New Bloods Boxset

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New Bloods Boxset Page 27

by Michelle Bryan

  “Can your people do that? Can they help me get him out of there?” I say, fearing to raise too much hope.

  She gives a slight nod. “It will not be easy. Zoe informs me that our ruse has worked, and that our decoys seen leaving the city walls were indeed believed to be the three of you, but they will not be as easily fooled the second time around. Security will be tightened. You will probably have to go into hiding for quite a while—”

  “I don’t care,” I say, cutting off her words. “I will do whatever it takes to free Ben. I will listen to you ‘til I turn blue in the face if you help me get him out of there.”

  “So be it. I will send the word, gather our forces together. Develop a plan.”

  She waves her hand, and Zoe gives a curt little nod and quickly leaves the room.

  I can feel my heart fluttering with excitement. They were going to help me get Ben out of that hell hole. I was going to see him soon, possibly tonight. I cain’t help the smile spreading across my face. I look up to find Finn and Jax watching me, and the smile drops right away. Shizen. I’d forgotten about them. They cain’t be here when all this happens. They cain’t be caught in the city with me, hiding with me and Ben. They need to get out of here. I need to know they are somewhere safe. I take a deep breath.

  “Jax, I’m gonna ask you for a great favor,” I say. “I need you to take Finn and Cat with you when you leave today. Take them back to Gray Valley. Keep them safe. They won’t be no trouble to you. Cat is a real good hunter, Finn too. They’ll earn their keep.”

  I ignore Finn’s cry of protest. I was expecting that. It’s Jax who surprises me.

  “I didn’t realize I was going back to Gray Valley today,” he says matter- of -factly, and I look at him in confusion.

  “But we found Lily. She’s gonna help me get Ben back. Your job is done. Just promise me you will keep Finn safe,” I say.

  “And what good is my promise if I don’t keep it?” he says.

  “I don’t get it. Wha—?”

  “I promised you I would help you free Ben. Last night when you were too mule-headed to take the damn rope, I made a promise to you, and I’m aiming to keep it.”

  “But you don’t have to,” I say slowly, like he’s too dimwitted to understand. “Lily and the others … they’re gonna help me now. I just need you to look after Finn. The two of you cain’t be here in the city when this happens; it’s too dangerous.”

  “I ain’t going nowhere,” says Finn and sits his butt down on a chair, arms folded and staring me down all defiant-like.

  Oh gods, not now, I think.

  “Look, I know you want to help, but I cain’t have anythin’ happen to you. The both of you need to get out of the city while you still can. Don’t worry ‘bout me; I’ll be fine with Lily’s people. We’ll be in and out of that iron mine in a split second. They won’t know what hit ‘em,” I say, smiling at Finn, trying to assure him everything would be okay.

  “Tara is right,” Lily says and I nod, happy she’s agreeing with me. “You should take the boy and leave. I will have one of my men take you out the back way just to be safe. And if it’s Tara you are worried about, have no fear. She will not be accompanying my people into the mines. It is far too dangerous.”

  “What?” I ain’t sure I heard her right.

  “My people will do this without you. We cannot risk you being captured again.”

  I can only stare at her and blink stupidly. “Dangerous? You want me to go up against the Prezedant, yet you call this dangerous?”

  “You need proper training; you are not ready for battle yet. My people know what they’re doing,” she says in her serene voice, but it irritates me to no end.

  “Aye? And do they know who to look for when they go in? What are they gonna do, take the time to go ‘round and ask every poor soul in there if their name is Ben?” I snap.

  “She has a point there,” Tater interjects, leaning over on his chair. He quickly shuts up at Lily’s withering look.

  “I can go with them,” Jax says, and I groan in frustration. Not him, too. Good gods, why are they all being so mule-headed?

  “I saw him yesterday. I know who to look for. And Tara gets to stay here out of harm’s way.”

  “Well, if Jax gets to stay, so do I.” Finn says stubbornly. “I can help too.”

  “Stop it. All of you. I will be the one to go, and that’s that. Ain’t no use in arguin’. Jax, you take Finn and go back to Gray Valley. I thank you, but I don’t need your help no more.” My tone is firm. This conversation is done, and my decision is final.

