Automobile Girls at Washington; Or, Checkmating the Plots of Foreign Spies

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Automobile Girls at Washington; Or, Checkmating the Plots of Foreign Spies Page 1

by Laura Dent Crane


  or, Checkmating the Plots of Foreign Spies



  Author of The Automobile Girls at Newport, The Automobile Girls in theBerkshires, The Automobile Girls Along the Hudson, The Automobile Girlsat Chicago, The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach, etc.


  A Fat Chinese Gentleman Stood Regarding Her.(Frontispiece)]



  I. A Chance Meeting II. Cabinet Day in Washington III. Mr. Tu Fang Wu IV. At the Chinese Embassy V. Sub Rosa VI. The Arrest VII. Mollie's Temptation VIII. At the White House IX. Bab's Discovery X. The Confession XI. In Mr. Hamlin's Study XII. Barbara's Secret Errand XIII. A Foolish Girl XIV. "Grant No Favors!" XV. Bab Refuses to Grant a Favor XVI. Barbara's Unexpected Good Luck XVII. The White Veil XVIII. A Tangled Web or Circumstance XIX. Harriet in Danger XX. Foiled! XXI. The Discovery XXII. Oil on the Troubled Waters XXIII. Suspense and the Reward XXIV. Home at Laurel Cottage



  Barbara Thurston stood at the window of a large old-fashioned house,looking out into Connecticut Avenue. It was almost dark. An occasionallight twinkled outside in the street, but the room in which Barbara wasstationed was still shrouded in twilight.

  Suddenly she heard a curtain at the farther end of the drawing-roomrustle faintly.

  Bab turned and saw a young man standing between the curtains, peeringinto the shadows with a pair of near-sighted eyes.

  Barbara started. The stranger had entered the room through a small studythat adjoined it. He seemed totally unaware of any other presence, for hewas whistling softly: "Kathleen Mavourneen."

  "I beg your pardon," Bab began impulsively, "but are you looking forsome one?"

  The newcomer flashed a charming smile at Barbara. He did not seem in theleast surprised at her appearance.

  "No," he declared cheerfully, "I was not looking for any one or anything.The butler told me Mr. Hamlin and Harriet were both out. But, I say,don't you think I am fortunate to have found you quite by accident! Icame in here to loaf a few minutes."

  Barbara frowned slightly. The young man's manner was surprisinglyfamiliar, and she had never seen him before in her life.

  "I hope I am not disturbing you," he went on gayly. "I am an attache ofthe Russian legation, and a friend of Miss Hamlin's. I came with amessage for Mr. Hamlin. I was wondering if it were worth while to waitfor him. But I can go away if I am troublesome."

  "Oh, no, you are not disturbing me in the least," Barbara returned. "Iexpect Miss Hamlin and my friends soon. We arrived in Washington lastnight, and the other girls have gone out to a reception. I had a headacheand stayed at home. Won't you be seated while I ring for the butler toturn on the lights?"

  The newcomer sat down, gravely watching Barbara.

  "Would you like me to guess who you are?" he asked, after half aminute's silence.

  Bab laughed. "I am sure you will give me the first chance to tell youyour name. I did not recognize you at first. But I believe Harriet toldus about you last night. She described several of her Washington friendsto us. You are Peter Dillon, aren't you?"

  "At your service," declared the young attache, who looked almost boyish."But now give me my opportunity. I do not know your name, but I haveguessed this much. You are an 'Automobile Girl!' Permit me to bid youwelcome to Washington."

  Barbara nodded her head decidedly. "Yes, I am Barbara Thurston, one ofthe 'Automobile Girls.' There are four of us. Harriet has probablyexplained to you. My sister, Mollie Thurston, Grace Carter, Ruth Stuartand I form the quartet. Mr. William Hamlin is Ruth's uncle. So we aregoing to spend a few weeks here with Harriet and see the Capital. I havenever been in Washington before."

  "Then you have a new world before you, Miss Thurston," said the youngman, his manner changing. "Washington is like no other city in the world,I think. I have been here for four years. Before that time I had lived inDublin, in Paris, in St. Petersburg."

  "Then you are not an American!" exclaimed Bab, regarding the young manwith interest.

