Sexy Just Got Rich: Brit Babes Do Billionaires

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  That was before she’d discovered the real price for being here. For having a job on the Richards Computing’s staff list.

  Mia shivered as she peered between the trees that surrounded her. There was no one about. At least there didn’t appear to be.

  According to the staff in the office, all of whom Mia discovered had been rescued from the streets, this ‘event’ happened once a year. Mr Chesterfield would go out late at night, and search for one person to rescue from homelessness. He’d offer to house them, pay them, feed them, and employ them. All they had to do was pay this one price.

  All they had to do was to take part in a game. A chase. A hunt in which Mia was to be the quarry.

  Cameron had explained how the chase worked, and what would happen when she was caught. While she’d composed herself, trying to remove the shocked expression from her face, Cameron had informed Mia that she was at liberty to leave if she didn’t want to do this.

  But if she did leave, there was no coming back. No second chances.

  Bidding for the right to chase Mia had apparently already been going on for some weeks. The cost of taking part blew Mia’s mind, and when Cameron told her how much the two people who had purchased the right to pursue her through the trees had paid, Mia’s breath had snagged in her throat.

  The previous day, Mia had listened, eyes wide, her pulse thumping in her veins, as Dora, Cameron’s PA, had described the time she’d been chased, captured, and then stripped naked. She had been placed on her hands and knees, with her breasts and body swaying in the evening light. One man had thrust into her from behind, his hands clasping her waist. The other man had knelt before her, twisting her long hair around one palm, forcing her head up, while he’d steered his dick with the other hand, teasing her mouth. The detailed description kept replaying through Mia’s head.

  Why am I doing this? Mia wrapped her hands across her chest, the tightness of her braless nipples answering the question for her. This was nothing to do with wanting to stay off the streets, or even about wanting to work in Cameron’s business empire. Every part of this turned her on. The mere idea sent her erotic daydreams bouncing around the inside of her skull.

  For the past three nights Mia had lain awake, picturing what might happen to her when whoever took part in the final stages of the chase reached her. She’d spent hours pleasuring herself as her lurid musings took her to places that suddenly seemed dauntingly terrifying now she was here, at three o’clock in the afternoon, waiting for the event to begin.

  Wearing nothing but a simple cotton summer dress, buttoned from the bottom to the top, Mia flexed her feet, upon which she wore white running shoes.

  “Are you ready?”

  Cameron’s voice made Mia jump, as he suddenly appeared from between the trees. “The players are in place. You will be pursued by a man and a woman. Visually, a very satisfying combination as far as I’m concerned.”

  Mia had wondered what her potential employer got out of this, apart from the money of course. It was too bizarre a thing to do if it didn’t give him some sort of personal kick.

  Seeing the unanswered question cross Mia’s face, Cameron smiled. “I like to watch.”

  A voyeur. That made sense. Mia wiped the nervous perspiration from her palms down her dress. “I’m ready.”

  Cameron pulled a stopwatch from his pocket. “In one minute you will run. In two minutes they, and I, will run after you. The person who touches you first gets to decide what physical indulgences you will face, although they can both take part. As I said, if you wish to leave at any time you can. I will return the fees paid, and you can go. I will be there to make sure you are safe, as well as to enjoy the view.”

  He took something else from his pocket. “Here, this will make running easier.”

  Taking the elastic band from him, Mia fastened her hair up into a tight little ponytail with clumsy fingers. Her body felt both hot and cold at the same time as it anticipated what lay ahead.

  Mia barely heard Cameron as he started the countdown to the start of her run into a real life erotic fantasy. “You will run in three, two, one, GO!”

  Sprinting through the trees, jumping over twisted tree roots, and crashing through fallen leaves, Mia chanted in her head, One man, one woman. One man, one woman... With each step she took, Mia could feel her head start dissolving. Her ears strained for the sound of approaching feet as she fought the urge not to look behind her.

  The deeper into the woods she got, the closer together the trees were, and Mia had to concentrate on not stumbling over hidden roots and fallen branches as she wound her way between them. Her heart pounded, and blood pumped in her ears. She felt like a fox being chased by hounds. Being caught was inevitable. Unlike a fox, however, Mia wanted to be caught. At least, she thought she did.


