New Bloods Boxset

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New Bloods Boxset Page 78

by Michelle Bryan

  “Uh-uh-uh, New Blood. No Chi allowed. You were told no weapons and since this is my party, you do as I say. If I so much as feel another tiny flicker of Chi, one of these two will meet their demise, understood?”

  His voice seems to be all around us, and I search the crowd for the hated face.

  “That ain’t how negotiation works,” I yell back, not quite sure where to direct my words since I still cain’t find him.

  “Negotiation? Silly child. Who said anything about negotiation?”

  The sea of soldiers part at the opposite end of the stage, and he finally comes into view. With an air of arrogance, he climbs the platform and takes a seat in the gilded throne, steepling his fingers under his chin and surveying the crowd like they’re his faithful followers instead of a mob that would slit his throat given the opportunity. There ain’t none of his fancy elites around in the crowd. Probably hiding on Royal Island with their heads up their butts like the chicken shites they are.

  His gaze falls on me, and his smile widens as he motions with his hand.

  “Come, my dear. Join me up here. We haven’t had a double execution in quite a while. You’ll want a better view than down there.”

  “Tara,” Jax protests.

  “Trust me,” I whisper back at him over my shoulder as I shrug off his hand and start climbing the stairs, doing the Prezedant’s bidding.

  My footsteps echo somberly into the speechless crowd as I walk to the center of the platform, Mack’s gaze burning into my back, demanding to know what I’m doing. He ain’t happy I’m here, but I reckon that’s the least of his worries right now.

  I stop just a mere span from the devil as the two soldiers standing on either side of him aim their serum shooters my way. The message is clear enough. One wrong move and they take me down. I suppress the shiver threatening my body as the Prezedant’s dark eyes travel over me like he’s studying his last meal. I swear he all but licks his lips, and my stomach coils in revulsion as I barely contain my disgust. Even across the span separating us, I feel his burgeoning power and a wave of terror washes over me. It didn’t feel this way the last time we met. He’s done something to grow his Chi, and I instinctively know it’s to do with Conner.

  “Where’s the boy?” I demand, trying to hide the quiver in my voice. His smile at my question practically sparkles, like he’s truly happy to see me.

  “What? Those are your first words to me? After all we’ve been through together? No hello, or how are you doing? Even after you tried to kill me? Quite rude, really.”

  “Stop your bull-shite, and tell me where he is.”

  “What do you take me for, Tara? I’m a very reasonable man. The boy is very much alive if that’s what you’re worried about. Or he was when I left him, anyways. I’m afraid I may have gone a little overboard on his blood-letting. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the pleasure of a true New Blood’s power. These lab creations are adequate, but no where near as exhilarating as one of your kind. And a young one at that. There’s nothing like the rush of young blood flowing through your veins.”

  I resist the sickness in my stomach as my fear is realized. Even as much as I wanna tear out his throat, I cain’t give in to my desire. Instead, I bury my hands deep in my pockets to keep them from wrapping around his neck. The objects Ernst had given me assure me as I come in contact with ‘em.

  “You better hope for your sake he stays alive. I ain’t gonna be pleased if something happens to him. Or any of my people.” I glance over at Mack to emphasize my point.

  His smile grows even bigger. “Seriously? You’re threatening me? You do realize you’re inside my city with my soldiers surrounding you. Quite a silly move, if you ask me. I didn’t believe you capable of such recklessness. Why don’t you explain to me why you’re here?”

  “Why I’m here? You know why I’m here. I’m here to negotiate. It’s time to stop the death and bloodshed. Let these people that don’t wanna be here walk away. You have enough followers that believe in you and are more than willin’ to follow your every sick whim. You don’t need to enslave the rest. I want you to free ‘em. I want you to take those young’uns off the wall and open the gates. Let those leave that wanna leave, my kin included.”

  He studies me for a bit in stunned silence, like he ain’t quite sure he heard me right. Finally, he throws back his head and laughs, the sound reverberating down my spine.

