Love in Catalina Cove

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Love in Catalina Cove Page 17

by Brenda Jackson

  Women? She was just a kid. “Do you think reading those books is a good idea, Jade?”

  She smiled. “Yes. So far I’ve turned down three guys who asked me out.”

  Asked her out? Who told her she could even go out? “Why?”

  “Because they acted like jerks. Behaving as if for them to ask me out was an honor. From this particular romance novel I’ve been reading it shows that if a girl thinks she’s worth a guy’s attention and respect, then don’t jump for the first one who comes along.”

  Smart advice, Sawyer thought. But he knew what else was in those novels. “What about the sex scenes in those books?”

  At least she had the decency to blush. “Oh those. They are okay. Interesting but nothing I’m ready to indulge in yet. I plan to wait until I have a ring on my finger.”

  He was glad to hear that. A wedding ring he hoped. “Good for you.”

  “I like reading about the romance stuff,” Jade added. “I like the guys who bring the lady flowers. Take her to dinner. Open her door. Take off his jacket and wrap it around her shoulders when it gets cold.”

  She took a sip of her iced tea. “So, are you and your friend still seeing each other?”


  “Why not?”

  “We’re just not,” he said with no intentions of elaborating.

  “Well, I hope that doesn’t mean Karen Libby’s aunt has a chance with you now. Ms. Rachel is a lot older than you, and I’ve heard some not-so-nice things about her.”

  He’d heard some not-so-nice things about Rachel himself. “You can’t believe everything you hear, Jade.”

  “I know, but the first time I saw her when I went into her drugstore, she wasn’t nice. She acted like she thought I’d pick up something and leave without paying for it. Then weeks later when she found out I was your daughter, she began acting extra nice to me. Now I know why. It’s because she wants you.”

  He frowned. “She wants me?”

  Jade smiled. “Yes, to be a friend with benefits.”

  He didn’t like the way this discussion was going and decided it was best they ended it. He stood to take his plate to the kitchen. “Rest assured that won’t be happening.”

  * * *

  “WELL, BRYCE, THERE you have it.”

  Vashti had just finished telling her best friend the nature of Reid Lacroix’s luncheon meeting with her. She had shared everything he’d said, including his wanting to make her his heir. She’d included that she had spoken to Kaegan earlier and he had verified what Reid had told her about the low-interest loan and that it had been a blessing for his company.

  “Just think of all the money you’ll get being his heir.”

  Vashti shook her head. “I’m thinking he’ll eventually remarry one day. Maybe a young woman and he can start another family.”

  “Possibly, but I doubt it. I heard Rachel Libby tried to get his attention.”

  Vashti wondered if there was any eligible man in town that Ms. Libby hadn’t gone after. “I can’t see the two of them together.”

  “Me either. At least now you have confirmation that he’s privy to your secret.”

  “Yes. I just wished I’d known what Julius was going through.”

  “No guilt trips, Vash. I still think he should have manned up and stood by you regardless of how he thought his parents would handle it. You didn’t make that baby by yourself.”

  Vashti knew that Julius’s actions toward her had been a sore spot with Bryce for years. It had been with Kaegan as well, although she’d never revealed the identity of her baby’s father to him. It didn’t matter. He hadn’t liked that she’d gone through that alone. A lot of people hadn’t thought she’d done the right thing by protecting the baby’s father.

  “I guess the huge question, Vash, is whether you would consider moving back here,” Bryce said, interrupting her thoughts. “I suggested the same thing to you, and I’m glad others think it’s a great idea as well. You can be your own boss and can bring back Shelby in the way your aunt would have wanted. Why not take all your training, talent and experience and build a business for yourself?”

  Vashti would admit on that day she’d visited Shelby by the Sea, she’d felt a longing, an even deeper affection than before. She knew where she would make improvements to bring the place up to snuff, and Reid Lacroix was right when he mentioned the right marketing plan would be key. Shelby by the Sea could be known internationally.

