Claire and her eyes lifted.

  “That sounds lovely, sister. Thank you.”

  “Yes, thank you, Delores. You’re too kind.”

  She winked coyly. “I remember all too well the stress of meeting new future in-laws. It’s exhausting, and my brother here clearly wants to be sure you’re energized on your wedding day. And night.”

  I chuckled as Delores walked off. My family knew me all too well.


  There have been many times throughout the day that I’ve felt like I died and went to heaven. And this afternoon, as I sat by the river with my new master Joseph, those feelings became even stronger.

  I lay my head in his lap and he stroked my hair while dropping small bites of buttered bread into my mouth. After several rounds of this, I sat up and devoured a very unladylike helping of beans, potatoes, and cornbread. Master told me that his family often works together to have these large meals, about once a week. The rest of the week they eat with their families. Apparently, they are quite close.

  Once we both stuffed ourselves with food, he allowed me to lay my head in his lap and drift off once again. I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I could hear the sounds of his deep breathing, and it brought me comfort to know we could relax so deeply around one another. I curled up my gaze at him, and my soft movements must have awoken him. He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

  He made sure to get me back to the house at a reasonable hour. I didn’t want the day to come to an end, nor did I want to be separated from him for the evening. But by the time I was getting ready for bed, I was glad to have some time to just … relax.

  Ramona brought me a cup of tea before asking me if I needed anything.

  “Thank you so much, and no. I don’t need a thing that a good night’s sleep can’t fix.”

  She smiled and sat on the bed next to me. “My family enjoyed meeting you today. I can tell how fond Mr. Joseph is of you.”

  Warmth rippled through me. “The feeling is mutual, Ramona. I’m looking forward to being his wife.”

  “He’ll take good care of you, too. My cousin is a good man who knows how to provide and keep you safe. Trust me when I say that you got very lucky he purchased you and no one else.”

  “Believe me, I know. And I will take just as good care of him as he will of me.”

  Ramona covered her chest and gave an apologetic look. “Of course you will. I didn’t mean to imply … well, he is lucky, too. But as you may or may not know, the world is full of dangerous men who are only out for themselves.”

  I couldn’t do much more than look at her. I hadn’t heard any stories of dangerous men. But I counted my blessings that the man who would make me his wife tomorrow seemed good, through and through.

  “So, about tomorrow. You said you’d go over the wedding details with me?”

  “Yes, I did,” she replied, clapping her hands together and beaming brightly. “Feel free to sleep in and wake up at your leisure. We’ll have a quiet brunch here in the morning, and then a few ladies in the family will come around to give you presents. From there, we’ll work on making you presentable for Mr. Joseph, starting with your hair and finishing with your gown. You’re going to love it!”

  Excited jitters ran through me. How could I sleep in late? I was used to getting up at sunrise, and being in a strange home the night before my wedding would not make sleep come easier. We women have no say in our wedding details, which makes preparations all the more fretful for those like me who do not thrive on the unknown.

  “Where will we be married? Is there a church nearby?”

  “No. Mr. Joseph requested you be married at your new home. The wedding will take place at five o’clock in the evening with the family celebration at Mother and Father’s house. And you, my dear,” she added, placing her hand on mine, “don’t have to do a thing but show up.”

  When I was finally alone to finish my tea, I felt better about things. But before I drifted off to sleep, my mind kept fl
ashing back to my master and what he had done to me earlier. The way his mouth claimed me. And the way he used my mouth as his own personal vessel for pleasure. By this time tomorrow, my body and soul would belong to him. He would take me as his bride, as his property, pressing his length into me and bringing me unrelenting pleasure.

  That throb between my legs resurfaced, and I struggled to keep my hands to myself. I had to remain pure for him, even though the temptation to give myself an orgasm was nearly overwhelming. But this was the greatest gift I could give the man who would spend the rest of his life caring for me.