  “Let them all go? Just like that? And who then will be left to toil the fields and serve us?” He laughs some more and wipes tears outta the corner of his eyes before pointing a gold-ringed finger my way. “Oh, my, you do amuse me. I’ll give you that. And why, pray tell, should I do that? What do I get in return?” He narrows his eyes. “Negotiate.”

  I swallow hard, the words almost refusing to pass the lump in my throat. “In return? The thing you want more than anything, and I’ll give it quite willingly. The thing that lays at the bottom of all this stupidity. My blood.”


  The Plan

  “Tara, no!” There ain’t no disguising Mack’s displeasure as he yells my way, but a slight wave from the Prezedant and he’s delivered a blow to the head from the guard at his back, silencing him once again. I wince at the hollow thunk, but don’t take my gaze offa the man in fronta me, nor the way his eyes widen slightly at my offer. I’ve intrigued him.

  “Go on,” he says.

  I shrug. “First you show me you mean to take me seriously. Take the young’uns down from the gate.”

  He narrows his eyes. “And why would I do that? They look quite comfortable up there, enjoying the show and all.”

  I fold my arms across my chest like I got all the time in the world. “You say you’re a reasonable man. Prove it. Let those young’uns down to be with their family and the negotiations can continue.”

  His laughter echoes across the silent crowd. “Oh my, you do fascinate me, I must say.” He taps a finger against his smirking lips like he’s thinking it over, before pointing my way. “I tell you what. I’ll let half of them down, just to prove to you what a stand-up guy I really am.”

  A slight nod and the soldiers at the gate start stacking some crates against one of the solid steel doors, creating a crude staircase. One soldier makes his way up and shoves the first young’un towards the stairs, almost causing him to tumble head over heels. He quickly gains stability and don’t have to be told twice to move. He scrambles down the crates, a dozen more young’uns on his heels. They run into the crowd and are met with shrieks of glee from the suffering parents as they’re pulled into welcoming arms.

  The soldier on top of the gate stops the rest from following and forces them back, leaving a good ten or more young’uns still up there. Not quite the result I was hoping for but at least it gave me an option for when I do blow the gate. I’ll just have to be careful and precise.

  “Well that was very touching.” That hated voice interrupts my musing. “And see? I can be reasonable. But what were we talking about? Negotiation? Please, go on.”

  “Go on? There ain’t nuthin’ else to say. You do as I ask, and I’ll become your personal blood bag. Once every couple of months, I’ll swing by, supply you with what you need. You’ll be more powerful than you can ever imagine. All you do in return is promise me to never hunt my people or any other people ever again. That you leave the sand landers and out landers in peace.”

  The silence stretches out so long between us that I reckon he’s actually considering my proposal. Then that hated laughter rings out once more.

  “Hahahaha, oh my gods, are you being serious right now?” He don’t give me a chance to answer. “You are. You are being serious. I give in to your demand to release the children and that’s what you come back with? More demands and the promise of a taste of your blood?”

  My fingers curl into fists at my side as my Chi screams to be released. I refuse to let it surface. I need to play this carefully so no one else dies.

  “You tryin’ to tell me it ain’t my bl
ood you want? Don’t bother lyin’ to me.”

  He crosses one leg over the other and folds his hands over his knee, his toothy grin annoying me. “Of course I want your blood. Why would I lie about that? But I don’t need to negotiate for that. I will simply take it. You stupidly walked into my city, right into my hands. What’s to stop me from simply taking what I want?”

  “My army outside your gate,” I say. “Anything happens to me, the mutie’s Maven will know, and they will break down your walls and seek vengeance. I’m the only thing stoppin’ ‘em from doin’ as such as we speak.”

  “Pft.” He waves a dismissive hand. “We will defeat your army in no time. They are no threat.”

  “Aye, maybe you will. Or maybe you won’t. Either way, you’ll sustain casualties. You’ll lose soldiers, slaves, your walls. Everything that makes you who you are. What’s the point bein’ a dictator when there ain’t nobody left to control?”