  “Tara,” Lily’s voice is calming, like she’s talking to an irate young’un. “Think about what you are saying. My people can’t be worried about protecting you from the Army. If you wish Ben to be free, then you have to let them do their part. Jax is right; he can go. He’s seen Ben’s face; he knows who to look for. You would just be a liability and endanger them all.”

  Dammit. I know what she’s saying makes sense, but I cain’t stand the thought of not going. Of not being there to make sure it all goes right and they get Ben out of there safe.

  “Fine,” I huff ‘cause I don’t like it, not one little bit. But if it means seeing Ben in front of me safe and sound, then I will do whatever it takes.

  Over the course of the evening, Lily’s people began showing up. Not all at once so as to draw attention, but one or two, spaced apart like they were just people coming to seek treatment from the healer. I had to admit it was a real smart setup she had going on to avoid suspicion. And I’m real surprised to see what her little band of rebels consisted of. There were men, women, young’uns not even as old as me, and even muties who’d arrived, faces covered with wrappers so as not to be detected. But whether man, woman, or mutie, every one of them greets me warmly. Like they’re all so happy to see me. I ask Lily about their strange behavior, but she says it ain’t strange at all. I was a true New Blood of the light; they were honored to meet me. I don’t like it.

  I’m happy to see Po in amongst them though, to see that he’s alive and well after having saved us. He greets me with hands on my forearms, and I feel that tingling again, which Lily informs me is a common response between our kind. We are blood connected, she says. I will get used to it, she says. She seems to be forgetting that I ain’t sticking ‘round long enough to get used to anything, but I don’t say nuthin’.

  They gather at the huge table we’d had breakfast on earlier, so many of them that there ain’t even enough chairs for them all to sit. I watch from off to the side, partially ‘cause I cain’t stand all their curious looks and touching, but mostly ‘cause I’m still mad that I ain’t going on the mission. Even Jax gets to sit among ‘em and help plan. Seems funny that I’m some all important New Blood but I ain’t got no say in the matter.

  After confirming with Zoe that the guards were in place around Sanctuary to stop any unwelcome guests from walking in, Lily begins talking in earnest. She does most of the talking, well, her and one other.

  A tall, brick wall of a man with close cropped, gray hair seems to be just as important to these rebels as Lily. I study him curiously. He wears a patch on his right eye, covering the eye but not the jagged, raised scar that runs from his eyebrow down his cheek. I find myself wondering who he is and what had happened to him. As if suddenly aware of my scrutiny, he looks up and catches my gaze. The heated blush rises in my face at being caught staring, but he don’t take offence. He merely grins at me and winks his good eye before turning his attention back to the group. I hear Lily call him Mack. The name is fitting somehow.

  I listen intently as they plan. The talking goes on for quite some time, long into the night. Finn had been keeping me company earlier, but at his stifled yawns I send him off to bed with the promise I would wake him if they came back with Ben. Tater had wandered off, too. I figure there had to be an ale room somewhere nearby that needed attending to, so I watch the rebels plan on my own.

  They eventually arrive at a good strategy
. A sound proposal that just may work. As I listen to Lily outline it, I realize how much of a natural leader she really is. She skirts around the issue of me only agreeing to stay here based on them being able to free Ben. Instead, she plays it off as rescuing my kin would free me up to be able to concentrate on their cause, their rebellion. That they would be doing me a great honor. I’m amazed to see not one person protest this escape plan. As a matter of fact, they are all arguing over who should be in the select few able to go. They finally decide on the chosen eight, Jax and the man Mack being two of the eight. I’m still put out at not being included in the rescue group and watch in simmerin’ anger as the chosen group is divvied out the black gear, right down to the black hoods, same as our rescue group from the previous evening. I still cain’t believe they are going after Ben without me.