  Giggles filled the room as I opened another gift. Master Joseph’s sisters had conspired to give me naughty presents that seemed to mainly benefit my husband.

  “I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t have a clue what this is for,” I said, holding up a white piece of fabric that seemed to be nothing more than strings attached to a triangular swatch of silky material.

  “I made it myself,” Delores admitted. “And I call it a cappy.”

  More giggles erupted around me, and I couldn’t help but giggle myself. “I’m sure there’s an explanation behind that name.”

  She nodded. “When worn, it’s sure to make the cock happy. I’m wearing one myself. Here, let me show you.”

  Delores stood and lifted the layers of her skirt, showing me how the “cappy” is to be worn.

  “Oh my…” I muttered. The strings went around her waist, and the triangular piece of fabric covered her petite mound. When she spun in a circle, her rear end was on display, with the back of the cappy coming to a “T”, the bottom part of the string nestled in the crack of her bottom.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think it looks uncomfortable.”

  “Yes, but your husband will adore it, trust me. And the response you get will benefit you as well. Am I right, ladies?” Both of her sisters, as well as Ramona, chimed in with their laughter and applause.

  I couldn’t argue with that. I could only imagine the reaction the cappy would incite in my master. And it made me swell with desire.

  I spent the next half hour opening up more presents that included perfume, a new blanket, and a corset, among other things. I had never felt so spoiled in all my life.

  “Is my soon-to-be husband getting showered with gifts right now?” I asked Ramona once we were alone again.

  “No. His father should be helping him get ready. Do you realize the wedding is in two hours? We don’t have time to delay.”

  Another nervous shot of energy cut through me. At this point, I just wanted to see my master again, to feel his arms around me, taking me, making me his. I could hardly think of anything else.

  “Make me beautiful for him, Ramona.”

  She gave me a peck on the cheek and then set to work. My hair was pulled into a bun, but she left several long, curly strands dangling down where they stopped just over my breasts. The amount of rouge she applied was modest, and I was thrilled with how I looked.

  The bone-white satin dress itself was undeniably gorgeous. Floor length and tight fitting, it was laced with ornate pearls and sequins along the chest. I was breathless as I stood in front of the mirror, spinning my body to the side and taking in the shape of my round bottom as it stood out and demanded attention.

  “You approve?” Ramona stood behind me, clasping her hands near her mouth.

  I nodded and struggled to keep my chin off the floor. “Yes. I so approve. But …”

  “But what, dear?”

  “It isn’t too revealing?”

  She blew out a soft laugh. “Not at all. Mr. Joseph insisted that you wear it. It’s been in the family for generations, but no one has been able to fit into it for years. You have the body and the curves for this gown. Wear it proudly.”

  I turned and hugged her, feeling that swarm of butterflies soaring through my tummy. “I will. I am.”

  I couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle.


  I stood underneath the wooden archway that my father had built these last few weeks as a wedding gift. My sisters had spent the afternoon covering it with fresh flowers, so I was sure my bride would love it. Nearby, my twenty or so family members stood by, ready to witness Claire becoming my wife.

  I’d woken up with a raging erection this morning, and I wondered if Claire was equally frustrated. I had enjoyed teasing her yesterday and could still recall the taste of her on my tongue. I could not wait to soon finish what I had started yesterday.

  When she appeared around the side of my house, I thought all the breath would escape my lungs.

  She was gorgeous. The dress fitted her to a “T” which I knew it would. Every curve was visible underneath the shiny material. The sequins caught the rays of the sun and shimmied beneath her radiance. Her face, so innocent and yet so eager, made me forget every woman I’d ever known and lusted after.

  Blood rushed to my member as she began walking my way, holding a single pink lily between her fingers. As she got closer, I took in her hair, noting it was knotted on the top of her head. That would be coming down later by my hands. There was something about watching a woman’s long hair spill down from her head that made me stiff just thinking about it.

  I outstretched my hand and she took it in hers, so soft and damp. Her smile, demure as it was, made me anxious to kiss her.