  "I am a man without a country, Miss Thurston." Bab's visitor laughedcarelessly. "Or, perhaps, I had better say I am a man of severalcountries. My father was an Irishman and a soldier of fortune. My motherwas a Russian. Therefore, I am a member of the Russian legation inWashington in spite of my half-Irish name. Have you ever been abroad?"

  "Oh, no," Bab returned, shaking her head. "For the past two years, sinceI have known Ruth Stuart, the 'Automobile Girls' have traveled about inthis country a good deal. But we are only school girls still. We havenever really made our debut in society, although we mean to forget thiswhile we are in Washington, and to see as much of the world as we can. Ido wish I knew something about politics. It would make our visit inWashington so much more interesting."

  "It is the most interesting game in the world," declared Barbara'scompanion, dropping for an instant his expression of indifference. Hisblue eyes flashed. Then he said quickly: "Perhaps you will let me teachyou something of the political game at Washington. I am sure you will bequick to learn and to enjoy it."

  "Thank you," Bab answered shyly. "But I am much too stupid ever tounderstand."

  "I don't quite believe that. You know, you will, of course, hear agreat deal about politics while you are the guests of the AssistantSecretary of State. Mr. Hamlin is one of the cleverest men inWashington. I am sure you will be instructing me in diplomacy by the endof a week. But good-bye; I must not keep you any longer. Will you tellMr. Hamlin that I left the bundle of papers he desired on his studytable? And please tell Harriet that I shall hope to be invited veryoften to see the 'Automobile Girls.'"

  The young man looked intently at Barbara, as though trying to read hervery thoughts while she returned his scrutiny with steady eyes. Then witha courteous bow, he left the room.

  When Barbara found herself alone she returned to the window.

  "I do wish the girls would come," she murmured to herself. "I am justdying to know what Mollie and Grace think of their first reception inWashington. Of course, Ruth has visited Harriet before, so the experienceis not new to her. I am sorry I did not go with the girls, in spite of myheadache. I wonder if some one is coming in here again! I seem to begiving a reception here myself."

  By this time the room was lighted, and Barbara saw a young woman of abouttwenty-five years of age walk into the drawing-room and drop into a bigarm chair with a little tired sigh.

  "You are Miss Thurston, aren't you?" she asked briskly as Bab cameforward to speak to her, wondering how on earth this newcomer knew hername and what could be the reason for this unexpected call.

  "Yes," Barbara returned in a puzzled tone, "I am Miss Thurston."

  "Oh, don't be surprised at my knowing your name," Bab's latest callerwent on. "It is my business to know everybody. I met Mr. Dillon on thecorner. He told me Harriet Hamlin was not at home and that I had betternot come here this afternoon. I did not believe him; still I am not sorryMiss Hamlin is out, I would ever so much rather see you. Harriet Hamlinis dreadfully proud, and she is not a bit sympathetic. Do you think so?"

  Bab was lost in wonder. What on earth could this talkative young womanwish of her? Did her visitor believe Bab would confide her opinion ofHarriet to a complete stranger? But the young woman did not wait foran answer.

  "I want to see you about something awfully important," she went on."Please promise me you w
ill do what I ask you before I tell youwhat it is."

  Bab laughed. "Don't ask me that. Why you may be an anarchist, forall I know."

  The new girl shook her head, smiling. She looked less tired now. She waspretty and fragile, with fair hair and blue eyes. She was very pale andwas rather shabbily and carelessly dressed.

  "No; I am not an anarchist," she said slowly. "I am a newspaper woman,which is almost as bad in some people's eyes, I suppose, considering theway society people fight against giving me news of themselves and theirdoings. I came to ask you if you would give me the pictures of the'Automobile Girls' for my paper? Oh, you need not look so surprised. Wehave all heard of the 'Automobile Girls.' Everybody in Washington ofimportance has heard of you. Couldn't you let me write a sketch about youand your adventures, and put your photographs on the society page of ourSunday edition? It would be such a favor to me."

  Barbara looked distressed. She was beginning to like her visitor.Though Barbara had been associated mainly with wealthy people in thelast two years of the "Automobile Girls'" adventures, she could nothelp feeling interested in a girl who was evidently trying to make herown way in the world.

  "I am awfully sorry," Bab declared almost regretfully, but before shefinished speaking the drawing-room door opened and Ruth Stuart andHarriet Hamlin entered the room together.

  "How is your head, Bab, dear?" Ruth cried, before she espied theircaller.