  His laughter tapers off, and his eyes narrow. “You really do think you have options, don’t you? You’re a fool. Just like your dear ol’ da was. You really think you can defeat me? What is it with your bloodline? Your mother believed the same. She and her precious rebellion thought they could defeat me as well. You, out of all of them, possibly could have, I will admit. But you, like the rest, have a weakness. One that I do not. You feel for those around you. You care, and caring makes you weak. To survive in this world, you need only to care for one person. Yourself. For if you don’t look out for number one, who will?”

  “You consider carin’ a weakness. I consider it my greatest strength,” I say stubbornly.

  He snorts and throws his hands up in the air. “A strength? Really? Let’s put it to a test, shall we? Hang them.” He yells to the guards.

  “No,” I shout as my Chi slips and leaps at the guards, rooting ‘em both in place.

  “Now, what did I say about using Chi?” His power connects with mine, and I stumble back a bit from the impact. The strength of his attack takes me off guard, and I lose my grip on the soldiers. Stealing Conner’s blood has increased his power much more than I anticipated. My Chi flares and fights back, overpowering his.

  I lose control for a moment as my power rears its killing instinct and almost topples the Prezedant from his throne as it slams into him. The guards tighten their fingers on their triggers, and I brace for the shot, but even as the Prezedant struggles for breath, his eyes glance over my shoulder, silently ordering the guards to carry out the command. I spin around just as the wooden platforms drop open under Mack and Tater’s feet.

  “No,” I scream as both bodies plummet. I rip my Chi away from the Prezedant and reach out to both of my kin, stopping their drop mid-air and preventing the thick ropes from breaking their necks. Both of ‘em hang there, feet dangling, my invisible threads the only thing keeping ‘em from certain death. Tater’s eyes bore into mine, their defiance speaking volumes. Don’t give in. End the Prezedant.

  The silence stretches out as both men dangle, halfway through the trapdoors. I ain’t sure what to do. I’m afraid to focus more on one than the other. Afraid to even attempt to focus my Chi on restoring the platforms under their feet. Afraid to use my Chi for what he will do in retaliation.

  “Stalemate,” the Prezedant says, chuckling, and a whole new wave of hatred competes with my fear. I stare at the blade sheathed at his side, and he follows my gaze, rubbing the blade lovingly, and laughing at my unspoken desire to use it on him.

  “Please,” I grit through my teeth, as I turn my eyes back to his face. “Let them live.”

  “Sorry?” He cups a hand around his ear like he ain’t quite heard me. “What did you say?”

  “Please, order the guards to pull ‘em back up. I beg you.”

  “You beg me?” His laughter echoes out over the crowd, and I hear his soldiers joining in. “I like the sound of that. Okay, since you plead so well, I won’t hang them.”

  He nods at his guards, and Mack and Tater are pulled back up to safety as the platforms are restored underneath their feet. Only then does my Chi lessen.

  “See what I mean? Weakness.”

  I turn my gaze back to the despicable face. He’s still smiling, but I see the hatred burning bright in his dark eyes. My attack on him embarrassed him in fronta his people. He ain’t happy with me at all. It’s time to put this plan into motion, or I’m gonna pay for that mistake.

  “No one has to die,” I say, making my voice crack on purpose, even as my hand slips into my pocket and closes around the smaller object, unwrapping it with my fingers. “We can negotiate. I know you’re just as powerful as me. You’ve proved it. I’ll fight you if I must, but I don’t wanna. No one else needs to die. Please, just let the people go. Let us all live in peace.”

  He nods, and I think it’s in response to my plea before the terrifying sound of shooter fire hits my ears.

  I ain’t sure where it comes from at first. I spin around trying to pinpoint the source, only to watch in horror as a red stain blooms over Tater’s chest. His shocked gaze meets mine as a grief-stricken, “No,” falls from my lips and gets swallowed up by the screams of the crowd. I sprint toward him. I can save him if I reach him in time.

  “Stop now, or the Captain is next.” The voice commands me as the devil’s Chi roots me in place. My instinct is to fight him tooth and nail, but Tater’s distorted, “Tara, don’t,” stops me. My eyes lock with his as a tiny smile lifts the corner of his mouth and he gasps at me, “It was a hell of a ride, girl. Worth every moment. Take care of Winnie for me.”