  “Hello, Master,” she greeted.

  Speechless, I simply kissed her hand, keeping my eyes fixed on hers.

  The officiating reverend welcomed everyone before starting the ceremony. I had told him I wanted it to be brief, that I wasn’t one for long-winded formalities. I had also made it clear that I was anxious to get her alone, and he didn’t argue. I was fairly certain he understood my motives.

  When we got to the vows, Claire nervously squeezed my fingers.

  “Maiden Claire, please state your promise to love and serve your master, Joseph Miller, your vow to give of yourself completely—body, mind, and soul—and your lawfully sworn statement that all others will be forsaken to keep this vow holy for all the days of your life.”

  “I hereby vow myself to you, Master, in all ways that a wife is vowed to her husband.”

  A tear formed in the corner of her eye, and I brushed it away.

  “Mr. Joseph Miller, do you accept maiden Claire’s vow and likewise pledge to take her into your protective custody for all the days of your life?”

  “I accept maiden Claire’s vow, and pledge to keep her in my protective custody for all the days of my life.”

  “It is then my hereby privilege to pronounce you man and bride. Please place the ring of ownership on her finger.”

  Claire sank her teeth into her lower lip as I fished out the diamond ring from my pocket. It rested inside a velvet bag to keep it safe and the minute she saw it, she drew in a quick breath. The diamond sparkled just like her eyes did as soon as I slipped it on her finger. Her smile was so big, it made my heart swell with pride.

  “Do you like it?” I asked her, keeping my voice to a whisper.

  “I love it.” She nodded emphatically, and I think if it hadn’t been socially taboo, she would have thrown her arms around my neck and pressed her body to mine.

  “Let no man break this bond, lest he lose his life and place in heaven!” The officiating reverend yelled out the traditional closing line, which was always followed by cheers of congratulations.

  I pulled my bride close as the crowd gathered near, pressing my lips to her ear. “We are going to politely excuse ourselves before heading to the celebration.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said, her cheeks turning red as the message was all too clear.

  “Everyone, to the celebration! My bride and I will be there within the hour!”

  I took her by the hand and darted past my family as they respectably held their silence. I heard a few chuckles and several gasps. Everyone knew, but I didn’t care. I needed my bride and I needed her now.

  Without stopping
for one second, I brought her straight to our bedroom and closed the door, pulling her in my arms.

  “Do you acknowledge that you belong to me now? That you are my property?”

  “Yes, Master,” Claire answered, lowering her chin in respect. “I am yours, forever and always, body, mind, and soul.”

  My pants became instantly tight as blood surged through my cock, expanding it uncomfortably. But I had my sights on seeing every inch of my wife before anything. I wanted to savor every second of her being fully revealed to me.

  I took the flower she still held and set it on the dresser then removed her wedding gown as she kept her eyes locked on me. Her skin, so soft and ivory, was beginning to flush in response. She stood before me in her white corset, her breasts squeezing through the top of the tight fabric, and a covering on her mound that I had never seen before.

  “What is this?” I asked, spinning her around.

  “Something your sister Delores gave me, Master.”

  A white strip of fabric was nestled deep in the slit of her ass, the rest of her full, round curves revealed to me. My rod twitched in response.

  “My sister is reprehensible at times. But I must thank her for this.”

  I slid my finger under the material and tugged them out before sliding them down her legs. Claire stepped out of her flat shoes and I kicked them aside, along with the naughty drawers.

  I placed a finger under her chin and looked at those lips I’d been wanting to kiss since I first saw her. She licked them nervously right before I sealed them with mine. My tongue was in her mouth and she moaned as she melted against me.


  I don’t know how long my husband kissed me. I completely lost track of time. My heart and body were humming, knowing I finally belonged to him. His hands smoothed down to my hips where he gripped my flesh, groaning loudly as his erection grew and bumped into my corset.


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