  Harriet Hamlin bowed coldly to the newspaper woman in the big arm chair.The young woman had flushed, looked uncomfortable at sight of Harriet andsaid almost humbly:

  "I am sorry to interrupt you, Miss Hamlin, but my paper sent me to askyou for the pictures of your guests. May I have them?"

  "Most certainly not, Miss Moore," Harriet answered scornfully. "Myfriends would not dream of allowing you to publish their pictures. And myfather would not consent to it either. Just because he is AssistantSecretary of State I do not see why my visitors should be annoyed in thisway. I hope you don't mind, Ruth and Barbara." Harriet's voice changedwhen she turned to address her cousin and friend. "Forgive my refusingMiss Moore for you. But it is out of the question."

  Ruth and Bab both silently agreed with Harriet. But Barbara could nothelp feeling sorry for the other girl, who flushed painfully at Harriet'stone and turned to go without another word.

  Bab followed the girl out into the hall.

  "I am so sorry not to give you our photographs," Barbara declared. "But,of course, we cannot let you have them if Mr. Hamlin would object. And,to tell you the honest truth, the 'Automobile Girls' would not like iteither." Barbara smiled in such a frank friendly way that no one couldhave been vexed with her.

  The older girl's eyes were full of tears, which she bravely winkedout of sight.

  "Everyone has his picture published in the papers nowadays," she replied."I am sure I intended no discourtesy to you or to Miss Hamlin."

  Then the girl's self-control gave way. She was very tired, and Bab'ssympathy unnerved her. "I hate Harriet Hamlin," she whispered,passionately. "I am as well bred as she is. Because I am poor, and haveto support my mother, is no reason why she should treat me as though Iwere dust under her feet. I shall have a chance to get even with her,some day, just as certainly as I live. Then, won't I take my revenge!"

  Barbara did not know what to reply, so she went on talking quietly. "I amsure your asking us for our pictures was a very great compliment to us.Only important people and beauties and belles have their pictures in thesociety papers. It is just because the 'Automobile Girls' are tooinsignificant to be shown such an honor that we can't consent. But pleasedon't be angry with us. I am sure Harriet did not intend to wound yourfeelings, and I hope I shall see you soon again."

  Marjorie Moore shook Barbara's hand impulsively before she went out intothe gathering darkness. "I like you," she said warmly. "I wish we mightbe friends. Good-night."

  "Where are Mollie and Grace?" was Bab's first question when she rejoinedRuth and Harriet.

  "They would not come away from the reception," Harriet returned, smiling.She was quite unconscious of having treated Marjorie Moore unkindly."Ruth and I were worried about your headache, so we did not wish to leaveyou alone any longer. Strange to relate, Father offered to stay untilMollie and Grace were ready to come home. That is a great concession onhis part, as he usually runs away from a reception at the firstopportunity that offers itself. Mrs. Wilson, a friend of Father's ishelping him to look after Mollie and Grace this afternoon. Bab, did someboxes come for me this afternoon? I left orders at the shop to send themwhen Father would surely be out. Come on upstairs, children, and see mynew finery."

  "Why, Harriet, are you getting more clothes?" Ruth exclaimed. "You arelike 'Miss Flora McFlimsey, of Madison Square, who never had anythinggood enough to wear.'"

  "I am no such thing, Ruth Stuart," returned her cousin, a littlepeevishly. "You don't understand. Does she, Barbara? Ruth has so muchmoney she simply cannot realize what it means to try to make a goodappearance on a small allowance, especially here in Washington where onegoes out so much."

  "I was only joking, Harriet," Ruth apologized as she and Barbaraobediently followed their hostess upstairs. Bab, however, secretlywondered how she and Mollie were to manage in Washington, with theirsimple wardrobes, if their young hostess thought that clothes were theall-important thing in Washington society.

  Harriet Hamlin was twenty years of age, but she seemed much older to Baband Ruth. In the first place, Harriet was an entirely different type ofgirl. She had been mistress of her father's house in Washington since shewas sixteen. She had received her father's guests and entertained hisfriends; and at eighteen she had made her debut into Washington society,and had taken her position as one of the women of the Cabinet. Harriet'smother, Ruth's aunt, had died a few months before Mr. Hamlin had receivedhis appointment as Assistant Secretary of State. Since that time Harriethad borne the responsibilities of a grown woman, and being an only childshe had to a certain extent done as she pleased, although she wassecretly afraid of her cold, dignified father.