  “Are you considering it, Vash?”

  She drew in a deep breath. “Yes. I’ll even admit I’d thought about it since you first planted the idea in my head, but the issue of funds always brought me back to reality. Mr. Lacroix’s offer handles that concern now. I admit the thought of leaving New York bothers me, but you are so right about everything I could accomplish with Shelby by the Sea. And you’re there. Your family. Kaegan. People I love and trust.” Her thoughts shifted to Sheriff Sawyer Grisham. He was there as well. Could she handle living in the same town as a man she thought was desire personified? A man she discovered could arouse her as no other man could? She would admit that. Vashti would also admit she was having second thoughts about his coming to New York and spending any amount of time with her.

  “I also talked to Sawyer today,” she finally said. “He’s coming to New York in two weeks.”

  “The two of you are going out on a date?” Bryce asked with excitement in her voice.

  “We’re doing dinner and a play. But first he has to explain about the other woman.”

  “You do know that he really doesn’t owe you an explanation, Vash? It wasn’t like the two of you were seeing each other and he did something behind your back or anything.”

  “That’s true, but I still want to know why a man would do something like that, Bryce.”

  “Well, now you will get your chance to ask him.”


  IT WAS HARD to believe the day had arrived when Sawyer was coming to New York. Bryce had told her school got out last week and she’d heard that he put his daughter on a plane to visit her godmother in Waco, Texas—for two weeks.

  She glanced over at the clock. If Sawyer was on time, he would be arriving in less than thirty minutes. She had texted him last week to let him know her choice of restaurant and Broadway play. He had texted her back a day later to say reservations to both had been made.

  Vashti drew in a deep breath. It hadn’t been an easy decision, but she’d decided to move back to Catalina Cove. It had taken a lot of soul-searching, not to mention a real serious look at her bank account.

  The thought of being a CEO appealed to her and once Mr. Lacroix had planted that seed it had taken root. The only people she’d told of her decision were Bryce and Kaegan. Both were happy that she was returning to the cove. Already her and Lacroix’s attorneys were working on the terms of the contract. Terms that even her attorney had stated were too good to be true.

  Vashti finished getting ready, and a short while later her doorbell rang and she checked her appearance in the full-length mirror one last time. She’d decided to wear the blue pencil skirt and flowered peasant blouse she’d purchased while shopping a few months ago. The saleslady had given her all kinds of compliments about how she looked in them and she would agree that the outfit did enhance her figure somewhat.

  She nibbled at her bottom lip as she headed for the door. Just knowing it was Sawyer had her nerves dancing all over the place. When she reached the door she drew in a deep breath before glancing out her peephole to make sure it was him. As if the law enforcement officer in him expected her to take such precautions, he stared at the peephole. The moment their gazes connected her entire insides lit up like a Christmas tree. Why did the man have to look so yummy?

  Drawing in another deep breath she opened the door and there he stood, looking sexier than the last time she’d seen him. He was dr
essed in a pair of dark dress slacks and a white shirt. His look radiated power she wasn’t prepared for. Sensual power, she thought, as her gaze traveled down his chest all the way to the black leather shoes he was wearing. Her gaze traveled back up to his face. “Hello, Sawyer.” And because it had been obvious she’d checked him out, she said, “You look nice.”

  “Hello, Vashti, and so do you.”

  “Thanks.” She stared at his lips when he spoke her name. His mouth had been one of the first things she’d noticed about him that day he’d pulled her over to give her a ticket. He had such a sensual pair of lips.

  “Are you going to invite me in or will we have our discussion out here?”

  He’d caught her staring again. Little did he know she’d been doing more than just staring. She’d been fantasizing while remembering the highly vivid dreams she’d been having of him. And it was quite obvious the sexual chemistry between them was still there. Sizzling between them and they were both holding it in check. But all she had to do was look into his eyes to feel the heat, see the desire. He was smiling, letting her know his words had been meant to tease. She doubted he knew that his smile could easily arouse her.