  Zoe lays the remaining dark clothes on a smaller table back against the wall and leaves them unattended as she disappears into thin air again. I do a double take. Where the hell did she go? As I search for her in the room, my gaze falls on the clothes. They’re just sitting there, callin’ to me almost, and all of a sudden an idea starts forming in my head. I’m still listening to Lily, but I stroll almost casually to the table, trying not to draw any attention to myself. The group is arguing now over who should be the ones to go in and who should be the diversions. I take advantage of their inattention to quickly swipe a hood and black tunic and shove it under my own. Before anyone can see the telltale bump, I scurry out of the room up the hall and straight to the room with all the books. A quick perusal tells me I’m alone, so I hide the clothes under one of the tall, backed chairs, and I’m back in the kitchen before the argument is even over. I’m relieved to see that no one seems to have been aware of my absence except Jax who looks up as I enter, but I just smile brightly at him and give him two thumbs-up. His brow furrows in puzzlement at my behavior, but he just shakes his head at me and turns his attention back to the tall man.

  “So it is decided then. Jax, Krowell, Riven, and I will be the four to go in. Our inside man assures me he will get himself assigned to the prisoners’ quarters tonight so he can give us access with no problem. You other four will create the diversion we need to get in. It won’t be easy. I have heard the Prezedant’s men arrived this morning, and they were very upset at hearing Naryz had lost the three prisoners. Security is at high alert right now; no one wants to be the next one to screw up.”

  Lily speaks again, “Mack is right. This will not be easy. It will; however, be very dangerous. Some of you … may not come back. Are you all willing to take that chance?”

  Hearing those words being spoken aloud and the reality of it all suddenly hits me like a punch to the gut. It is a dangerous thing they are doing, and they’re doing it for me. I’d asked them to do this. Why would they do such a thing for a stranger? I look, waiting to see if anyone wanted to change their mind. I wouldn’t blame ‘em if they did, but no one backs down. The one called Riven slams his meaty fist on the table and grins out over the crowd.

  “I’d be willin’ to chop off me own arm if it meant a chance to take out a few of that evil bastard’s men.”

  This is followed by a round of howling laughter and a few shouts of, “Aye!”

  I am astounded. I cain’t even begin to understand why they are doing this. Why would they wanna help me? Then another realization hits me. Shizen. Jax is going, too. He’s going to put himself in grave danger to help rescue someone he ain’t even met. Just ‘cause he promised me. I cain’t believe that I’ve been so selfish, so intent on Ben’s rescue that I ain’t even thought about the danger the others and Jax would be in. I look at him with this fresh awareness only to find those light blue eyes already on me. It’s like he knows what I’m thinking in my head, and he smiles at me. A real, full-out smile like the night of the dancing and my heart does that same crazy flip flop, only this time, I ain’t got no excuse that it’s dancing causing it. Right then and there, I know. I know my anger at not being allowed to go ain’t just ‘cause I’m afraid they’re going to mess up rescuing Ben, but also ‘cause I ain’t gonna be there to watch Jax’s back. I had to go. Jax needed me there, and I know I had made the right choice by swiping those clothes. There ain’t no other option.

  I glance up again to see him crossing the room and heading straight for me, like he wants to talk to me. Panic starts building in my chest and I turn tail and run out of the room. I cain’t talk to him right now. I’m too full of confusion and guilt and fear.

  Back in the book room, I do another check to make sure I’m alone before dressing in the stolen clothes and covering my head and face with the hood. The plan is to take the covered wagon that had brought us here last evenin’, back out to the mines, so my plan is to hitch a ride. I make my way to the smelly stone room off of the white hall, hoping I don’t run into anyone and have to explain what I’m doing. Thankfully, I don’t meet nobody. Not even creepy Zoe who seemed to haunt these halls and pop up when you least expect her. One of Lily’s rebels or not, she truly does gives me the willies.

  The stone room is still empty as well, so I choose a nice, big pile of hay at the back of the wagon as my hiding spot. I ain’t got long to wait before the rescue team start showing up. I watch from my hiding place as they pile into the wagon. I need to time this perfectly.

  Jax is the last in line but he lingers, looking at the stone door hopefully. Is he waiting for me? I wonder. Is he expecting me to see them off? Finally he shrugs, runs a hand through his hair and pulls on the hood before joining the others in the back. I ain’t sure, but I think I can see disappointment on his face.