  Mr. William Hamlin was one of the ablest men in Washington. He was aquiet, stern, reserved man, and although he was proud of his daughter, ofher beauty and accomplishments, he was also very strict with her. He wasa poor man, and it was hard work for Harriet to keep up the appearancenecessary to her father's position on his salary as Assistant Secretaryof State. Harriet, however, never dared tell her father of this, and Mr.Hamlin never offered Harriet either sympathy or advice.

  Barbara and Ruth could only watch with admiring eyes and littleexclamations of delight the exquisite garments that Harriet now liftedout of three big, pasteboard boxes; a beautiful yellow crepe frock, apale green satin evening gown and a gray broadcloth tailor-made suit.Harriet was tall and dark, with very black hair and large dark eyes. Shewas considered one of the beauties of the "younger set" in Washingtonsociety. Ruth had not seen her cousin for several years, until shereceived the invitation to bring the "Automobile Girls" to Washington.

  Ruth Stuart and Barbara Thurston had changed very little since theirlast outing together at Palm Beach. Barbara was now nearly eighteen. Atthe close of the school year she was to be graduated from the KingsbridgeHigh School. And she hoped to be able to enter Vassar College thefollowing fall. Yet the fact that she was in Washington early in Decemberrequires an explanation.

  Two weeks before Bab had walked slowly home to Laurel Cottage atabout three o'clock one November afternoon with a great pile of booksunder her arm.

  On the front porch of their little cottage she found her mother andMollie, greatly excited. A telegram had just come from Ruth Stuart. The"Automobile Girls" were invited to visit Ruth's cousin in Washington,D.C. Ruth wished them to start at the end of the week.

  Bab's face flushed with pleasure at the news. She had not been with herbeloved Ruth since the Easter before. Then the color died out of her faceand her cheeks showed an unaccustomed pallor.

  "I am so sorry, Mother," Bab responded. "I would give anythi
ng in theworld to see Ruth. But I simply can't stop school just now, or I shalllose the scholarship. Mollie, you can accept Ruth's invitation. You andGrace Carter can go to Washington together. You won't mind goingwithout me."

  "I shall not stir a single step without you," blue-eyed Mollie returnedfirmly. "And Mother thinks you can go!"

  Mollie and Mrs. Thurston, aided by Bab's teachers, at last persuadedBarbara to take a few weeks' holiday. Bab could study to make up for losttime during the Christmas holidays. For no one, except the young womanherself, doubted Barbara's ability to win the desired Vassar scholarship.

  And so it was arranged that Bab and Mollie should go with Ruth toWashington. Bab had grown taller and more slender in the past few months.Her brown braids are now always coiled about her graceful head. Her hairwas parted in the middle, although a few little curls still escaped inthe old, careless fashion.

  Ruth Stuart, too, was looking sweeter and fresher than ever, and was thesame ingenuous, unspoiled girl, whose sunny disposition no amount ofwealth and fashion could change.

  Readers of the first volume in the "Automobile Girls Series," entitled"The Automobile Girls At Newport," will recall how, nearly two years ago,Ruth Stuart, with her father and her aunt, Miss Sallie Stuart, came fromtheir home in far away Chicago to spend the summer in Kingsbridge, NewJersey. The day that Barbara Thurston stopped a pair of runaway horsesand saved Ruth Stuart from death she did not dream that she had turnedthe first page in the history of the "Automobile Girls." A warmfriendship sprang up between Ruth and Bab, and a little later Ruth Stuartinvited Barbara, her younger sister, Mollie Thurston, and their friend,Grace Carter, to take a trip to Newport in her own, red automobile withRuth herself as chauffeur and her aunt, Miss Sallie Stuart, as chaperon.

  Exciting days at Newport followed, and the four girls brought to bay the"Boy Raffles," the cracksman, who had puzzled the fashionable world!There were many thrilling adventures connected with the discovery of this"society thief," and the "Automobile Girls" proved themselves capable ofmeeting whatever emergencies sprang up in their path.

  In "The Automobile Girls in the Berkshires," the second volume of the"Automobile Girls Series," the scene is laid in a little log cabin ontop of one of the highest peaks in the Berkshire hills, where the fourgirls and Miss Sallie spent a happy period of time "roughing it." Thereit was that they discovered an Indian Princess and laid the "Ghost ofLost Man's Trail."

