Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance) Page 25

by Eliza Gayle

  He carried her into the room, his body protectively curled around hers. Even if someone saw them he doubted they would be able to recall what the woman he carried looked like. They might remember a man dressed in black, though, and even that little bit of information could lead to suspicion. He calculated they could hide here for about eight to ten hours before their position would be located. Just enough time to get cleaned up and grab a little rest. At least, for her. He would have to stay awake and stand guard.

  When he laid Jessie out on the bed she stirred and stretched, causing her t-shirt to ride up her belly and reveal the taut, smooth planes of her torso—from the sexy indentation of her small waist to the enticing dip of her belly button. He instantly remembered how sensitive she was there. When he swirled his tongue around and into that spot she went wild. He’d never thought of that as an especially erogenous zone, but on her it was. Unable to resist temptation, Noah reached down and brushed his fingertips around her belly, skimming across her most sensitive areas.

  A soft sigh escaped her lips and she shifted around on the bed but stayed asleep. The ache to remove her clothes and taste every sweet inch of her again overwhelmed him. With a reluctant groan he forced himself away from the bed and into the adjoining bathroom before he did something they’d both regret. After he turned on the hot water, he stood in front of the mirror and stripped off his clothes. He glanced briefly at the scars scattered across his chest and arms. He didn’t even notice them much these days, they were part and parcel with his job.

  His job.

  He nearly choked on that thought. Who in their right mind considered demon hunting a regular job? Or even an irregular job? He rubbed his hands back and forth over his face. For him it was a compulsion he couldn’t control. He’d seen too much, used magick he wasn’t supposed to, and wondered almost every day if it would finally be his last. It was that thought that made him a force to be reckoned with. He chuckled to himself as he turned the water in the shower to a nice hot temperature. His last few demon encounters had apparently left him with a bit of a reputation. Normally having the assholes running scared would be a really good thing, but the target wasn’t just on his back anymore, not if they found him with her.

  He stepped under the hot spray and lifted his head directly into the stream, letting the hot water rinse away the grime and sweat from his face. When Jessica had left, he never expected to see her again, especially not on a rescue mission. Sometimes his dreams were consumed by memories of the woman he’d had feelings for. Those were the bad days. Of course thinking about Jessie had him hard as a rock, a situation he was going to have to resolve on his own. He palmed his thick cock, running his fingers along the veined underside to the engorged tip, thinking about her underneath him with her hands bound above her head. He thought of the pink glow of her ass after he’d spanked her. When a moan escaped his lips, Noah clamped down on his jaw, making sure he kept himself under control.

  The heat of the water soaking into his skin was nothing compared to the flames building inside him as he stroked from tip to base and back again. He would never be able to forget the sensation of her tight sheath clamping down on his dick as he worked his way inside. Or the odd mixture of fear and trust that had shown in her eyes the first time he’d restrained her. He pumped his fist faster as the release began to build, thoughts of Jessie on her knees, taking him in her mouth, pushing him to the brink. His hand slammed against the shower wall to steady his loose body, his arm moving in short, jerky strokes. Random memories of their time together flooded through him until the pressure built in his balls to the breaking point. With one final stroke to the underside of the head his orgasm burst free, his body going rigid. Letting his head fall forward, he rested on his hand, allowing the pulses of release to take over.

  Damn her.

  After several long minutes of recovery he grasped the soap and cloth, and quickly and efficiently washed and finished up his shower. He needed to get back out to her, make sure everything was secure.

  With just a pair of running shorts to cover him, Noah double-checked the windows and door, surveying the surrounding area for anything out of the ordinary. Satisfied they were safe for now, he lowered his body onto the bed right next to Jessie’s slender, sleeping form. Her slow, even breathing was a soft rhythm in the room as he watched her sleep. With her there looking relaxed and innocent, he had an urge to shake her awake and demand answers from her.

  He thought back to how he’d first seen her earlier in the day. Tired and frail thanks to the conditions in which he’d found her. He needed to report to Denn and Jake again before long. Jake had sounded edgy and anxious to see his sister, or at least talk to her, but he knew what kind of risks they could take and what kind they couldn’t. He’d made alternate arrangements for the two of them to lay low, away from his uncle and his hired guns. Based on his experience, he knew the only way he could be sure of the control necessary for this situation was to tell no one, not even the ones he trusted.

  So her brother would just have to wait a while longer before he could reunite with his sister. Jessie shifted restlessly next to him and a long lean leg rubbed against him. That simple touch of soft, female flesh ignited his blood in an instant. His magick rushed forward, seeking her out, daring him to take her now. She would respond, he was certain of it, but that didn’t mean it was the right thing to do. Not that she was in any real condition for what he had in mind, she was far too weak.

  On a deep sigh, Noah stood from the bed and headed for the floor. With the extra pillow and blanket from the closet, he made himself a spot to rest next to the bed. He would be close enough to notice even a slight change in her breathing, but just far enough away to not be tempted to devour her in his sleep.