  “I’m inviting you in,” she said stepping back so he could enter.

  * * *

  SAWYER FOUGHT THE pangs of desire that nearly overwhelmed him as he stepped into Vashti’s condo. He’d wondered if that strong attraction between them had been nothing more than a fluke. Now he knew that it hadn’t. Even before she opened the door, sexual awareness had consumed him and had nearly twisted his guts. The first time he’d felt ill equipped to handle the intensity of his attraction since nothing like it had ever happened to him before. Now he would accept it as the way things were for them.

  He glanced around, liking the layout, design and furnishings in her home. She lived on the eighteenth floor and her floor-to-ceiling living room window provided a beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline. An eight-piece stainless steel wall unit provided plenty of cabinet and shelving space as well as a wide platform surface for her huge flat-screen television. The stainless steel accented the appliances in her kitchen. Everything looked modern, including the artwork on the wall. He knew Jade would love the decor since she had a thing for modern furnishing and had several such pieces in her bedroom.

  He turned and looked at Vashti. She stood a few feet away while leaning against the closed door. At that moment he thought she looked even better than she had when he’d seen her in Catalina Cove. He doubted that he could eloquently put into words just how good she looked. To him there was nothing sexier than a woman in an outfit that showed her luscious curves. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a twisted bun with a few curly strands dangling along the sides of her face. That particular hairstyle emphasized her oval face. A face with features he thought were perfect.

  He shoved his hands into his pockets. Otherwise, he would be tempted to cross the room and touch her. To kiss her. However, until they talked, reached an understanding, he had to refrain from such temptation. “Nice place, Vashti.”

  “Thank you,” she said moving away from the door, and he watched her every movement as his pulse flickered. Whether she was aware of it or not, her sensual aura was so strong it transformed into a feminine power with the ability to overwhelm him.

  “You’ve lived here long?”

  “Close to two years. I moved in after separating from my husband. He’s my ex now.”

  “How long have you been divorced?”

  “A couple of months. We originally agreed to a clean-cut, no-drama divorce. We would only take what we came into the marriage with. However, when he heard I’d inherited Shelby by the Sea he decided he wanted what he considered as his half. That’s when things got ugly.”

  He was surprised she’d just shared as much as she had. He’d known some of it. At least what Kaegan had shared with him. He appreciated her feeling comfortable enough to tell him the rest.

  “Are you ready for us to talk now?” he asked and could tell by her expression she hadn’t expected him to immediately dive into anything. He figured there was no reason to put it off. It was either concentrate on something other than the sexual energy flowing in the room or let it consume them.

  “Sure. What would you like to drink?”

  “Water is fine. I figured we’d have wine at dinner.”

  She nodded. “A bottled water coming up. I’ll be back in a second.”

  He watched her walk off, feeling heat flow all through his body. Now that he’d seen her again, experienced that effect she had on him, he wasn’t sure how he should proceed. Sexual attraction was good but it couldn’t be the only thing that held a relationship together.


  Was that what he wanted to share with her? Was she someone he wanted to spend time with? Obviously, the answer was yes, otherwise, he wouldn’t be here. He wanted to get to know her. Spend time with her. Only then could he determine if a serious relationship was possible.

  The conversation he’d had with Jade a few weeks ago opened his eyes about a few things. He didn’t want his daughter to assume her father was a man who preferred only female friends with benefits. He wanted to set an example for her. A good one.

  One thing in his favor was that if he and Vashti continued to see each other after tonight, because she didn’t live in the cove and had no plans to relocate there, there really wouldn’t be much change in his life in the cove. What he would do was rack up quite a few flying miles. He much preferred keeping his affairs private and didn’t fancy the townsfolk knowing his business. Once he’d thought about it, he decided that a long-distance romance didn’t bother him and he would have no problem telling Jade about Vashti. He would even admit the thought of bringing Jade to New York someday to meet Vashti was a pleasant one.