  It was their breathing she heard first. Somehow it overrode the sound of their feet, it was so urgent, so animal.

  They were so close. Sweat trickled down Mia’s back, the heat of running and the anticipation of the erotic adventure to follow counteracting the cool of the late afternoon air. Every one of her muscles ached, her head thudded, and her fringe stuck to her forehead.

  Mia had promised herself that whatever happened, she would make sure she wasn’t too tired to flee if the sex that was asked of her was too much. Now she wasn’t sure she’d even have the strength left to even walk out of the woods if she didn’t stop running soon.

  With increasingly laboured breathing, Mia made a split second decision. She was going to steadily slow down so that Cameron didn’t notice what she was doing, and so the chase still felt genuine. She was going to let them catch her sooner rather than later.

  As she weaved her way along the path that opened out into a small clearing, with a dry mouth, and her imagination out of control, Mia decelerated and almost instantly felt the grab of an unknown hand on her right shoulder.

  Roughly twisted around, Mia almost tripped over her own feet as she found herself face-to-face with a stunningly beautiful Oriental woman, who was barely even out of puff.

  Behind her was a tall, fit-looking grey haired man, whose lust-filled eyes alone were enough to make Mia’s insides flip with desire.

  The woman carried a small rucksack. Mia’s mind was already dancing with ideas of what might be inside it, when she saw her captors exchange knowing glances.

  Cameron appeared relaxed despite his brisk run, and lounged against the nearest tree trunk. With his arms folded, he addressed the fledgling threesome.

  “Annisa, Leo, please meet your prize. If Mia wishes to halt proceedings she is at liberty to do so at any time.”

  Their host turned to Mia. “All you have to do to leave is say street life.”

  Mia nodded. It was a clever safe word to pick. An instant reminder of what faced her if she failed here. She didn’t think she was going to fail though. The pinch of the swell of her chest was already close to making her beg for the chasers to fall on her.

  Inclining his head, Cameron looked from one of his companions to the next, before saying, “Begin.”

  The woman moved fast, and gestured to Leo to open her bag. Having reached Mia first, she had the right to dictate the pace, but as Mia watched them, she couldn’t help wondering if they’d already jointly agreed what was going to happen.

  While the muscular man fished through the rucksack, Annisa stood directly in front of Mia. With her green eyes fixed onto her prisoner, her ruby red fingernails took hold of the top button of the cotton dress, and tugged hard. The frock fell away as if it was nothing, leaving Mia naked, exposed, vulnerable, and aching for the first touch.

  Turning to her assistant, Annisa smiled knowingly. “It seems we have an eager subject for our desires, Leo. How sweet, she’s already wet.” Diving a hand forward, Annisa cupped a palm over Mia’s pussy.

  Gasping with pleasure, a strange mixture of shame and desire consumed Mia as her sex honey coated the hand expertly manipulating her crotch. She glanced at Cam
eron, and was relieved to see a satisfied expression on his face, which was accompanied by a large bulge in his trousers.

  Mia’s attention was soon snapped back to her temporary owners however, as Leo was holding up what he’d been searching for. Two pairs of chained handcuffs and a set of shiny silver nipple clamps.

  “If you please, Leo.” Annisa sat, cross-legged on the leaf-covered ground, and quietly observed her helper approach Mia. He deftly attached one set of chain linked cuffs to her wrists, and the other to her ankles.

  Mia gulped. She’d played bondage games before, but never like this. Moistening her lips, she exhaled slowly as she tried to prepare for the pain that was heading her way in the form of the nipple clamps Leo was brandishing.

  Unable to stop the cry of exquisite agony as each set of metal teeth bit into her sensitive flesh, Mia had to fight hard not to lift her tethered hands and knock the clamps away. Darts of hot discomfort shot through her breasts, causing tears to form in her eyes. She slammed her mouth shut, holding back the sobs that wanted to come. Sobs that were in complete contradiction to the words she wanted to cry out. Words that would plead with Leo to free the dick she could see pushing hard beneath his tight-fitting running shorts, so he could fuck her there and then.