  “I promise,” I cry, but he’s already past hearing me. His gaze wavers, focusing on something only he can see. His knees buckle, and his small body slumps forward, the rope around his neck the only thing keeping him from hitting the ground. I watch him die and my heart shatters into a thousand tiny, sharp pieces.

  I sink to my knees, my legs not able to support me anymore. Even breathing hurts as I struggle to control the pain tearing me apart and my Chi demanding to do damage in response. Demanding revenge. For my pa. For Tater. Covering my face with my hands, I fight to keep my screams inside. As much as I wanna let myself wallow in grief right now, a part of me knows I have to do this now.

  I slip the compressed, dried leaves still in my palm past my lips. As soon as they come into contact with my spittle, they start to disintegrate, and I gulp a couple of times trying to swallow the foul tasting substance, praying to the gods they do what Ernst said they’ll do and no worse. Once I finally manage to swallow it all down, only then do I dare lift my head and peer through my fingers.

  The Prezedant’s face is contorted with glee. He’s enjoying me wallowing at his feet. I concentrate my anger and grief on him and him alone. I don’t wanna look at the crowd below me. I don’t wanna see Jax or Ben or Belle, because I know the grief on their faces right now will break me even more. I cain’t have that happen.

  “You said you wouldn’t kill ‘em,” I mutter, my voice thick with the tears I refuse to let fall.

  “No, I said I wouldn’t hang them. And I kept my word. I said nothing about shooting.” His gloating falls away, and the hatred burns bright in his dark eyes once again. “You should not have attacked me, New Blood. I warned you about using Chi. Every action has an equal reaction. The half man’s death lays on your shoulders, not mine. And as much as I’m enjoying seeing you on your knees, I must deny your earlier plea. We cannot live in peace for there is no fear in peace. And if there is no fear, then there is no control. I love control. I love power. I think it’s very selfish of you to ask me to give up both.”

  “You have no honor. No integrity,” I growl. “You don’t deserve to carry the power you steal from my kind.”

  He throws his arms out to his side. “And yet I’m the one sitting on a throne while you flounder at my feet. Honor be damned.”

  I stay on my knees a bit longer than I intend. I wanna make him believe he’s beaten me down, but also because my head is starting to swim a bit and I try to pull myself
together. I ain’t sure if it’s fear, or grief, or the substance I swallowed, but I don’t feel quite right. I know I gotta move quick. I have to do this while I still can.

  With a scream of rage, I yank the other object outta my pocket as I leap to my feet and jump at the Prezedant. He recovers quickly from my attack, pouncing outta the chair and off to the side as I crash into the golden throne, missing him. Pain cuts through my shoulder as both me and the chair topple over and hit the platform. I hear Jax yelling my name and the sounds of a scuffle below. I know he’s trying to reach me, but I cain’t concentrate on him right now. This needs to go exactly to plan so no one else dies.

  The Prezedant’s oily Chi slithers along my spine, and as much as I want to destroy him, I fake a feeble attempt at fighting back as I allow him to control me, yanking me to my feet. His face is a mask of unbridled anger as he storms my way and yanks the object outta my unresisting hand. I shake my head as he swims in and outta focus, blinking my eyes and concentrating on hiding my conflicting emotions.

  “An empty syringe.” His voice is flat and cold as he studies the object. “Now, what pray tell, were you thinking you were going to do with an empty syringe?” His face changes from anger to amusement as realization sets in. “Wait. You were going to draw my blood, weren’t you? Now, why on earth would you possibly do that? Unless you finally realized what I’ve known all along. You can’t beat me because I’m stronger than you. Was that your plan? To draw my blood and inject it in yourself so you could beat me? That was the plan, wasn’t it?”

  He laughs as he answers his own question, and I hang my head in pretend shame. I finally look down and catch sight of Jax and the rest of my crew. The soldiers hold them back. I can only assume they tried to reach me, to help me. I catch Jax’s worried gaze as he calls out to me, trying to make his way past the wall of guards. His look says it all. What are you doing? Are you okay? I stiffen my resolve and look away, refusing to be distracted.


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