  He strolled to the window and looked out. It was a nice view and he figured this kind of view came with a hefty price tag. But then, he was of the mind that you live only once so you might as well enjoy those things in life that made you happy. If you had to work you might as well spend your money on what you wanted to spend it on.

  He heard a sound behind him and turned. Vashti had returned and handed him the water bottle. Their hands touched in the process and he felt his pulse throb. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Let’s sit so I won’t have to strain my neck to look up at you.”

  He smiled. “You are rather short.”

  “I’m five-eight so I think just the opposite, Sawyer. You’re rather tall.”

  She smiled, and he liked her smile. Taking the cap off the bottle he took a sip. It tasted so refreshing he ended up tilting his head back to drain the entire bottle. When he finished he licked his lips and glanced over at her. She was standing there staring. “Is anything wrong?”

  She shook her head. “No. I guess you were pretty thirsty.”

  He chuckled. “I guess I was.”

  She eased down on her sectional sofa and he liked the way she did that. He enjoyed seeing the way her skirt smoothed over her curves and how she looked sitting with her legs crossed. A very nice pair of legs. Following her lead, he sat down in a chair opposite her.

  “I meant to ask how was your flight?”

  “Uneventful. I watched a movie that took my mind off things.”

  “I take it like most people you don’t like to fly.”

  “Just the opposite—I love flying. I got used to it while in the Marines and even have my pilot’s license. What made me nervous was the age of the pilot. He looked like a schoolkid but I have to hand it to him that he was good at the controls. We had a smooth landing.”

  She nodded. “How is your daughter?”

  “Jade is fine. Thanks for asking.”

  “I understand school’s out for spring break.”

  “Yes. I put her on a plane a few days ago to spend two weeks in Texas with her god
parents. I talked to her this morning and she’s enjoying herself as usual. Having a ball.”

  “That’s good. It’s important that kids get to enjoy their breaks from school.”

  She’d said it in a way that made him wonder if perhaps she hadn’t enjoyed hers while growing up. “I agree, which is why I usually take a couple weeks off in June to take Jade anywhere she wants to go, within reason. Our father and daughter time.” He chuckled. “I scratched Paris, Australia and Johannesburg off the list several times. There’s too many places here in the states I want her to see before we start traveling abroad. We have taken a couple of cruises out of the country, though.”

  “That’s good. I could tell when you told me about her at Kaegan’s party that the two of you have a good relationship.”

  “We do. She’s the most important person in my life.”

  “And she should be. There should never be any question regarding that.”

  He was glad she felt that way. “So let’s talk, Vashti.”

  She shook her head. “No, you talk, Sawyer, and I will listen. I asked how you could leave another woman’s bed and chase after me, and you all but told me to figure it out. Well, I don’t want to figure it out. I want you to tell me.”

  He nodded. Deciding to take the words from his daughter’s playbook, he said, “First of all, let’s get something straight. I didn’t sleep with another woman that day, but she and I had been together for a short while, which is why her scent was on me. All we did was talk. Leesa is a huggy person.”


  “Yes, Leesa.” He would give her a first name but there was no reason to give her Leesa’s full name. “I think I need to explain Leesa’s and my relationship,” he said, easing back in the chair.

  “She and I met years ago while in boot camp and became nothing more than friends. She was already engaged to marry a guy, another marine, and I was just getting a taste of freedom. I joined the Marines the day after graduating from high school.

  “After moving to the cove, I discovered Leesa lived close by in New Orleans and that like me, she had lost her spouse. He was killed in a car accident. I reached out to her on Facebook and we arranged to have dinner together, to catch up on old times. For us it wasn’t a date. Just dinner with an old friend. She’s always been someone easy to talk to and we discovered after several more planned dinners that we had a lot in common. We were two people who were trying to cope with the loss of our spouses and weren’t ready for any type of serious relationship. However, we were two people who had sexual needs. By mutual consent we decided to become—”


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