  “Sit her down, please.”

  Mia winced as she was lowered to the ground as per Annisa’s order. Her bare arse was pushed onto the leaves, her linked hands placed on each knee so that the chains were fully taut, and her legs were outstretched at her sides in a wide ‘v’ shape. And then she was left alone.

  Sitting down next to Annisa, Leo passed her a pad and set of pencils. Then, to Mia’s astonishment, the Oriental woman began to draw.

  Swallowing hard, Mia gripped her knees tightly as she stared from Leo to the artist and back again. What’s going on? The sting at her nipples was beginning to dull from the initial shocking burn, and had become a low current of continual soreness coursing through her scarlet chest and down to her sodden channel. She’d never felt more empty and neglected in her life.

  The words street life kept pushing themselves towards the insides of her lips. Not because Mia wanted to leave, but because she wanted something to happen. Anything! She longed for a mouth at her clit, a cock inside her pussy, a tongue lapping at her abused tits. Instead, she was having her portrait drawn.

  For every sweep of the pencil across the sketchpad being used in front of her, Mia could have sworn she felt the tease of the lead against her flesh. Never had the wait for sex been so difficult. Or so unusual.

  No one moved. Not Leo, who seemed perfectly content to simply observe Annisa draw. Not Annisa, who was fully absorbed in the transferral of Mia’s chilled, yet overheated, form onto paper. And not Cameron, who, although the look on his face was almost as hungry for action as Mia felt, stayed where he was, the outline of his dick clearly visible, hands wedged deep in his pockets.

  As time passed, leaves sprinkled down from the trees above in the autumn breeze. Occasionally they teased Mia’s flesh, brushing her throbbing nipples, and sending fresh shafts of glorious pain through her tense frame.

  How long does a picture take to draw, for fuck’s sake? Mia wasn’t sure she could sit motionless much longer.

  Just when Mia had begun to despair of ever being touched again, the artist laid down her pad and nodded at Leo who, without a word, climbed to his feet and removed Mia’s nipple clamps.

  Whimpering with a mixture of relief and agony as the blood began to pump more freely around her breasts again, Mia’s eyes widened as Annisa stood next to her fellow bidder.

  Moving together, Leo and Annisa took hold of one of Mia’s shoulders each. Rocking their quarry onto her back, they fell upon her with mutual murmurs of relief. Engulfing the tips of her claw-injured globes between their teeth, they made Mia yelp in blissful agony as their tongues cooled her flesh.

  As the nipping and grazing continued, Mia couldn’t stop herself from calling out, “Please, please, I need more, I need...”

  Her pleading was ignored as the couple stopped what they were doing and, using the chain at her wrists as a lever, they wrenched her hands up over her head. Briefly returning to her bag, Annisa passed Leo a dark green scarf, which the breast-obsessed man put into action straight away.

  Mia wondered if Cameron could hear the tears in her voice as he observed the theatre he’d set up, as the woollen material was stroked across her enflamed chest again and again. Was he was enjoying the frantic sounds that were pouring from her lips?

  She longed for one of them, Mia didn’t care which, to squeeze her clit between their fingers. Hard—mercilessly hard—until she came. But Leo simply continued to sweep the scarf from one tortured nipple to the other at a maddeningly steady pace, while his partner just watched. Over and over again he smoothed and scoured the unlikely sex toy until, suddenly, there was an abrupt shift in Annisa’s stance.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Mia saw Cameron take a step closer, springing his cock from its cotton prison.

  Suddenly everything started to happen very fast.

  Forced onto her knees, the chains clanking slightly, Mia’s head was pushed forward so it rested on her forearms, and her butt was hoisted as far up as it would go.

  Trailing a hand casually over the proffered rump, Annisa caused Mia’s flesh to jump and her tits to swell further as they were scraped against the woodland floor. It was all Mia could do not to shout “Hurry up!”

