The California Saga

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The California Saga Page 45

by Chunichi

“Why would you do that without talking to me first? I understand if you don’t want to be with me, but what about our baby? How can I be a father to my child if you’re in an entirely different state? It will be like my father and me.”

  “Enough of the baby talk,” I spat, frustrated. It was time he knew the truth. “There is no damn baby, Touch.”


  “You heard me, Touch. I had an abortion, okay. You were on the run, and we were having major problems in our relationship. I didn’t know how or when I would see you, and I barely had enough money to take care of myself, much less a baby. There was no way I could bring a child into a situation like that. There was no way I would want my child to have an unstable father like you.”

  “Bitch!” He reached for my throat.

  I quickly jumped up and threw my water in his face. “Don’t make me pull out on you,” I said, going into my purse to grab my gun.

  Touch called me every name in the book using every profanity you can think of. He pushed the table over, and people all over the restaurant began to stare at us.

  I pulled my gun out and pointed it at Touch. Everyone in the restaurant scattered. We had a little stand-off, neither of us saying anything, just staring into each other’s eyes.

  Finally, Touch left with tears in his eyes, but I refused to shed a tear for that fucker. I calmly put my gun away, paid the bill for the little that we ate, and left the restaurant.

  On the way to the doctor’s office, I started thinking about everything that just happened, and I actually started to feel a little guilty for what I did. I realized by the tears in Touch’s eyes that he really wanted a son. Touch had twin girls that he loved dearly, but because of a domestic dispute between him and his baby mother, he hadn’t seen them in months. My baby was probably his only hope of filling that void. Now with the news of his father and everything else, he was fragile. I began to get a little choked up as I pulled up to the doctor’s office, but again I refused to drop a tear.

  I probably should have told him sooner that I’d had an abortion, but I was afraid that he would’ve put a beating on me when I told him. I didn’t know what I would do when the time came for me to have the baby, but I knew I was going to avoid telling him for as long as I could. Oh well, Touch brought this all on himself.

  The waiting room was empty when I arrived. “Hello. I’m here for my appointment,” I announced as I walked to the receptionist’s desk to sign in.

  “Hi, Jewel. Fill out these forms. Here is a pen. After that, I will need a urine sample from you for a routine check. The urine cups are in the bathroom with your patient information already labeled on it,” the receptionist said to me.

  I loved this doctor’s office. They had everything all ready for me. All I had to do was show up, and they took care of it all. So much better than the ghetto clinics I used to go through. Those places were third world.

  “Thank you,” I replied, nodding.

  On the form, I decided to put Misty’s address as my current address. To be honest, I was feeling Misty and had decided to tell her I wanted to move in when I got home later. It just felt right to me. She treated me the way no man had ever treated me. We’d started out as friends, and it was so easy to talk with her. It just seemed natural to me that we would be lovers. Every time I thought of her, I would smile.

  With the form filled out and my mood feeling good, I went to the restroom and tried my best to pee, but I couldn’t get even a tinkle. I went back to the waiting room for a while to wait it out. Ten minutes later I went back into the bathroom, but I still couldn’t pee. I didn’t know what was going on with me. I was getting sick a lot, and now I couldn’t pee. I was getting a little concerned that there might be something seriously wrong with me.

  “Excuse me,” I said to the nurse behind the counter.

  “Do you have any water?”

  “Honey, are you having trouble giving us a urine sample?” she inquired.

  “Yes, I am.” I laughed, a bit embarrassed.

  “There’s a water fountain down the hall. Drink ’til your heart is content. Wait fifteen minutes, and I’m sure nature will come calling.”

  “Thank you,” I said and headed to the water fountain.

  I guzzled four cups of water, and fifteen minutes later I certainly had to pee. The nurse’s plan worked. I peed about three times waiting for the doctor to come in. My legs felt cold as I sat there in the gown they had provided for me.

  I thought of Misty and started daydreaming about our future together. I hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Touch had put me through so much, I had forgotten what happy really felt like.

  I was brought back to reality from a knock on the door. I still had a huge smile on my face from my daydream when my doctor entered. “Come in,” I said.

  “Jewel, sorry for the delay. I had a false alarm with another patient. How have you been?” Dr. Gills started looking over my chart.

  “Okay. And you?”

  “My kids are growing and eating everything in sight. My husband just bought another motorbike. Life is crazy.” Dr. Gills stopped talking as she read my chart. “Well, well, well, looking at your lab work, it looks like you may not be far behind me because you’re pregnant. Welcome to the crazy life of husband and kids,” Dr. Gills said with a huge grin.


  We instinctively hugged each other.

  “Jewel, I didn’t stutter. You’re pregnant, honey. And based on your last period, you’re about six weeks.”

  “Wow! Unbelievable!” I said, letting out a loud sigh. I was in a little bit of shock.

  “Jewel, you have options, which we can discuss. Now I need to examine you. So if you can just lie back.”

  My brain was racing during the entire exam. How did this happen? I can’t believe I just told Touch there was no baby and there actually was. Now it made sense why I was getting sick so much lately. I can’t wait to tell Misty. What will Misty think? Does she even want kids? Even though I didn’t know how Misty felt about children, I wasn’t afraid to tell her, like I was with Touch. I wasn’t afraid of catching a beating from Misty. That was for sure.