  Who was he kidding?

  His body thrummed with sexual energy once again and with no relief in sight it was going to be a very long night.

  * * *

  “C’mon, Jessie, we have to go now, our time is up.” His magick hummed, sensing other users nearby. When she came out of the bathroom carrying a duffel bag with her, she took his breath away. A night of rest, some food and a shower had made a world of difference, and now she looked more like Jessica. Silky brown hair fell just below her shoulders, the perfect length for grabbing onto. The almost too short denim shorts and tight green t-shirt she’d chosen from the clothes that had been delivered first thing this morning showed off every inch of her luscious body. Not exactly subtle nor disguise material, but dayum she looked good enough to eat. Even the plain white tennis shoes on her feet seemed sexy to him.

  When he finally let his gaze meet hers he could have sworn he saw the same heat in the normally cool blue depths of her eyes. Shaking his thoughts loose, he opened the door and ushered her out and down the stairs to his waiting vehicle. She was turning into a distraction neither one of them could afford.

  “Where are you taking me? To see Jake?” She slid onto the seat next to him, looking at him for an answer.

  “Not quite yet. We still have some trouble to deal with, and I don’t think either of us wants to involve more people than we have to.”

  “Then where are we going?”

  “Somewhere safe. Buckle up.”

  She glared at him, waiting.

  “How familiar are you with the bayou?”

  “Probably not enough, guess it depends on what you have in mind,” she blurted.

  Ignoring the jolt in his groin from the look she threw him, he continued. “We need to hide for a while. Somewhere I can protect you. I know of a place deep in the swamps that will fit the bill.”

  “Should I be nervous? I mean, I’m not your favorite person these days, and going deep in the swamps as you put it, with someone who doesn’t like me sounds like a recipe for big trouble.”

  “I’m not the one that left in the middle of the night, Jessie.”

  A dark cloud passed over her features, making her look sad. Seeing her like that made him feel like shit. Which really pissed him of
f since he had nothing to feel bad about.

  “I know.” She turned toward the window, ending the conversation and settled in for the ride.

  He pulled the SUV out of the parking lot, watching everything around them despite his preoccupation with the woman beside him. Obsession is more like it. He took a deep drag of air into his lungs, held it until it burned, and then let it out as slowly as he could. He needed to be in complete control of this situation and couldn’t afford distractions.

  As soon as they left this section of the Quarter the veil of voodoo they’d been hiding under would dissipate. Denn would be doing his best to aid them with his own spells, but whatever new source his uncle had harvested was some pretty powerful shit. That worried him the most. If his uncle had gained some additional power he either had a coven working for him or something far worse. Demons.

  Fucking demons.

  His brothers were currently looking into what factions were brewing in this region, which was a good thing, but Denn had been hiding something from him this morning. That had him worried. He’d thought about pushing him on it, but hadn’t had time. He and Jessie needed to get out of New Orleans, and fast. He doubted either of them was ready to take on an army.

  Crossing the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, they quickly left the city limits of New Orleans, headed for the middle of nowhere. They drove in silence as the empty road and occasional car went by them until he heard a stomach growl that had to have come from Jessie.

  “Are you hungry again?”

  She nodded her head. “A little, but I’m fine. I’ve gotten used to living on very little.”

  His stomach heaved at that thought. If he wasn’t careful his imagination would run wild with possibilities of just what she’d endured. “Once we get settled in a safe place, you’re going to have to tell me exactly what happened to you back there.”

  “It’s over, Noah, we need to just let it go.”

  “Uh-uh, cherie, it’s far from over. In fact, we likely have a long, tough road in front of us.”

  “What do you mean?” She looked confused.

  “According to my brothers, Uncle Scott has quite a plan brewing. Something else we are going to have to discuss soon enough.”

  She shifted closer to him in her seat. “Why not tell me now? I think we have time.”

  “Not yet, Jessie, for now I have to stay alert and focus on getting us away from here safely.”

  She crossed her arms against her chest, pushing her breasts up and against the already tight fabric. His mouth watered when he saw her peaked nipples poke against the shirt. The pouty look on her face only inflamed him further, challenging him to take her over his knee and teach her a lesson or two. He loved the lure of a woman with an independent streak and Jessie was just his type—it’s what had drawn him to her in the first place.

  For years he’d pursued meek and submissive women for his darker tastes, but Jessie had taught him the sweeter pleasure of submission with spirit. Despite her lack of enthusiasm toward his lifestyle, she’d responded immediately and with such intensity he’d thought his heat would combust them both. As it turned out they’d both been surprised with each other’s response. Their time together had been hot and brief, and her ultimate disappearance had driven him mad for a while. His pride prevented him from searching for her, so instead he’d indulged himself in every vice he could to forget about her. Work, sex, tequila and eventually he’d moved on. Until he answered his brother’s call.