  Cameron moved closer still, and Mia could just see his legs to her left as, at last, she felt the flesh of the other woman’s leg brush against her side. Rather than begin to work Mia off as she’d expected, Annisa swung a leg across her, straddling Mia’s bare thighs, before crouching on her hands and knees over her prize.

  Mia gasped as Annisa’s neat hard breasts buffed against her back. Wishing she could see Leo’s expression as he was faced with two pussies to fill, Mia closed her eyes, hoping that it would be her channel he plunged into first.

  The sound of a condom packet being opened made Mia grab at the earth beneath her fingernails in excited agitation. Come on, come on...

  Finally, a deliciously toned masculine body added to the weight over Mia’s back, and with a husky grunt, Leo thrust inside her. A second later however, his magnificently thick shaft was gone, and Mia was sighing with loss in time with Annisa’s first mew of ecstasy.

  Leo quickly established a rhythm. Mia then Annisa, Mia then Annisa... As his knees flexed up and down, his dick dived between them, and Leo’s groans became like the roars of his namesake. Faster and faster, the gaps between him being inside each woman became less, until suddenly Mia could take no more.

  As Annisa climaxed right above her, Mia’s orgasm exploded within her, making her jack against her chains. With head-spinning joy, Mia came in an exhausted quivering rush, just as Cameron spunked his voyeuristic appreciation right across the combined trio’s tangled mass of leaf-stained limbs.


  The following day, conscious of her breasts still humming with gratifying soreness beneath her bra, Mia answered a summons to Cameron’s office. On his desk stood a framed pencil drawing of a woman in chains, wearing two nipple clamps.

  Mia’s eyes didn’t seem to be able to leave the picture. If she hadn’t been there, she’d never have believed it was her.

  “So, would you like a job here then?”

  A little breathless, Mia smiled at Cameron. “I would. Thank you.”

  Cameron tilted his head to one side. “It is an amazing picture. You were outstanding. But I think you have a question for me?”

  “Umm, yes. Why do it? You could go to clubs and watch stuff like that. You are a wealthy guy, you could pay to see whatever you liked, why hold the chase?”

  Cameron sat at his desk. “This place is not called Chesterfield Computing after me, but Richards Computing after the previous owner. He employed me many years ago. He found me by chance when I was sleeping rough in London. He offered me a way out. An unusual way, as
you have seen, but it appealed to my sexual preferences, as it did to yours. I have kept up his tradition. And anyway, it’s fun.”

  Mia’s eyes flicked back to the drawing. “I have another question.”

  “Yes, Mia?”

  “Please may I run for you again?”

  More About Kay Jaybee

  Kay Jaybee was nominated as the Best Erotica Writer of 2013 and 2014 by the ETO.

  Kay wrote the full length novels, The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (Xcite, 2011-14) Making Him Wait, (Sweetmeats Press, 2012), The Voyeur (Xcite, 2012), as well as the novellas, Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man (2nd ed. 1001 Nights Press, 2013), Digging Deep (Xcite, 2013), A Sticky Situation, (Xcite, 2012), and The Circus, (Sweetmeats Press). She has also written the anthologies Take Control (1001 Nights Press), The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012 & 2008), The Best of Kay Jaybee (Xcite, 2012), Tied to the Kitchen Sink, Equipment, (All Romance, 2012), Yes Ma’am (Xcite e-books, 2011), Quick Kink One and Quick Kink Two (Xcite e-books, 2010). Kay is also the author of the 1001 NightsPress ‘Quickie’s series. Kay has had over 100 short stories published by Cleis Press, Black Lace, Mammoth, Xcite, Penguin, Seal, and Sweetmeats Press.




  Victoria Blisse

  It happened like a scene from a book.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” The tall, dark stranger asked me. I was propped by the bar, my chin in my hands, elbows rested on the bar top.

  I didn’t answer at first because I wasn’t sure he was speaking to me. I’d had a shit night and was a few wines into drowning my sorrows.

  He confidently placed his hand in the centre of my back.

  “Excuse me.” He waited for me to make eye contact with him. I was dazzled by their cold blueness.


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