  Zoe shuts the door to the wagon behind them, but pauses and cocks her head, looking around the room like she senses something. I don’t dare to even breathe as I sink lower into the pile of hay.She can’t find me. I need to be on that wagon. I reckon she finally decides all is good as she gives up on her inspection. Opening up the two massive doors to let in the night’s cool air she climbs up into the driver’s seat behind the two horses. I wait for my chance and then run at the wagon, jumping onto the back step just as it begins to move. I get a firm grip on the metal bar at the top of the wagon cover and hang on for dear life, ‘cause if I remember correctly from last night, this is gonna be a bumpy ride.

  Thankfully at this late hour, there ain’t nobody traveling the roads, but Zoe don’t take any chances. She sticks to all the winding back roads and alleyways. The few stragglers we do come upon are either too drunk or too involved in their own transgressions to care what we’re up to. They don’t pay no heed to the wagon or to the bouncing madwoman hanging off the back. We don’t meet no resistance at the back gates leading out of the city either since Po had been sent ahead earlier in the evening to “take care of” the guards. I ain’t quite sure what that entailed, whether it was the same trick he had pulled on the raiders or not. I don’t want to know. Whatever he’d done, it worked. There ain’t a guard to be seen.

  Once we get through the gates, the light of the city fades, and it takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the inky darkness of the outer lands. I’m surprised at how Zoe can maneuver the wagon so easily through the sand mounds, but she don’t slow her pace at all. I simply hang on tighter and grit my teeth so as not to bite my tongue as the wagon jerks and bounces.

  Finally we stop in the shadows of a high sand dune, concealed from any watching eyes of guards that may be lurking in the area. I can see the iron mines off in the distance. It’s hard not to. As dark and shadowed as the rest of the outer lands are, the iron mines are lit up like it’s the middle of the day.

  There are blazing fires burning everywhere, surrounding the perimeter. They definitely aren’t taking any chances. Shizen. Those fires will surely make it that much harder to sneak in. Why are they taking so many precautions, I wonder? It ain’t like they know we’re coming to break Ben out. I don’t get no time to wonder about it, though, before I hear Zoe make her way down from the driver’s seat and start coming ‘round back. I ho
p down from my perch and sneak to the other side of the wagon. Only after she opens the door and the rebels are all standing outside do I casually make my way into the pack under cover of darkness. They don’t even realize I’m there; they’re all looking at the lit-up sky surrounding the mines and wondering the same as me.

  “No matter. We knew they would increase the security. The plan still stands,” Mack whispers loudly, and the uneasy murmuring ceases at his commanding words. “You four, up the ridge. Get ready but wait for my signal.”

  They slink away and disappear into the night without a sound.

  “Let’s go,” he whispers again, and I fall to the back of the line as we head out. Following their stealthy approach, my heart beats wildly as I fear they will notice their number is five, not four like originally planned. But I ain’t got to worry for long. As we get nearer to the mine, we can tell something ain’t right. The fires burning all ‘round the mines are done on purpose-like, a light show to enhance what is put on display. At first, I ain’t sure. I think my eyes are deceiving me. But at Mack’s, “Holy mother of gods!” I know what I’m seeing is real sure enough.

  Bodies. At least fifteen or twenty of ‘em, all hanging by their necks from a long platform built across the entrance to the mine. They sway quietly in the night air, a blood-curdling sight to behold. My stomach lurches and it feels like I’m gonna retch, but as much as I want to, I cain’t tear my eyes away.

  The first I see is Nayrz, his bloated body made even more so by death. The two next to him are also soldiers; I can tell by their uniforms. But then I see something that almost brings me to my knees. A frail body in a ragged yellow tunic. The young girl Ben had helped get back on her feet yesterday after the soldier had knocked her down. No. This cain’t be her….can it? Why would they do such a thing to her? Not even the Prezedant could be this brutal. This evil. But even as my heart argues with my brain, I see the chains ‘round her ankles linking her to the next body hanging beside her and the next. The rest of them hanging there … they’re all prisoners.


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