  He was so tired of hearing about the family prophecy bullshit. He’d never bought into the drivel their uncle force-fed them as boys, and now that the missing pieces had conveniently been located he wasn’t surprised that the bastard had been lying to them all along. He believed in his brothers, though, but he knew from experience that the right woman could completely impair any man’s judgment.

  His turn was coming up. Noah swiveled his head to make sure no one was in his blind spot or anywhere at all. The dirt road he sought was partially covered by vegetation and couldn’t be spotted by most people, so he didn’t want any witnesses seeing them go off the main road. With no sign of people, he turned toward the bushes and waved his hand in front of them. From the corner of his eye he watched Jessie’s eyes get big as the overgrown bushes raised enough to reveal the road in front of them and allow his truck to pass through.

  “What the hell?”

  “Don’t look so surprised. You’ve known I was a witch for a long time.”

  “I know, but I’ve only seen you manipulate heat and fire. Not move objects at will.”

  “Not really a big deal to use the heat in the air to push some things around.”

  * * *

  She sat silently for a moment as he maneuvered the truck through the uneven terrain to the smooth dirt road beyond and considered him. She, like most people in their part of the world, had heard plenty of rumors about the Scott brothers. But even with their brief love affair he’d kept his magick use to a minimum around her. Oh, she knew how closely he held onto the dark power inside him, she’d touched it many times, she just hadn’t realized how much he probably used it.

  That kind of magick couldn’t be wielded by humans without some serious repercussions or after effects, not even born witches. Unlike her, their magick could come from two different sources: the good or the bad. She didn’t really like using the terms light or dark—that just sounded so Hollywood. Let’s face it, it’s either good or evil, she thought. Trying to walk a path using both, or what many witches referred to as grey magick, was often a little like killing someone for their own good. In the end you’re just kidding yourself about doing the right thing.

  Lost in her thoughts, Jessie jerked forward in her seat when the SUV came to a quick and sudden stop. She glanced out the window to see they’d parked in front of a small, dilapidated wooden shack. What the hell? The place looked like it should be condemned. Surely this wasn’t where they’d be staying.

  “Where are we?”

  “The middle of nowhere. Which is exactly where we need to be.”

  He stomach sank. “We’re staying here?” He must have read the sheer horror of that in her face because he laughed. Not a quick snort or momentary chuckle. He outright started to laugh his ass off as he opened his door and got out. She opened her own door and joined him in front of the truck.

  “What’s wrong, Jessie, you aren’t impressed with my place?”

  “You live here?”

  “Sometimes. Stay here for a second, I’ve got to get the truck stashed.”

  As Noah jumped back in his truck and headed around the bend in the road, she stood and took in the rundown fishing shack and the dirty swamp on which it sat. The damn thing was actually on stilts in the water and looked like it would crumble any second. One good wind and the place was toast. Dear Lord, there has to be a better place to hide than here.

  Ignoring his request to stay put, Jessie walked toward the small dock that wrapped around the side of the building and set her bag down on the dirt in front of it. No point in getting her things wet if the dock didn’t hold up under her weight. She placed her shoe on the wood and gave it a little shove to see what happened. Nothing did. Maybe it turn out sturdier than it looked after all.

  With a deep breath and a what-the-hell shrug, she walked toward the water. The wood creaked underneath her feet, but held strong and steady with no swaying, always a good sign. A smile curved at the edges of her mouth, releasing some of the tension she’d held. She could do this, she was certain. Hell, whatever it took not to end up back in that dungeon cell or in the sacrificial ceremony she’d been heading to was fine by her.

  Halfway down the length of the dock, she could see a boat sitting at the end just behind the miserable outhouse. At least, that’s what she would call it because even shack was too good a name for this crumbling building. She wondered if Noah had a tent she could use, ‘cause right now that sounded more secure than his oddball shack.

  She turned her attention away from the bu
ilding and back to the boat. Not just any boat, though. She was looking at an airboat, the airplane engine on the back side was a dead giveaway. Not that it surprised her to find one here. They were fast and the vehicle of choice for swamplands in the bayous known for their harsh terrain of either shallow water, dry land, or tall reeds. Her daddy had always told her there weren’t too many places an airboat couldn’t go.

  Fingers touched lightly on her shoulders, sliding underneath her hair to her neck. Her stomach jolted in surprise, a reaction she barely kept contained. With the initial contact of Noah’s heated skin against her flesh, her body buzzed with the familiar connection. Desire curled in her belly, spreading to her pussy and breasts, readying her body for hot, sweaty sex with the one man she wanted more than anything else. Talk about bad timing.

  “Ready to go for a ride?” His breath tickled the shell of her ear and she let her head fall back against the hard wall of his chest. She imagined him lying naked and hard in the hot sunshine as she straddled his body, lowering herself until his entire length was sheathed deep inside her. Liquid trickled between her thighs at the image of their sweat slickened bodies taking what they needed from each other. Sex with Noah always changed everything.

  Denying the tension between them was hard enough, but she was already tired of fighting her attraction to him. Her body needed and he had the cure. Unfortunately her tender heart and will to survive always got in the way.


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