  After she finished, I requested the nurse perform a blood test to ensure the test results were accurate. Sure enough, the blood test confirmed what Dr. Gills had already told me. Now the reality really set in. I was going to be a mother.

  Dr. Gills and I discussed all of my options. I could abort it, but I wasn’t going through that again. I could put it up for adoption, but I didn’t want my baby growing up in foster homes or going to a bad family. The only option I considered was having the baby and being the best damn mother I could be.

  I was so happy when I left the doctor’s office. Driving home, I did some calculating, and if my calculations were right, Touch had gotten me pregnant as soon as he came home from jail. I panicked thinking about him. I didn’t know what to do. Should I tell him or keep it a secret?

  I desperately needed to talk to Misty. Anytime I found myself in a bind or didn’t know what to do, she was always my savior. She had the answer to everything.

  I rushed back to the house to talk to her. As I walked in, I heard my name, but it wasn’t being said to greet me. It was said like someone was talking about me. I paused at the front door. I heard Misty say on the phone, “Jewel has already agreed to testify, so that’s a wrap.”

  I stood at the door and continued to listen.

  “The case is solid this time,” Misty said. “Captain, no room for fuckup. In fact, I know where Touch is. We can do the sting tomorrow. I can’t wait to officially be back on the force.”

  It felt like my stomach had dropped out my asshole. My head began to spin. My world collapsed in an instant. One minute my future was so bright and happy, the next, it gets crushed by the woman who I thought I loved. I had been used once again by Misty.

  I grasped my heart and quickly walked out the house.

  I was struggling for air when I got in the car. I felt like I was having a
fucking panic attack. I couldn’t believe that bitch was using me to get rank back on her job.

  Tears began to run down my face as I started the car and pulled off. I didn’t know what to think or who to trust. I couldn’t believe I’d let this happen again. Did she even love me? People are always betraying me, I thought as I drove to the house to meet the real estate agent.

  I tried to call Touch, but he didn’t answer. I sent him a text asking him to meet me at the house. I wanted to come clean to him about everything, including Misty. He was the only person I felt I could turn to. My only hope was that he would take me back and keep his word about being a better man to me.

  “Oh my God! What is he doing here?” I said to myself in a panic.

  When I was pulling up to the house, Rico was in the driveway. I almost shit in my pants. I couldn’t deal with him right now, on top of everything else. That was the last thing I needed.

  Instead of pulling in, I just kept driving past the house. I looked in my rearview to see if Rico had seen me. He didn’t seem to react like he had seen me. Thank God for that.

  I went to the store to buy a ginger ale to help with my constant nausea. I loitered around the store, wasting time in hopes that Rico would be gone by the time

  I drove back. I must have looked like a crack addict the way I was pacing up and down the aisles. I just couldn’t stay still, I was so worked up and on edge. Everything was happening too fast.

  I tried to read a magazine, but it was impossible for me to concentrate on any of it. I threw the magazine down and went back to my car. If Rico was there, so be it. I had dealt with enough shit today. What’s one more little drama?

  “Whew!” I gave a sigh of relief as I drove up.

  Rico’s car was out of the driveway. He had left. I pulled in the driveway and waited for Touch. I sat singing along to the tunes of Keri Hilson, desperately trying to keep my mind off my problems. As I sat there, through my rearview mirror, I got a glimpse of Touch pulling up. He parked on the street in front of the house instead of coming into the driveway. He must be angry with me, I thought.

  As I was opening my car door, I saw Rico rush toward Touch from next door. That’s when I realized he hadn’t left. He’d just parked his car someplace else. I jumped out of the car and headed in their direction, but before I could reach them, Rico and Touch had already locked eyes, and both pulled out their guns.

  “No!” I yelled, as I ran to get between them.

  As soon as I reached them, shots were fired. I looked down to see my white shirt turn dark red. Realizing I’d been shot, I grabbed my stomach.

  “My baby!” I yelled, collapsing on the ground. Looking up from the ground, I saw Touch come running over to me.

  He threw himself on the ground next to me and cradled my head. “Babe, you okay?” he screamed. “Stay with me!”

  I was starting to have trouble breathing. I felt like I was going in and out of consciousness. I tried to speak, but I could only moan as blood trickled from my mouth. Touch was crying and rocking me back and forth like a baby. “Jewel, don’t give up. I love you. I’m sorry for everything.”

  I looked into his eyes, and in the faintest whisper, I was able to say, “Baby.”

  He looked at me surprised. “Did you say baby?”

  I nodded my head slowly, every movement for me painful at that point. “Are you pregnant?” he asked.

  I nodded again.

  “Is it mine?”

  I nodded yet again and smiled.

  I heard Touch say one last time, “I love you.”

  And the darkness slowly came to my eyes. I couldn’t fight anymore, but I was happy to know that Touch truly loved me.

  Urban Books, LLC

  78 East Industry Court

  Deer Park, NY 11729

  The California Saga Copyright © 2013 Chunichi

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6016-2544-1

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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