  In the third volume of the series, "The Automobile Girls Along theHudson," the quartet of youthful travelers, accompanied by Miss SallieStuart, motored through the beautiful Sleepy Hollow country, spendingseveral weeks at the home of Major Ted Eyck, an old friend of theStuarts. There many diverting experiences fell to their lot, and beforeleaving the hospitable major's home they were instrumental in saving itfrom destruction by forest fires.

  The fourth volume of the series, "The Automobile Girls at Chicago,"relates the adventures of the four friends during the Christmas holidays,which Mollie, Grace and Bab spent with Ruth at Chicago and at"Treasureholme," the country estate of the Presbys, who were cousins ofthe Stuart family. While there, principally through the cleverness ofBarbara Thurston, the hiding place of a rich treasure buried by one ofThe ancestors of the Presbys was discovered in time to prevent thefinancial ruin of both Richard Presby and Robert Stuart, who had becomedeeply involved through speculation in wheat.

  Before Mollie, Grace and Barbara returned to Kingsbridge, Mr. Stuart hadpromised that they should see Ruth again in March at Palm Beach, where hehad planned a happy reunion for the "Automobile Girls." There it wasthat they had, through a series of happenings, formed the acquaintance ofa mysterious countess and become involved in the net of circumstancesthat was woven about her. How they continued to be her friend in spite ofdark rumors afloat to the effect that she was an impostor and how sheafterwards turned out to be a princess, is fully set forth in "TheAutomobile Girls at Palm Beach."

  "Really, Bab," said Ruth, as the two girls went upstairs to their roomsto dress for dinner, "I have not had a chance to talk to you, alone,since we arrived in Washington. How is your mother?"

  "As well as can be," Bab answered. "How is darling Aunt Sallie? I am sosorry she did not come to Washington with you to chaperon us. There is notelling what mischief we may get into without her."

  Ruth laughed. "I have special instructions for the 'Automobile Girls'from Aunt Sallie. We are to be particularly careful to mind our 'P's' and'Q's' on this visit, for Aunt Sallie wishes us to make a good impressionin Washington."

  Barbara sighed. "I'll try, Ruth," she declared, "but you know whatremarkable talent I have for getting into mischief."

  "Then you are to be specially par-tic-u-lar, Mistress Bab!" Ruth saidteasingly. "For Aunt Sallie's last words to me were: 'Tell Barbara she isto look before she leaps.'"

  Barbara shook her brown head vigorously. "I am not the impetuous Bab ofother automobile days. But, just the same, I wish Aunt Sallie had comealong with you."

  "Oh, she may join us later," Ruth returned. "To tell you the truth, Bab,Aunt Sallie is not fond of Harriet. She thinks Harriet is clever andpretty, but vain and spoiled. Here come Mollie and Grace. Home from thatreception at last!"

  The other two girls burst into Ruth's room at this moment.

  "Whom do you think we have seen?" called out Miss Mollie rapturously."Oh, Washington is the greatest fun! I feel just like a girl in a book,we have been presented to so many noted people. I tell you, BarbaraThurston, we are country girls no longer! Now we have been travelingabout the country so much with Ruth and Mr. Stuart, that we know peopleeverywhere. Just guess whom we know in Washington?"

  "I can guess," Ruth rejoined, clapping her hands. "You have seen Mrs.Post and Hugh. Surely, you had not forgotten that they live inWashington. Hugh has finished college and has a position in the ForestryDepartment. I had a note from him this morning."

  "And didn't tell! Oh, Ruth!" teased Grace Carter. "But, Bab, what aboutour Lenox friends, who spend their winters in Washington?"

  "You mean Dorothy and Gwendolin Morton, the British Ambassador'sdaughters, and funny little Franz Haller, the German secretary, I hope weshall see them. But do hurry, children. Please don't keep the AssistantSecretary of State waiting for his dinner. That would surely be a badbeginning for our Washington visit. No, Mollie Thurston; don't you put onyour very best dress for dinner to-night. I have just gotten out yourwhite muslin."

  "But Harriet wears such lovely clothes all the time, Bab," Molliepleaded, when she and Barbara were alone.

  "Never mind, child. Harriet Hamlin is not Mollie Thurston," Barbaraconcluded wisely.


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